Profile and commentaries of Wishdasher
Member since February 2010
Followed by 0 memberFollows 1 member
62 commentaries, with 4 Replies
19 replies to his comments (31%)
Average Note : 17 / 100 for 39 rated commentaries  35  177 
Last commentary posted on Sunday, August 19, 2012
 Profile Commentaries Followed By Following 
 Thorsten Polleit
Mind the Theory  (18)
Kant is dead. Nietzsche too. Me almost...
Long live the ones that are still alive...
Long live Mises...
Kindly yours ,
"social experimentation" ?!
Can't believe it. Not with me !
"We also know for sure..." What then ?
8/16/2012 at 11:10 PM  1  10  Rating :  -9 Permalink
 James Howard Kunstler
That Old Martial Spirit  (26)
Absolutely respectfully yours , I have read it 10 times and can't make anything of it.
As long as the US$ is reserve currency in the world I claim the right what Americans are talking about.
Good guys , bad guys. Good currency , bad currency.
And the Iranians are not your enemies either.
You are your own enemy !
May God bless you.
8/12/2012 at 4:51 AM  0  11  Rating :  -11 Permalink
 James Howard Kunstler
That Old Martial Spirit  (26) have an obscession with orgasm and asses. He predicts, again, some enormous collaspe, and then...

obscession can never be a tipo. Understandable because at the same time you had recession in mind. What an obscenity.

collaspe yes... of course 100% tipo
8/12/2012 at 3:58 AM  0  11  Rating :  -11 Permalink
 James Howard Kunstler
That Old Martial Spirit  (26)
That's right... Dishwasher I have been.
Wish I were one back again.
Good memories.
A standing job. Not sitting on a lazy ass behind a computer all day. Accumulating all the
B.S. of the world.
No TA of guessing where the gold price eventually might be the next millisecond. (That's a nice one !).
No more: it's finished with Europe , it's finished with the US , it's finished with Japan , Ch...
8/12/2012 at 3:19 AM  2  12  Rating :  -10 Permalink
 James Howard Kunstler
That Old Martial Spirit  (26)
"He appears to have an obscession with orgasm and asses. He predicts, again, some enormous collaspe, and then an idyllic return to nature. If one were to have blown up one's ass if would surely be over some woodsy campfire."
How many spelling mistakes above ?
I am preparing an idyllic go , not return , never was there before.... alt1 ☺
8/10/2012 at 12:26 AM  0  14  Rating :  -14 1 AnswerPermalink
 James Howard Kunstler
That Old Martial Spirit  (26)
Jobs ? To achieve what ?
Staying alive , staying alive !!!! Oh,Oh, Oh
Long live Globalization ! And Monsanto to start with.
Sanctus Spiritus ,
Got land ? No ! Shares in Coca Cola !
Imagine I were a professor in economics! What would I be able to tell my students ?
8/9/2012 at 9:52 PM  0  15  Rating :  -15 Permalink
 James Howard Kunstler
That Old Martial Spirit  (26)
I'd like to get you know better. Could we meet ? You don't seem to come over so well here
on this board. Me neither , but I don't care either.
Who were the investors, scientific contributors on this latest NASA experiment ?
Good old great AMERICA !!!??? Taxpayers ! And nobody asked them...
Where did my money go ? Joe Corzine of course.
I read JHKunstler's article above. You don't have to repe...
8/9/2012 at 9:16 PM  0  10  Rating :  -10 Permalink
 Jason Hommel - Silverstockreport
Vote for Silver!  (10)
What is the meaning of the word "profit" for you ?
Somebody harming somebody ?
How to understand it according to your rules eventually ?
English not being my mother tongue.... Please consider.
Where else than Mr Hommel's would you buy your silver ?
Between you and me. You know anybody that gives better conditions ?
8/4/2012 at 3:06 AM  0  6  Rating :  -6 Permalink
 Jason Hommel - Silverstockreport
Vote for Silver!  (10)
The decadence of the financial world... A view on botipulation at work.
8/4/2012 at 12:52 AM  0  4  Rating :  -4 Permalink
 Jason Hommel - Silverstockreport
Vote for Silver!  (10)
I only communicate through mind games. Me myself has nothing to convey.
I used to know what I was doing until I started using the internet.
Google knows it all.
I simply represent the idiocy of what I have accumulated over the years.
Time to take distance of it all. Or they'll lock me up somewhere one day.
Nobody interested in knowing what $chmicles are ?
8/2/2012 at 2:03 AM  0  11  Rating :  -11 Permalink
 Jason Hommel - Silverstockreport
Vote for Silver!  (10)
Whether silver is at 150 or 500 Schmickles or even at 7345.07 Schmickles. It is never going to get the corn grow more fast or more nutritious. Unless you believe the devil "Monsanto" !
I'll keep on converting paper into silver though.
Magic no ?! To convert paper into silver. Not lead into gold. They tried that in the Middle-Ages.
Impossible !
You ain't seen nothing yet.
I have seen everyt...
8/1/2012 at 3:11 AM  0  7  Rating :  -7 Permalink
 Jason Hommel - Silverstockreport
Vote for Silver!  (10)
NO ! You can't vote. There already has been too much borrowing that lead to nothing.
8/1/2012 at 12:34 AM  0  9  Rating :  -9 Permalink
 Jason Hommel - Silverstockreport
Vote for Silver!  (10)
Need to get tougher. Those criminal minds !
You lose your 1 oz silver coin if you dare voting ! You have to hand it over !
It's in investment in the promises of your preferred candidate.
8/1/2012 at 12:10 AM  0  9  Rating :  -9 Permalink
 Jason Hommel - Silverstockreport
Vote for Silver!  (10)
Vote WITH not for silver. In your pocket. No silver American Liberty or Eagle in the pocket , not entitled to vote. As simple as that. All problems solved. One man , one vote. Not that Wall Street keeps on buying the politicians with printed fiat money.
If one can not afford to pay for an oz of silver why would one be entitled to claim voting rights ?
"I claim a better world !"
Forget it ! Without s...
7/31/2012 at 11:12 PM  0  8  Rating :  -8 Permalink
 Jesse - Jesse's cafe
Chris Hedges: The Careerists and the Banality of Evil - The Sickness Unto Death  (14)
You have many questions that nobody is willing to answer. You put them the wrong way.
7/28/2012 at 5:50 AM  0  3  Rating :  -3 Permalink
 Keith Weiner
Falling Interest Rates Destroy Capital  (5)
You think so ?
7/23/2012 at 11:35 PMPermalink
 Mac Slavo - Shtfplan
Must See Video: “I Don’t Need To Stop at a Checkpoint to Prove Who I Am Because This Is America”  (5)
"But today in America freedom prevailed."
Puke , puke , puke....
7/17/2012 at 1:55 AMPermalink
 Mac Slavo - Shtfplan
Must See Video: “I Don’t Need To Stop at a Checkpoint to Prove Who I Am Because This Is America”  (5)
"But today in America freedom prevailed."
Will be back later eventually , going to vomit...
7/17/2012 at 1:49 AMPermalink
 Peter Schiff - Euro Pacific Capital
Damn the Torpedoes  (15)
Will be back later. It's 01:24 here now. Time to dig in. For sure.
6/12/2012 at 1:26 AM  0  1  Rating :  -1 Permalink
 Peter Schiff - Euro Pacific Capital
Damn the Torpedoes  (15)
If you could explain please. What do you see ?
Greetings from... Europe.
6/11/2012 at 11:34 PM  0  1  Rating :  -1 1 AnswerPermalink
 Peter Schiff - Euro Pacific Capital
Damn the Torpedoes  (15)
I think you have a valid point there.
But if he were a producer I'd sell his stuff if we could agree on terms and conditions.
6/11/2012 at 11:24 PM  4  1  Rating :  3 Permalink
 Tim Iacono
Sell Everything Else and Buy Gold  (3)
To the "thumbs down" on my comment.
You don't believe me or what ?
Shall I send you a picture ?
6/11/2012 at 10:26 PMPermalink
 Tim Iacono
Sell Everything Else and Buy Gold  (3)
I bought some more Valcambi 50x1gr combibars.
The best gold investment instrument in town !
According to me...

6/9/2012 at 12:50 AM  4  1  Rating :  3 Permalink
 Aubie Baltin
The Emperor Has No Clothes  (17)
"The second would be to institute a law which either limits the time a politician can serve to 1 term or makes a politician ineligible to run for reelection if debt exceeds 3% of GDP under his or her watch. "

1 term is not long enough to fill their pockets.
Back on the street after one term only ?
Where would they have to go to make a living ?
6/1/2012 at 8:46 PM  1  0  Rating :  1 Permalink
 Jesse - Jesse's Café
Freedom in Europe Is Eroding From the Edges, Financed by the Banks  (14)
Sickening... DEMOCRACY , DEMOCRACY !!!
Only referenda make democracy possible !
Referendum=scare for every politician... except in Switzerland.
5/31/2012 at 1:24 AMPermalink
 James Howard Kunstler
Dancing Shoes  (13)
The obvious for you is... ???
5/21/2012 at 9:33 PM  3  3  Rating :  0 Permalink
 James Howard Kunstler
Dancing Shoes  (13)
"The process begins to look like a mass metamorphic conversion of winners to losers and vice-versa. In a giant unwinding of paper assets the result may be that precious metals go sideways while all other assets tank - and then once everything's in the tank, PMs tank, too, because nobody is left standing with that kind of cash."
My kilogram will always be ... into eternity ... a kilogram ! ☺ ALT1
5/21/2012 at 9:29 PM  3  4  Rating :  -1 Permalink
 Frank Shostak -
JPMorgan Chase and Central Banking  (5)
Is JPM only allowed to make profits at the cost of whom... ???
Enough said before I explode.
5/21/2012 at 6:29 PM  0  1  Rating :  -1 Permalink
 Ron Paul
The Supreme Court and Obamacare  (15)
Can I as a European contribute to Ron Paul's campaign ? I'd like to respect the laws. With the Americans one never knows. You want to do something good and before you know you are in jail.

Jaywalking is an informal term commonly used in North America to refer to illegal or reckless pedestrian crossing of a roadway. Examples include a pedestrian crossing between intersections (outside or, in some jurisd...
4/3/2012 at 10:33 PM  2  1  Rating :  1 Permalink
 Ron Paul
The Supreme Court and Obamacare  (15)
What does an atheist have to think about that ?
Top , top , top we are with our degrees. 0 Fahrenheit.
4/3/2012 at 10:12 PMPermalink
 James Howard Kunstler
Unthinkable  (24)
Appear... ?
So it appears ! Apparently.
JHK didn't bore me with his health issues. So you are not entitled to talk about "us".
You talk for yourself ! Thank you.
Who is "us" by the way ?
Fear reigns the world ! Let me tell you that I told you.
"The anatomy of human destructiveness." Erich Fromm
"The sane society." Erich Fromm
"Zen and the West." Erich Fromm
"Fear of Fr...
4/2/2012 at 9:56 PM  4  7  Rating :  -3 Permalink
 Andy Hoffman
Gold is Manipulated… and It’s Not Okay  (8)
Always looking forward to your next article.
Have read a few more reactions to Mr Martenson's "opinion" that go in the same direction. But didn't see any reaction yet from Mr Martenson in response. Looking forward to seeing one.
In the mean time. Talking about gold. Let's talk grams. No more tons , graphs and statistics.
Power to the people ! And to all our friends.
4/2/2012 at 8:45 PMPermalink
 Toby Connor - Gold Scents
Can Bernanke Break the Dollar Rally  (1)
Would and could should. Probably eventually. Maybe. The charts tell it all.
3/27/2012 at 12:13 AM  0  1  Rating :  -1 Permalink
 Bron Suchecki - Perth Mint
Elliott wave predicts $32659 gold on 16 Jan 2015  (5)
Green cheese doesn't exist ! Cheese with green spots ? Yes !
3/26/2012 at 11:54 PM  1  0  Rating :  1 Permalink
 Philip Judge - Anglo Far East
10,000 Ton Short  (3)
10 thumbs down.
Published in 2010. When was it written ???
Last century ? What the eff is he trying to tell ? is a mystery... ?
... and so many spelling mistakes that bother me and my mother tongue is not English.
"it should be very, very big and very explosive. . . it only a matter of timing.
"short selling of various kinds no-longer there, and maybe even in reverse, one mast a...
3/26/2012 at 1:18 AM  1  1  Rating :  0 Permalink
 Doug Casey - Casey Research
The Ascendence of Sociopaths in US Governance  (10)
What stone are you living under ?
3/24/2012 at 7:53 PM  3  2  Rating :  1 Permalink
 Bron Suchecki - Perth Mint
Elliott wave predicts $32659 gold on 16 Jan 2015  (5)
My crystal ball shows 17,223$ by then. Not too bad either.
3/19/2012 at 10:43 PM  3  0  Rating :  3 Permalink
 Jesse - Jesse's café
Israeli Central Bank to Use Its Reserves to Buy US Equities
Israel blackmailed ! The U.S. want their money back ! ☺ ALT1
3/2/2012 at 8:22 PMPermalink
 Tim Iacono - Iacono Research
It’s Official: Iran to Accept Gold for Oil  (3)
It's official. The Iranians will have to accept any and all shit that is presented to them.
2/29/2012 at 9:44 PM  0  1  Rating :  -1 Permalink
 David Petch - Treasure Chest
Mish Jumps The Shark While Others Jump Minnows
"We will see !" said the blind man to the deaf man.
2/28/2012 at 9:08 PM  1  0  Rating :  1 1 AnswerPermalink
 Przemyslaw Radomski CFA - SunshineProfits
A Short-term Dip in Precious Metals Is Still Likely  (1)
Gold is not an instrument of liars. The word is. The instrument of Obama's.
Gold is the symbol of eternity. In honor of God. ... I beg your pardon?

Let them talk and talk and talk to convince you of what ?
My dollar/yen/euro/... are eternal ? I like the Zloty !
ALT1 ☺
2/20/2012 at 4:21 AMPermalink
 Przemyslaw Radomski CFA - SunshineProfits
A Short-term Dip in Precious Metals Is Still Likely  (1)
Could , would , should.
2/20/2012 at 3:46 AMPermalink
 Rob Kirby - Kirby Analytics
Manifest Destiny Derailed: Treason from Within  (17)

Are you pissed off that easily ? You don't seem to be able to take a lot in my opinion. ☺ ALT1
Do we have to go back 2000 years in history to make a point ?
One day...

Great article.

But what is "a nation" supposed to look like ? Internationally ? These days !
2/1/2012 at 5:29 AM  1  0  Rating :  1 Permalink
 Marin Katusa - Casey Research
Will Iran Kill the Petrodollar’  (11)
"Will Iran Kill the Petrodollar ?"
1/28/2012 at 1:09 AMPermalink
 James Howard Kunstler
Murmuration  (9)
It's an historical uprising that all of you , the 9 , agreed... ☺
How many times does that happen ? ☺ ALT1
1/28/2012 at 12:59 AM1 AnswerPermalink
 Perth Mint Blog - Perth Mint
Australia, France… Wherever You Are, Demand For Physical Gold And Silver Is Soaring  (3)
Ordered a 1 kg Ag lunar Tiger from the Perth Mint in September.
The only thing I received was apologies for not being able to deliver. Patience !!!
Today we are November 3rd.
11/3/2011 at 3:39 PMPermalink
 Bron suchecki - GoldChat
Physical v Paper PAGE discussion on FOFOA
What was this article about ? Temptation ? Leveraged irrevelancy ☺
9/7/2011 at 9:55 PMPermalink
 24hGoldwire - 24hGold
Chavez expects gold to be back in Venezuela in 'weeks'
I "expect" so many things...
8/31/2011 at 11:02 PMPermalink
 Justice Litle - Taipan Publishing
Bank Deposits and "Black Mail" Point to More Crisis  (3)
Sweeping your own front door... ?
Grandmother Betty Davies has swept the street clean outside her house for the past 62 years without so much as raising an eyebrow.
The 88-year-old widow prides herself on keeping her front doorstep and pavement pristine.
But after one of her daily tidy-ups, a council worker knocked on the door of her home in Splott, Cardiff, to warn her she could be taken to court.
8/30/2011 at 4:39 PMPermalink
 Justice Litle - Taipan Publishing
On Warren Buffett’s Dubious Dismissal of Gold  (8)
Human Freedom Rests on Gold Redeemable Money

By HON. HOWARD BUFFETT U. S. Congressman from Nebraska (1948)


Most opponents of free coinage of gold admit that that restoration is essential, but claim the time is not propitious. Some argue that there would be a scramble for gold and our enormous gold reserves would soon be exhausted. Actually this argument simply points...
11/4/2010 at 1:12 AMPermalink
 Justice Litle - Taipan Publishing
On Warren Buffett’s Dubious Dismissal of Gold  (8)
Comment on my own comment as usual.
Tried to post it on Taipan Publish Group...
Difficult to understand where dad once stated that...
"Human Freedom Rests on Gold Redeemable Money"
Howard Buffett, Financial Chronicle 5/6/48
Most probably a generation conflict. ☺
Why did this/that Stein not approach the subject using Warren's father's beliefs ?
Too late...
But let's imagine that s...
11/3/2010 at 4:09 AMPermalink
 Justice Litle - Taipan Publishing
On Warren Buffett’s Dubious Dismissal of Gold  (8)
Difficult to understand where dad stated that...
"Human Freedom Rests on Gold Redeemable Money"
Howard Buffett, Financial Chronicle 5/6/48
Why did this Stein not approach the subject using Warren's father's beliefs ?
Too late...
After some memory searching found back the following:

Why did Warren Buffett sell all of his physical silver holdings in the 1st quarter 2006?
a) He thou...
10/29/2010 at 8:47 PMPermalink
 Justice Litle - Taipan Publishing
If They Don’t Own Gold, Don’t Trust Their Opinion on Gold
I'll have to comment on my own comment then.

Where I agree 100% with your statement I have some trouble accepting the figure you mention below.

"...Central banks alone own about 4.8 'M'illion tons of gold." ????

My source ( states the following:
"How much gold is there in the world?
At the end of 2009, it is estimated that all the gold ever ...
6/24/2010 at 10:34 PMPermalink
 Justice Litle - Taipan Publishing
If They Don’t Own Gold, Don’t Trust Their Opinion on Gold
"...Central banks alone own about 4.8 million tons of gold." ????

6/22/2010 at 4:21 PMPermalink

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