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Membre depuis mai 2012
680 commentaires - suivi par 6 personnes
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>Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism  - Tom DiLorenzo - Mises.org
Jim C. Once again you prove your lack of historical facts.

The Civil War was about Northern demands for southern cotton. The doubling of tariffs was to force the price of cotton so high that the only buyers left would be those mills in the north that didn't have to pay the tariff. The nation's bills were already getting paid, but northern republicans (elected and business leaders) wanted to increase the size of government. The Civil War accomplished that quite handsomely.

Next, during the campaign between Lincoln and Douglas, good ole honest (?) Abe made it quit clear that he had no problem with slavery.

You really need to read some unrevised history. Always remember, the victor writes the history and sanitizes it. Ergo we read little about the rape and pillage of the south by Sherman's Army on their march to the sea. We get only a brief overview of how many deaths and cripples the war created. Few ever talk about the bankrupting of the north and south. Nobody talks about Lincoln suspending Habeas Corpus (albeit permitted under the Constitution under certain circumstances) that resulted in the arrest and deportation of Vallandigham for speaking out against Lincoln and his republican cronies. You barely mention conscription that resulted in severe hardships for the northern families. I contend Lincoln was the worse POTUS this nation has ever been forced to endure.

Next, you need to study logic. Your rant over slavery is a red herring argument. I admit that I can drift on subject, but wow dude. You just can't stop dragging up the slavery issue every time DiLorenzo posts anything.

Slavery was already on its way out and in just a couple more decades would have eliminated itself with the rise of the industrial revolution and its affect down on the farm.

This is 2013, slavery was eliminated in 1865 by the XIIIth Amendment. After almost 150 years, you are ranting? Either you are almost as old as Methuselah or not old enough to have discarded the hero-worship propaganda espoused in the US educational system.

You rant about pre-1865 slavery and say nothing about the current slavery of everyone being a communitarian asset of the U.S. Each of us is owned by the Imperial Government of the USA. Piss em off and they fly a drone up your butt like they did in Yemen without due process. Any income you make overseas is taxable by the US if you attempt to bring the money into the US. Any transfer of your money to overseas destinations is monitored and suspect.

The US has amply proven since the Wilson regime that we are the modern day colonizers. We fight aggression world-wide if there is money to be made. Should we win, we establish military bases in those countries and stay forever. We have military bases in most countries of the world. Do you contend that the US is NOT imperialist? Do you contend that all of those countries we have bases in are serious threats to the US? Should we buy some guns and ammunition to protect ourselves from an invasion by Italy, Turkey or Puerto Rico?

War is highly profitable and assures re-election. Military colonization assures local businesses high profits and tacit loyalty. Have you ever seen what designating a town Off-Limits to the military does? Have you ever seen the town's management crawl to the post commander and plea to have that designation removed? War, rumors of war and the war machine is a monetary gravy train.

I get the idea that you just want to silence DiLorenzo and others. I suggest we encourage them to have their say and then present a counter argument based upon facts and logic. A person demonstrates their incompetence if they can't argue both sides of a controversy effectively. Of course this means reigning in a person's passion aka emotional outbursts. DiLorenzo only pointed out that the US has become a the last colonial power.

I'll leave you with this thought. The only reason we take kids into military service is because they lack the wisdom derived from experience. They still carry the hero-worship and American Exceptionalism nonsense instilled in them during the state-sponsored educational process. In simplish, the kids don't know they are just tools of Imperialistic America to be discarded during and after usage. I was a soldier for a major portion of my life and experienced the harsh reality. It is profits that greases the wheels of imperialism.

When facts and logic become overwhelming to an argument, Samuel Johnson said it best, "Patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels." Imperial USA is what it is until the world decides otherwise.

As per you lead in:
"As long as 24hr Gold reprints articles that have little to do with finance -gold, and silver - I assume they wish and expect commentary pro and con and expect spirited debate (as has been the case!)"

Rampant inflation of the USD will result in the world dumping US T-bills. And thus endeth US imperialism. We no longer are a leading manufacturing nation. We import food. US gold bullion assets are questionable. So directly and indirectly this article by DiLorenzo does apply to the world of international finance. I do tend to think DiLorenzo is not entirely correct and perhaps exaggerates or embellishes the known facts. However that is common amongst all commentaries by all authors. I haven't met any completely dispassionate authors or heard of any that were successful either.

il y a 4035 jours
Début de l'article :For generations, American students have been taught that their government was a constitutional republic and, as such, is truly “exceptional.” So-called American exceptionalism is contrasted in the classroom first with the imperialistic British Empire from which the original colonists rebelled. From there... Lire la suite
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