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Who will destroy the World ?

IMG Auteur
Extrait des Archives : publié le 22 décembre 2012
5 mots - Temps de lecture : moins d'une minute
( 17 votes, 4,8/5 ) , 41 commentaires
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Rubrique : Fondamental




An answer by Albert Einstein



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Yes Mr. Einstein.....Fukushima, Japan is a classic example of your observation(s)
Evaluer :   1  0Note :   1
Goodness....the comments overpowering the article...where is everyone at now...same song same verse or different verse?
Evaluer :   1  0Note :   1
A think it's almost a completely different band. Maybe the original drummer and one back up singer.....but that's about it. lolol
Evaluer :   1  0Note :   1
I love this site. In one thread, which has covered many things, we're learned that Biblical principles can lead us to debt free living, how gold and silver have been used as money since ancient times, and there's been a civil, for the most part except for vox kadavergehorsamkeit, discussion on the origins of man. You're just not going to find this kind of thing on any other PM sites.

What we learned:
-vox kadavergehorsamkeit is an evil egotistical ass
-Evolution doesn't stand a chance when science is applied to the theory
-Jim C is incapable of thinking like a sentient being
-Schwerpunt won’t back down
-Invention is proud of his heritage
-Gypsy missed his calling as a detective and should keep trying harder to make things change
-Darankash always has some interesting if not difficult to understand points of view
-dom1971 got to the party late and missed getting in on all the fun
-Uncle Buck and Verboten sound like some people I would enjoy having a few beers with
-S.W. should be under 24 hour surveillance
-mothali is a spy

You’re not going to find this kind of news and entertainment anywhere else. Fun and educational! If you guys started posting on the CNN forum you could bring the IQ over there up about 150 notches and make it an interesting place to go.

I love this site. =)
Evaluer :   9  2Note :   7
Very insightful, lol... I do enjoy this site though....... first stop every morning, while I cook bacon in my igloo wishing there was hockey...LOL
Evaluer :   2  1Note :   1
Welcome to you and glad you like the place.
Please note that I am writing to you from my padded cell whilst heavily sedated.
Aside from that, I thought that everybody on the planet was under 24hr surveillance...aren't you?
Evaluer :   3  2Note :   1
It didn't work. Too good a reputation I must have with the bank. They trust me ? Can you believe it ? Didn't have to show any gold at all.
Got my loan. Just needed to prove that I can walk and talk in a straight line. Damn...
While I am here.
"Evolution doesn't stand a chance when science is applied to the theory"
Evolution theory serves whom ?
Creationist theory serves whom ?
If God doesn't believe in you you are dead meat.

"To accept US$ paper as payment is evil."
Any paper money actually. Very sorry that it seems that I aimed the U.S.
Next week I am going to the bank for a loan. Basel III , gold Tier I. We'll see if it
is true. I'll buy some more gold backed with the gold I already have with paper money given by the bank.
Imagine. I'll keep you informed. ☺ ALT1
Evaluer :   2  3Note :   -1
FFS people this is a gold/silver site! Do you really think the topic of evolution vs creationism can be hammered out here? Or are we all watching an intellectual arm wrestle between a couple of sweaty bar flys drunk on their own egotistical dribble?
Evaluer :   3  5Note :   -2
Whiner, I was enjoying the debate.
Evaluer :   5  1Note :   4
Does anyone here notice: This article has 30 commentaries ~ BUT ~ ONLY 6 VOTES ! ! ! My take on this is: the comments are on THE COMMENTS and are not comments on the article.
Evaluer :   2  3Note :   -1
I have decided that it is I who will destroy the world.
I cannot give an exact date, but I am 100% certain that it will be at the moment of my death.
After all, the world did not exist until I was born.
Evaluer :   3  4Note :   -1
50% chance we'll meet in heaven or hell.
Evaluer :   2  4Note :   -2
What are those notions...heaven or hell?
I was once looking at the ten best pictures from the Hubble spacecraft.

One of the galaxies or whatever it was, is 3000 million lightyears away.
Assuming that those notions exist, it will take a long time for us to meet up!
If we went to the same notion that is.
Evaluer :   2  4Note :   -2
The tales of Mulla Nasrudin...
Nasrudin was deeply impressed by the eloquence of the plaintiff, and after hearing his evidence he exclaimed, "I believe you are right!"
The clerk of the court explained that he should make no such comment until he had heard the case for the defence. Having done so, Nasruddin cried out, "I believe you are right!"
"But they can't both be right," expostulated the clerk.
"I believe you are right," said the Mulla.
Evaluer :   2  4Note :   -2
Dear Moderators,

I am writing to you to express my displeasure with the job you are doing. My sense of displeasure has to do with the utterly inconsistent manner in which you police your site. As but one example, of the five comments I posted to this page, three were deemed to not adhere to your policy guideline and so were removed. I well understand why my reply to Gypsy was not removed, but why was my response to Invention not removed? It was no different in substance or tone than two of the three comments that were removed. With respect to the one comment of three that I referred to, that one to Boston Prof, I did nothing worse than draw attention to his lack of reading comprehension and that was certainly no worse than his positing that I dropped out of school and smell like an open sewer. And at least my comment was true in that Boston Prof completely misunderstood what I had written in my prior posts to the page.

As well, I would like to know why it took you so long to remove my three comments? All of them were there for days and remained there for a full day after a comment by Hart was removed. And with regard the comment by Hart that was removed, unlike the most recent comment by Schwerpunkt that compares me to scum and vermin, his was rather innocuous. So why remove one and not the other? What line did Hart cross that Schwerpunkt did not?

And how is it that some people can get away with comments suggesting that the comment that they are replying to was written by someone who was not taking their medication or had missed their electro convulsive therapy? Is that what you consider to be fair comment?

Let me now ask you about the core mission of 24 Hour Gold. Did you mistakenly name the site or is it supposed to be about precious metals and the things that move those markets? How is it that people are able to get away with comments about Judgement Day, Creationism and their lord and saviour, Jesus Christ when the comment has nothing whatsoever to do with precious metals and the things that move those markets?

And why is it that with regard some comments that have been removed, a day or two later they reappear in unaltered form? It would almost appear as though there is a battle going on amongst those of you tasked with this job.

These are serious questions for you deal with. Failure to do so would be a very sad thing for those of us who visit this site for news and views on precious metals along with respectful comments by readers on the subject. So please, figure out just what it is that you are trying to accomplish with this site, make it clear for all of us and then do it with consistency.

Sincerely yours,

Evaluer :   4  7Note :   -3

Your sarcastic nature has caught up with you. Readers here won’t sit back and further accept your harassment. When people express how they feel about you it concerns you and you call out to the moderators yet you would have them allow your continued abuse of others.

I can’t wait to see how you will address the response Hart gave you. He was courteous throughout his whole comment. His dialog was presented without any malice. Can you be so kind? Will you respond, are you able?

You’ve never tried to rein in Jim even though you see yourself as a 24ghgold cop. You’ve allowed him to hi jack multiple threads and never uttered a peep trying to correct him. How is his obsession with using the civil war to drive a discussion off topic different than someone expressing their religion? When we express our own opinions here and they don’t meet with your approval you are quick to lash out and use whatever language you think required, even though this exposes your rough edges and possibly upbringing. You stoop to using profane language like it’s your right, are you an educated individual or some drunk hanging out in a bar? Why do you lament being called a sewer gas or creature that should be vanquished yet respect no one else?

How many times have you derailed a thread? As an example let’s use the way that you’ve aggressively gone after Invention in this thread. Who do you think you are? What gives you the right to tear someone apart? I’m sure you have been much more creative in fabricating your own story than Invention might have. Why do you believe that you alone are above being rebuked? If you would stop playing 24h cop the diversions from the topic would be much shorter.

I laugh at your response to the Prof. You clearly use the removal of a portion of your spine (while you would use this to further the abuse of anyone else posting here I won’t stoop to that) as some sort of play to have us forgive your aggression. Most likely the Prof was expecting you to respond the way you did as his comment was clearly a lure. I have a friend that has been a quad for 30 years due to an accident. In that time she has worked through three degrees without the use of the verbalization we enjoy, her speech is more like someone with CP and she requires a translator when arguing a thesis. She can only type one letter at a time in what can only be described as a painful devotion yet she’s written books and plays plus she’s a warm and welcoming human being. You’re not special, remarkable, or even worth enduring.

The moderators here do a very good job of allowing diverse opinions to be expressed. While it may be beyond you, many here appreciate that others are willing to share what they believe to be important in relation to their veiw of PM and the markets. The problem here is clearly you. The rest of can carry on civil discussions, why can’t you.

If the moderators read this, I wish to thank you for allowing us to express ourselves as humans, even if it means having to endure Vox.
Evaluer :   8  2Note :   6
Allow me to deal with some of what you have raised in your post. i have not asked the moderators to stop others from going after me. i fully well exected the type of responses my mocking posts have received. What i pointed out is that they are most inconsistent in how they lay down the law; providing examples. i even asked them why they chose not to remove my response to Invention's post given that it was every bit as harsh as 2 of the other 3 that they did remove. And in further pointing out their inconsistencies, i asked why they had removed Hart's rather harmless post while letting stand things with other posts that were meant to be as offensive as my own. And i further pointed out that there seems to be a power struggle going on between the moderators over what to delete and what not to delete. As for my desire to go on mocking others, i have no such desire. If that was my desire, i would be very pleased to have them continue to allow comments that have nothing whatsoever to do with precious metals, finance, investing, government policy and similar matters.

In terms of responding to Hart, in case you missed it, i already have. Numerous times actually. Let me do so one more time for your benefit. A discussion of whether or not God created the world and man is completely inappropriate to this forum. If that is what i wanted to discuss, i would do so on a different web site. Insofar as i gave any more of a response than that, i did on one occasion allow myself to state that the origin of the universe can be explained without recourse to God and that Occam's razor states that we should accept as being true that which requires the fewest statements of contrafactual definiteness. Beyond that i have not ventured, nor will i do so. i will not allow myself to be drawn into a protracted discussion of matters that do not properly belong on a web site such as this. But i will allow myself to mock those who would try to turn this site into 24 hour Jesus in the hope that they can be shamed into giving up their inappropriate behaviour.

With respect to Jim C., you are correct in pointing out that i have yet to challenge him over his antics around slavery and JHK's articles. i have not done so because i have only so much time and others have done it for me. But on other matters where i have believed that Jim missed the mark with his comment, i have responded; even drawing his ire once with a curt remark telling me to get lost.

In terms of the language i have used, i have used the f word once with Tom B. and nowhere else. And do you know what? It was effective in that since then his comments have all been on topic and made respectfully. Heck, i've even agreed with many of them.

i do not object to being called a sewer gas, vermin, uneducated, or anything else. As i said, i knew quite well that such descriptions of me were going to be coming my way before i hit the add your comment button. My sense of self is not so fragile that i get bothered by it. Truth be told, i rather enjoy it in that it tells me that my words are hitting their mark. If my mocking comments failed to elicit such a response, (unless they had succeeded in stopping the fundamentalist Christians from pushing their views on us in this inappropriate forum,) i would feel like i was not being effective. And that would be far more difficult for me to deal with than disparaging comments made by nameless, faceless strangers.

To answer your question of just how often i have derailed a thread, the answer would be never. Not even once. i go after those who have done precisely that. i never try to start a dialogue on matters not even remotely connected to precious metals. i was not the one to make the claim that the Holocaust is going to occur any day now nor did i attempt to claim that it makes no sense to believe in evolution. If i wanted to divert the conversation away from precious metals related topics, i would be asking others if they agree that a transactional analysis of quantum mechanics can tell us more about the universe than is offered by the Copenhagen interpretation. But i do not do so because that is not what this site was designed for and i have other places where i can do just that.

You are free to believe that i did not graduate, much less attend university, that i do not play go, that i was never a cruciverbalist and that a good part of my lumbar spine was not removed. But know this, with the latter claim i was not looking for sympathy, merely listing one of the few things Boston Prof managed to guess correctly. To have expected sympathy would have made me delusional. And just to straighten the record, i did not wish for anyone to believe that as a result of the lumbar lamenectomies i went through that i am now confined to a wheel chair. i am not. There are limitations imposed as a result, but none are nearly as severe as those faced by your friend.

If you are correct about me not being special, which i believe you are, then like me, you do not believe in God. As for not being remarkable, that is true and something i have striven for since 1974. Receiving the sort of attention i got back then with newspaper and magazine reporters and television news crews parked outside my door for 5 weeks, to say nothing of receiving death threats from law enforcement, was more than enough to cause me to want to be unremarkable. But as for not being worth enduring, there are those who not only endure me, but love me.

As for your final point, i too welcome different viewpoints on the metals and those things which have a bearing on them. However, there is no plausible connection between those things and whether or not we come from slime or if Jesus is coming to kill all but the tiniest fraction of humanity. Such matters are well beyond the scope of any sensible discussion of what is going on with the metals. As i noted in my response to Boston Prof, if the bible has any place in this discussion, it would be in how the moral teachings it contains can inform capitalism.

And while it was good of you to respond, it is not your response or that of any of the other people who comment here that i was attempting to elicit. It is the moderators of this form who are the only ones capable of responding to the questions i posed. Only time will tell whether they do so or if they remain too conflicted to offer a coherent response, or indeed, a response of any sort. Perhaps each of the camps could respond if they remain unable to agree among themselves. But beyond a shadow of a doubt, it is in all of our interest that they get their act together.

Evaluer :   3  6Note :   -3
Your attempt to use Occam’s Razor to nullify Hart's comments holds no water. You've used this in the same way most so called scientists use it to avoid dealing with matters they cannot explain. In his book, A Brief History of Time Stephen Hawking writes; "We could still imagine that there is a set of laws that determines events completely for some supernatural being, who could observe the present state of the universe without disturbing it. However, such models of the universe are not of much interest to us mortals. It seems better to employ the principle known as Occam's razor and cut out all the features of the theory that cannot be observed." In essence all you have done is declare all unseen events invalid. I can very easily turn this around and apply it to evolution, no one has seen species evolve through a process of macroevolution and there exist no transitional fossils. Therefore applying the principles so and dear to evolutionists need to be tossed out as they are simply wishful thinking and therefore no more valid than believing in a Creator. God creating the world has far less to review than the myriad of guesswork used in defending evolution.

As for creating life in a lab, here’s a good example of what it takes to do so: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/7745868/Scientist-Craig-Venter-creates-life-for-first-time-in-laboratory-sparking-debate-about-playing-god.html

Here’s a quote from that site “Dr. Venter compared his work with the building of a computer. Making the artificial DNA was the equivalent of creating the software for the operating system. Transferring it to a cell was like loading it into the hardware and running the programme. This is the first synthetic cell that's been made, and we call it synthetic because the cell is totally derived from a synthetic chromosome, made with four bottles of chemicals on a chemical synthesizer, starting with information in a computer, said Dr. Venter”. It takes intelligence to create software. It takes premanufactured parts to build a computer. In all of this there is a need for intelligence that did not and could not have existed billions of years ago according to the theory of evolution.

You are wrong again. I do believe in God. I believe that people who will tear apart others because of this belief should always be challenged for their intolerance. Now in your mind this may invalidate anything I have to say, hence the links and quotations from individuals in the evolutionist camp which make my point for me.

Now for your call to the moderators. You still haven’t figured out why some comments have been removed while others haven’t. Let me give you a hint, it has nothing to do with the moderators. The moderators on this site have done a great job, you’re the only one that has difficulty seeing it.

As for the nice little life story you gave us, all I can say is so what? Many of us have had interesting lives but most of us have come to the point where our experience has humbled us. We’ve been shown so much that we understand how little value an ego has. This is called an education in humility, you may want to read up on it. There are always going to be people who will exceed our achievements, trials, and discoveries. You deny being affected when being called names yet you bring it up repeatedly. I don’t believe you, your ego needs to have the last word.

Your statement about calling out fundamental Christians and putting a stop to them is invalid. This is a personal issue for you. The rest of us have expressed little if any displeasure when others express views and beliefs that we might feel don’t belong here. You might like working with robots and computers that only spit out facts but this is a world inhabited by a very large number of humans each with the desire to express themselves.

Here’s another point you keep missing, you derail threads. Had you not been an ass and attacked Invention this thread would have been very short. Your slaughtering his story is what pointed the remainder of the threads way off topic. If you could just keep your mouth shut this would all be forgotten history. Go ahead, reread the whole comments section, do you see anyone else that has proclaimed themselves as the 24hgold anti-God police?

Now unless you believe there’s a need to enthral the rest of us with some more of your life, might I suggest to drop the ego and allow people to be themselves in this forum. Further aggression will only expose more of your unwillingness to accept the fact that yours is not the only assessment of what belongs here when you have no right to do so. If you want to police this site and have your way with it then buy it.

Once again, I thank the moderators for allowing us the leeway to carry on this discussion. Any experienced moderator/site owner understands that there will be times of friction and venting will occur, it will also come to a natural end.

Evaluer :   7  2Note :   5
This is my first comment on this site, though I have read many comments and researched many users. That being said, I do believe this site to be a sort of controlled opposition. As well as a way to profile a certain demographic. It kind of reminds me of an Alex Jones site (90% truth with 10% propaganda obscuring the 90% truth) this seems to be the goal of the mods. This site is also great in teaching people that they have no freedom of speech and a dictatorship is upon you.

Best regards,
Sewer Gas...lol
Evaluer :   1  0Note :   1
"Hit me please , hit me !" implored the masochist.
"No I won't !!!" was the attitude of the sadist.
And the reverse is true as well.
The US is an SM nation ! No freedom for nobody... nobody. We are the masters of the universe.
Evaluer :   3  4Note :   -1
Hunger and bankruptcy possess great leverage and are very powerful motivators - two fundamentals, among others, of the elites' strategy.
Evaluer :   2  1Note :   1
Yup, I`m a Ron Paul type. Since Ron Paul from saying Gold is Money to saying that America is flat broke. Probably from going to war for the Rothschilds once too many times over supposed WMD in countries that didn`t have them to begin with in the 1st place. Yet another ploy to rob another country of a government run central bank, then run by the Rothschilds as one their own banks with the good housekeeping plaque. I guess you haven`t seen this ploy before like Iraq. North Korea and Iran know what`s coming, its their wealth(in what ever form it is in) that looks good for another Rothschild bank in their land. And the U.S. is going to give it to them no matter what. Yes Ron Paul was/is trying to convince the people here in America what the owners of the FED were up to. Like the slogans `End the Fed`, `Audit the Fed`, fell on deaf ears here in Congress & the land of the so-called free. And perhaps you must know about Mutual Assured Destruction(MAD) advocated by us, the U.S. as a deterrent for peace during the `Cold War`, with Russia & China???
Evaluer :   10  2Note :   8
Sounds like Albert was speaking about the Ron Paul types - those who would advocate doing nothing while nations like North Korea and Iran pursue nuclear weapons and threaten the total destruction of others.
Evaluer :   8  9Note :   -1
I wrote to Senator Lugar and Congressman Chocola ~ petitioning to PREVENT the First Iraq War. I wrote to Senator Lugar and Congressman Donnelly trying to PREVENT invasion and war with Iraq. I wrote to Senator Lugar and Congressman Donnelly trying to get GMO Foods LABELED. I wrote to Senator Lugar and Congressman Donnelly ~ petitioning them to NEVER BAIL OUT ANY BANKS. You can tell by what happened: my ATTEMPTS to PREVENT Evil had absolutely NO Effect. Your statement ~ that the destruction of the world can be prevented by "doing something" ~ is a false premise. You can "do" all you want ~ but the destruction will proceed NO MATTER WHAT.
Evaluer :   3  4Note :   -1
Gypsy, i fear that you have drawn the wrong conclusion from your efforts; which by the way i applaud. If what you (and Einstein) were talking about was a closed system, then the second law of thermodynamics would apply. However, human society is not a closed system and so the outcome is not predetermined. What you have actually demonstrated is another saying that Einstein is well known for and here i paraphrase, but its essence was that the definition of insanity is to keep repeating the same action and expect a different outcome. We must learn from experience what works and what does not and when we see that something does not work, we must change our approach to how we confront evil, not just give up. There are cases where letter writing campaigns have succeeded; Amnesty International can testify to that having worked many times. But there are cases aplenty where the written word alone does not suffice and other tactics must be employed if evil is to be successfully confronted and ended. Afterall, were not racial segrgation and the Jim Crow laws defeated by the Civil Rights Movement and did not the Viet Nam War come to an end at least in part because of the strong anti-war sentiment prevalent at that time? If everyone had said to themselves that it is a damn shame that those things were happening and yet thought that they could not do anything about it, nothing would have changed. But things did change because enough ordinary folks made it impossible for those particular evils to continue. So, do not give up the good fight. Just change your tactics to suit the terrain.
Evaluer :   4  8Note :   -4
So in other words when we see evil working in the world & do nothing about it thats evil. Cute, saying coming one who saw the ROTHSCHILD Banking Cartel in his day and he did nothing, but that was OK because they were Jewish Banker buddies. The establishment(Rothschilds bring `their` peace to the middle-east) of an active Anti-Christ figure in Israel in the coming days with make the World a happy place again, but at what cost - the end of the world. I guess since I`m a Christian, I know to whom the bell tolls for. The present Jews in Israel are still seeking their Christ, but for them its the Anti-Christ they will see, since my Christ has come, once already. Hopefully they will see my Christ, from their heart and accept his forgiveness for past sin like every body else does who are in Christ now or are Christian. The Rothschild view of happiness is a central bank in their pocket. So Syria is now being consumed by yet another action to their order via by way of a foot soldier with U.S.A. boots on the ground. So whats next, there are only 3 more to go to the wood shed now: Cuba, North Korea, & Iran. Cuba should be a walk in the park, for the average G.I. Joe. Then when you come to either North Korea or Iran, there`s the Chinese and possible Russia to look out for, not so much a walk in the park there, but hey its only someone elses blood, not a Rothschild will lose any sleep over. The Rothschild/Rockefeller Banking Carel and their new currency for a time will be possible fiat paper backed by Gold - with the ETF`s out there, those naked little shorts keeping people buying them instead of buying the physical metals you can see why investors, hedge funds, bankers love them ie. ETF`s. Paper is so good, but worthless. Gold, Silver, Pt-Group metals, the physical are worth every penny you spend on them. Evil is in the eye of the beholder. Unless you are evil itself.
Evaluer :   5  3Note :   2
Invention, you were 99% correct in stating "I guess since I'm a Christian, I know to whom the bell tolls for." You kind of butchered the Hemingway title, but at least you were correct about guessing. You just did not appreciate that you guessed wrong. Dead wrong in fact. And i would like to know why Mali, Somalia and Equatorial Guinea are not on your wood shed list? Did the Rothchilds pay you to keep them off the list? But your list is a good start and i am so pleased to see that you could not give a rat's back side about spilling someone else"s blood. That is a very important attitude for a Christian to maintain and Jesus told me that he is very proud of you. So, keep up the good work. Pip pip and cheerio.
Evaluer :   4  8Note :   -4
There's a difference between deliberating Christianity and being an ass, you crossed the line. You know that this is the reaction of a small child right?

You never did respond to my request to tell me why you would allow lies to be taught in schools? Let me remind you of what I speak, the fact that every so called evolutionary step man has had on the way to becoming Homo Sapiens has been discredited, disproved, or found to be outright fraud by evolutionist scientists.

Mock away. Do you feel better now? How sad.
Evaluer :   10  5Note :   5
Hart, you are correct in claiming that there is a difference in deliberating various aspects of Christianity and being an ass and it really does not require a keenly astute mind to appreciate that i have been the latter with Invention. i have done similar with others who have tried to insert Jesus into the discussion we are attempting to have here about matters directly related to precious metals. If someone just wants to wish others a Merry Christmas or Happy Easter, i have no problem with that. But this is not the place for fundamentalist Christians to be giving us their idiotic slants on how they cannot wait until their saviour comes back at long last to reign once again in Jerusalem over the 144,000 people not murdered in the end time. Those that look forward to the time when 7.1 billion people get slaughtered are the real asses and that number is only good for a few more days. Want to know how sick that is? At current rates, 144,000 babies are born around this planet roughly every 11 hours. (Model uses 57% of world population is 30 or under, an equal number [133 million] born each year despite acceleration in population growth and so 365,000 babies are born each day.) Jesus is going to murder more than half of them and everyone born the day before that and the day before that and every day before that. If new born babies are about as pure and innocent as we get to be as humans and Jesus is coming to kill all but those born in the 11 hours before his arrival (unless you want to argue that you and Invention are freer of sin than those babies and so will push them a little further back in the queue,) you are asking me to treat the fairy tale world you inhabit as worthy of anything but my haughty derision. Well, it is not going to happen. i will continue to mock those who invite it upon themselves, time permitting.

With reference to your wanting to carry on with the totally inappropriate topic of evolution for these pages, let me mock and shame you some. You have it coming. As i told you, just because you say that evolution has been totally bebunked does not make it so. You get your information on the topic from the same zealots who made up the story that Darwin recanted his theory and accepted Jesus on his death bed. You claimed to be surprised that i had ignored that supposed fact but then put it down to my arrogance. Afterall, someone as arrogant as me could not admit to a mistake. But a saintly fellow such as yourself who understands that he has a creator would surely not be so arrogant. Funny thing happened though. i was able to point you to a creationist web site that had an article on why creationists should not attempt to support their beliefs by making the claims about Darwin you made so confidently and full of smug self-rightousness. The reason of course is that there is no truth to it. Another funny thing about it is that you did not respond on that page. You just dropped it. And now you try to pick up this inappropriate topic again without acknowledging that you were completely wrong about Darwin's supposed recantation and you expect me to treat you like the rest of your reasoning on the topic, informed by the same crackpots who fed you the lies about Darwin, is worthy of serious academic discussion; well buster, you have got a rude awakening coming. It is you who was completely wrong on Darwin, it is you who appears too arrogant to admit to having been wrong and it is you who is wrong to try to continue this conversation both here at any time and especially so now given that you have surely not had time yet to investigate what other falsehoods those who informed your opinion on this matter might have fed you. You have taken it as gospel (pun intended) that they only told you one lie. You only know how to believe. i will not take you seriously. If you have things to say about precious metals related stuff, great. You want to bring up your religious views, well, you kinow what to expect and i promise, i will not be gentle.
Evaluer :   4  8Note :   -4
Never read the whole comment above. Need to run this morning. As for dropping the other discussion, your wrong again, business has me traveling the last few days as well as today so I don't have time to go through the whole thing with you. Yes I'm familiar with the site you linked, Ken Ham is well respected in both the Christian and Evolution camp's. However educated he is on the matter he isn't the last word on Darwin's death. On to the lie's within the evolution books used to teach kids, allow me to link you to a Wikipedia page on just the one fraud case in the evolutionists claims: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pilt_down_man. This again is by no means a detailed explanation but its quick and easy as I don't have the time to dig deep and provide you with more information/links. At this point I can only hope that with that out there you would at least do a little research on your own and find enough information to allow more of an educated opinion on how large the fraud base there is in the world of those who proclaim evolution to be true.

To close out quickly, evolution is as much a religion as any other y9ou may want to name, as such it does not deserve to be funded in public schools unless you allow for other religions to be taught and funded. It requires a lot more belief that all laws of nature and physics have been broken by random occurrences over billions of years than to believe that we and all around us was created.
Evaluer :   8  4Note :   4
Well now, the great Vox has spoken. You state "You want to bring up your religious views, well, you know what to expect and i promise, i will not be gentle.". If that doesn't make everyone’s blood run cold what could possibly do so. Arrogance is no substitute for intelligence and your long on the arrogance. While I may not share everyone’s views here I do appreciate that mine is not the only view on the world. You, not the ones that wish to converse on certain subjects are the one trying to push your limited world views on others. Most people here offer opinions, you would simply bully others to accept yours as the only view to history. You really are just another Jim C.

People, like you, with over inflated opinions of themselves have been over shadowing this forum for some time. Here’s something else about your posts, you seem to espy yourself as some sort of 24hgold police. You never fail to use expletives to emphasize your comments when you loathe someone or their opinion. You’ve never taken Jim C to task for his dreamland comments and all the crap he pulls around here but you have no remorse about attacking anyone holding civil discussions. I can't for the life of me imagine why anyone like Invention or Hart would even bother to discuss anything with you. You’re obviously the most intelligent person on the planet... well except for all the inaccuracies you gush. Simply being articulate isn’t enough to cover a lack of personality and understanding.

You really need to get over yourself, you simply are not that important nor are you as clever as you presume. Seemingly your only skill is to disrespect, you will never be taken seriously. People like you with bankrupt minds is what keeps mankind from making progress. Now scurry off, leave the dialogue here to the grownups.

As for the various topics people discuss here, it's an open forum. Get over it, if the site owners allow a diverse assortment of views to be represented then just shut up, it’s their site not yours.
Evaluer :   10  3Note :   7
I’m back at home and have more time in front of the monitor. You seem to have spent some time educating yourself in all manner of topics but you have fallen into the pro-evolution trap that so many before you have perished in.

Creationism and Evolution. In science the "false distinction" fallacy relegates creationism to a different category, thereby falsely nullifying it. To evolutionists, religion often disregards science (illustrated in the church-motivated condemnation of Galileo). Science is described as what is observable, repeatable, and falsifiable. With that definition, creationism is not science. Yet, neither is macroevolution. At best evolution is nothing more than a theory, one that requires far greater faith to believe than that there is a God who created everything.

One of the primary dilemmas of naturalistic evolutionary theory is that it forces scientists to conclude that the cosmos in all of its complexity was created by chance. As biologist Jacques Monod, a Nobel prize winner, puts it, “Chance alone is at the source of every innovation, of all creation in the biosphere. Pure chance, absolutely free but blind, [is] at the very root of the stupendous edifice of evolution”. Chance in this sense refers to that which happens without cause. Thus, chance implies the absence of both a design and a designer. Reflect for a moment on the absurdity of such a notion. Imagine suggesting that Christopher Wren had nothing whatsoever to do with the design of St. Paul’s Cathedral in London. Imagine asserting that the majestic Messiah composed itself apart from Handel. Or imagine claiming that the Last Supper painted itself without Leonardo da Vinci. Now consider an even more egregious and absurd assertion — that an eye, an egg, and the earth, each in its vast complexity, are merely functions of random chance. Ironically, Darwin himself found it hard to accept the notion that the eye could be the product of blind evolutionary chance, conceding that the intricacies of the human eye gave him “cold shudders”.

In Darwin’s Black Box, Behe further notes that there are black boxes within black boxes. As science advances, more and more of these black boxes are being opened, revealing an “unanticipated Lilliputian world” of enormous complexity that has pushed the theory of evolution beyond the breaking point. Evolution cannot account for the astonishingly complex synchronization process needed for, say, the shell of a developing egg to form from the calcium that is stored inside the bones of a bird’s body. This shell not only provides a protective covering for the egg but also provides a source of calcium for the developing embryo and a membrane through which it can breathe. Furthermore, evolution cannot account for the complex synchronization process needed to produce life from a single fertilized human egg. “The tapestry of life begins with a single thread”. Through a process of incredible precision, a microscopic egg in one human being is fertilized by a sperm cell from another. This process not only marks the beginning of a new life but also marks the genetic future of that life. A single fertilized egg (zygote), the size of a pinhead, contains chemical instructions that would fill more than 500,000 printed pages. The genetic information contained in this “encyclopedia” determines the potential physical aspect of the developing human from height to hair color. In time, the fertilized egg divides into the 30 trillion cells that make up the human body, including 12 billion brain cells, which form over 120 trillion connections. In Darwin’s day, a human egg was thought to be quite simple — for all practical purposes, little more than a microscopic blob of gelatin. Today we know that a fertilized egg is among the most organized, complex structures in the universe. In an age of scientific enlightenment, it is incredible to think that people are willing to maintain that something so vastly complex arose by chance. As Dr. James Coppedge, an expert on the science of statistical probability puts it, “Chance requires ten billion tries on the average in order to count to ten.” In an experiment using 10 similar coins numbered one through 10, chance will succeed on the average only once in 10 billion attempts to get the number one followed in order by all the rest. Coppedge explains that if a person could draw and record one coin every five seconds day and night, it would still take over 1,500 years for chance, on average, to succeed just once in counting to 10. He goes on to demonstrate the difference intelligence makes by documenting that a child can do in minutes what chance would take a millennium to do. “Chance doesn’t have a chance when compared to the intelligent purpose of even a child”. Even more revealing is the fact that a child playing with the party game Scrabble can easily spell the phrase, “the theory of evolution,” while chance requires five million times the assumed age of the earth to accomplish the same feat.

The real miracle of life is how so many people could stand for such nonsense in the twentieth century. First, how could the protozoa be the first form of primitive life if there were already organisms such as bacteria in existence? Molecular biology has demonstrated empirically that bacteria are incredibly complex. In the words of Michael Denton, “Although the tiniest bacterial cells are incredibly small, weighing less than 10-12 gms, each is in effect a veritable micro-miniaturized factory containing thousands of exquisitely designed pieces of intricate molecular machinery, made up altogether of one hundred thousand million atoms, far more complicated than any machine built by man and absolutely without parallel in the non-living world.” Furthermore, far from being primitive, the protozoa that were thought to be simple in Darwin’s day have been shown by science to be enormously complex. Molecular biology has demonstrated that there is no such thing as a “primitive” cell. To quote Denton again, “No living system can be thought of as being primitive or ancestral with respect to any other system, nor is there the slightest empirical hint of an evolutionary sequence among all the incredibly diverse cells on earth.” Finally, as Coppedge documents, giving evolutionists every possible concession, postulating a primordial sea with every single component necessary, and speeding up the rate of bonding a trillion times: “The probability of a single protein molecule being arranged by chance is 1 in 10161 using all atoms on earth and allowing all the time since the world began…..For a minimum set of the required 239 protein molecules for the smallest theoretical life, the probability is 1 in 10119,879. It would take 10119,841 years on the average to get a set of such proteins. That is 10119,831 times the assumed age of the earth and is a figure with 119, 831 zeroes.”

To provide a perspective on how enormous a one followed by a hundred and sixty one zeros is, Coppedge uses the illustration of an amoeba (a microscopic one-celled animal) that sets out to move the entire universe (including every person, the earth, the solar system, the Milky Way galaxy, millions of other galaxies, etc.) over the width of one universe, atom by atom, at the slowest possible speed. (The universe is 30 billion light-years in diameter — to calculate the number of miles multiply 30 billion by 5.9 trillion.) The amoeba is going to move one angstrom unit (the width of a hydrogen atom — the smallest known atom) every 15 billion years (the supposed age of the universe). Obviously the amoeba would have to move zillions of times before the naked eye could detect that it had moved at all. At this rate the amoeba travels 30 billion light years and puts an atom down one universe over. It then travels back at the same rate of speed and takes another atom from your body and moves it one universe over. Once it has moved you over, it moves over the next person until it has moved over all five billion or so people on planet earth. It then moves over all the houses and cars, the solar system, the Milky Way galaxy, and the millions of other galaxies that exist in the known universe. In the time that it took to do all that, we would not get remotely close to forming one protein molecule by random chance. If, however, a protein molecule is eventually formed by chance, forming the second one would be infinitely more difficult. As you can see, the science of statistical probability demonstrates conclusively that forming a protein molecule by random processes is not merely improbable but impossible. And forming a living cell is beyond illustration. As King David poignantly put it, “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God’” (Ps. 14:1). Finally, it should be noted that philosophical naturalism — the world view undergirding evolutionism — can provide only three explanations for the existence of the universe in which we live. One: The universe is merely an illusion. This notion carries little weight in an age of scientific enlightenment. As has been aptly put, “Even the full-blown solipsist looks both ways before crossing the street.” Two: The universe sprang from nothing. This proposition flies in the face of both the law of cause and effect and the law of energy conservation. It has been well said, there simply are no free lunches. The conditions that hold true in this universe prevent any possibility of matter springing out of nothing. Three: The universe eternally existed. This hypothesis is devastated by the law of entropy that predicates that a universe which has eternally existed would have died an “eternity ago” of a heat-loss death. There is, however, one other possibility. It is found in the first chapter of the first book of the Bible: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. In an age of empirical science, as in any age, nothing could be more certain, clear, or correct.

The first law of thermodynamics states that energy, the stuff of which the universe is made, can neither be created nor destroyed. Two conclusions follow: (1) the total energy in the universe remains constant; and (2) energy must be self-existent and eternal, exactly what the Bible says about God. Is science promoting energy as "God"? The second law of thermodynamics states that while total energy remains constant, usable energy and order continually decrease as entropy increases. Common sense tells us that all fires eventually burn out. Neither our sun nor the other stars could have been burning forever. There must have been a time when neither stars nor the energy of which they consist existed. Clearly, the universe had a beginning, as the Bible declares: "In the beginning" (Gn 1:1). The conflict between these two laws poses a serious problem for science. Energy could not have been here forever as the first law implies, or, according to the second, ages ago it would have reached the state of maximum entropy, but it hasn't. The contradiction can be resolved in only one way: since energy could not have been created by any means known to science, yet has not always existed, it must have been created by God.

And to follow up, as I had indicated, every so called missing link, steps along our way to becoming Homo Sapiens, has been discredited by secular scientists.

Human evolution has many issues, including the realities of genetics, biochemistry, design theory, irreducible complexity, DNA structure, and information systems. However, the reality of the human fossil record alone is enough to reject the theory of human evolution all together. Here are just a few of the major problems with the alleged fossil record of the past century:

Ramapithecus was widely recognized as a direct ancestor of humans. It is now established that he was merely an extinct type of orangutan.
Piltdown man was hyped as the missing link in publications for over 40 years. He was a fraud based on a human skull cap and an orangutan's jaw.

Nebraska man was a fraud based on a single tooth of a rare type of pig.

Java man was based on sketchy evidence of a femur, skull cap and three teeth found within a wide area over a one year period. It turns out the bones were found in an area of human remains, and now the femur is considered human and the skull cap from a large ape.

Neandertal man was traditionally depicted as a stooped ape-man. It is now accepted that the alleged posture was due to disease and that Neandertal is just a variation of the human kind.

The Current Tree
Human evolution has its currently fashionable specimens that lead from small ape-like creatures to Homo sapiens. These are examples of the most recent alleged links:

Australopithecus afarensis, or "Lucy," has been considered a missing link for years. However, studies of the inner ear, skulls and bones have shown that she was merely a pygmy chimpanzee that walked a bit more upright than some other apes. She was not on her way to becoming human.

Homo erectus has been found throughout the world. He is smaller than the average human of today, with a proportionately smaller head and brain cavity. However, the brain size is within the range of people today and studies of the middle ear have shown that he was just like current Homo sapiens. Remains are found throughout the world in the same proximity to remains of ordinary humans, suggesting coexistence. Australopithecus africanus and Peking man were presented as ape-men missing links for years, but are now both considered Homo erectus.
Homo habilis is now generally considered to be comprised of pieces of various other types of creatures, such as Australopithecus and Homo erectus, and is not generally viewed as a valid classification.

The Most Recent Find
In July 2002, anthropologists announced the discovery of a skull in Chad with "an unusual mixture of primitive and humanlike features." The find was dubbed "Toumai" (the name give to children in Chad born close to the dry season) and was immediately hailed as "the earliest member of the human family found so far." By October 2002, a number of scientists went on record to criticize the premature claim -- declaring that the discovery is merely the fossil of an ape.

Human Evolution: The Theory Has No Support in the Fossil Record
Human evolution is a theory in denial. With all of this fossil evidence (or lack thereof) it becomes increasingly clear to an earnest seeker that human evolution did not happen at all.

Scientific evidence supports microevolution, involving changes that take place within separate species. Creationists have no contention with the concept of microevolution.

The false distinction is between evolution and creationism as "science versus religion" instead of evidence for evolution versus evidence for creationism.

A. E. Wilder-Smith, in his book The Natural Sciences Know Nothing of Evolution (T.W.F.T. Publishers), makes a case for both negative and positive mutations (microevolution) working against macroevolution. Negative mutations weaken the creature, a tendency that does not support survival of the fittest; positive mutations make it a stronger creature, helping to preserve its own class. In the latter case, the variations are the means that allow the species to survive distinct from other species.

You seem to believe that religious bias disqualifies. A bias ad hominem fallacy has to do with disqualifying someone's argument simply because the arguer has a special bias in the issue. For example, someone with a religious experience or belief is disqualified from having a valid opinion about his or her own religion. It is fitting to check the soundness of a biased person's argument, but it is wrong to reject the argument solely because of the arguer's bias.

The role of fossils as transitional forms is speculative at best in comparison with documented, trackable microevolution. Yet, evolutionists often use these "proofs" interchangeably as though the reliability of the one naturally follows the credibility of the other.

Evolutionists need to believe in what is best termed the miracle of evolution. If evolutionists debated creationists on equal terms would their position then prove reliable? Not really, because the fallacy known as non sequitur, Latin for "it does not follow", becomes an immediate issue. Microevolution leading to macroevolution, discussed earlier, is an example.

Also problematic is concluding from molecular biology that there is a common ancestry among all organisms. It does not follow that because all life shares a common biochemical basis, that relationship was brought about through evolution. In engineering this type of creative diversity from the same basic building blocks is good design, the result of a designer.

Finally, it does not follow that because religion was wrong about someone like Galileo, it is in error about creationism. The same evolutionists who insist that their own past mistakes should not be held against their position (e.g., promoting false "missing links" such as the Piltdown man) are often unwilling to allow their intellectual opponents to have human failings as well.

Because the above fallacies are common, many people cannot "hear" the scientific evidence for creation, they cannot accept the Genesis account, they cannot listen unbiased to what they consider a biased view. So tell me Vox, which religion, Creationism or Evolution, requires more faith to believe in?
Evaluer :   8  6Note :   2
Apparently a rather rude individual that seemingly dropped out of third year community college has chosen to represent Evolution in this forum. When closed minded individuals such as Vox kadavergehorsamkeit (the voice of zombie obedience, droll) attempt to use their limited education within the study of Evolution to its furtherance it does every individual that has devoted their lives to using real scientific methods in the advancement of our research a great disservice. Reading the statements made by this individual saddens me. All true researchers keep open minds and engage in discussions which on the surface to us may initially seem counterproductive. Any true scientist cannot accept that there are absolutes without tested, verified, and recreated testing. Only individuals without true scientific minds would take a stance that does not allow opposition to express itself. Research can only flourish when honest analysis takes place, bias and narrow-mindedness has no place in science. While many see Evolution as the only explanation for our existence, any lucid examination of facts will still expose that ours cannot be called a science under the very strict definitions of scientific research. As a community all involved in Evolutionary research understand that we can still only frame this as a theory, there is much evidence but it is not conclusive.

To those who have endured this individuals blatant aggression, take heart and pity individuals such as this. Often this kind of aggression is used to cloak insecurities. When encountered, these individuals take on the smell of an open sewer, don’t stop to engage them rather keep advancing. The smell may linger but it will dissipate. This symptom of incomplete education will always exist, any attempt at honest discourse is impractical. Board games and word puzzles are their real forte.

On the topic of bringing God, Jesus, and the Bible into any comment on this site, it should be welcomed. There simply exists no better ancient tutelage insofar as the teachings on economics and the value/use of gold and silver as money. Our current economic position with deep credit problems could have been avoided with the simple application of principles outlined in the Bible. While Evolution attempts to find the source of our existence in the universe it offers mankind not an iota of intelligence relating to the way we conduct business. Our evolved condition has so far only manifested, in the most part, greed and personal ambition. My personal conviction is that we need moral directives that our ancient ancestors lacked. If Vox kadavergehorsamkeit is so biased that this is not apparent from even a cursory reading of the Bible then advanced discussion is futile. I was once queried on how Evolution would direct us in our daily engagement with society. The reality is that we can only state its sole and subjective teaching would be that humanity should be warring at every opportunity to determine the strongest individual and the furtherance of his genes. It would allow for no structure to support weaker individuals, society would consist only of warring clans. Keep in mind this would not allow for people such as Vox kadavergehorsamkeit to survive as physical strength will be equally essential to the ability of formulating any plan of attack. Fortunately the majority of humanity has Evolved beyond this.

Vox kadavergehorsamkeit. I have expressed my displeasure with your presentation in the case for Evolution. I will not continue further dialogue with you as there are no indications you possess the capacity to communicate intelligently.

To everyone else, I bid you Merry Christmas.
Evaluer :   9  5Note :   4
My dear professor, your response saddened me in several regards. That you had nothing better to do on Christmas day was very sad indeed. But also, i could not help but notice that for a professor, you seem to posess minimal reading comprehension skills. Your supposed displeasure with me purportedly stems from my presentation of the case for evolution. If you actually go back and read the comments i made on this page, you would appreciate that i did no such thing. Rather what i did was to make the point (repeatedly) that this is a forum devoted to precious metals, not creationism or Judgement Day. If you believe that i was disrespectful in doing so, that is good, for that was most certainly my intention. The mental midgets who espouse such rubbish deserve nothing more from me. You, yourself claimed that; " Any true scientist cannot accept that there are absolutes without tested, verified, and recreated testing." Creationism, with its claim that God created man, quite obviously cannot be verified in the lab and so to give it the dignity of being a respectable scientific theory is utter malarky.

If truth be told, your displeasure with me is much more likely due to how i have mocked those Christians who make a point of inserting their banal beliefs into a forum on precious metals. i find such views to be out of place and most distasteful, to say nothing of disrespectful to those who do not share in those beliefs. So i give it back in spades to the dolts who continue to push their unwanted and (site) inappropriate beliefs on me and i will continue to do so. Afterall, the name of this site is 24 hour Gold, not 24 hour Jesus.

With regard what you imagine of me, you did manage to get a few things right: i do play go and used to be a crossword puzzle creator and in terms of my physical prowess, it is quite true that since having large portions of my lumbar spine removed in a series of operations, i am not the physical spicemen i once was. As for my schooling, i did not attend a community college nor did i drop out in my third year; though you should be aware that your comment probably made some of the others who have contributed to this page feel mighty inadequate. i would tell you where i attended university and the degrees i received, but i have no reason to brag and my doing so might make you feel inadequate. As for your imagining that my rudeness cloaks some insecurity, let me just say that at my age, i know very well who i am and what i am about and that i feel very comfortable in my own skin.

You did manage to hit upon the only thing that a discussion of the Bible would have some validity for on this site and that would be the moral teachings it contains vis-a-vis capitalism. But as for the rest of it, it does not properly belong here, it is deeply offensive and time permitting, i will continue to mock and scorn those who continue to try to turn this site into 24 hour Jesus.

Should you wish to respond, i would appreciate it if you would first have someone explain to you what i have written so as that you do not make the same mistake again.


Evaluer :   5  7Note :   -2
The professor hit some sore spots it seems. I'm surprised that you answered him but not surprised that I received no response. It would appear that the professor was on target with his comments about the study of evolution being nothing more than formulating a theory, science it is not. Unless you can prove that it fits the requirements I listed, which you will readily find in any documentation that describes what pure science is, evolution remains nothing more than a hope in what might have happened and as such is just a religion. I could mock and heap scorn upon you but to what point? I already feel sorry for you. Having lived as long as you would have us believe you still do not understand what it takes to communicate effectively.

Feel free to make an attempt to dispute what I posted. Rather than arguing with me, you would be attempting to discredit the teachings of far more learned scholars on what the theory of evolution really is. And yes, all the so called steps (missing links) that have supposedly brought us to becoming Homo Sapiens have been discredited, by evolutionary theorists, not Christians.

God, ,Jesus, and the Bible most definitely have a place in 24hgold comments. You state it’s offensive to you. I state that the way you treat others here is offensive. Why should your comments or those of Jim C remain when they have nothing to do with the topic? Teachings from God and the Bible have far greater relevance so suffer your own displeasure as we must suffer every time you decide to start moaning about something.

Evaluer :   6  3Note :   3
It’s a sad day when a commenter here is challenged and then has the challengers comment removed. Hart had nothing in his comment that would have crossed any lines. He merely challenged Vox, there was no malice or hatred which Vox so openly displays. It truly is a sad day for 24hgold.
Evaluer :   8  2Note :   6
Hey Vox, stop being a dolt and respond to Hart. I'm looking forward to this exchange. And while you’re at it, lose the superior being attitude. I find no observable evidence in your posts that would make me believe that you've learned anything in life other than how to bring about rectal discomfort in anyone reading your posts.

Refusing to comment and allowing others to see you stifled, where would that leave your ego?

Evaluer :   7  1Note :   6
"My personal conviction is that we need moral directives."
Who do you desire to provide them ?
Evaluer :   5  2Note :   3
It appears that Vox is in over his/her/its head, again. We'll always have people that can pour out scorn and derision but can't accept it when they themselves are deserving of it. Anytime they are challenged in kind they can only back away without further exposing their ignorance. Like any other plague or vermin, they come, an antidote is or poison discovered and administered, and the vile thing is killed or sent running into the woods. Not surprising, individuals like Vox who are so vehemently opposed to even the mere thought there is a being greater than themselves that they must eventually answer to causes fits of rage disguised as insults and defamation. They would prefer the view that humans started out as scum. Maybe it's because they feel so comfortable being scum now.

You can only feel sorry for anyone that believes our morals are based on our own individual evolution. If this was the case we would still be out in the woods looking to kill other clans. Think about it, he/she/it seems to be educated in what used to be termed 'book smarts' but lacks all ability to interact peacefully with anyone in society that would draw attention to his/her/its own failings. This is someone that has ignored the morals we have all received from the same creator.

He/she/it hasn’t answered Hart because he/she/it doesn’t have an answer to give.
Evaluer :   8  2Note :   6
Why thank you for listing those other countries. I`ll have to check them out too. But since Cuba was on my list, and Cuba would be a push over in terms of a military action anyway. So Mali, Somalia, & Equatorial Guinea along with the individuals in the U.S.A. and all individuals every where in the world are subject to being taken to the cleaners and shaken down @ the next holocaust........coming to a theater near you. And yes that`s interesting you quoting about - pardon me, butchered Hemingway title?? Well as The Preacher or, Ecclesiastes 1:9,10] v.9) `...and there is no new thing under the sun`. So I quoted from a movie, possibly a theme of some sort of.....sorry. It sounded good for me to quote of. And as far as spilling someone elses blood is any care to be given, for me yes, but for a Bankster like Rothschild, not a slightest thought about it would be taken. The people that surrounded Hilter, his yes men as noted at the Nuremberg trials were of that character having `no empathy`. These Banksters have that in spades. I for one had a father who was a one worlder, a 32nd degree mason, involed with the development of the 1st atomic bomb in New Mexico, had a family who where really rich(of generations), had studied with A. Einstein at University of Chicago, when in studing for degrees in electrical engineering....had extensive security clearances with DOD and other agencies of the government thoughout his life. So perhaps my remorse could be the fact that like the Rothschilds, he too will be at the White Throne of Judgement answering for his crimes too.
Evaluer :   5  3Note :   2
'Tis a lovely tale you spin Invention, so rich and full of the blarney it is. But i suppose it is not your fault. If you really knew the truth about your dear old dad, you would not be mentioning his name. He was ashamed of who he really was and so he and your mom told you this story of the wonderful work he was doing to keep America strong while in reality, a far darker truth that could not be revealed to someone as delicate and sensitive as they believed you to be, lurked in the shadows, the unmentionable thing that could never be spoken of....Sorry to burst your bubble, but your father could not have studied with Einstein at the University of Chicago for the simple fact that Einstein never studied or taught there. Nor did he ever become an electrical engineer, having far more important things to do. As for your father being one of the very few Sublime Princes of The Royal Secret, though i am not from Missouri, after your whopper about what your dad did for a living, i've got to say that you will have to show me. However, i very much doubt that you can because i believe that you just made the whole thing up. But i suppose that is what we should expect from you given the screen name you have chosen for yourself.....Oh and by the way, Jesus recently told me that they did some redecorating by the Pearly Gates and the Throne is now the Paisley Throne of Judgement. He also told me that nobody who has lied will get past the Paisley Gates into Heaven. That seemed harsh to me and so i asked him about little white lies. He looked at me like i was a fool who could not understand what God himself had written on Sinai and then in that condescending tone of his that he uses when he is running short on patience, he said (and i wish i could do this in red letters) "What do you think? With room for only 144,000, you think we have to take liars?" So Invention, i hope that if you have children, you did not tell them about Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy, because if that holocaust you are hoping for actually does arrive, i can tell you where you won't be flying off to. No, you will be headed to a place where you will never be asked if you have a light.

As a suggestion for your future use of the comment section in these pages, i would remind you that this site is supposed to be about gold and other precious metals, not Jesus coming to wipe out humanity and so an effort to focus your attention in that direction would he most appreciated. Most of us come to these pages because of our interest in precious metals and the things that move those markets. If Jesus wipes out humanity, it will not really matter just how much gold we have. By our choice to own precious metals, we have committed to a future in which we are not wiped out by some homicidal maniac that you call Jesus. Insofar as we care to discuss matters, we want to focus on scenerios in which we are not whisked off to an eternity of fire and brimstone. We would all like to make a profit on our precious metals ownership and have a chance to enjoy some of what those profits might bring our way. But we are not interested in being slaughtered by Jesus nor are we interested in discussing what our gold will be worth after Jesus has slaughtered 7 billion of us.

"God is an underachiever." -Woody Allen
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A think it's almost a completely different band. Maybe the original drummer and one back up singer.....but that's about it. lolol Lire la suite
samking73 - 27/12/2014 à 03:37 GMT
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