Pays |
Czech Republic
Près de |
Liberec district |
Statut |
Superficie |
12 km² / 2 943 acres |
Statut : Green exploration |
Risques / Pays : Important |
| Uran Limited Owner: 100% |
| | | | |
Titre | Profil de la Compagnie | Tous les projets | Site web de la compagnie | Page projet de la compagnie |
Plouznice is located in the Liberec District in northern Czech Republic.
Plouznice application cover uranium deposits previously identified by Czech state uranium mining body Diamo, in the area of known uranium deposits south of Straz pod Ralskem where Diamo has a uranium processing plant which is currently on care and maintenance.
Uranium mineralization is developed in sandy sedi¬ments of the basal part of the Cretaceous formation, which lie within a fault-bounded block overlying crystalline basement. The sedimentary complex is up to 230 metres thick. Mineralisation is predominantly in extensive fairly flat-lying lenses 0.5 – 4.5 metres thick within coarse fluvial and lacustrine sandstones.
Données mises à jour le : 22/12/2009
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