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>Another Nail in the Neocon Coffin  - Lew Rockwell - 
You can guess, as you have--and you'd be wrong. Also, I didn't say my experience was solely military, but if you are guessing I was a 'desk jockey', then guess again. I've done 5 combat tours. Be that as it may, I do not entirely disagree with some of your commentary, in that I surely do not believe that DC and the beltway have all the answers and that all power should be centralized there. If that is Jim C's position, then I strongly disagree. In fact, this centralization--which has really been going on ever since the States unified and accelerated during and after WWII--is indeed largely to blame for most of what we are suffering domestically today. However, it is complete poppy-cock (to put it mildly) to blame ourselves for the murderous appetites of foreign countries and the terrorists (state sponsored terrorism) they support, as it is stupid and ignorant to think foreign policy has anything to do with being "liked" by other countries on the planet. No sophisticated foreign policy body of any other major power wastes its time on who 'likes' and 'dislikes' them; that is a particularly American idiocy. You make policy based first and foremost on your national interests; not something as high school sophomoric as being 'liked'. Also, if you don't want to be blown up by a drone (and calling that cowardly is really moronic; the real cowards were the 9/11 terrorists and the Boston terrorists), then do not support or even stand close to a member of Al Qaeda. If you do, there's a good chance you will be blown to bits--and I cheer that every time it happens. If you attack and murder thousands of US citizens, as happened on 9/11 (try to remember), then a Navy Seal will show up on your doorstep one day and blow your brains out. Do the math. There is an ideological war being waged against the US that we never volunteered to participate in, but it was going on for decades before it manifested itself in the COWARDLY acts of 9/11. Staring into your own belly-button and assuming all the things that have occurred in our history automatically make us the bad guy will not save you nor the United States. We emerged from the last century with global hegemony whether we like it or not, and that makes us a target. I can understand not having the stomach to defend yourself and your fellow citizens, but at least stop attacking those of us that do. We're really not the enemy, despite what Ron Paul and his "Peace Institute" might be trying to make you believe. (P.S. We found WMD in Iraq--I was there [see Wiki-leaks if you wish]. We just didn't find Saddam's VX, which is likely part of Syria's arsenal now. Also, instead of pretending that it was a big 'lie', do your research and learn that every single major intelligence agency in the western world believed Saddam had VX stockpiles, and the Democrats to include Hillary and Bill Clinton also were completely convinced by the intel of the time, and supportive of the actions taken in 2003. To now, in hindsight, claim otherwise and that it was 'lie' concocted by Bush and Cheney IS the true lie in all of this, but an effort that--with the full support of the media--has become the false narrative of the day.)

il y a 4143 jours
Début de l'article :The recent opening of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity was a watershed moment in American history. There has never been anything quite like it. Ideologically diverse, the Ron Paul Institute reaches out to all Americans, and indeed to people all over the world, who find the spectrum of foreign-policy opinion in the United States to be unreasonably narrow. Until Ron Paul and his new institute, there was no resolutely anti-interventionist foreign-policy organization to be found... Lire la suite
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