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>Federal Reserve Follies : what really started the Great Depression  - Antal E. Fekete - Gold University

While I agree with your pro-gold sentiments, your article misses the massive theft of America's gold that financed Hitler and his re-armament campaign in preparation for WW2 for the 2nd Great Jesuit Inquisition to suppress Protestants, Jews and other heretics and prepare the way for the future Vatican in Jerusalem. See Eric Jon Phelps expose of the criminal Jesuits who stole the Vatican's gold, entrusted it to their Rothschild banking agents and have been ruling the world in secret for the past 200 years. and

Fed - The Real Cause of the 30s Depression. This revelation had to wait for the web 80 years later. After a lifetime of education and media lies we've all been subjected to, it took the invention of the internet to finally do an end run around our Jesuit world controllers.

On May 23, 1933, Chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee from 1921-31 Congressman Louis T. McFadden from Scranton PA requested Congress to bring formal charges against the Federal Reserve for numerous criminal acts, including but not limited to, CONSPIRACY, FRAUD, UNLAWFUL CONVERSION, AND TREASON.

In a speech to his fellow congressmen, he accuses the Fed of stealing America's gold and sending it to Europe. What's interesting is that Depression experts like recent former Fed chairman Bernanke still spout the party line that we had a decade of deflation from 1931-41 because the Fed just didn't print enough dollars and that explains the massive bank failures and why no one had any cash. Of course he doesn't mention that we were on the gold standard and the gold got stolen and shipped to London by his fellow central banker thieves.

Our educational system, the media and the Fed are still lying to this day 80 years later about the causes of the great Depression. It's just another obfuscated unknown we're all used to by the establishment.

It reminds me of Monopoly Quack Medicine's explanation for various diseases like cancer and obesity - where they feign ignorance when the elephant in the room is the continuous assault on the public by toxic metals and chemicals all orchestrated by the same Jesuit/Rothschild banker elite to dumb us down.
See how our health and clear thinking abilities have been disabled by these secret manipulative criminals masquerading as a religious order..

I believe there's a foreign banker elite that has been covering up a massive embezzlement operation called the Fed for the past 100 years?

Read this speech by this Banking Committee chairman. He's one of my big heroes. When he started this speech, the speaker of the house said he was "done". No one in the "bought" congress joined him in his call for the arrest of the Fed thieves. They were scared sh*tless as congress knew the Jesuits and their Rothschild banker agents controlled politics by death threats as well as bribes. Banking Chairman Louis McFadden was assassinated on their 3rd attempt 3 years later in 1937.

The foreign bankers aren't used to someone vehemently exposing them - even if they know they can keep testimony bottled up in the Congressional Record of the library of Congress and no journalist dare report it. In fact nobel poet Ezra Pound was locked up in St Elizabeths Insane Asylum in DC from 1945 to 1958 for reporting on the Fed. He reported most of the inmates were political prisoners like him with powerful enemies. But that's another story for another time.

good quotes
"On April 27, 1932, the Fed outfit sent $750,000 belonging to American bank depositors in gold to Germany. A week later another $300,000 in gold was shipped to Germany. About the middle of May $12,000,000 in gold was shipped to Germany by the Fed. Almost every week there is a shipment of gold to Germany.

I charge them with having unlawfully taken over $80,000,000,000 from the U.S. Government in the year 1928 also consisting of the unlawful creation of claims against the U.S. Treasury to the extent of over $80,000,000,000 in the year 1928; and I charge them with similar thefts committed in 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932 and 1933, and in years previous to 1928, amounting to billions of dollars

I charge them with having arbitrarily and unlawfully reduced the amount of money and currency in circulation in the U.S. to the lowest rate per capita in the history of the Government, so that the great mass of the people have been left without a sufficient medium of exchange

This evil institution has impoverished and ruined the people of these United States, has bankrupted itself, and has practically bankrupted our Government."

On May 23, 1933, Congressman, Louis T. McFadden, brought formal charges against the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank system, The Comptroller of the Currency and the Secretary of United States Treasury for numerous criminal acts, including but not limited to, CONSPIRACY, FRAUD, UNLAWFUL CONVERSION, AND TREASON.

Congressman McFadden on the Federal Reserve Corporation
Remarks in Congress, 1934 See full speech for an extraordinary expose.

3723 days ago
Beginning of the headline :The basic error underlying the Quantity Theory of Money (QTM) is the notion that central banks can command their newly created money to flow to the commodity market, or any other market of their choice. This is the pipe-dream of the Sorcerer's Apprentice. In reality, once the newly created money is off the premises it is no longer under central bank control... Read More
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