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Cours Or & Argent
Pays Brazil 
Etat / Province Minas gerais
Près de Paracatu
Latitude / Longitude 17 S 2 / 46 W 34
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Produit Gold -
Dernière mise à jour le 29/10/2010 - Conditions d'utilisation
Statut : Production
Risques / Pays : Modéré
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VanEck Vectors Global Alternative Energy ETF
Owner: 100%
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Kinross acquired its ownership interest in the Paracatu open pit mine upon completion of the combination with TVX on January 31, 2003. On December 31, 2004, Kinross completed the purchase of the remaining 51% of Paracatu from Rio Tinto.
The Paracatu mine is located less than three kilometers north of the city of Paracatu, situated in the northwest part of Minas Gerais State, 230 kilometers from Brasília, the capital of Brazil.
Gold mining has been associated with the Paracatu area since 1722 with the discovery of placer gold in the creeks and rivers of the Paracatu region. Alluvial mining peaked in the mid -1800’s and until the 1980’s; mining activity was largely restricted to garimpiero (artisinal) miners.
Anamalous gold and sulphide mineralization is localized within a 120 – 140 meter thick high strain zone that dips gently (20°) to the SW and is traceable for over 6 km along a NE-SW trend, and more than 3 km in width.
Historique de production
GOLD (oz)92 007156 308279 427242 105
Emplacement géographique
Données mises à jour le : 31/12/2008
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