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Catalyst copper Corp

TSX-V (CCY.V) CA$ 0,530 25/05 15:35 0,04 8,16%
24hGold TrendPower©: 22
Cours préc. Ouverture
0,490 0,500
Bas Haut
0,500 0,530
Volume Var. YTD
17 600 307,69%
Shares Oustanding Mkt Cap Oustanding
34 710 000 18 396 300
Année b/h 52 sem. b/h
0,100 - 0,560 -
var. 1 mois var. 52 sem.
6,00% 120,83%

Catalyst Copper est une société d’exploration minière de cuivre basée au Canada.

Catalyst Copper détient divers projets d'exploration en Ukraine.

Ses principaux projets en exploration sont LA VERDE PROJECT au Mexique et BEREGOVO-KVASOVO en Ukraine.

Catalyst Copper est cotée au Canada. Sa capitalisation boursière aujourd'hui est 18,4 millions CA$ (14,1 millions US$, 12,6 millions €).

La valeur de son action a atteint son plus bas niveau récent le 19 décembre 2008 à 0,03 CA$, et son plus haut niveau récent le 08 janvier 2010 à 7,80 CA$.

Catalyst Copper possède 34 710 000 actions en circulation.

3J 5J 1M 3M 1A 5A
Communiqués de Presse
19/05/2016 Catalyst Copper Announces Meeting Results
22/03/2016 NewCastle Gold and Catalyst Copper Announce Merger to Strengthen Board and Provide Financial Flexibility
28/08/2015 Catalyst Copper Closes Private Placement
18/08/2015 Catalyst Copper Announces Non-Brokered Private Placement
29/10/2014 Catalyst Copper Files Amended Technical Report
16/09/2014 Catalyst Copper Announces Closing of Non-Brokered Private Placement and Appointment of Officers
16/09/2014 Announces Closing of Non-Brokered Private Placement and Appointment of Officers
29/08/2014 Catalyst Copper Appoints New Directors and CEO and Announces Non-Brokered Private Placement
21/07/2014 Catalyst Copper Announces Closing of Non-Brokered Private Placement
23/06/2014 Catalyst Copper Announces Non-Brokered Private Placement
05/06/2014 Catalyst Copper to Complete Share Consolidation and Announces New Study by JDS Energy and Mining Inc.
05/06/2014 to Complete Share Consolidation and Announces New Study by JDS Energy and Mining Inc.
29/04/2014 Catalyst Copper Announces Annual General Meeting
29/04/2014 Announces Annual General Meeting
23/04/2014 Catalyst Copper Appoints New Director
22/04/2014 Catalyst Copper Appoints New Director
22/04/2014 Appoints New Director
21/03/2014 Catalyst Copper Appoints New CEO and CFO
21/03/2014 Appoints New CEO and CFO
18/03/2014 Announces Receipt of $1.2 Million in Loans, Repayment of Convertible Notes, Stock Option Re-Pricing,
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