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Conscience of a Gold Investor

IMG Auteur
Publié le 31 juillet 2011
4116 mots - Temps de lecture : 10 - 16 minutes
( 12 votes, 3,9/5 ) , 6 commentaires
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SUIVRE : Costa Rica Missouri
Rubrique : Editoriaux





Many deep dilemmas face investors of Gold & Silver. First and foremost we feel an urgent need to defend ourselves against a crippled corrupted USDollar. The level of debilitation cannot be adequately put in words, as it has lost perhaps 70% of its value just since 1980 when the Jackass entered the workforce after years at the university. The USEconomy cannot be rebuilt or sustained on bond fraud, debt auctions covered by the printing press, endless war, phony accounting, outsourced industry, home equity extractions, rigged financial markets, constant deception on economic recovery, falsified economic statistics, and pursuit of the next asset bubble. The end game is fast along, gaining traction as much as public attention. The remedies put in place to date have centered on additional currency debasement of all major currencies, extension of sovereign debt when its burden is already at a staggering level. The rescue of the bank assets, largely toxic from the bust in housing and mortgage, has resulted is widespread redemption of nearly worthless bonds or heavily impaired bonds. The consequence has been a rapid rise in the entire cost structure to the global economy, without the benefit of rising incomes. Solution to the USGovt debt limit, thereby averting a big default disaster, will only enable further currency debasement with renewed license, which reveals no solution exists to halt the fast rise in the Gold price.

Response has ranged from deep open anger to private indignation to violence on the streets to consternation over homeowner plight to despair over lost jobs to depression over depleted savings to a sense of doom. The common denominator is a rising cost structure and powerful squeeze on business profits and household discretionary spending. Smart bankers and executives to financial firms are exercising their right to pursue survival by buying Gold & Silver bullion, which has no counter-party risk, has no debt attachment. The precious metals are pure assets, bonafide money in a world of false paper money whose obverse is debt. Individuals should follow their lead. The key to survival is Gold & Silver divorced from the USDollar and in my opinion separated from stock shares. As the implosion gathers strength, all things tied to paper securities will be damaged, while pure metal will soar in value in the greatest financial panic the modern world has ever seen. The United States is Weimar America gone global, gone viral. Nations must separate from the US system or go down with it. Individuals must put aside all matters of conscience and focus on survival, real value, and truth. The patriotic thing to do is to survive and preserve wealth, period!

The patriotism card is often played against precious metals investors, as though handing over life savings to Goldman Sachs is the proper deed to show fealty. The Soviets cleverly assumed the Russian identity in much the same way the Neocons and Bankers and Military team have done with the American identity. The level of corruption cannot be adequately put in words, as the bond fraud has mixed with counterfeit along with money laundering from officially sanctioned and protected syndicate enterprise. Since touching the Kabul outskirts, a vertical integration has come to the contraband enterprise and its sophistication. The individual investor has simple motives to make money, but more so to protect against total ruin, home foreclosure, job loss, deep erosion of life savings, inability to provide for the family, even becoming a debt slave. The motive is to prepare for the inevitable implosion and work toward survival. It became very apparent to the Jackass before the Hat Trick Letter was launched in April 2004 that the USEconomy and its financial foundation were heading toward a climactic death spiral, the doorway to be entered fatefully by 2007 or 2008. The urgency for protection of assets and way of life was immediately obvious.

Any nation that endorses the dispatch and forfeiture of a large portion of its industrial base to China for the expressed purpose of lowing its costs is moronic at best and suicidal at worst, but the real story is laced with yet more Wall Street intrigue. They leased the vast Chinese gold & silver stockpiles, only to betray the Beijing bankers a couple years ago. The extent of the betrayals, corruption, and privileged confiscation by Wall Street firms since the Rubin fox entered the USDept Treasury henhouse is astonishing. The greater shame is that 98% of Americans have no idea what ransacking they did to Fort Knox, swiping its gold, even perhaps swapping some for tungsten, which left the United States as a nation vulnerable to systemic failure from the absent currency collateral, and putting the nation on a path toward being an playtoy object of the sprawling syndicate that wrested power from the nation before any 911 event. A conference in Switzerland in the late 19-th century wrote the script, but 2001 marked the day when a flag of a different color began to fly over the USGovt and its many subservient agencies.

The gold investor must contend with internal personal patriotism issues, since any investment placed against the USDollar carries immediately clear implications. My father will not invest heavily in gold, since he regards it as a position taken against the nation and its future. The Jackass disagrees wholeheartedly, since the nation’s leaders are not loyal either to the people or its national Constitution. Sadly, WWII veterans are some of the easiest gullible parties to enlist for joining the movement in loyal support of this war on terrorism. In my view, one need only be a high school dropout to detect the falsity and contradictions of the official 911 story. Check textbooks on gravity (pancake collapse versus freefall), chemistry (burning temperature of jet fuel versus structural steel), debris (aircraft fragments versus clear Pentagram lawn), and that other building (collapse without impact from sympathy). Those who deny the plots begin with a conclusion and ignore basic contradictions like nitwits. The false flag cover on the tired tattered official story is slowly coming off, the ugly truth unmasked. The US suffered a coup d’etat led by the financial titans and the military opportunists. Their motive is profit, dominance, and license to control life in a far flung plan. They occasionally are interrupted like with the swine flu spread through supposed vaccines. Their financial plot to tax the air we breathe was also interrupted, another sham. Their control over the press and free rein given to the key security agencies in what the Jackass calls the Axis of Fascism have introduced a magnificent threat to the world itself that will persist until perhaps the calling card USDollar is retired and buried. Its axis center, in a 180-degree full twist, is the United States, the United Kingdom, and a little nation that sits on the Southern Mediterranean and looks northwest to Italy. The axis has taken license to ply their espionage games without regard for law, property, or life. What began as a beacon of freedom has turned into a global fascism movement with alliances formed with bankers, defense contractors, news magnates, and opportunist billionaires. The people all too often serve as cannon fodder, not just Moslems, but Americans, British, and Western Europeans.

The ploys are dangerous and devious. The Libyan War served as cover for New York and London bankers to seize $90 billion in Qaddafi assets. They call them frozen, but they will never thaw. The Gulf of Mexico is another cover for a future adventure. Matt Simmons died with help trying to reveal the role of Halliburton and the geological roadmap. The latest is the attack on Norway, whose leader foresaw with warnings. The same group from the Fascist Axis has set their sights on the $1.5 trillion sovereign wealth fund accumulated by Norway with their vast North Sea oil operations. The syndicate wants the funds to join in supporting a financial system in the US & UK that is fast imploding. The Libyan funds helped, but with the USTreasury Bond black hole accelerating in its momentum and force, the needs have become almost unlimited. The Greek Govt debt situation has turned contagious, reaching Italy and if truth be known, threatening the London banks. See the Credit Default Swap activity recently. The remaining time is slim before a much wider implosion grows. The individual investor is running out of time to protect the wealth saved in a lifetime of work, sweat, and sacrifice. Gold & Silver are the best way. Investment funds tucked away in bank certificates of deposit and in sponsored pension funds are the next target. The syndicate will use FDIC insurance leverage to snatch the bank CDs. They will use the tax deduction leverage to snatch the 401k and IRA funds. Already just today, a Hat Trick Letter subscriber in Maryland reported that a local bank has begun to refuse redemptions of $1000 USTreasury Bond certificates. Time is running out.

The Max Keiser method of revolt is so simple. Each US citizen should purchase a single silver coin. The effect of the millions of flapping butterfly wings would bring down the JPMorgan pillars. Few heed the wisdom of the simple plan. They have been inculcated with propaganda for so many years that they do not comprehend precious metals at all. They do not even pay heed to the Constitution which orders only gold & silver as money, valid to satisfy debts public and private. If told to use salt or oregano as legal tender, these sheep would surely comply but with perhaps at most a raised eyebrow. The personal method of protection against a future darkened by syndicate power and overshadowed by its assault on liberties is not laid out for all to see and follow. The Gold & Silver solution is simple and clear. But many internal dilemmas are presented.

The people must take an oppositional position against the power elite and the cancerous control wielded on the financial state. In doing so, they must at times resist the feeling of a soldier of insurrection. They must embrace it instead, but peacefully. Instead, consider imitating the model presented in Concord Massachusetts by Henry David Thoreau. He engaged in civil disobedience in a symbolic manner with at least an historical effectiveness. Today hundreds of thousands of betrayed angry homeowners have decided to stop making mortgage payments in defiance. They demand proof of bank-held property title. They are winning in court rulings. The civil disobedience is spreading quietly and powerfully, even without much aid from exposure by the intrepid lapdog press. Investors in Gold & Silver must ignore the calls of precious metals being a dead asset or the dishonor in taking a contrary position to the business investment direction. The bigger betrayal has come from corporate executive decisions. They invest in foreign workers. Take Cisco Systems, which announced job cuts of 10,000 workers. But they lied to the US press and investors. A private email came from one of their employees to tell that a new strategy was adopted by Chambers at Cisco. To reduce costs, they will open many more foreign facilities and expand jobs overseas. He omitted that planned item in the news conferences. So investors should seek precious metals instead, which has no corporate lying tongue, which has no leased gold paper certificates, which has no insolvent banker counter-party.

The people must take an oppositional position against the deeply infected financial markets and virus of false value of assets. In doing so, they must take action in self-protection of assets for themselves and family before the American Locomotive crashes into the abyss deep below. It has already hurtled over the cliff with great momentum, unstoppable. The futility of the USGovt debt limit and budget debate should awaken the people. But the masses all too often will expect another patch to be applied, buying time, kicking the can down the road. The can has turned nuclear. The road has turned into a cul de sac. The banking system insolvency can be patched over by phony accounting, but the inescapable fact is that the big US banks are all insolvent, dead zombie entities. When in 2007 Citigroup extended its lifeless hand and used garbage paper in their “C” stock shares to purchase little Cuzcaltan Bank, a profound effect hit me. They might have had motive to intercede in narcotics fund movement in Central America, competitive to the USGovt agency growing monopoly, but they used worthless paper to acquire a foreign bank with headquarters north of my new home in Costa Rica. It is one thing for JPMorgan to spread its own cancer, allowing the metastasis to reach and grab Chemical Bank, Manufacturers Hanover, and Bank One, but the practice extends into the full American Hemisphere. As the cancer spreads, the investor must seek out Gold & Silver and keep it outside the confines of the US borders. Not only people will be trapped soon, but money also.

The veritable comedy of the GLD and SLV exchanged traded funds continues to unfold, as COMEX inventory declines match the ETFund short positions in blatant obvious fashion. They are both being gutted by their cartel custodians. The COMEX short contracts are being satisfied by ETFund shares right under the ignorant noses of fund investors, too lazy to open a bullion account, too dumb to know the difference. The Gold & Silver investors will rejoice when both funds are dead, shut down, and the object of countless lawsuits. The actual metal should be pursued, with full distrust and prejudice directed at both the big US banks and the Wall Street masters. These funds are managed by gold cartel banks. Enough said.

People have lost the capability to comprehend what a $billion looks like, let alone a $trillion. A stack of $1 bills one million high reaches the height of the Empire State Building. A stack one billion high reaches the stratosphere. A stack one trillion high extends almost halfway to the moon. But to better realize the magnitude of the $13.4 trillion USGovt debt, one third of which was derived from war adventure, consider the following photo. Imagine other stacks of $100 bills in packets, then in grand array of pallets, almost as high as the Statue of Liberty, bigger than either a soccer field or a football field. The merchants of fear, propaganda, and lies prefer to tell the people that all the gold bars in the world could fit into two Olympic sized swimming pools. They actually believe such a depiction stresses its insignificance. Rather it screams how low the gold price currently is. All the world’s money in circulation and supply could be backed by gold, even with a 2% cover clause, if the gold price were adjusted to its true value of $10,000 per ounce. Their argument stresses the extreme value of gold from its rarity. No limit exists to printed money on papyrus fraudulent rooted reeds.

The people must take an oppositional position against the power grab and asset grab as the Fascist Business Model enters a late chapter of destruction. In doing so, they must avoid a banking system that is insolvent from housing and mortgage assets, that is confiscatory with home foreclosure practices, that endorsed mortgage contract fraud in open manner, that is responsible for massive bond fraud that sells vacant toxic paper in the securities market, that is defensive in court rulings in a parade of negative decisions, that is embarking on capital controls to limit the flight of money. Controls are already in place to reduce bank wires to foreign locations, and to limit withdrawals. Curiously, only the biggest US banks seem to have the most stringent controls, probably because they are zombies struggling to walk. The dependence of money laundering funds by the biggest US banks is now out in the open. The United Nations team exposed the dependence. In late 2008, the big US banks might have failed without the important infusion of narcotics money, the UN report claimed. In a 2010 settlement case of money laundering, Wachovia pleaded guilty but arranged to pay a fine in settlement. The details escaped the financial press for its egregious ratios. Wachovia essentially paid a fine of 1/30-th of one cent per dollar of laundered processed funds. The USDept Justice is clearly part of the syndicate influence and curtain of control. The big US banks are attempting to limit the bond fraud claims in the mortgage backed securities arena, without much success to date. Another black eye came from JPMorgan foreclosing on homes owned by active soldiers in the USMilitary. Bank of America foreclosed on a homeowner in Florida without a mortgage or home loan at all. Across many states, the leverage to take back a home under threat of foreclosure lies in the MERS title database itself, since the courts have ruled in at least five states that it has no legal standing. The investor must seek out Gold & Silver in order to fend off the long arm of the banks themselves, who often operate with impunity. The observers are still looking for the first bond fraud prosecution of a Wall Street bank, along the lines of the action taken against Arthur Anderson. What a patsy they were to conceal the JPMorgan involvement at the center of the Enron scam.

The people must take an oppositional position against the upcoming systemic failure and implosion of the financial foundation. In doing so, they must give up on the hope that the nation can right itself. The Too Big To Fail nonsensical mantra is nothing but a loud call to avoid any solution at all, to keep the power structure intact. A legitimate solution would begin with liquidation of the big US banks. They are bankrupt. They are dead lending vehicles. They have morphed into casinos with vast derivative participation to sustain their time before ruin. The systemic insolvency includes the banks as the starting point, but also the homeowners of whom 28% are underwater insolvent on loans owing more than the home value. The lack of a sufficient industrial base makes a recovery practically impossible. Why just this week, the ISM data came out on reduced manufacturing activity, laced with higher prices paid. The dullard analyst buzz was that it did not matter since the nation produces so little. Exactly! But the message is the polar opposite. It matters in totality since much of the recovery propaganda message relies upon the export trade expansion. It aint happening. The investor must seek out Gold & Silver in order to avoid being part of the massive damage of the implosion underway. A national systemic failure is in progress. The nation has gone over the cliff and cannot find its footing. The grotesque systemic insolvency has spread, at least finally in recognition, to the USGovt finances. The press has done an adequate job in dismissing the claims that a default or lost AAA credit rating would be no big deal. The effect on the general population would be more than significant, and motivate them to take to the streets like in Athens, Madrid, and Paris.

The people must take an oppositional position against the fear mongers and operators of the propaganda billboards and loudspeakers. In doing so, they must come to grips with a harsh reality. Of 20 defined signals, the United States qualifies in 17 criteria as being a Third World nation. The details smack the people in the face, from corrupted elections to vanishing middle class, from erosion of infrastructure to constant military aggression, from colossal bank fraud to syndicate control of the national money operations, from fast rising price inflation to the dire need to re-industrialize the economy, topped off by syndicated propaganda news media. The investor must seek out Gold & Silver in order to avoid being a victim to the implosion process. The United States of America was founded on principles of freedom that should not be forgotten. All too often the leaders stoke the fires of fear, and raise the call to hatred of the vilified in foreign lands of other races and creeds. The investor must put aside the messages from the public address systems, from the devices that shape public opinion, from the crowd control devices, and invest in Gold & Silver. The patriotic act is to protect oneself and enable the future to unfold on the other side of the greatest asset transfer in modern history. A powerful Paradigm Shift is underway. The power is shifting to the East. The momentum is moving away from fiat paper money, that great license to defraud and to confiscate. The Great American credit line is being yanked. The shift includes a movement inevitably to a Gold Standard and gold-backed currencies.

The people must take an oppositional position against the trend toward the ruin of money itself and the crumbling of debt in climax. The Gold & Silver investor does not hope for the ruin to continue and grow worse. But that investor expects it, anticipates it, and must plan for it. The Jackass took little pleasure from seeing numerous ruinous forecasts to come true in 2007 and 2008 and 2009 and 2010. But they happened as expected, knowing the asset bubbles would bust inevitably. To be expected, the power centers would prefer to fleece the national finances further, rather than to be prosecuted for bond fraud. The objective nowadays within the power centers is to accelerate the fraud, counterfeit, theft, and confiscation until the final days of the USDollar when it is laid to rest. They must seize and grab all that is not nailed down. Unlike 1935, no possibility of gold confiscation is likely. To attempt any such confiscation would unleash a torrent of resistance, while it painted a global billboard that GOLD IS WORTH TEN TIMES WHEN ITS CURRENT PRICE. Such a clumsy maneuver would spark a tremendous foreign demand in all things gold that would blow the Anglo bankers away. If truth be told, the private investor accounts of numerous Wall Street executives contain ample gold & silver bullion. They routinely over the last 15 to 20 years have taken the counter-party position to the huge not so naked short futures contracts at the COMEX. Thanks to Jim Sinclair who revealed this practice at the 2009 PDAC conference in Toronto. He claimed they have large accounts within the Carlyle Group. So the people should invest like the elite bankers do, in Gold & Silver bullion metal, the ultimate money. It is the central bank reserve asset of last resort, the currency to pay for individual retirement years at the last resort, the ticket to avoid the homeless camp or the government sponsored camps for that matter.

Jim Willie CB

Home :   Golden Jackass website


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Jim Willie CB is the editor of the “HAT TRICK LETTER”



Use the above link to subscribe to the paid research reports, which include coverage of several smallcap companies positioned to rise during the ongoing panicky attempt to sustain an unsustainable system burdened by numerous imbalances aggravated by global village forces. An historically unprecedented mess has been created by compromised central bankers and inept economic advisors, whose interference has irreversibly altered and damaged the world financial system, urgently pushed after the removed anchor of money to gold. Analysis features Gold, Crude Oil, USDollar, Treasury bonds, and inter-market dynamics with the US Economy and US Federal Reserve monetary policy.




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Jim, I find conviction in what you have written. While your reference is to American state of affairs, corruption in politics and ,therefore, in all wings of the government is the norm all over the world that seems to be getting messier by the day. We are collectively getting more and more self- centric due to our loss of faith in our systems. Gold and (silver) as you have rightly pointed out appear to be our only hope for survival in these corrupt times. Apart from providing us with the guarantee of 'wealth preservation' they are our best bet also for 'wealth creation'. I am on an accumulation spree with my humble resources and sitting comfortably over impressive profits.You may consider doing the same.
Evaluer :   1  0Note :   1
Economically Mr. Willie is an astute economic pronosticator and his attacks on the establishment, as far as I am concerned, repeatedly hit the bullseye. But, alas, Mr. Willie has a screw loose: I hadn't realized he was a 911 conspiracy advocate. A shame. Sometimes a windmill is just a windlmill.

Evaluer :   6  -4Note :   10
pull your head out.
911 was clearly an inside job.
Evaluer :   2  0Note :   2
Bureaucracy is the enemy from inside
Evaluer :   2  0Note :   2
grow up... the buildings were packed with explosives. therefore bin laden in a cave could not of done it
Evaluer :   2  0Note :   2
Brilliant as usual. And I couldnt help noticing the following , "The key to survival is Gold and Silver .....seperated from the stocks and shares"! Jim W must be reading Bix Weir as well when he states "all things paper will be damaged" when the implosion hits. So much for all those expecting to make millions on Gold shares then!
Evaluer :   1  0Note :   1
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grow up... the buildings were packed with explosives. therefore bin laden in a cave could not of done it Lire la suite
philo - 01/08/2011 à 17:43 GMT
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