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Membre depuis mai 2013
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>Send Out the Clowns  - James Howard Kunstler - 

As you imply, Obamacare's days are numbered. In fact these are the last days of government-protected monopolies like the monopoly that state governments gave Allopathic "accident medicine" nearly 80 years ago, to exclusively treat all disease.

What many fail to realize, there's a big difference between accident, trauma and ambulance medicine and treating degenerative diseases that makes up nearly 90% of medicine.

PBS doctor Andrew Weil said we shouldn't expect to cure degenerative diseases with Allopathic medicine no more than to treat accidents with Alternative medicine.

If Allopathic medicine had to compete with cheaper, safer and far more effective natural medicine like Homeopathy, Naturopathy or Chinese Medicine they would likely be starved for patients.

The last time the dangerous Allopaths competed in the marketplace in 1900 they could only attract 14% of patients. Allopaths were known as Quicks (later Quacks) for the quicksilver or mercury they poisoned their patients with.

They're still poisoning patients with toxic mercury in vaccines along with aluminum, MSG neurotoxin and formaldehyde embalming fluid.

They're also poisoning and killing patients with chemotherapy for cancer that's a derivative of WW1 mustard gas. In fact in a poll, 75% of doctors would not take chemotherapy.

In the 1918 Flu Pandemic, the Allopaths lost 30% of their patients. The Alternative medical providers lost 1% and were eventually banned when states granted the Allopaths an exclusive government-protected monopoly to treat all of medicine due to globalist's threats and bribes of politicians - same as today.

Because we allowed the Globalist Organized Crime Cabal through their Jesuit, Zionist and Masonic agents to hijack our money and medicine after 1913, we allowed the Quacks of the day, a government-protected monopoly and drove out the true healers.

The sheeple to this day still believe the myth that Ambulance Allopathic Medicine earned it's government-protected status because it's the only "proven and scientific" medicine.

Nothing could be further from the truth. It's a vicious, cruel lie that most of the public not only believe, but even defend.

Naturopathic medicine supports the body's own immune and healing system. The human body is a powerful chemical factory that can make strong cleansers that are capable of eliminating, detoxifying and healing any disease.

In the past year, 15 Alternative doctors have been murdered in the US because they were curing their patients with a synthetic version of GcMaf that's one of these "strong cleansers" the body makes.
Every one was visited by the FDA prior to being accidented or suicided. They discovered that vaccines produce Nagalase that destroys natural GcMaf that turns on our immune system to detoxify and eliminate diseases in the body.

Our globalist poisoners have been in overdrive mode recently trying to keep the sheeple ignorant of the dangers of vaccines by their suppression of the Robert Deniro film festival movie "Vaxxed" about corruption and fraud at the FDA concerning the Vaccine and Autism connection.

GcMAF - Is This Why ‘Alternative’ Doctors Are Being Murdered?


An alternative to GcMaf is to support the entire body - if we provide complete 90 element nutritional building blocks to it. This idea is emphasized by Naturopaths and Veterinarians on utube.

One of my favorites is veterinarian Joel Wallach who emphasizes that over 900 animal diseases have been cured through nutrition and can do the same for humans.

This powerful principal has been suppressed and as Obamacare is preparing for another devastating rate hike in November. This may just drive more people to empower themselves with powerful natural nutritional methods everyone can afford.

The sheeple may just stumble and be forced into the best medicine by the greed promoted by Obamacare.

Forget about government-protected monopolies containing costs, our hidden globalist controllers are getting a huge belly laugh on their way to the bank - but hopefully not for long.

True Cures - Dr. Joel Wallach - 90 Essential Nutrients


il y a 3050 jours
Début de l'article :I n this decade of maximum peril, a prankish God delivers two maximally detested candidates to lead the faltering nation as events run ahead of all the convenient narratives. For instance: the idea that Republican “insiders” can block Trump’s path to the nomination. The insiders may be phantoms after all. For instance, the loathsome Koch brothers have already made their move onto Hillary’s side of the game-board. Trump won’t miss their campaign contributions for a New York minute (while Hillary... Lire la suite
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