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Westgold Resources Ltd.

Another Bonanza Gold Intercept from Rover 1, Northern Territory

Publié le 29 août 2008


Westgold Resources Limited (ASX: WGR)


ASX RELEASE                                 29 AUGUST 2008


Another Bonanza Gold Intercept from Rover 1, Northern Territory


Westgold Resources Limited (ASX: WGR) is pleased to report further outstanding drilling results from the Rover 1 Project near Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory. In its June Quarterly Report, Westgold reported "visible gold over 2 consecutive metres occurs within an approximate 15m (downhole) zone of strong alteration and sulphide development together with footwall stringer veining" in drill hole WGR1D003 at Rover 1.


Westgold advises that it has now received the assay results for this hole as follows:

WGR1D003                                       32m @ 20.8g/t Au from 467m

including 13m @ 48.8g/t Au from 469m


The high grade gold mineralisation occurs within a broad poly-metallic IOCG (Iron Oxide Copper-Gold) system containing the following co-element intervals:

                                                           91m @ 0.45% Cu from 379m

                                                           81m @ 0.04% Co from 387m

                                                           29m @ 0.10% Bi from 470m

                                                           98m @ 43.1% Fe from 379m


Additionally, drill hole WGR1D003-01, intersected further strong gold mineralisation approximately 40 metres above the aforementioned bonanza gold zone.

WGR1D003-01                                   6m @ 9.3g/t Au from 459m


This high grade gold zone also occurs within a similarly broad zone of poly-metallic IOCG mineralisation including:

                                                         110m @ 0.83% Cu from 375m

                                                           99m @ 0.07% Co from 386m

                                                           76m @ 0.44% Bi from 408m

                                                           73m @ 39.5% Fe from 377m


Drilling is continuing to test the ore system at Rover 1 both up and down dip and along strike. The Company expects to provide a further update in its ensuing quarterly report for the period ending September 30, 2008.


Hole details                      WGR1D003                     359540E, 7787720N, Dip-75�, Azi 008�, Depth 599.1m

                                         WGR1D003-01               Wedge off hole WGR1D003 from 178.3m






The information in this report that relates to exploration, mineral resources or ore reserves is based on information compiled by Mr Andrew Beckwith (B.AppSc.) who is a full time employee of Westgold Resources Limited, is a member of the AusIMM.  Mr Beckwith has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a competent person as described by the 2004 Edition of the "Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves".  Mr Beckwith consents to the inclusion in this report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.

About Westgold


Westgold Resources Limited (ASX: WGR) is focused on the exploration and development of the Rover Project, including the Rover 1 (Cu-Au) prospect and Explorer 108 (Pb Zn-Ag) deposit, located near Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory. Rover 1 is one of Australia's most significant high-grade copper-gold discoveries of recent times.


Westgold controls a large strategic landholding over much of the Rover Field which is considered to represent a western extension of the Tennant Creek Mineral Field where past production exceeds +5.0Moz gold and 470,000t of copper. Westgold commenced drilling at Rover 1 in March 2008 following a 25-year hiatus in exploration, and has recently confirmed the potential to become a significant poly-metallic resource.



Recent Highlights


              Step out drilling along strike at Rover 1, provides additional high grade gold intercepts including 28m @ 11.7g/t Au and 21m @ 33.5 g/t Au.


              Initial outstanding start at Rover 1 with second confirmation drill hole intersecting bonanza grade gold zone of 65.75m @ 11g/t gold including 11m @ 18g/t gold and 16.75m @ 29g/t gold with associated significant copper, cobalt and bismuth mineralisation.


              Successful grant of Rover 1 and surrounding Exploration Licences, clearing the way for exploration to resume after 25 years hiatus with many untested targets.


              First-ever JORC Code compliant resource for the Rover Field with a lead-zinc-silver resource totalling 8.7 Mt at 5.6% combined Pb & Zn, 20g/t Ag, 0.3g/t Au for the Explorer 108 deposit.


              Successful restructuring of Westgold following the acquisition of Navarre Resources and spin-off of WA-focused gold explorer, Aragon Resources (42%).




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