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How Will It All End?

IMG Auteur
Publié le 21 juillet 2014
754 mots - Temps de lecture : 1 - 3 minutes
( 7 votes, 3,7/5 ) , 4 commentaires
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How do you see the economic endgame playing out for the U.S. and the world? That’s this week’s discussion topic, and although some in this forum will undoubtedly lean toward the Armageddon scenario, we should always leave room to imagine a far sunnier outcome, such as a Second Great Depression deeper than the Mindanao Trench.  I want you to have fun with this one, so set your minds free before you set pen to paper.  My own outlook falls somewhere in-between, tempered by the perhaps misplaced hope that the inevitable collapse of the financial system will not bring in its wake famine, disease, earthquakes, floods, endless global wars and the die-off of three billion human beings. All of these events have been prophesied in the Bible and by Nostradamus, but whether you choose to believe them or not is a personal matter.

A Puny Bank Will Fail

Whatever happens, there is no avoiding a ruinous day of reckoning for the shaky, quadrillion dollar derivatives edifice built by the feather merchants. The super leveraged financial instruments they’ve conjured into existence are manifestly without value even now, and the world will find itself quite broke the instant these digital “assets” get marked to market.  How might this happen?  My guess is that some outwardly niggling problem will surface in the banking system one day, triggering a global panic and an extended bank holiday. The catalyst is unknowable, although we were reminded only recently that it could be as seemingly innocuous as the failure of a puny Portuguese bank to make good on its obligations.  Another possibility is that the stock market will go into steep, prolonged dive for reasons that will not be clear till months or even years later. (Did the Smoot-Hawley Tariff cause the 1929 Crash?  The jury is still out.)

Were the banks to close for more than a few days, it would deflate the financial system in mere hours, pushing the global economy instantly into a state of barter. For better or worse, there would be no way to inject bazillions of new dollars into the economy to “save” it.  For one, branch banks don’t keep enough cash on hand to bail out more than a few depositors demanding the return of their savings in the form of tens, twenties and hundreds. And for two, the mere hint of such a disruption would destroy the credit-card system, since it functions entirely on misplaced trust to begin with.

A Second Great Depression

When these crippling events come to pass, tipping the U.S. economy into a state of chaos, I doubt that the ensuing Depression will be as mild, relatively speaking,  as the one in the 1930s .  Here are just a few of the reasons why: 1) Americans were not soft and doughy back then, nor were they obsessed with an Orwellian newsfeed that titillated and maliciously divided them over such made-up issues as “homophobia,” “racism” and “sexism”; 2)  30% of the working population was connected to agriculture, literally living off the land; 3) the dollar was as good as gold; 4) the food-and-products distribution system was far more robust than today’s fragile, just-in-time infrastructure; 5) a disastrously inept, narcissistic ideologue did not occupy the most powerful political office in the world; 6) jihadi psychopaths did not yet possess the means to poison the world with biological and/or radiological weapons; 7) mortgages and credit cards did not exist, and households had little or no debt; 24hGold -  How Will It All End good medical care was affordable; 9) Americans were not hooked on government handouts; 10) jobs were far less specialized, and people knew how to fix things when they broke; and, 11) schools taught useful skills.

Dear readers, what is your vision, dark or otherwise, when a rampaging stock market is no longer there to distract, comfort and mislead us?  Remember, I want you to have fun with this topic and to let your imaginations run free.

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This is a really good question.
To be honest I have grave concerns for my fellow human beings.
With so many obvious psychopaths in charge of countries and their institutions ( mostly banking , military and religious), I reckon about a third of us couldl be blown away in a nuclear war.
Move to a country that is unlikely to be a target and away from fallout. Most likely that will be in the southern hemisphere where only about 10% of the world's population live. Close to the coast where you can fish, surf and grow stuff.
e.g. east coasts of southern south africa , australia ,la reunion, madagascar to name a few.
Evaluer :   0  1Note :   -1

Great article! I like "obsessed with an Orwellian newsfeed that titillated and maliciously divided them over such made-up issues as “homophobia,” “racism” and “sexism”
Few realize how we're distracted with Bullsh*t issues while our pocket is being picked by the Jesuit banker cartel - the secret owners of the Fed.

I like number "11) schools taught useful skills a century ago for instance". Few realize how much useless Bullsh*t is taught in college and I have degrees in Philosophy and Elec Eng. It seems the world is mezmorized by the college degree system as if it teaches the most valuable knowledge that creates new products, businesses and jobs. The reality is quite the contrary for the most part. Most college knowledge is an academic construct like Freudeanism for instance, that may or may not be an accurate theory.

I like, "Did the Smoot-Hawley Tariff cause the 1929 Crash? The jury is still out". It's generally agreed that the Smoot-Hawley Tariff of the 30s suppressed exports as it caused a global tariff war - choking off world trade. The real cause of the Great Depression was recognized in congress or at least they were all told what it was by our House Money and Banking Committee Chairman. Few realize that in the congressional record, there's a famous speech in 1934 made by 10 yr House Money and Banking Committee Chairman Louis McFadden. The speech tried to enlist support to arrest the Federal Reserve for Treason and Theft for stealing America's gold and sending it to Europe - later found out it went to Hitler. Congress was scared sh*tless because the owners of the Fed are the Jesuits and their agent Zionist Rothschild Bankers. Congress and all politicians - even state, are kept in line with bribes and death threats by this organized crime group. They assassinated Banking Chairman McFadden on their third attempt in 1937.

Louis McFadden Congressional Plea to Arrest the Fed for Treason and Theft for stealing America's gold and causing the Great Depression.

If we can take anything from history it is that for most of recorded human existence, the people lived in a strict hierarchical system with the few wealthy controlling/owning the large numbers of poor serfs. There was minimal middle class and it was composed of bureaucrats working directly for the wealthy and a few itinerant merchants.

It was like that for most of recorded history because it worked.

It would be a fair assumption that the change to modernity came about by the use of fiat currency and its capacity to fund long drawn out wars and conflicts.
The tremendous demand for war stocks provided the masses with the leverage to increase their earnings.
Then they got a bit uppity with their new found wealth and increased their demands for social programs.
All funded with fiat money as there just wasn't enough gold and silver to fund everything without constant re-valuations.
Re-valuations of money tend to spook the herd and result in stampedes.

There are NO black swan events. Only fools that believe they have all the bases covered.
Ergo, a small predictable event will snowball into an avalanche of monetary collapse that everyone will grasp.
Keep in mind that the collapse started long decades ago, but the effects are following an exponential curve.

When the problem starts to become noticeable, the first thing the public will hear from politicians and economists is, "National debt is good for us." These same facilitators will do everything to defeat any movement towards balancing a budget.

Next, inflation that beats up the consumer's paycheck. However the statistics will show minimal inflation and well within the designed parameters.
Pay raises will become a thing of the past.
Household debt will become standard issue.
Savings will vanish.

Then a predictable (after the fact) event will occur.
Cash will become hoarded by the few that have any.
The animals will riot when their EBT and credit cards fail to satisfy purchases.
Bank holiday.
Violence in the cities will require government forces to intervene.
All major lines of communication (supply distribution system) will fail leaving the public and planners will the very predictable results of just-in-time delivery.

Think Arab Spring on a global basis.
The wealthy and politically powerful will use the military to defend their way of life.
Some famous guy said, "History rhymes."

The problem is, was and will always be the same as in our National Parks. "Don't feed the animals. It habituates them."
Homo sapiens, for the most part, can't hunt, gather or grow enough to feed itself.
Charles Darwin popularized the concept of "Survival of the Fittest." Fittest is NOT strongest. Instead it is the anachronistic concept of "most adaptable to a changing environment." Most members of the specie homo sapiens has spent a lifetime becoming a specialist. Oft times a very skilled specialist that once separated from its native environment will fail.

The coming end will stay turbulent for at least one generation and quite probably three or four.
This is based upon the high probability that the animals will destroy infrastructure and what isn't destroyed will succumb to nature due to lack of maintenance. See Detroit and Chernobyl.

Things will return to normal with a strict hierarchical system of control and governance.
He who owns the gold/food/security/distribution system makes the rules.

Either you play ball with the PTB by their rules or get the bat shoved up your ... .
The USA is NOT a democracy. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were written by and for the wealthy to protect their private property rights.
The serfs have NO property beyond self.
And perhaps that was a mistake as well as the right to vote.

Think about it. If a person has no property to protect with their vote, do you really think they will vote to protect yours?
Where do you think the property comes from that gets redistributed?
But then again, most of these animals fail to realize that corporate taxes are paid for by the consumer.
They fail to grasp that their demands for low prices results in off-shoring of manufacturing.
Then they blame greedy corporations for their plight.
Of course they fail to grasp the simple concept that their pension plan depends on corporate profits.

Oh well. The NSA and DoD know where to find me.
Most of the locals fail to appreciate my perspectives. They believe in pink unicorns, flower fairies and things are gonna get better because a talking head says so.
And the local communitarians learned that their passive-aggressive assaults on my intelligence would be met with open ridicule.
Just spend five minutes talking with someone outside your circle of friends and you will see why democracy will be the death of the USA and the world.
Evaluer :   1  0Note :   1
This economic situation today did not just happen like the weather, it was steered this way for a purpose. Your narcissistic ideologue president would agree. He is famous for a remark to that effect. So what's the purpose? More (direct, outright?) control for the money printers. They have been willing to go to any extent to protect their racket for a long time. Nothing new there, but now it looks like they are going for the next step. How bad is it going to be? No one can possibly know. Scenarios range from mild to extreme. If it was in the hands of good people working for a positive outcome, one could approach this with hope and an optimistic attitude. After all, where there is a will, there is a way, and even this thing could be turned around. But judging events starting only with 9-11, the Iraq war and its proffered reasons, Libya, Syria and now Ukraine, it is clear that the wrongest of all people call the shots. It's the same gangsters and their successors that have been at it for many decades, and they don't seem to have improved. How psychopathic and genocidal they are will be found out soon enough. Judging from their own "holy" books it doesn't look very good. Judging from what they did during the Russian "Revolution" it looks even worse.
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Dernier commentaire publié pour cet article
This is a really good question. To be honest I have grave concerns for my fellow human beings. With so many obvious psychopaths in charge of countries and their institutions ( mostly banking , military and religious), I reckon about a third of us couldl  Lire la suite
S W. - 23/07/2014 à 09:24 GMT
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