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Spanky 33
Membre depuis mai 2012
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>The extraordinary lack of coverage of Ron Paul  - Eric de Carbonnel - Market Skeptics
For at least 10 years, I have been concerned by the levels of fraud that we are observing in the USA. I am a native American who has cast votes in every election since I was legally permitted to exercise that right. I believe that Ron Paul will be ignored until the proper story about his lack of foreign policy leadership can be repeated machine style throughout our media. They need to know through testing and survey that the message will work against him. Once that message is set, we will hear about Rep. Paul as the candidate with the most "inane and naive foreign policy views". Yet, if you listen to his views you quickly understand that he believes that Congress ought to consider whether or not the US Military should be deployed. Declare War, the way our founding fathers designed the federal govt. to do, or stay out of these wasteful engagements that are costing more than we would vote to pay if we had the facts. Rep. Ron Paul knows that we have created debts that can't be paid. He knows where the real waste is being created. Wake up and pay attention to what has happened since we entered our unauthorized military positions in the Orient, Middle East and Europe. We are paying more for gas, food, property taxes and our dollars are losing value. The system needs to be overhauled. Why is it that human being who are intelligent and can see where the country is headed do nothing to turn the course towards a better result? Take a chance on Ron Paul. He cannot do any worse than Obama, Bush, Clinton have done. He is among the few elected representatives who care enough to explain to the average citizen what the budget, debt and spending cuts actually mean. How many of the other candidates said simply to the media that the cuts are only being made where we project to spend in the future. Right now, there are no cuts. We have the right to elect our government. If only to shake up the wealthy political machines, vote against the folks who are being presented by the media. Ron Paul knows more about our troubles and how to "heal" this country than any other candidate. This is not a sports match. We are voting to elect men and women who understand that the government was established to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. Who cares about whether our military sits in other countries to intimidate them? It costs too much and we suffer enormous price increases instead of realizing any beneficial results. If the Congress had to vote and Declare War, would we be engaged in any of our current deployments? Time to change the representation we have as it is only concerned about its own power and interests and cares nothing for what is being left for our posterity. Ron Paul will have my vote in the Primary and the General if his name appears on the ballot.

il y a 4769 jours
Début de l'article : Is Ron Paul Getting the Coverage He Deserves? [NO] Nick Gillespie | August 17, 2011 Reason staffers Mike Riggs and Katherine Mangu-Ward were on the television yesterday to discuss the media’s response to what might be called "The Riddle of Ron Paul": Why do major newspapers, broadcast shows, and cable news outlets seem hell-bent on ignoring a 12-term GOP congressman who came in a tight second in the Iowa Straw Poll? Indeed, the results of that hokey quadrennial exercise in corn-dog politics was used to talk up Michelle Bachmann’s legitimacy... Lire la suite
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