General Public Ownership
The general public holds a substantial 51.91% stake in PMY, making it a highly popular stock among retail investors. This size of ownership gives retail investors collective power in deciding on major policy decisions such as executive compensation, appointment of directors and acquisitions of businesses. This level of ownership gives retail investors the power to sway key policy decisions such as board composition, executive compensation, and potential acquisitions. This is a positive sign for an investor who wants to be involved in key decision-making of the company.
Private Company Ownership
Another group of owners that a potential investor in PMY should consider are private companies, with a stake of 16.50%. While they invest more often due to strategic interests, an investment can also be driven by capital gains through share price appreciation. An ownership of this size indicates a strong financial backing and has the potential to influence PMY’s business strategy. Thus, investors should dig deeper into PMY’s business relations with these companies and how it can affect shareholder returns in the long-term.
What this means for you:
Are you a shareholder? Institutional ownership level and composition in PMY is not high nor active enough to significantly impact its investment thesis. Looking for ways to reinforce your current portfolio holdings? Take a look at our free platform for a list of stocks with a strong growth potential.
Are you a potential investor? If you are building an investment case for PMY, ownership structure alone should not dictate your decision to buy or sell the stock. Rather, you should be looking at fundamental drivers like the future growth expectations around PMY, which is a key factor that will influence PMY’s share value. Take a look at our most recent infographic report on PMY for a more in-depth analysis of these factors to help you make a more well-informed investment decision.
NB: Figures in this article are calculated using data from the last twelve months, which refer to the 12-month period ending on the last date of the month the financial statement is dated. This may not be consistent with full year annual report figures.
To help readers see pass the short term volatility of the financial market, we aim to bring you a long-term focused research analysis purely driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis does not factor in the latest price sensitive company announcements.
The author is an independent contributor and at the time of publication had no position in the stocks mentioned.