San Bernardo / Raquel 3 |
Pays |
Etat / Province |
Sonora |
Statut |
Superficie |
103 km² / 25 471 acres |
Latitude / Longitude |
27 N 20 / 108 W 47 |
Barite - Copper - Gold - Molybdenum - Silver - Tungsten -
Statut : Brown exploration |
San Bernardo is 47 kilometres north-north east of the town of Alamos and 72 kilometres north
east of the town of Navojoa which is in turn is 98 kilometres north of the border with Sinaloa, the
next state to the south.
The concession has at least one skarn related mineralized zone, the El Gochico mine which
was mined during the 1980’s by Penoles. Other skarn zones, as yet undrilled, are shown on the
plan of the El Gochico (figure 5), and other mineralized skarn zones are known on the Raquel 2
concession to the north west.
Sonora has a wide range of mineral resources, both metallic and nonmetallic, highlighting their large deposits of copper and molybdenite, gold, silver, graphite, barite, tungsten, etc., which exploitation has placed Sonora as the number one mining state in Mexico.
Données mises à jour le : 28/05/2009
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