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Cours Or & Argent
Pays Canada 
Etat / Province Ontario
Près de Ely
Superficie 11 km² / 2 619 acres
Latitude / Longitude 47 N 49 / 91 W 47
Imprimer Estimation Voyager vers la concession Toutes les concessions voisines Mines et dépôts proches Concessions proches en activité
Recherche Cobalt - Copper - Gold - Nickel - Palladium - Platinum -
Dernière mise à jour le 19/01/2010 - Conditions d'utilisation
Statut : Advanced discovery
Risques / Pays : Tres bas
Duluth Metals Limited Inc.
Owner: 100%
Profil de la CompagnieTous les projetsSite web de la compagniePage projet de la compagnie
TitreProfil de la CompagnieTous les projetsSite web de la compagniePage projet de la compagnie
Titles to the Nokomis Project are registered to Duluth Metals Corp. (DMC), a Delaware corporation and wholly-owned subsidiary of Duluth Mining Limited (DM), an Ontario corporation.
The Nokomis Deposit is located in the western portion of the Maturi Extension Properties and situated southeast of the town of Ely, Minnesota, USA. The property is located in close proximity to major international ports and excellent mining infrastru Plus...
The Maturi Extension Properties were initially evaluated by Wallbridge Mining Limited and then spun out as a new independent company "Duluth Metals Limited". Wallbridge Mining Limited recognized the huge potential of the sparsely drilled mineralized  Plus...
The mineralization is in the lower South Kawishiwi Intrusion (SKI) in the Basal Heterogenous Zone. The mineralized zone is in and immediately above the footwall contact of the SKI. It consists of 1% to 5% disseminated chalcopyrite, cubanite, pyrrhoti Plus...
Emplacement géographique
Données mises à jour le : 30/10/2009
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