Profile and commentaries of Gordon Taylor
Gordon Taylor
Member since February 2011
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15 commentaries, with 0 Reply
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Last commentary posted on Wednesday, June 11, 2014
 Profile Commentaries Followed By Following 
 John Rubino - Dollar Collapse
The Bubble is Back  (4)
Another great read John, thank you. When you're spending $1Million every 20 minutes and borrowing most of it ... no one needs a degree in economics or accounting to figure out that their speed bump has turned into a cliff and they're driving right for it at full speed.

I never could understand the administrations rationale of spending our way out of the recession and now we're going to see the results o...
6/11/2014 at 3:21 PM  1  0  Rating :  1 Permalink
 John Rubino - Dollar Collapse
Welcome to the Third World, Part 14: Homeowners Become Renters  (7)
"Turns out that all the increase was in apartment building, while single family homes -- the linchpin of what used to be thought of as the American Dream -- actually fell yet again."

Oh how they love to toy with our minds. One of the best things I ever did was pay off my mortgage 20 years ago. There are a number of investment advisers (he says with tongue in cheek) that are actually advising older homeo...
5/18/2014 at 3:10 PMPermalink
 Mish - Global Economic Analysis
Coming Major Slowdown in Germany - How to Play It  (3)
For sure Germany is in trouble. And as goes Germany, so goes Europe. Their insane dependency on Russian gas is just beyond my comprehension and China's re-balancing will hit Germany hard ... and a lot of others as well.

A long time friend of mine told me 4 years ago that China has been setting this up since the mid 1990's and when the dust clears, in a few years, they will be the ones in the cat bird se...
5/15/2014 at 4:12 AM  1  2  Rating :  -1 Permalink
 Wolf Richter
The Brutal, Beneath-the-Surface, Slo-Mo Crash of Stocks  (8)
Only, it is already happening to thousands of stocks! The process is expanding and deepening, drawing evermore stocks into its vortex. But even while the googly-eyed mainstream media celebrate the Dow’s record high and speculate when the S&P 500 might itself set another record, stocks are being gutted one by one beneath these illustrious indices. The carnage is spreading. And nothing in history indica...
5/15/2014 at 4:03 AM  1  0  Rating :  1 Permalink
 Beans Bullets Bullion and Bible - 24hgold
100 Items That Disappear First in a Disaster  (17)
Great list. Item #93 is a MUST - especially if you DO NOT smoke. Nicotine is the most addicting substance (almost) on the planet. Imagine what a pack of smokes would be worth to someone when there are NONE! I've stock piled a bunch of them and keep them frozen. Freezing dries out the tobacco a little after a while, but they are literally worth their weight in gold.

When I was stationed in the Arctic we ...
5/15/2014 at 3:55 AM  1  0  Rating :  1 Permalink
 Philippe Herlin - GoldBroker
Contrary to the Media Spin, Greece Keeps on Sinking  (7)
"Greece re-monetizes its failing banks (with european money) that, in exchange, buy sovereign bonds." What a great analogy! Why don't they just pile those Paper Euros up and set them on fire!

Greece is yet another example of how a socialist government ceases to function when they run out of other peoples money, as Margaret Thatcher put it so eloquently. We're lucky here in the US, we just print more ......
5/4/2014 at 11:45 AM  2  0  Rating :  2 Permalink
 John Rubino - Dollar Collapse
Even Worse Than It Looks  (5)
Great article and some remarkable information. One only needs to drive down the main street of my small mountain village in NY to see what devastation has be wrought on our economy. Gas prices jumping a nickle or more a day, almost every small store in town has been closed down. It looks like a ghost town and will never come back.

Commodities are soaring and when huge corporations like McDonald's and Ca...
5/1/2014 at 5:09 PM  1  0  Rating :  1 Permalink
 Axel Merk - Merk Fund
Has the Dollar Lost its Safe haven status  (5)
The ole greenback just ain't what it used to be ... 20 long years ago ... an old, old tune about a mare, but the dollar fits in there nicely. With China set to overtake the US economy this year, I think we're going to see the end of it's reserve currency status shortly thereafter. We won't be able to print our way out of debt then and something has to give. I think it'll be our economy short term with 25-27% inf...
5/1/2014 at 4:20 AMPermalink
 Fabrice Drouin-Ristori -
David Morgan Interview on Silver Market, Silver Price Manipulation and the Coming Global  (12)
Extremely perceptive outlook and a great interview. Continued validation of the extremes we're facing do to the manipulation of PM markets. I've been buying and will continue to buy physical silver until I run out of money or they run out of silver! Manipulation is another word for lies and eventually lies come back to bite you. Big banks will fail and rightfully so, due largely in part to their deep involvement...
4/17/2014 at 6:37 PMPermalink
 The Prudent Investor
Mexican Central Bank Added Almost 100 Tons of Gold in H1 2011  (2)
Typo in the first paragraph, golf should read gold
7/21/2011 at 9:12 AMPermalink
 Justice Litle - Taipan Publishing
Saudi Arabia Prepares for a Crude Oil War  (4)
Buy Gold and Silver and solar panels! We have had plenty of warning from every corner. Those of us prepared will survive...get prepared while there is still time.
6/18/2011 at 7:22 AMPermalink
 Justice Litle - Taipan Publishing
Saudi Arabia Prepares for a Crude Oil War  (4)
I fully believe every word printed here, great job Justice.

It's coming folks, we're being told about it over and over, yet we keep buying SUV's instead of solar panels. What a mess the world is in...
6/18/2011 at 7:20 AMPermalink
 Steve Saville - Speculative Investor
What Should the Gold/Silver Ratio Be  (5)
Steve, like yourself, I can't figure out why people keep referring back to that old 16:1 ratio. It'll never be 16:1 again.

I think the new normal will remain around the 40:1 mark for some time. I think we'll soon see a correction in Silver (June or July) that will widen the ration to maybe 55 or 60 but then Silver will rocket as people pile on and it may not stop until it tops $100 by the end of the yea...
5/26/2011 at 6:33 AMPermalink
 Julian D. W. Phillips - Gold Forecaster
2010 Gold Demand and Supply Figures and Market Changes  (1)
Thanks Julian, great article and lots of good information. In my blog I just wrote about The Golden Dragon roars to life and reflected some of the exact sentiment you have listed here.

I am addicted to this site!
3/6/2011 at 9:52 PMPermalink
 Julian D. W. Phillips - Gold Forecaster
Is the U.S. dollar on the brink  (1)
Interesting article, very interesting and exactly what many are saying the Fed wants to happen. When it reaches a predetermined trigger point, could they begin to confiscate Gold and Silver?

I think so and just wrote about it yesterday

With the dollar falling news is out from Reuters that China plans to grow it'...
3/3/2011 at 7:28 AMPermalink

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