Profile and commentaries of WTC at Sunset
WTC at Sunset
Member since October 2011
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63 commentaries, with 3 Replies
6 replies to his comments (10%)
Average Note : 25 / 100 for 6 rated commentaries  2  6 
Last commentary posted on Monday, November 21, 2011
 Profile Commentaries Followed By Following 
 Hugo Salinas Price -
A Thought Experiment  (4)
The gist of that job would be to calculate, on a daily basis,

If you're going to do this, why not real time price valuation for the white metal? It is actually simpler, clearer, and presents no gotchas to be perceived angrily when the floor drops out and someone got stuck or the thing shoots to the moon and someone missed that train.
11/17/2011 at 10:43 PMPermalink
 Rob Kirby - Kirby Analytics
Tic, Tac, Toe, Three Clowns in a Row  (5)
Good article, but you forgot to mention, American Woman, eh - the Hebrew tribute. Also, that 'Canadian call for sedition in the US' megaphone makes an even better echo when stuff up Toronto's poop shoot (or Vancouver or Montreal or Edmonton but not Thunder Bay - no immortal would violate holly ground - it's tradition ...).
11/17/2011 at 5:23 PMPermalink
 Tim Iacono - Iacono Research
U.S. Debt Passes $15 Trillion Mark
Fortunately? This is a bear. The United States needs to wake up.
11/17/2011 at 5:20 PMPermalink
 Rick Ackerman
Two Recession Benefits: Fewer Lawyers, More Farmland  (7)
It kind of sounds poorer. Fewer lawyers means either someone else other than the person you can curse yourself, because you know his or her name, litigates and frames society, or, society itself is frozen in time and no forms are needed to demonstrate its underlying fire. More farmland means no one can shuck the stuff for expanding local civilization even as the global suffers famine.

Should be comforta...
11/16/2011 at 2:38 PMPermalink
 James Howard Kunstler
Rudderless  (14)
Not bad - but doesn't the internet porn valorizes "transvestivaggressive" behavior? Are there not to be had online and free of charge perfectly formulated cyber 1/2 men vixen humping, rutting, and tupping any imagined creation: beast, demon, god, insect, object, and with maginifently absurb racks bounced cataclysmically above thrust raging cocks of equal burgeon?

Is this is the leverage? Is this the un...
11/15/2011 at 6:49 PMPermalink
 Tom DiLorenzo
Which Candidate Was Right About Iraq  (13)
War in Iraq was won at time of 2008 election minus one detail. Like to metals, you only get paid at a price if you sell at that price. It was in fact Obama who used in 2006 the notion of an ROI regards Iraq before supporting withdrawal under any terms.

1) What ROI Obama? 2) What prevented Obama's support against the war as part of a larger Democrat counter movement to cut war funding in 2006? 3) Or, ...
11/15/2011 at 4:47 PMPermalink
 Mish - Global Economic Analysis
Reflections on "Dangerous and Insane"  (18)
Francis Bacon - don't introduce thought experiments to state unless in dire necessity and then beware it is the reformation that informs the change, not the desire for change that drives the reformation.

Sounds simple enough. Anyone want to buy another bucket of Obama's Change We Can Believe In swill before we get serious about reforming the current and soon to be bankrupt United States?

11/14/2011 at 7:40 PMPermalink
 Ron Paul
The Modern Presidency Is Dangerously Close to an Elective Dictatorship  (9)
Getting something done is proving to be a monumental task.

This statement is the key. Here 2) who gets paid in this stasis is followed in importance only by 2) who gets paid to change the forms that progress must engender? Is either answerable to tax payers, if not directly, then at least indirectly through direct tether to the fortunes of superiors who are. The former gives...
11/14/2011 at 4:31 PMPermalink
 Larry Laborde - Silver Trading Cy
To quote Dr. Leeb, “We are at war and we don’t even know it! Wake up, America!”

Waking up is not the problem. The whole world knows the United States is being led by the morally corrupt effetist son of an incompetent Kenyan baboon, who likewise (acorn to tree) lacks all the true cunning and guile of that creature in any regards that could be called productive for either his nation or ...
11/13/2011 at 10:33 AMPermalink
 James Howard Kunstler
Critical State  (55)
11/13/2011 at 10:24 AM  0  1  Rating :  -1 Permalink
 Theodore Butler - Butler Research
An Unmitigated Disaster  (8)
Unmitigated? If I take in the article's complaint properly, then here's a double down (somewhat insane from a Westerner's point of view) argument for mitigation over litigation, if and when your 'Fortunately' argument fails (these are trying times afterall and for myriad peoples).

Maxim - Globalites don't get a hall pass from at least one nation's civics. Further, it is in the interest of humanity itsel...
11/13/2011 at 9:33 AMPermalink
 Doug Hornig - Casey Research
All Aliens
Intriguing? Yes. And for additional semantic splendor, why not check out the American horror classic, The Thing, by John Carpenter? Good stuff, eh?
11/13/2011 at 9:05 AMPermalink
 Andy Sutton
The Coup Continues  (5)
What follows is Obama to the UofMichigan commencement 2011. Which part of the paragraph isn't disingenous, out right obfuscation, or simple lie?

'First, American democracy has thrived because we have recognized the need for a government that, while limited [LIMITED!], can still help us adapt to a changing world. On the fourth panel of the Jefferson [JEFFERSON] Memorial is a quote I remember readin...
11/12/2011 at 3:11 PMPermalink
 Ron Hera - Hera Research
How the U.S. Will Become a 3rd World Country (Part 1)  (10)


Nothing is worse than hearing people who voted for Obama bitch now about the quality of the bananas they so lusted after in the run-up and vote tally for the somehow preferred above all others, hue-man's election.

So, if a man is absent underlying morality and behaves like a hue-man, he should be dismissed as a man, eh.

Purple St...
11/11/2011 at 7:59 PMPermalink
 Doug Casey - Casy Research
Doug Casey on "Occupy Wall Street"  (2)
A couple of comments:

1) a warmongering socialist who might try to turn the country into an Army boot camp. Not Army boot camp, sir, you mean - homoerotic Army boot camp. Every night Jay Leno points out that gays in the military is a platform for gay marriage. He is right if and only if the inherently perverse is admissable, which means, Leno's claim itself is evidence that the new military policy is...
11/11/2011 at 3:31 PMPermalink
 Richard Benson - SFGroup
"No Bull" Prize in Economics  (2)
R.B. wrote - As I get older, my problem is that I want to eat and drive somewhere, and not play computer games or socialize with silly twits on Facebook.

Excellent reappropriation of the 'problem', sir. It will need a hard boot to back I'm afraid.
11/10/2011 at 4:34 PMPermalink
 Alan Leishman
Gold and Silver Confiscation  (18)
10) US banks, 2007?

Law [Bush Jr] went into exile and his fortunes ebbed and flowed for the rest of his life.
11/10/2011 at 4:20 PM  1  0  Rating :  1 Permalink
 Food for thought - 24hgold
Devaluation of the Words on the Dollar Bill  (13)
2011 - Note, attempt by government through its 'incipient to consequence' to add to your list, the removal of - In God We Trust
11/10/2011 at 12:01 PMPermalink
 Jason Hommel - Silverstockreport
The Dollar is Done - Deal with It  (7)
5 dollar short time, 10 dollar long time

Such will be the United States fiscal policy post dollar. Deal with it? I just don't think that phrase maintains the gravity of prior good effort or loss of prestige that would follow this calamity.
11/8/2011 at 9:34 AMPermalink
 James Howard Kunstler
Critical State  (55)
Less is more? That's true here.
Jesus terrorists. Wrong word, terrorists, to tack on here. It's disrespectful to the still unrequited American dead.

More is better? That's true here.
How bout calling for a picture of Bin Laden corpse as a fortuitous hedge against your otherwise banal treatment of the American common good. It would be good for morale. Better still, it would just feel good. W...
11/8/2011 at 6:41 AM  0  1  Rating :  -1 Permalink
 Robert P. Murphy
Chaos Theory : Law without the State  (7)
Detail, eh. Conan the Cimmarian stole the crown by bloodied sword? As the new government is being created, how do you prevent some Blackwater from seizing control of all valuations and declaring martial law (along with taxation powers)? Then this new government presciption might be toilet paper - and even its discussion a capital offence.

I'm not picking on mercenaries. The mercenary simply has this ki...
11/7/2011 at 4:46 AMPermalink
 Robert P. Murphy
Chaos Theory : Law without the State  (7)
In market anarchy, true professionals would drive out such unscrupulous competitors.

Perhaps but especially a Southern man can admire how Yankee Doodle establishes the pulse. What drives the United States through time despite government critics then is the baseline interplay between its three main governmental bodies. This celtic knot, politikos triangle, civic trifecta is both stron...
11/5/2011 at 3:20 PMPermalink
 Ron Paul
Declare Victory Bring Them Home!  (4)
Only play - citing terms of Bush Jr's agreement, Obama declares mission completed on those terms, and only then brings troops home. Better hurry, POTUS. Some positions aren't amenable to any politics other than the patriotic. Thus short here from current Commander In Chief should be viewed as negligence or aggrandizement resulting in a crime against the prestige of the United States military. Only new good use...
11/5/2011 at 10:28 AMPermalink
 Mac Slavo - Shtfplan
The Canary Is Dying of Asphyxiation
The Canary by HP Lovecraft. That would be a good short.
11/5/2011 at 2:37 AMPermalink
Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - The Golden Bowl
No worries there - for my part, the fool, I'm long on love.
11/5/2011 at 2:32 AMPermalink
 David Galland - Casey Research
The Problem with Seeing Government as God  (4)
Expect Obama to try to passify disruptive masses with ineffective King of Saudi like display of capitulation. Something nice and not too expensive.

Rabble on Wall Street Occupiers, the President if re-elected is going to fetch you a shrubbery. Then he is going to run away. Such is akin to the help European leaders can also expect from the United States, if they were even to ask for anything different -...
11/5/2011 at 2:23 AMPermalink
 Jordan Roy Byrne - The Daily Gold
Precious Metals Sentiment  (2)
In Further Repudiation of the Non 'Effective' Praxis of the Other Man Born In 1828

Theorem. There's plenty of blood in that turnip.
Proof. Assume the other man is correct. To begin delusion in others is an invitation (er, obligation) to ride on the backs of these so deluded people like some Tolstoy man. Question is, are they deluded enough for you to hitch that ride? Restated, can you avoid bei...
11/4/2011 at 3:23 PMPermalink
 Antal E. Fekete - Gold University
Exploding the Myth of Unbacked Silver Certificates and Phony Silver Storage  (14)
Good article. Two thoughts.

1) In a kind different crisis, the singer wrote, 'the pump won't work because the vandals took the handle', but that lyric predates 1971 by six years - and that song while blues is not indigo.

proposed definiton: Fear (or Dread) - the fleecing of metaphor -> bad teleos
Even powerful people are now afraid.

2) Ultimately, slaves will rise and overthrow the...
11/3/2011 at 9:55 PM  0  1  Rating :  -1 Permalink
 Robert P. Murphy
Is Debt Necessary for Recovery
Good use of Willie...

down on the corner
out in the street
Willie and the Poorboys are playin'
bring a nickel; tap your feet

1) Willie is at work. 2) his band is getting paid.
11/3/2011 at 9:31 PMPermalink
 Mish - Global Economic Analysis
In Praise of Papandreou's Referendum Decision; Eurocrats Terrified of Democracy; Parade of Cowards  (1)
Argentina remains the most perilous siren in the economic world. By herself, that nation suffers the world's 'just' condemnation in consequence of unhonored commerical fidiciary. But if other nations (now in same boat) agreed to some new arrangement with 'each other' as opposed to with those who are hounding them over default, what are the limits of this trade block?

One comes to mind - 'there is no hon...
11/3/2011 at 1:19 AMPermalink
Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - The Golden Bowl
Nice pumpkin graphs.
11/1/2011 at 7:18 PMPermalink
 Charleston Voice
Francis Bellamy And The United States Pledge Of Allegiance  (5)
Got to disagree. Dogma for its part is at least one bad movie, which rejoiced in a candy arsed diversity. The purpose of the pledge on the other hand is exactly as Bellamy describes. All Americans are welcome to it. This mandate then costs but 15 seconds. Compare the truth of that statement to anything current POTUS has served up, for example. But breath deep the gathering gloom - truly. Compare the pledge's es...
11/1/2011 at 4:22 AM  0  2  Rating :  -2 Permalink
 Doug Hornig - Casey Research
Who's Watching
Let's say system just adds representative payee type oversight based on these so determinative cues (with no due process of course - but that is immoral to the bone), and the case is easily made for actually modifying the transgressor's DNA or at least making punitive charge to it regards say an insurance profile customized to the individual or refinement thereof regards behavior specific group premiums - behavi...
11/1/2011 at 12:20 AMPermalink
 James Howard Kunstler
Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide  (23)
1. In either case you're broke, and what remains for all these nations is a fight over the table-scraps of the late and great industrial orgy.

Many ways to consider language. This next one is very old in terms of reason and so naturally from the Greek...

Plato's Academy definition: orge - anger; the urging of the passionate part of the soul for vengence.

Question: does this lust for ve...
10/31/2011 at 11:22 PM  1  1  Rating :  0 Permalink
 Nathan Lewis - New World Economics
The Diminishing Returns of Heroic Materialism  (1)
As we move from Heroic Materialism to our new age, we don't have to give up any of our Heroic Materialist advances.

Uh, poor municipalities have been known to sell the street lamps...
10/31/2011 at 11:13 PMPermalink
 Peter Schiff - Euro Pacific Capital
In defense of the 1  (9)
Another protester challenged my claim that businesses create jobs by stating that consumers create the jobs by spending money. When I asked him where the consumers got their money, he replied "from their jobs," which actually proved my point. Without jobs, consumers have no purchasing power. And without production, there is nothing to purchase.

Be very afraid sir. I believe th...
10/31/2011 at 7:32 PMPermalink
 Adrian Ash - Bullion Vault
Costless, Limitless, Meaningless Money, Part I  (1)
The Greeks invented democracy, the Olympics, metaphysics and tragedy. Those last two might have come thanks to the fact they also invented money, which itself might prove just as important as it is ironic today.

Lovely - surely the 1/2 drachma argument from Prodicus or 2 or 4? More irony - these Greeks as always could have had more money under some tighter auspice except their tragedians won't ...
10/29/2011 at 12:32 PMPermalink
 Tom DiLorenzo
Radio’s Voice of Freedom: The Great Ron Smith  (7)
Aye - the superstitions of academic feminism...
10/29/2011 at 8:57 AMPermalink
 Gold Forecaster
Gold Silver Market Morning, October 28, 2011
Bank runs in Greece?
10/28/2011 at 10:14 PMPermalink
 Peter Schiff - Euro Pacific Capital
Herman Cain's Hidden Nine  (3)
Expand the Tax Base. Base the Expand Tax. Tax the Expand Base. Base the Tax Expand. Expand Tax the Base. Tax the Base Expand.

That's it! And good politics too regards the other guy's if and only if there is a coherent notion of the other guy's. Tax the Base Expand! If you're a Democrat, tax the rich. If a Republican, tax the poor. If Republicrat, as you like it - dog. But if none of these, beware doing...
10/28/2011 at 5:20 AMPermalink
 Peter Schiff - Euro Pacific Capital
President Obama Announces Plan to Boost College Tuitions  (1)
Obama serves up rabbit punch student loan relief (and it's the Year of the Rabbit)...

More meaningful - 1) drop ch7 protection regards private education loans & their lenders and 2) eliminate the IRS's tax lien regards interest owed (even after loan is finally forgiven), or better, income contingent it over a second 25 year period. It'd be better deal than IRS driven bankruptcy (this is the rabbit ...
10/27/2011 at 9:00 AMPermalink
 Rick Ackerman
What Happens When Greek ‘Austerity’ Fails  (13)
Riots - if Greece winds up out of the EU and on the wrong side of its raised draw bridge, Greek youth full of spirt are going to get an 'I full' of bankrupt Greece in isolation. I imagine it to be cold on the outside with many enemies old, new, and traditional still lurking about. A dangerous turn of events that would be indeed, for Greece, the EU, and the world.
10/27/2011 at 3:36 AMPermalink
 Jeff Clark - Casey Research
The Best Mistake You'll Ever Make  (3)
1700, eh. If only I hadn't made previous mistakes. Damn comfy chair.
10/27/2011 at 2:02 AMPermalink
 Michael S. Rozeff - Mike Rozeff
Juan Williams Wrong on Iraq and Wrong on Libya  (4)
Main Iraq Error: US in 2008 had leverage to obligate an invite from weak incipient Iraqi government, which US support empowered into being, or leave (less than happy) for the overall effort but still having declared mission completed. Bush Jr did not do so. 3 years later the US got the boot. Question: what mission was completed?

Also, you are forgetting the 2 worst foreign policies by a sitting preside...
10/26/2011 at 8:09 PMPermalink
 Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
Going the Way of Commies and Nazis  (8)
You notice the new bridges on the highways. The old ones through view breaks in the structure featured the landscape (river, ravine, lake) being traversed. The new ones are wider with solid concrete walls that block the car off from the essential aesthetic of the land. They thus cut the viewer off from fundamental American heritage. And historical treasure too, as all Americans who ever passed over these areas ...
10/24/2011 at 6:10 AMPermalink
 Andy Sutton
Revisionist History and the Great Depression  (3)
We had two leaders and complicit Congresses in the 1930s that acted like proverbial bulls in the china shop. We had a central bank that was managing things for the benefit of those who own it, and what was even worse – we had a country that was very literally demanding all of the above. And I will say it one more time for posterity – does any of this sound familiar?

Nice artic...
10/22/2011 at 10:04 AMPermalink
 Clive Maund
If Europe Should Fail  (8)
You don't have to go to Argentina to find examples of what would happen, "if Europe should fall" - no one has more expertise and experience on this matter than elderly men and women from the nations that comprise the EU. Europe cannot look elsewhere regards that. There is likewise no guidance from the US under current leadership available (bereft (i.e., deficit) as it is to all things that might last beyond the ...
10/21/2011 at 7:29 PMPermalink
 Nathan Lewis - New World Economics
Flat Tax Vs. Fair Tax Vs. Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Plan
An Argument Against US Federal Flat Tax Today... First three definitions. Definition 1 - US Federal Government, current iteration of 250 year old ongoing surge, which seeks to propel United States citizens into their better prosperity and posterity. Definition 2 - Economics, the study of applying ways and means to both dearth and want. Definition 3 - Vortex Economy, an economy cruising for substantial change, Ar...
10/20/2011 at 9:50 PMPermalink
Woodrow Wilson and Barack Obama  (1)
Tempting but off the mark. If these men were represented by two circles, in a kind of Venn diagram, these circles would not touch. For as with all things Obama (like his Nobel Prize vs Wilson's League of Nations Nobel Prize, or his Audacity of Hope vs Wilson's Congressional Government, or his lack of peer reviewed jurisprudence as law instructor vs Wilson's prolific output in a 1/4th of the time as law professor...
10/20/2011 at 3:59 AMPermalink
 Lew Rockwell
The Dawn of Late Fascism  (7)
Oblivious to economics itself (this is not Rockwell's idiom), current group under consideration does in fact secondhand the fullbird Marx like some chub and 'bruise-free-wistfulness' to a fading 'we-did-our-best.' In support, did you know, Jim C., that POTUS spoke at UofMichigan commencement where from the largest spending, debt and deficit government the world has ever known, he told the graduates that, 'Americ...
10/19/2011 at 11:25 PMPermalink
 Peter Schiff - Euro Pacific Capital
Herman Cain's Hidden Nine  (3)
Not so, not so, regards presumption, carrierpigeon - success must be measured one investment at a time. Try this explanation. I was a benefit consultant at Hewitt Associates. I wrote Retirement Planning software. We sold it with marketing, branding, perception management to the best companies in America. They hired the brightest talent in America. Retirement Planning is a deceptively difficult task. Even these p...
10/18/2011 at 5:54 PM1 AnswerPermalink
 Peter Schiff - Euro Pacific Capital
Herman Cain's Hidden Nine  (3)
If 6 (Obama) turns out to be 9 (Cain) I don't mind... (Hendrix). I do. Cain's Chilean Social Security is bad business. Without some plan though his 9 9 9 is gratuitous rip off of impoverished people. If 70+% of Americans can't raise $2K in 2 months, after Cain, 80+% won't ever retire. Cain's platform essentially says, here, for the cost of a lollipop, we will remove your claim (which was essentially contributio...
10/18/2011 at 5:01 PM1 AnswerPermalink
 James Howard Kunstler
Going Apeshit  (24)
It's already winter. Been that way for some time. Argument follows by as you say, though not targets of protest, Obama and minions engineered current banking milieu. Spring for its part cycles new access to light (and so warmth). That is its essential feature. The spring you speak of thus requires truth. This truth is familiar enough. It goes something like 1) mistakes were made 2) human beings make them 3) app...
10/18/2011 at 4:25 PMPermalink
 Mac Slavo - Shtfplan
Capitol of Pennsylvania Files for Bankruptcy Protection
While the Federal government will likely step in with bailouts when we get to the State level, the real question that should be on everyone’s mind is, who will bail out the US government’s $150 trillion plus in future liabilities?


This "real question" surely and necessarily sits on the more basic and finer supposition of union. If state A (American, European, or any particular...
10/16/2011 at 11:24 PMPermalink
 Big Brother at work - Stewart Dougherty
America's Impending Master Class Dictatorship  (7)

Current group is willing to trojan horse mandates under the guise of Healthcare Reform just for a shot at expanding government authority constitutionally to staid itself into perpetuity serving up future sims - hands off, no risk to perpetrator, vast expenditure, tax immune (and thus immune to citizen outrage) policies. This move is known in all extreme sports as constituti...
10/16/2011 at 9:50 PMPermalink
 Hyperinflation - USA Gold
The Nightmare German Inflation  (3)
It turns out the prudent man cannot resign himself to epoch obliteration, eh?
10/16/2011 at 9:03 PMPermalink

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