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Cours Or & Argent
Pays Peru 
Etat / Province Cerro de pasco
Près de Lima
Latitude / Longitude 9 S 56 / 74 W 56
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Produit Silver -
Dernière mise à jour le 05/12/2010 - Conditions d'utilisation
Statut : Production
Risques / Pays : Important
VanEck Vectors Global Alternative Energy ETF
Owner: 100%
Profil de la CompagnieTous les projetsPage projet de la compagnie
TitreProfil de la CompagnieTous les projetsSite web de la compagniePage projet de la compagnie
Pan American acquired a majority interest in the Huaron mine in March 2000 and fast-tracked the project through feasibility, financing and construction to begin full-scale operation in April 2001 and subsequently acquired the remaining interest.
The Huaron silver-zinc underground polymettalic mine is located 320 km northeast of Lima in the heart of the Cerro de Pasco district, one of Peru's most important mining districts, which accounts for over half of Peru's silver production.
Huaron is a primary silver mine that historically produced more than 220 million ounces of silver from 70 known veins since operations began in 1912. In April 1998, Huaron's production ceased after its underground workings were flooded due to an accident at a neighbouring mine.
Historique de production
COPPER (lbs)4 775 2123 763 2903 655 2643 534 0103 723 6073 866 9082 936 5573 836 0432 114 233
GOLD (oz)1 2351 5513 4951 8311 112
LEAD (lbs)9 638 61013 013 88715 399 28915 119 30114 934 11323 300 65631 407 05330 877 94418 618 038
SILVER (oz)3 560 0003 627 9913 826 9673 664 6503 014 0474 477 1354 789 0774 946 6183 179 449
ZINC (lbs)24 687 36424 354 46626 596 56725 871 24625 796 28933 159 72841 568 15965 909 39721 107 056
Exploration and drilling
14/04/2010Huaron Mine on Strike
Emplacement géographique
Données mises à jour le : 31/12/2009
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