Profile and commentaries of kevthorne
Member since February 2012
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47 commentaries, with 9 Replies
16 replies to his comments (34%)
Average Note : 72 / 100 for 25 rated commentaries  48  19 
Last commentary posted on Saturday, January 19, 2019
 Profile Commentaries Followed By Following 
 Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
Ecological Armageddon: “We Are Destroying Our Life Support Systems!”  (2)
In further support of the article's conclusions, I recommend this treatise written by Jeremy Grantham, a chief investment strategist: "The original Race of Our Lives”.
It is part of the GMO (initials of the founders, not GM food) Quarterly Letter from April 26, 2013 and can be read at
And rather than 'shooting the messenger' by leaving me a down vote, why not read the letter and then come ...
1/19/2019 at 4:52 PMPermalink
 Mark O'Byrne -
“Collapse Of Civilisation Is On The Horizon” – Attenborough Warns World Leaders  (2)
I was impressed by this article.
In further support of Attenborough, who many will dismiss as a naturalist, and therefore unequipped to comment sensibly on climate change, I recommend this treatise written by Jeremy Grantham, a chief investment strategist: "The original Race of Our Lives”.
It is part of the GMO Quarterly Letter from April 26, 2013 and can be read at
12/28/2018 at 6:25 PM  1  2  Rating :  -1 Permalink
 James Howard Kunstler
Slouching Toward Okeefenoke  (2)
Your articles are more than informative - they are humorous too.
The nearest thing we had in the UK to what you write, was 'Letter from America' read on the BBC's (what was then known as) Home Service by Alastair Cooke. It ran for fifteen minutes, weekly, including all through the Second World War. Poor old Alastair was, however, a bit dry in his presentation.
All the episodes can still be listened t...
9/7/2018 at 7:17 PMPermalink
 Mish - Global Economic Analysis
Facebook Truth Police: Who's Regulating the Regulators  (3)
Common sense, really.
Just substitute one's own faith in place of the one in the comment causing the problem.
It is as clear as day now?
Save Face book a fortune in legal fees.
5/20/2018 at 8:46 PMPermalink
 Chris Martenson
Russia Did It!  (2)
One of the most sensible, level-headed articles I've read on this subject for a long time.
3/23/2018 at 3:59 PM  4  0  Rating :  4 Permalink
 James Howard Kunstler
“Fire and Fury”  (10)
Ok, now I'll hope everyone takes this as a joke, so please excuse this pedantic rant: Mr Nixon could not have been drinking Scotch 'Whiskey'. It is the Irish spelling that has the extra letter 'e' - Scotch, however, is always spelt 'Whisky', no letter 'e'.
I liked the article, anyway.
1/7/2018 at 8:47 PM  1  0  Rating :  1 Permalink
 James Howard Kunstler
Christmas Story  (5)
In Alfred Noyes' fine book 'The Edge of the Abyss', the rot set in sometime during the Great War, when absolute morality gave way to 'moral relativism'.
False dichotomies can be traced back to the same era - such as: mankind was no longer a race of men, it became numerous races - thus 'racism' split mankind apart. Another: 'Creationism' v. 'Darwinism' - no such argument exists in reality - Darwin himself ...
12/26/2017 at 12:05 PM  3  1  Rating :  2 Permalink
 Frank Shostak
Why It's Important to Define Money Correctly
A quote: "Money is gold, and nothing else" - J. P. Morgan, 1912. There is an important definition within that statement.
Nowadays, many repeat it wrongly, putting the cart before the horse, so to speak, as: 'gold is money'. With this interpretation, so too could Euros, Dollars and all other fiat currencies be classed as 'money', as in 'Euros are money' etc.
So, anything else, other than money, (as de...
11/29/2017 at 6:56 PM  1  0  Rating :  1 1 AnswerPermalink
 Adrian Ash - Bullion Vault
Brexit, Gold and Harold Wilson's 'Pound in Your Pocket', 50 Years On  (1)
A well informed article, giving the insight into what Brexit will really mean for the UK.
11/18/2017 at 11:59 AMPermalink
 George F. Smith - Barbarous Relic
Whatever happened to the space race  (3)
Further, one of the prime requirements of the mission was for space-saving, lightweight and power frugal electronics with which to drive instruments and communications, etc.
Although the transistor had already been discovered by Shockley and Brattain over at Bell labs, some twenty years before, progress with the new device had got practically nowhere.
The reason was that the biggest markets - for dome...
9/5/2017 at 7:13 PMPermalink
 Frank Shostak
What Is the Liquidity Trap
Your obsession with 'interest' (something for nothing) proves you know nothing about money - 'money is gold, and nothing else' J. P. Morgan, 1912.
9/2/2017 at 8:20 AMPermalink
 Mish - Global Economic Analysis
War Games: China Say It Will Prevent US From Attacking North Korea First (Is this a Game or is it Real)
Done nothing?
How about:
"There was a pre-emptive attempt from Koreans to reunite their country in 1950 after resisting American occupation since 1945.

Immediately after the Japanese surrendered in WW2, the whole of Korea set up an independent interim national government.

Meanwhile the US drew a line on a piece of paper, and in September 1945 arrived with thousands of troops. Under a ...
8/20/2017 at 1:24 PM  2  0  Rating :  2 Permalink
 James Howard Kunstler
Words and Deeds  (8)
I guess you get downvoted because they think you write crap, and, because they just can. There's no business like show business.
7/31/2017 at 7:41 PM  2  1  Rating :  1 Permalink
 Stewart Dougherty - Stewart Dougherty
The Gold Industry is in a Deep State of Dysfunction, Delusion and Denial - Stewart Dougherty  (3)
Just hold on to it - you will win.
A cautionary tale:
I wish, back in the early 90's, when I took out a pension - it was "cast iron, copper bottomed, guaranteed" - with local government, that I had, instead, put it into gold sovereigns - real MONEY.
Today, I would have made a handy profit v. fiat or stocks, and no third party dictating when I may access it. Under the labour government, around 2000,...
7/21/2017 at 1:12 PM  1  0  Rating :  1 Permalink
 Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
Guess What Happens In States Where Food Stamp Recipients Have To Work  (1)
Then, how about making the banksters do some real, productive work in return for the taxpayer funded bailouts they received - like rebuilding worn-out infrastructure, etc.
7/18/2017 at 12:20 PM  3  0  Rating :  3 1 AnswerPermalink
 Mark O'Byrne -
UK House Prices ‘On Brink’ Of Massive 40 Collapse  (2)
An article carrying sound advice.
7/6/2017 at 10:56 AMPermalink
 James Howard Kunstler
Things To Come  (8)
If voting for 'parties' actually made a difference they would have not legalised it. Since 1914, it's been the supply of currency that has governed the decline of the West; the supply speeded up, or slowed down, as likened to the governor of a steam engine, by the Central Banks.
The value of 'savings' is negative if held in currency - you cannot protect your earned wealth in this way.
The 'democracy' l...
6/13/2017 at 10:40 AM  3  0  Rating :  3 Permalink
 Adrian Ash - Bullion Vault
Bing Bong, Karl Marx Calling!  (1)
'Pre-World War I' was not so bad, according to my old granddad (now deceased, of course).
No income tax, no passports or security checks to travel abroad, no VAT, no 'terrorism' and they had real, actual MONEY - in gold sovereigns and silver coin to earn, save and spend.
Then came, in 1914, the implementation of the Fed over the water - it's been downhill ever since.
6/8/2017 at 1:24 PM  1  0  Rating :  1 Permalink
 James Howard Kunstler
A Paler Shade of Gray  (8)
Reading this, i'm glad I live in the UK and all our healthcare is free at source, provided by the sacrifice our forefathers made fighting fascist scum in the Second World War.
All achieved by Trade Union solidarity - no pay rises this time, eaten away by the devaluation of silver coins in 1920 after the Great War - a social benefit via the Beveridge Report created the Health Service we know today.
5/6/2017 at 7:57 AM  2  3  Rating :  -1 1 AnswerPermalink
 Mark O'Byrne -
Silver Bullion On Sale After 10.6 Fall In Two Weeks  (2)
Good advice in this article - ignore the silver 'fix' price - it is certainly artificial; look at the large premiums on actual silver scrap coins, for example, on internet auction sites. There is a real market out there, outside of the 'fix', which, as the author points out, works to the advantage of the buyers of real metal, as opposed to speculative paper trades.
5/5/2017 at 3:30 PM  1  0  Rating :  1 Permalink
 Mish - Global Economic Analysis
EU Buffoonery: Brexit Divorce Bill Upped to €100 Billion  (1)
UK has been running a trade deficit for years with the EU - around £60 billion per year (source: Office of National Statistics).
Analogy: If you were in a casino and the croupier lent you a few chips to get your losses back, you could meet a couple of large guys in tuxedos at the door who would say you aren't going anywhere, pal, until you can find a friend to pay your tab.
No different with the EU.
5/5/2017 at 12:34 PMPermalink
 Graham Summer - Gains Pains & Capital
Krunch Time for Korean Krackpot Despot, Kim Jong-Un: Missile Crisis Countdown Has Begun
I read from this that it is the USA that is 'a threat to the entire world'.
How many times have we heard this - 'country X is a threat to the world' - its 'leader must be 'taken out' (murdered), with many of it's people killed in the ensuing 'collateral damage' (mass murder)?
Aren't we all heart sick of this 'war'?
Nuremburg approaches - 'engaging in and promoting aggressive war' - it's a hanging off...
4/15/2017 at 1:37 PM  1  0  Rating :  1 1 AnswerPermalink
 Mish - Global Economic Analysis
Brexit Optimism Misplaced: Time for Hardball  (1)
Only two things count:
1) Food. Good luck with that. President Trump must be looking forward to doing business on this. UK consumers face a huge hike in living costs as 'famine prices' take effect. Anyone remember rationing? My family do.
2) Currency - Read the special opt-out clause for Sterling in the Maastricht Treaty - it expired February this year. Means join the Euro, or else.
4/6/2017 at 11:53 AMPermalink
 Beans Bullets Bullion and Bible - 24hgold
100 Items That Disappear First in a Disaster  (17)
68, 69 probably not that safe - particularly if you're growing your own vegetables - keep a Maine Coon cat instead: does the job automatically.
I got a lot of good tips from this article - well taken advice overall.
3/23/2017 at 11:19 AMPermalink
 Paul Tustain -
Sparta - Gold prohibition in a collapsing economy  (5)
You've answered none of the authors points: your comment is flat rubbish.
3/18/2017 at 9:48 PMPermalink
 Antal E. Fekete - Gold University
How to stop the Depression  (6)
And then do away altogether with the 'get something out of nothing' (ie: not working for it) lunatic's idea of 'interest'.
Take out a loan today, and you'll get charged 'interest' at some arbitrary percentage, decided only by the lender. The fiat money to pay the interest is not created; only the principal is. So begins the contraction of currency supply.
On a gold standard it follows naturally that i...
2/10/2017 at 1:59 PM  0  1  Rating :  -1 Permalink
 Bullion Vault
Gold Jumps, GLD Expands 4 Days Running, as Greek Debt Crisis Returns for Maastricht's 25th Anniversary  (1)
The 25th anniversary of the Maastricht Treaty signing, coincides with the UK's opt-out clause expiration date, exempting her from joining the common currency, now known as the Euro. The choice for her this year was clear: either drop Sterling and join the Euro, or get out of the European Union - Mr. Cameron our Prime Minister, last year gave the public the dubious 'benefit' of a referendum - and got out of the ...
2/8/2017 at 1:43 PMPermalink
 Tom DiLorenzo - lewRockwell
Santa Claus Economics  (3)
The obvious question that occurs to me, from this article, is why doesn't the UN, US, UK and all the usual suspects, not 'intervene on humanitarian grounds' as they have done in many other countries? One concludes that there has already been massive intervention, already.
Mr Chavez had decided, amongst other things, to sell the nationalised oil for gold, instead of dollars - he got mortally sick, not long af...
12/26/2016 at 3:04 PM  1  0  Rating :  1 Permalink
 Bob Hoye - Institutional Advisors
Drain The Swamp You Bet!  (3)
You can call the effect anything you like - the argument for or against warming or change or whatever is nowadays quite irrelevant.
Of course the heat has come from the Sun - where else?
Read my post and think about it.
The time for fossil fuels has long since passed. The reason, - pollution - means that these methods are outdated and dangerous in that they create lethal by-products (include nuclear ...
11/25/2016 at 10:53 AM  1  0  Rating :  1 Permalink
 Bob Hoye - Institutional Advisors
Drain The Swamp You Bet!  (3)
The evidence for Climate Change is right around you and denial of its existence is mere 'whistling in the dark'.
At the start of the Industrial Revolution, around three centuries ago, a prehistoric sun lit earth up, for the first time in millenia. This was not like our own, natural sun of today, however, - it is a turbocharged version of the original.
A simple thing like a Thermos vacuum flask is the b...
11/18/2016 at 12:16 PM  1  4  Rating :  -3 1 AnswerPermalink
The Federal Reserve to Pensions: Suspend Disbelief Indefinitely
This 'low interest' theory is flat out nonsense - the public pensions have essentially been a Ponzi scheme (in the UK) since at least 2000 - the fund managers (including those of the private sector schemes) approached the Finance Minister of the time, Mr. Brown, to ask how they would keep remittances paid, given the loss of contributions from working members. They were told to start being 'more creative in the...
11/2/2016 at 7:04 PMPermalink
 James Howard Kunstler
Slouching Towards Election Day  (5)
WWIII will be a war as totally different from WWII, as WWII was from WWI - 'the Great War'. There will be no hiding place from the nuclear fallout carried around Earth by the jetstream. The nuclear devices are not bombs - they are exactly the opposite - they implode and create enormous heat; hotter than the surface of the sun, any thing that can burn, will burn, including the very air we breathe.
A vote f...
10/25/2016 at 11:59 AM  2  2  Rating :  0 Permalink
 Mish - Global Economic Analysis
Trump’s Best Debate Performance (You Would Never Know it Watching MSNBC’s Funeral)  (2)
A vote for that woman is a vote for WWIII. Mr Trump is a builder, not a warmonger - do you want a future on earth for you and yours - or Armageddon? God help us all.
10/23/2016 at 1:55 PM  1  1  Rating :  0 Permalink
 Andy Hoffman - Miles Franklin
When All Else Fails, They Take You To War
A very perceptive and prescient article, Mr. Hoffman - let's hope things turn out for the best - God help us all.
10/14/2016 at 11:39 AMPermalink
 Ron Paul
After Peres, Is Peace Possible in the Middle East  (1)
"stains on their record..?"
I do not understand.
Perhaps I mis-understood Dr.Paul's article, but he seems to be saying that the late Mr. Peres was there when something terrible happened in a refugee camp and a large number of people, and children were killed.
A leader who was inactive in the face of this, has a 'stain' on their record.
Nope. Can't follow the logic, here.
10/8/2016 at 8:30 PMPermalink
 Keith Weiner - Monetary Metals
Deutsche Fuels Silver, Report 2 October, 2016
Wrong outlook.
Silver is security, not for investment.
When fiat goes belly up - where are your Google shares then?
Your silver will still function in the world, however.
10/6/2016 at 11:26 AMPermalink
 Mish - Global Economic Analysis
Allegations of Fraud Surface Over “One Time” Donations to Hillary that Occur Repeatedly  (2)
Excellent article, Mish - it's about time this was highlighted - it is happening all the time here in the UK, with insurance companies, 'phone companies, etc.
I found that I had entered into a 'continuous payment authority' or CPA, when I believed it was a one-off payment (for insurance). But further amounts of money were removed from my account. The only way I could stop it was to contact the bank, who ca...
9/18/2016 at 12:48 PMPermalink
 John Browne - Euro Pacific Capital
Apple Tax Grab by EU Invades IRS Airspace  (1)
If you owe tax, you pay it: "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's" and stop complaining.
For the majority, we don't have the privilege to quibble - we pay tax deducted from our wage before we even get it.
9/16/2016 at 10:48 AM  1  0  Rating :  1 Permalink
 Sprott Money
Negative Interest Rates Are ILLEGAL - Jeff Nielson  (3)
That type of 'capital investment' to realise money is generally known as 'dividend' raised through the purchase of shares - as you rightly state, this is known as profit - and is earnt. It is incorrect to call it interest, which is un-earned income, as I showed above.
During the 19th and early 20th centuries share issues were made to facilitate new ventures - not bank loans.
The other phenomenon you spe...
9/8/2016 at 7:55 PM1 AnswerPermalink
 Sprott Money
Negative Interest Rates Are ILLEGAL - Jeff Nielson  (3)
Couldn't disagree more - the entire premise is flawed - 'interest' itself is 'getting something for nothing'. The lender has worked, and saved and does not believe the world owes him a living, yet makes a hypocrite of himself, by demanding exactly that, from a stranger, in 'interest'. During my short time working for the Government, the income from this practice was taxed under the heading of 'Unearned Income'...
9/8/2016 at 3:42 PM1 AnswerPermalink
 Mish - Global Economic Analysis
Brexit: Worst Case Scenario for EU; Armageddon Promise Now Visible as Pack of Lies  (1)
Sadly, the author is flat wrong.
The UK can never be independent from Europe - the country can't feed itself, and hasn't been able to for at least 75 years. Given that the population is much larger now, means that a fall out with Europe would cause rationing and food shortages along with famine prices being imposed. This was the case when the country was blockaded in the 2nd War - the results would be even w...
8/22/2016 at 2:12 PM1 AnswerPermalink
 Mish - Global Economic Analysis
Hyperinflation Silliness (Times Two)
A quote from the article: "That is a pretty steep rate of growth of money (the slope matches the previous chart), but it’s hardly hyperinflation material."
Translates as: 'The house is going to burn down'.
'No, it isn't, it's only a small fire, do not worry - it'll just go out by itself'
8/8/2016 at 11:48 AMPermalink
 Nelson Hultberg -
The Police State and Moral Relativism  (7)
A brilliant article, thank you.
As a follow up, I would recommend "The Edge of the Abyss", by Alfred Noyes. He pubished this in 1942, just as the US was entering WW2, and the UK was in one of it's darkest hours.
He was prompted to write his book by people who were at a loss to understand how two civilised, Christian nations had come to be at war with each other in - what at that time was - the catastr...
5/30/2016 at 3:48 PM  1  0  Rating :  1 Permalink
 James Howard Kunstler
What’s Been and What’s Next  (25)
This I believe to be a most informative article, of importance to all in the West. The author's insights may be disliked, but nevertheless true - and borne out by earlier works by Edward Gibbon in the 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire', also Alfred Noyes - (The Edge of the Abyss, pub. 1942) - a particularly pertinent book that shows us to be at singular crossroads in our modern civilization. The old ploy of ...
4/22/2014 at 3:10 AM  5  1  Rating :  4 Permalink
Think like a Giant 3  (8)
The OP is ahead of his time, concerning 'virtual' money, that is, money in a digital sense. The prime number series for example, is not a human creation, as fiat money is; it exists as a fact of life, whether we are aware it or not. New primes cannot be created out of thin air. Clearly, the technology is not refined yet, but, just as real 'physical' money evolved over mankind's history, the same must happen in t...
4/10/2014 at 11:56 PMPermalink
 Tom DiLorenzo - lewRockwell
What Americans Used To Know  (22)
Nobody makes you read it. If you have - why not just answer the man's points lucidly one by one? To quote Edward Gibbon 'Attacking the attorney rather than the defendant' gives your comment no meaning, to me.
7/9/2013 at 2:27 PM  7  3  Rating :  4 Permalink

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