Copper Hill |
Pays |
Etat / Province |
New south wales |
Statut |
Copper - Gold -
Statut : Mine development |
Risques / Pays : Tres bas |
Copper Hill is located 10 km from Molong, New South Wales, Australia.
Copper Hill was probably the first copper mine in New South Wales with production commencing in 1845. Modern exploration commenced in the late 1960s when conceptual models of porphyry copper systems were being developed in the south-western USA. Rec Plus...
Copper Hill is located near the northern end of the Molong Volcanic Belt (MVB), which forms part of the Molong-South Coast Anticlinorium within the Lachlan Fold Belt.
The core of the MVB is a remnant island arc system composed predominantly of andesitic lavas and tuffs and intruded by numerous stock-like monzonite, diorite, tonalite and dacite bodies from Ordovician to Middle Devonian times.
Données mises à jour le : 25/09/2009
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