River Lake / Highrock |
Pays |
Etat / Province |
Saskatchewan |
Près de |
Athabasca basin |
Statut |
Nickel - Uranium -
Statut : Brown exploration |
Risques / Pays : Tres bas |
The River Lake and Highrock properties are located on either side of Highway 914 at the southern margin of the Athabasca Basin, immediately south of the Key Lake mine. The Riverlake property currently consists of two claims covering 11,348 hectares. The Highrock property currently consists of one claim covering 5,831 hectares.
The Riverlake claims are situated southwest of the Cameco-Cogema Cree-Zimmer Project, and along trend from their Wheeler River project which has intersected up to 2% U3O8 over 0.25 m in drill holes. The northwest corner of Highrock claims is 8 km fro Plus...
The Property claims are situated along the southern margin of the Athabasca Basin and straddle the folded contact between the Mudjatic and Wollaston Domains. Many of the shear zones and faults within the western Wollaston Domain and at its transition Plus...
Données mises à jour le : 21/12/2009
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