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Membre depuis novembre 2012
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>Another Nail in the Neocon Coffin  - Lew Rockwell - 
Using Poland in your example shows a weak understanding of the reasoning behind your foreign policy. The US government will do anything it can to encircle Russia and Poland is a perfect example of that. It’s no secret to anyone here that the psychopaths in DC want to rule the world. To that end they have and will continue to do anything and everything to first of all try to alienate Russia, and China, and then bully them. It’s the common boneheaded military mentality that keeps digging the US further into what will soon be a hole to deep to get out of. Poland didn’t labor hard to get into NATO, their allegiance was bought and paid for by DC as was virtually every other country that left the USSR.

Let me state this one more time and be very clear. Most nations in the world hate the US because of the decades of constant meddling in other nations affairs. Your spewing the standard poppycock that is spoon fed by Washington to every US citizen. “There is an ideological war being waged against the US that we never volunteered to participate in, but it was going on for decades before it manifested itself in the COWARDLY acts of 9/11.” Now that is a moronic statement to make and any educated person would not be fool hardy enough to do so.

You mentioned WikiLeaks, there is more than enough information available there for any intelligent person with a will to know the truth to determine just how much screwing around the DC crowd have done with other nations and none of it had anything to do with foreign policy unless you define it as making sure the people who line your pockets get the contracts they want.

By the way, I believe you were challenged to provide links that proved there were WMD in Iraq. I’ve not seen you post anything. I do however understand that if you shift the definition of what constitutes a WMD, like they did for the Boston bombing, you may be correct but in that case the US used WMD’s when they invaded Iraq.

“There are other examples, but understand this--we are committed to the defense of all our NATO allies, even if the attack was not directed at America or Americans.”. Really? I don’t see US aircraft carriers off of Japans shores to hold the Chinese back in their moves to take over strategic islands. It appears that the defense of allies is a hit and miss kind of thing and the reality is that the US choses who and when it will ‘protect’.

One more thing, “"we will use force only to defend the lives of our citizenry, to defend our borders, and to defend the liberty and freedom of American citizens." To defend our borders. If I’m not mistaken that is the purpose of the military, defense of the homeland. Why then is your military killing Pakistani soldiers, children in Yemen, wiping out whole villages in Afghanistan and finding no Taliban were present, why why why? In today’s world you need to realize that when the US kills innocents video of these actions hits the web, there is no more cover-up and this is why Obama want’s the ability to limit what we see. When Apache helicopters kill Iraqi civilians we see the video and we also see how poor the so called intel that has cost billions to acquire really is. Civilians being killed by the US military in Somalia… There is so much material on this that you have no defense.

Allow me to direct you to the US military ‘Law of Armed Conflict’ located at http://usmilitary.about.com/cs/wars/a/loac_3.htm The first line states “The LOAC protects civilian populations. Military attacks against cities, towns, or villages not justified by military necessity are forbidden. Attacking noncombatants (generally referred to as civilians) for the sole purpose of terrorizing them is also prohibited.” I would recommend you read the whole thing before answering this comment.

But then, not surprising since this is the US military we’re talking about here, it gives itself an out by stating “Although civilians may not be made the object of a direct attack, the LOAC recognizes that a military target need not be spared because its destruction may cause collateral damage that results in the unintended death or injury to civilians or damage to their property. Commanders and their planners must take into consideration the extent of unintended indirect civilian destruction and probable casualties that will result from a direct attack on a military objective and, to the extent consistent with military necessity, seek to avoid or minimize civilian casualties and destruction. Anticipated civilian losses must be proportionate to the military advantages sought. Judge advocate, intelligence, and operations personnel play a critical role in determining the propriety of a target and the choice of weapon to be used under the particular circumstances known to the commander when planning an attack.” So instead of halting an attack because there will be collateral damage and taking out the target later, let’s not take any chances and kill them all now.

In other words as far as it’s concerned the US military is able to kill at the mere whim of a few select psychotic people, sort of like Obama now being able to call a hit on any individual including those within the US “he” decides to term a terrorists.

From the LOAC “Deadly force should only be used in response to a hostile act or a demonstration of hostile intent. Deadly force is defined as force that causes or has a substantial risk of causing death or serious bodily harm.” Please do tell how kids in Yemen or Pakistani soldiers in their border station posed a deadly threat to the drones flying over head that were being piloted by cowards back in the US? From the LOAC “Distinction. Distinction means discriminating between lawful combatant targets and noncombatant targets such as civilians, civilian property, POWs, and wounded personnel who are out of combat.” Interestingly it does not mention targeting allies in this section. Now I do not target any US military personnel with this, my focus is on the DC morons who have never even heard of the LOAC mush less restrain themselves to working within it. How many times has the LOAC been violated in the name of protecting the US from hordes of invading foreign children?

This is why people around the world hate the US, this arrogance that says we can do anything we want to and kill anyone we think we need to but don’t you dare retaliate or we’ll wipe you out.

il y a 4175 jours
Début de l'article :The recent opening of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity was a watershed moment in American history. There has never been anything quite like it. Ideologically diverse, the Ron Paul Institute reaches out to all Americans, and indeed to people all over the world, who find the spectrum of foreign-policy opinion in the United States to be unreasonably narrow. Until Ron Paul and his new institute, there was no resolutely anti-interventionist foreign-policy organization to be found... Lire la suite
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