Pays |
Etat / Province |
Cjamarca |
Statut |
Superficie |
41 km² / 10 008 acres |
Risques / Pays : Important |
| VanEck Vectors Global Alternative Energy ETF Owner: 100% |
| | | | |
Titre | Profil de la Compagnie | Tous les projets | Site web de la compagnie | Page projet de la compagnie |
AngloGold Ashanti signed a letter of intent with Absolut Resources to acquire all the rights to AngloGold Ashanti's exploration projects and a geochemical database in Northern Peru. Under the agreement, AngloGold Ashanti was issued shares and share warrants in the company |
| VanEck Vectors Global Alternative Energy ETF |
| | | | |
Titre | Profil de la Compagnie | Tous les projets | Site web de la compagnie | Page projet de la compagnie |
Agreement with AngloGold Exploaracion Peru S.A.C., to acquire the rights to all AngloGold’s exploration projects within Northern Peru: |
Mineralisation is hosted within a package of argillic altered, andesitic to felsic fel·sic adj. Containing a group of light-colored silicate minerals that occur in igneous rocks.
fel(dspar) + s(ilica) + -ic. volcanics near the contact with underl Plus...
Données mises à jour le : 31/12/2006
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