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Membre depuis janvier 2013
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>Another Nail in the Neocon Coffin  - Lew Rockwell - 
Your applauding of drone kills is baffling to me. As a military man where is your concern for reducing collateral damage? If you believe that drone strikes are targeted and that anyone who is not a combatant shouldn’t be standing next to an Al Qaeda member where is the justification for the killing of dozens of Pakistani soldiers at their out posts? How is it that even after intel was delivered that the targets were friendly the strikes continued. It was only after this was made public that ‘apologies’ were made. In the meantime a few ‘guy’ got in some target practice. Drone strikes, when they start happening within your own borders will be a real eye opener. I seriously hope it doesn’t come to that but you know innocents are going to die because they “were to close” to the targets at some event even though they weren’t participants. When will collateral damage caused by drones finally be too much for yourself and those who believe as you do?

Ok I’ll stand corrected on the WMD in Iraq but please do provide links to real documentation. As I have not been able to find such anywhere I will remain suspect. The term WMD itself is now suspect after, possibly prior to, the Boston bombing. When did a pipe bomb become a WMD? Where does that fit into the scale when compared to let’s say one round at one end and a nuke at the other.

Not to surprisingly, the response I got from a brother who has served when he read your comments was ‘HURAAAH HELL YA the old line to get em passionate about killing’. In other words standard fare to feed to troops to believe what DC wants them to believe. By the way, he also had a hard time believing that anyone who has served as long as you indicate would believe that “the --------- ----------“ (can’t put that here) had the brains to carry out 9/11. On this item we seem to have completely opposing views, mine being that this was an event sponsored and funded by the DC scum. There is too much evidence that proves my point, just as you feel there is enough evidence to prove Saddam had WMD.

Your statement about making policy based on your national interest is also standard fare, the stuff DC wants you to believe. When is it in anyone’s best interest to meddle in other nations affairs when it is detrimental to that nation? Who has the right to dictate policy to a freely elected government in another nation? It’s this narrow vision that has brought the US into the radicals cross hairs, no matter what DC might put out through the talking heads, there is a reaction for every dark deed. Having a strong military does not mean that you ‘have’ the right to dictate to others. Where was this right granted in the constitution? Being liked in high school is one thing, a country being hated passionately enough that people will strap bombs onto their kids so they can kill a few Americans is a difference that’s too large to even begin to articulate here. I have to ask you, when you’re in the military does the constitution stand for anything?

I’m not sure where you got the impression I was attacking you for your service? If I conveyed that I apologize, it would amount to attacking my own family for the same thing. It is because of family and friends that I know firsthand the sacrifice you and anyone else who have/has served has made. The target of my attacks will never be against anyone individual for serving their country, my displeasure (hatred really) is solely targeted at the psychopaths in Washington. There is no way to have a real discourse on this within this forum. The end result is that men and women that are willing to sacrifice are used as disposable items by those who want only to ‘feel the power’ and/or line their pockets.

Foreign policy is not about being popular, I agree to that point but it also cannot be sustained if that policy simply provides for one nation to the complete destruction of other societies. Friends are easy to make and keep, enemies are easier to make but cost a hell of a lot more lives.

You don’t care for Ron Paul, you don’t care for Obama? What’s left?

A head turn in Jim C’s direction. That guy, he’s not here to provide anything relevant. He seems to be hell bent on rewriting history and spreading hate across any author that would dare to make him uncomfortable. Arrows, at least in his case the down arrows, are a very good indication of a commenters ‘overall’ attitudes and opinions or their ability to ad to a discussion. You’ll find that people here are fair in their evaluation. You may not always get a up from me but you already have them. With Jim C It boils down to simply yapping like a poodle, no one gets an up arrow for that.

il y a 4175 jours
Début de l'article :The recent opening of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity was a watershed moment in American history. There has never been anything quite like it. Ideologically diverse, the Ron Paul Institute reaches out to all Americans, and indeed to people all over the world, who find the spectrum of foreign-policy opinion in the United States to be unreasonably narrow. Until Ron Paul and his new institute, there was no resolutely anti-interventionist foreign-policy organization to be found... Lire la suite
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