Pays |
Ivory Coast
Statut |
Risques / Pays : Important |
| Newcrest Mining Ltd Interest: 85% |
| | | | |
Titre | Profil de la Compagnie | Tous les projets | Site web de la compagnie | Page projet de la compagnie |
LGL holds 85% of the shares in Equigold Mines CI SA which in turn holds a 100% interest in the Bonikro gold project. The government of Ivory Coast holds a 10% interest in Equigold Mines CI SA, with the remaining 5% held by minority shareholders. |
The property is located approximately 240 kilometres north-west of the nation’s commercial capital Abidjan
LGL acquired the Bonikro gold project in June 2008, through a merger with Equigold NL. Equigold had secured the Oumé project area in 1996. Gold mineralisation at Bonikro was discovered shortly after following geochemical soil sampling over the Oumé a Plus...
The Bonikro deposit is hosted primarily within a small granodiroite intrusion. Mineralisation extends into surrounding basalts to the south, and is controlled along a moderately dipping shear zone. Gold occurs associated with quartz and pyrite, wit Plus...
Historique de production |
Métal | 2008 |
GOLD (oz) | 140 000 |
Discoveries and Drilling Results | |
Données mises à jour le : 01/12/3108
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