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>All Hell  - James Howard Kunstler - 
"that YOU are one of those people who desires the elimination of Your Legal Border. Be careful what you wish for ! !"

It's probably because I am more than just sympathetic to anarcho-capitalists. In other words, I believe I am one. However, I believe Ron Paul gave the best/most correct answer a person could give when he was asked if he was actually an anarcho-capitalist. He said, "I believe that's the ultimate goal, but I don't think we're ready for that."

I suppose I should try and put on my minarchist hat when thinking about Gov't borders. But I find that pretty hard to do because I think of people as being people. In other words, in my mind there is no such thing as a "immigrants"... in the sense where ...I would think of them as "illegal people". Some folks might think of other people as being "illegal", because these other people that they haven't met or gotten to know yet, weren't born within their nationalistic and patriotic gov't border. I don't think that way. I think of all of as individuals. And I don't buy into "for the motherland! - we're the greatest nation on earth!" nationalism/patriotism. Nations aren't great. The people, the individuals are.

There are other individuals from other land areas that speak languages and have cultures that I might not be intimately familiar with. But why would these people be "illegal" if all they want to do is work and live? I'll tell you what I am for, I'm for ending ALL government redistribution of wealth programs, whether the program is for redistributing to individual "citizens", individual "immigrants", or "corporations". I really am for levelling the playing field and having "Equal Opportunity", for employment and the pursuit of happiness.

Did you watch the video that put up a link to? I take you don't agree with Grover Norquist when he says, "Look, this country was built with immigrants. This all about people deciding to voluntarily come here because it's a free and open society. When people don't want to come, that's the time to worry."

"There is a New Wave Interpretation that the Existing Border Laws should be Ignored." Right now I'm finding it difficult for me to address this. I've also heard there's people that believe we should just ignore, do away with, or forget, The Constitution. I wonder to what degree that has already happened? Executive Order 6102 issued by Franklin D Roosevelt making the constitutional money that was in use and in circulation at the time "illegal". Was that really Constitutional? The Supreme Court upholding the ACA(Obamacare) as Constitutional because it's a "tax". The ACA was not represented as a new tax when it was in legislation! And no taxation without representation! How about Richard M. Nixon on August 15, 1971 when he, issued an Executive Order if I'm not mistaken, "temporarily" suspending the convertibility of the dollar into gold with our international trading partners. Was this "temporary" measure Constitutional?

How about Article 1 Section 10 of the Constitution where it says, "No State shall... make anything but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts;"? So, are the States paying their debts only in gold and silver? If not, why not? It's what the Constitution says! There has been no "amendment" to the Constitution regarding our monetary system as it's laid out and stated in Article 1 Section 10, that I'm aware of.

My point is, I'm all for what Ron Paul says when he says, "We need to go back to the Constitution!". Because I think he's also right when he says that he doesn't think we're ready for anarcho-capitalism. And if that were to happen, I don't believe that we would be treating our borders or immigrants, the way we currently are. Remember, going back to The Constitution would mean no handouts from the Government, no special favors or special privilege from the Government or it's politicians! The Government is supposed to uphold the property rights of individuals. There is no such thing as redistribution of wealth rights and when there is redistribution of wealth, then the gov't is not upholding individual property rights! No citizen or immigrant should be getting any kind of handout, favor, or privilege from the Gov't. That should all be decided and done in the private sector and private charities. If we had such a thing, I believe there is a very good chance your view of our "borders" and "immigrants" might be significantly different than it is now with our current unconstitutional environment.

il y a 3686 jours
Début de l'article :T hat tractable beast, World Opinion, was apparently looking the other way when US video war-gamers blew up wedding parties and donkeys by remote control in Pakistan, Yemen, and Afghanistan, not to mention the now long ago shock-and-awe bombardment of poor innocent Iraq. It’s not paying much attention these days to the remorseless advance of ISIS (or ISL or the Islamic State) as it cuts a psychopathic swath through the Middle East marked by wholesale executions of civil servants, beheadings of “... Lire la suite
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