Can LIO pay its short-term liabilities?
Given zero long-term debt on its balance sheet, Lion Energy has no solvency issues, which is used to describe the company’s ability to meet its long-term obligations. However, another measure of financial health is its short-term obligations, which is known as liquidity. These include payments to suppliers, employees and other stakeholders. At the current liabilities level of $0.9M liabilities, the company has been able to meet these commitments with a current assets level of $2.3M, leading to a 2.59x current account ratio. Generally, for Oil and Gas companies, this is a reasonable ratio since there is a bit of a cash buffer without leaving too much capital in a low-return environment.
Next Steps:
Given that Lion Energy is a relatively low-growth company, not taking advantage of lower cost debt may not be the best strategy. As an investor, you may want to figure out if there are company-specific reasons for not having any debt, and whether the company needs financial flexibility at this point in time. This is only a rough assessment of financial health, and I’m sure LIO has company-specific issues impacting its capital structure decisions. I suggest you continue to research Lion Energy to get a better picture of the stock by looking at:
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The author is an independent contributor and at the time of publication had no position in the stocks mentioned.