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Jim C.
Membre depuis mai 2012
463 commentaires - suivi par 3 personnes
3 abonnées
A laissé un commentaire sur l'article :
>Who Else Is on Obama’s Secret Kill List?  - Ron Paul - 
An outrageous article by the most naive and possibly destructive politician of our time. His politics, both foreign and domestic are an abomination. To call President Obama a criminal for defending the nation he was elected and sworn to protect is the height of absurdity. Ron Paul's stance would border on the treasonness were there not a hint of senility in it.

Awlaki was both an avowed and proven murderer. He was not in the continental United States and not in any country were he could rationally be extracted for the judicial prosecution that Ron Paul would wish. He had murdered Americans and any reasonable man would suppose he was plotting to do so again. So, according to Paul, the President of the United States was to do nothing? Where is this naivety coming from?

I believe Ron Paul's hated of America has metastasized. Again in a recent debate, asked about 9/11, he said in so many words that America was at fault -- having our bases overseas for decades what could we expect? In yet another 'foot in mouth' remark Ron Paul said Iran, that has on several occasions verbally threatened to annilate both America and Israel was, in fact, no threat at all in their development of nuclear weapons. He added that they had as much a right to nuclear weapons as anyone else. Surely, as a Congressman, Ron Paul is aware of Iran's recent missile tests. Again, Iran has repeatedly threatened the United States; they are nearing completion of their nuclear plants; they are testing and launching missiles with increasing range. What the heck is wrong with Ron Paul!?!?!?

Ron Paul's domestic politics are almost as bad; he reveals himself as an extremist more attuned to State rights than individual ones. In one recent debate he was asked whether or not, as President, he would do anything to stop an individual State from passing a mandatory heath care payment plan. He said no. The Federal Government could not use coercion, but individual States could.

What a hypocritical comment from Paul, a supposed defender of individual rights! I imagine, had he lived in pre-Civil War times, he would have approved of the Supreme Court's Dred Scott decision returning escaped slaves to their masters. State rights, you see. Had he been President then instead of Lincoln, Ron Paul would have allowed the Southern States to leave the Union with their horrific slavery system intact. A great question to ask him in a debate or interview.

I think it is important to look into the many supporters of Ron Paul. They are more than Libertarians: they include the whole ragtag gamut of 9/11 truthers to avowed anarachists who believe in no government at all.

Yes, the economy is in shambles. Yes, we need to leave Afganistan and Iraq. Yes, we need less government. But, no, we do not need someone like Ron Paul wrapping himself in the Constitution and leading America to destruction and dissolution.

il y a 4717 jours
Début de l'article :According to the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, Americans are never to be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law. The Constitution is not some aspirational statement of values allowing exceptions when convenient, but rather it is the law of the land. It is the basis of our Republic and our principal bulwark against tyranny... Lire la suite
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