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Membre depuis mai 2012
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>TedBits: The Economic and Financial NO SPIN Zone  - Ty Andros - traderview
I think this is a good article. My comment is a reaction not only to this writer, but to many on the right. I think this needs to be said again and again until the right wakes up to the lie they have embraced about the people of this nation. And that lie is the belief that Americans want socialism.

The Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Defense consume 39% of our annual budget. Why do conservatives nearly always ignore this? The US spends more on national defense then all other countries in the world combined. And this is laughable, because there is little evidence that we are actually defending our country from anything other than freedom, prosperity and peace, while we bring death and destruction and ruin to country after country abroad. We are engaging in what they call Globalization. Western leaders want to dominate the globe and OUR tax dollars are paying for their crimes and their grandiosity. How does this benefit America? Why does spending on this madness not concern so many American conservatives, who claim they do not like big government?

I can't really say it concerns many liberals either. It is the progressives and the libertarians who oppose it. It is important not to mix our creatures up. It is the liberals and conservatives in congress who are rubber-stamping the development of a totalitarian government. There is a difference. The conservatives and liberals are carrying away liberty day by day with a wrecking ball and a steam shovel. They can't wait to free us of it.

The Department of Homeland Security exists solely to ensure that we cannot stop the war machine and the people who run and profit by it. Do we really need this monstrosity?
Is our country really safer with their new spying programs, their growing brutality toward protesters and their growing curbs on freedom of speech? They just slapped an innocent photo journalist with several felonies as another big step toward stifling any kind of free press (he photographed an occupy protest and put the photos into an online news magazine). The job of journalism is becoming very dangerous in this country because of the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security (and the people who own them). These agencies do not exist to support entitlement programs... They do not exist to secure the rise of socialism in America, but the rise of socialism for corporations. And this is the crux of things. The overthrow of democracy is occurring on behalf of fascism and the fascists who have seized control of our nation. It is a mistake to ignore it. Fascism is costly.

When we are dissecting our national budget and our economic crisis these things must be a part of the discussion, if we are serious about solving our nation's problems. Many Americans have an easy relationship with fascism and, it appears at least, do not really oppose the new order of things.

The unitary executive was a concept created by republicans during the Bush era and foisted upon America. It is completely false to assert otherwise. Obama has continued republican policies in almost every way but one: Obamacare.

I am not saying that entitlement spending should not be kept in check, but people need jobs. They do not want handouts and it is wrong to assert that they do. They want work, not socialism. Ask them and this is what they will tell you. The new political order is more about socialism for corporations, than anything else. They are eager to take away all so-called entitlements given to the people so that ALL public monies can be spent coddling corporate giants who certainly do not need our care and who have no allegiance or concern for the welfare of this country. Why are so many conservatives on board with this?

Americans want jobs and an environment that fosters the creation of work and of free enterprise. Americans are capitalists, not socialists. The right is all wrong on this account.

In fact, federal policy is now aimed at destroying many small industries on behalf of corporate giants. This is another element of fascism and should be opposed strenuously. Their current assault on the raw milk industry is a case in point. A 65 year old American was recently brutalized and subjected to serious mental torture in an LA jail. Another man had his store destroyed twice by a SWAT team and spent some time in jail. Their crime? Selling raw milk, which people have consumed for tens of thousands of years - without government opposition or assistance. These crimes against innocent American business owners were on behalf of agribusiness. This corporate/government relationship is responsible for the current environment in which so many Americans can not find work.

There are many such federal policies aimed at destroying small farming or other small business on behalf of corporate giants. I am just scratching the surface. Why does this not interest conservatives more?

Bashing the poor is disingenuous. It is easy. It is dangerous. I ask you: when in human history did the poor ever ruin a nation? Even in the Bolshevik and French revolutions the rich played a role behind the scenes to manipulate the outcome to the disadvantage of the people.

WE have a runaway criminal leadership that cares nothing about conditions in this country and it is not the problem of just one party, but of both major parties and many of our people (who appear complicit - both liberals and conservatives).

I agree there may be a communist plot (actually coming out of the UN), but this is a plot by the rich to gain full ownership over the people. If we ever have communism in America it will be because the ruling class wanted it. The call for this will not come from the poor in America. Americans want jobs. They want a chance to earn a living wage.

Bush and Cheney worked overtime to try to usher in this New World Order. The Neocons are Trotskyites. The call for socialism comes from the right and the left, but it comes from the ruling eite, not from the people. The rest is a distraction, lies by the Ministry of Propaganda to prevent people from understanding what they are really doing.


il y a 4544 jours
Début de l'article : As leviathan government, Central Bankers and the welfare states battle Mother Nature and Darwin, the stakes for the global banksters and elites could not be higher.Governments in the US and Europe are striving to place debt and legal shackles on those they pretend to serve and working for the interests of banksters, power-hungry public servants and entrenched government bureaucrats against that of their own constituents... Lire la suite
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