Pyramid ( Alaska) |
Pays |
Etat / Province |
Alaska |
Statut |
Copper - Gold - Molybdenum -
Risques / Pays : Tres bas |
The 37,296 hectare Pyramid Porphyry Project lies along the southern margin of the Alaska Peninsula approximately eight kilometers from tidewater.
The area was initially explored in 1974 by the Aleut-Quintana-Duval Joint Venture, who drilled 19 shallow holes (maximum 168 meters depth) in late 1975 (1,695 meters total). Gold content was not an exploration target in the initial exploration effort. More recent exploration by Battle Mountain Gold in the late 1980's identified associated gold values that have enhanced the potential of Pyramid.
The Port Moller region has experienced continuous volcanic activity for at least 36 million years. Regionally, the Alaska Peninsula has island arc, continental arc and continental margin environments juxtaposed with the Tertiary-aged magmatic centers Plus...
Discoveries and Drilling Results | |
Données mises à jour le : 09/11/2010
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