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>What Americans Used To Know  - Tom DiLorenzo - lewRockwell
Hey Vox, you can call me Spokes or whatever your drug addled brain wants. Guess what? I work with Verboten, Hart, and Schwerpunkt. And guess what else, we don’t share a brain or even a computer. Below, for everyone’s enjoyment I have done a little research through the various posts Vox has made here in only the last few months, who knows how many bonehead comments and personal assaults were made prior to that. Let’s call these items Voxisms. What you will find here gentle reader is that Vox is a nasty nasty person. I’ve included links here so that no one can claim I made these things up. After reading this crap most would agree, it would be good if Vox would shut up and forget exists.

Vox, you make comments that are neither witty or even mildly entertaining, they are however indicative of a soured old armchair sniper, the type that has no real world experience but just loves to pontificate and throw insults at anyone who dares to publish anything here that doesn’t meet with your (oops better check the spell check on that one) opinions. And while I’m at it, your (check that one too) opinions are of little value for you have never once, that I’ve seen, backed up what you say with documentation, internet or published.

So without more of my own ranting let’s move on to Voxisms:

“That aside, only the most lame brained of the idiot class will put any stock in a price prediction that looks so far into the future. As for those that make such predictions, they can only hope that one fine day, their intelligence will be so elevated that they too can be considered a member of the idiot class.” Always ample with your insults and no real alternatives.

“The almost total lack of intellectual curiosity--or perhaps honesty--that seems to permeate almost every corner of this tiny sector of the economy is unlike anything to be found in any other. Gold is a freakin' commodity. It is not a religion. It cannot go in just one direction. Those who tell you otherwise, or that gold only goes down because of manipulation, are charlatans who most likely have something to sell you.” Does fiat money only go in only one direction? No so then it must also by your definition be a commodity yet it’s called money.

“A 7 year old child with limited intelligence could have done a better job of making sense of those charts. It is shameful what this ditz attempts to pass off as research. Were i a teacher and he my student who had handed in this assignment, i would have made him stand in the corner wearing a conically shaped hat made from a sheet of lined paper with dimensions of 14 by 8 and 1/2 inches....Pitiful. Absolutely pitiful.” Only thing pitiful is your ability to stay calm and rash when responding. You attack the individual and offer nothing as an alternative.

Then there was that whole pile of BS you posted about a planet that was made of diamonds and a comet made of gold. Total hogwash, nothing to back it up but you use it to demean someone else’s opinion.

“But like anything with considerable intrinsic value, gold makes for piss-poor money.” So your opinion of what gold is holds more value than the opinions of several billions people?

“Gold is not money. It used to be and may again in the future be money. But it is now no more money than are sea shells.” Ok Mr. Vox Bernaki, you know how often old Ben has been correct yet you make the same false statements.

“More hysterical babbling from my favourite Preparation H abuser. While decency prevents me from telling you what has poor Mac's belly so grotesquely distended, let me just say that an enema might cure what ails him.” Totally uncalled for and abusive statement with no alternative to what the author wrote. You really are the problem in these forums, not the others you attack.

“Pure unadulterated bovine manure. The Fed cannot order that. They lack the authority to do so. Mac has been overdosing on the Preparation H again.” What is it with you and Preparation H? Are you deflecting here?

“It looks like this article got lost on its way to being posted on the DEAD COMPOSERS I COULD CARE LESS ABOUT web site. Someone should call the lost and found department. While at it, we should take up a collection for the web master to send him or her for a PET scan of their cranial cavity. I am not sure if something is growing in there that should not be, or if it has always been empty.... Buddy, wake up! Do you know where you are” And you wonder why the admins never listen to you while others laugh at you. You really are a jackass.

“But for those who do not care about facts, this is a great piece that will enable them to continue believing the utter nonsense that has rendered their critical faculties utterly useless. i mean, they could not put it on the internet if it was not true, could they?” You sure like insulting others, such a shame you don’t have the same tolerance yourself.

“This article by Slavo sounds like the paranoid delusions of someone who has overdosed on Preparation H.” Really, what is it with you and Preparation H? Could it be you suffer from hemorrhoids and this is why you’re such an old jackass to people? This would shed light on the focus you show the product.

“What pure, unvarnished idiocy!” Only idiocy is that you would again stoop to abuse.

“Sadly, too many of those who want to educate their children at home want to do so because they want to teach their kids that the earth is flat or some other gibberish. Far too few home schooled kids will grow up to become doctors, engineers, scientists or anything else that requires a real education.” Really? And how do you know this, back it up with stats. Every home schooled child I know excels beyond school standards.

“DiLorenzo is a pathetic little man filled with bile. Now excuse me. i must go shower again.” I dare say the only person here filled with bile is Vox.

“Such forward looking price predictions are without value; made by morons for consumption by fools.” Yet you yourself continually point out that you make predictions. How many of yours have been spot on? Please back it up with stats and not opinions.

vox kadavergehorsamkeit, you are the problem you seek to eliminate.

4109 days ago
Beginning of the headline :"During the weeks following the [1860] election, [Northern newspaper] editors of all parties assumed that secession as a constitutional right was not in question . . . . On the contrary, the southern claim to a right of peaceable withdrawal was countenanced out of reverence for the natural law principle of government by consent of the governed." ~ Howard Cecil Perkins, editor, Northern ... Read More
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