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Featured in Industrial GHG Solutions Magazine

Publié le 11 mai 2010

Re:       Monday, May 10, 2010
Title:     Global Green Solutions Inc. "Featured in Industrial GHG Solutions Magazine"

GHG Solutions - The   Magazine of Idustrial Green House Gas Measurement and Mitigation
GHG Solutions - The Magazine of Industrial Green House Gas Measurement and Mitigation

Benefitting from Biomass

From the April 2010 issue

While some industrial entities in the U.S. have explored the replacement of fossil fuels with biomass as a way to hedge against the risk of future GHG regulation, many have discovered that the use of renewable fuel sources can also lead to community, economic and public perception benefits. Although significant benefits can be gained through the use of biomass-based fuels, it is also important to consider the numerous challenges a facility may have to overcome in completing an industrial fuel switch.

By Erin Voegele

Although burning biomass does release carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere, bio-based fuels are generally considered to result in zero net GHG emissions. Unlike fossil fuels, which emit GHGs into the atmosphere that have been sequestered underground for millions of years, biomass-based fuels are part of the current carbon cycle. In other words, the CO2 contained in a biomass fuel source, such as waste wood, was absorbed from the atmosphere during the tree's lifecycle. When that wood is burned, the same amount of CO2 is returned to the atmosphere...

....On a slightly smaller scale, Global Green Solutions Inc. is working to develop a biomass-powered steam generation technology that will significantly reduce GHG emissions associated with oil recovery. Working with Aera Energy LLC, one of California's largest oil producers, Global Green is completing a demonstration project to prove that its biomass-powered steam generators can effectively replace the natural gas-powered steam generators currently used on Aera's oil field...
We encourage you to view the full article at the following url http://www.industrialghg.com/article.jsp?article_id=6180&q=&page=all

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