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Boliden Mineral AB

STOCKHOLM (BOL.ST) €UR 308,20 23/12 17:29 2,2 0,72%
24hGold TrendPower©: 27
Cours préc. Ouverture
306,00 306,20
Bas Haut
302,80 308,10
Volume Var. YTD
489 388 -2,00%
Shares Oustanding Mkt Cap Oustanding
273 510 016 84 295 786 931
Année b/h 52 sem. b/h
257,10 - 386,50 302,80 - 308,10
var. 1 mois var. 52 sem.
-3,45% -2,61%

Boliden Mineral est une société d’exploration minière de molybdène basée en Suede.

Boliden Mineral est productrice de molybdène, d'argent, de cuivre, d'or, de plomb et de zinc en Irlande et en Suede, et détient divers projets d'exploration au Burkina Faso, au Canada, au Mexique, en Argentine, en Espagne et en Suede.

Ses principaux projets en production sont BOLIDEN AREA OPERATIONS (BAO), AITIK, SKELLEFTE MINING DISTRICT et GARPENBERG en Suede et TARA MINE (NAVAN) en Irlande et ses principaux projets en exploration sont TY et PREMIER-BIG MISSOURI & MILL au Canada, LAISVALL MINE en Suede et LOS FRAILES (APIRSA) en Espagne.

3J 5J 1M 3M 1A 5A
Communiqués de Presse
22/12/2021 Boliden signs agreement with Metso Outotec regarding expansion of Odda
22/10/2021 Boliden's third quarter: Stable result despite production disturbances
22/10/2021 Boliden: Q3 Interim Report 2021
22/10/2021 Autonomous Hauling System for increased productivity in Boliden Aitik
24/09/2021 Europe’s Energy Crisis to Hit Miners’ Long-Term Power Deals, Boliden Says
21/07/2021 Expansion of Boliden Odda and more zinc with world-leading climate performance
21/07/2021 Boliden's second quarter: Strong earnings and cash flow
31/05/2021 Change in number of shares and votes in Boliden
27/04/2021 Boliden AB to Host Earnings Call
27/04/2021 Boliden : Q1 Interim Report 2021
27/04/2021 Investment in expansion of Boliden Kristineberg
27/04/2021 Boliden's first quarter: Strong cash flow
06/04/2021 Boliden: Production capacity in Aitik and Tara restored
23/03/2021 Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of Boliden AB (publ)
17/03/2021 Boliden's Capital Markets Day 2021: Competitive metals for adapting to climate change WEBCAST 12.30 CET
12/02/2021 Boliden AB to Host Earnings Call
12/02/2021 Boliden's fourth quarter: Strong earnings and cash flow for the quarter
09/11/2020 Boliden and Luleå University of Technology enter into a collaboration agreement
28/10/2020 Boliden AB to Host Earnings Call
28/10/2020 Boliden's third quarter: Improved earnings
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