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Pepinnini Minerals Limited
Australia PNN.AX 0,12 AU$ 0,00%

Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Report

Publié le 28 octobre 2015

0151 - Quarterly Report 300915_FINAL(281015)


Quarter ended 30 September 2015

Australian Securities Exchange Code: FEL

Ordinary Shares: 219,714,630

Unlisted Options: 3,850,000

Board of Directors: Tony Sage

Non-Executive Chairman

Mark Gwynne

Executive Director

Paul Kelly

Non-Executive Director

Eloise von Puttkammer

Company Secretary

Key Projects & Interests: Mt Ida Iron Ore Project

Mt Elvire Iron Ore Project

Fe Limited Contact: Mark Gwynne Executive Director

Tel: +61 (8) 6181 9793

Corporate Office: 32 Harrogate Street West Leederville,

Western Australia 6007 Australia Telephone +61 8 6181 9793

Facsimile +61 8 9380 9666

Australian Enquiries: Professional Public Relations David Tasker

Tel: +61 8 9388 0944

Mob: +61 433 112 936

Email: [email protected]

Fe Limited is an Australian domiciled mineral resources exploration and development company.

28 October 2015

QUARTERLY REPORT - 30 September 2015

Please find attached the Quarterly Activities Report and Appendix 5B for the period ended 30 September 2015.

Yours faithfully Fe Limited

32 Harrogate Street, West Leederville WA 6007 PO Box 1385, West Leederville WA 6901

T +61 (8) 6181 9793

F +61 (8) 9380 9666 ASX Code: FEL

ABN: 31 112 731 638 felimited.com.au


Fe Limited (ASX: FEL) ('FEL' or 'Company') is an Australian company with interests in a large portfolio of mineral resource projects at exploration stage located in Australia that are prospective for iron ore, gold and base metals.

During the Quarter, the Company raised $481,460 though a series of converting loan agreements with a number of sophisticated investors to find, evaluate and procure a substantial asset (refer to ASX announcement on 26 August 2015). Subsequently $50,000 of the funds raised were repaid.

Cardinal House Group Pty Ltd

On 30 September 2015 the Company announced it had signed a binding term sheet to acquire 100% of Cardinal House Group Pty Ltd ('Cardinal House') ('Transaction'). Cardinal House is an Australian registered proposed business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) provider of online social gaming products and real money gambling platforms.

Fe considers that the Transaction and associated capital raising (described below) will constitute a significant change in the nature and scale of Fe's activities. As a result, subject to ASX's discretion, Fe will need to seek shareholder approval for the Transaction and will also need to re-comply with the back-door listing requirements set out in Chapters 1 and 2 of the ASX Listing Rules.

This will involve the preparation of a full form prospectus and, if required by ASX, a consolidation of Fe's existing securities in a ratio to be determined in line with ASX's minimum 20 cent price rule.

In order for the Transaction to proceed, the Company will need to raise capital to fund commitments and to re- comply with Chapters 1 and 2 of the Listing Rules (which is proposed to include the issue of a prospectus).

For further details of the Transaction and the proposed indicative capital raising refer to ASX announcement on 30 September 2015.

Existing Business

Should the Transaction proceed, Fe proposes to seek to divest of its existing mining exploration business.

Fe has not yet identified any potential buyers for its existing assets and will keep the market updated of any material developments.

The Company has interests in several highly prospective projects in the Bryah Basin region of Western Australia with joint venture partners RNI NL, Alchemy Resources Ltd, Independence Group NL, Metals X Ltd and Northern Star Resources Ltd, where it has no contributing responsibilities.

Annual Report and Annual General Meeting

On August 2015 the Company released its Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2015. The full report and Corporate Governance disclosures are available on the Company's website.

The Company will hold its Annual General Meeting on 9 November 2015 at 10:00am. For more information, refer to the Notice of Annual General Meeting as dispatched to all shareholders and available via the Company's website.


Projects Review

The Company holds, or has rights or interests in several tenements prospective for iron, nickel, copper and gold located in Western Australia. This includes interests and rights in the 3 iron-focused projects at Mt Ida, Mt Elvire and Robinson Range.

Bryah Basin Joint Venture Projects ('Bryah Basin') (20% rights, free carried to decision to mine)

FEL, via its wholly owned subsidiary, Jackson Minerals Pty Ltd, has a 20% free carried interest to Decision to Mine in 13 tenements covering an area of 838km² in the highly prospective Bryah Basin, including tenements proximal to Sandfire Resources NL (ASX: SFR) Doolgunna Project and DeGrussa copper gold mine and several gold and copper prospects. The Bryah Basin Project tenements are subject to joint ventures with Alchemy Resources Ltd (ASX: ALY), RNI NL (formerly, Resource and Investment NL) (ASX: RNI) and PepinNini Minerals Ltd (ASX: PNN).

The Bryah Basin is emerging as a highly prospective and largely under-explored mineral field with potential for further discovery of gold and base metals resources. This is demonstrated by the recent success by Sandfire and JV partner, Talisman Mining Ltd at the Monty prospect, which returned high grade copper/gold mineralization from recent and ongoing drilling. This drilling targeted geophysical anomalies identified under cover and highlights the exploration potential for the region (see ASX: SFR announcements).

The Company notes that under the terms of the farm-in agreement between Sandfire and Talisman, Sandfire is required to spend $15M on exploration to earn 70% interest in the project. This clearly shows the value and potential of the region.

Grosvenor Project - RNI NL 80%, FEL 20% free carried to Decision to Mine

FEL, via its subsidiary, Jackson Minerals Pty Ltd, holds a 20% free carried interest to Decision to Mine in six exploration licenses (E51/1033, E52/1613, E52/1659, E52/1670, E52/1671, E52/1672) covering a total of 607km² (refer Map 1).

The tenements hold favorable geological setting to those hosting the DeGrussa Cu/Au mine as well as significant gold potential.

On 31 July 2015, RNI announced the sale of its gold assets to Metals X Ltd (ASX:MLX)(for further details, please refer to RNI announcement). RNI retains rights to a suite of tenements highly prospective for copper, gold mineralization. FEL's rights remain intact. FEL welcomes MLX as joint venture partner.

FEL has not received any updates for the quarter from RNI regarding the project. For further information, please refer to RNI announcement.

Forrest, Wodger, Big Billy Prospects

The Forrest, Wodger and Big Billy Prospects are located along a 12km mineralized Cu+-Au trend which hosts multiple targets for VHMS style mineralization.

Previous exploration at the Forest Prospect has identified high grade copper +/- gold results from drilling.

FEL has not received any updates for the quarter from RNI regarding the project. For further information, refer to RNI quarterly report and announcements.

Morck's Well Prospect

The Morck's Well Prospect is located in the eastern part of the Bryah Basin and contains approximately 40kms strike length of the highly prospective Narracoota Volcanic Formation. The northern boundary of Morck's Well is adjacent to Sandfire Resources NL's DeGrussa-Doolgunna exploration tenements.

FEL has not received any updates for the quarter from RNI regarding the project. For further information, refer to RNI quarterly report and announcements.

Bryah Basin Project (ALY 80%, FEL 20% free carried to Decision to Mine, IGO earning up to 70%)

FEL, via its wholly owned subsidiary Jackson Minerals Pty Ltd holds a 20% free carried interest to Decision to Mine in four exploration licenses (E52/1668, E52/1678, E52/1722, E52/1730) and two prospecting licenses (P52/1195, P52/1196) and, in relation to the portion of P52/1167 and P52/1168 amalgamated into E52/1852, ALY hold a further 20% interest in trust for JAK, for a total area of 228km² (refer Map 1).

The project covers approximately 45km strike of the prospective Narracoota Volcanic Formation sequence in the Bryah Basin and is proximal to Sandfire's Doolgunna Project and the recently discovered Monty Prospect.

Alchemy has entered into farm-ins and joint ventures with Independence Group NL (base metals, see ALY:ASX announcement 5 November 2014) and Northern Star Resources Ltd (gold, see ALY:ASX announcement 24 February 2015).

Base Metals Rights

Alchemy advised the market on 2 October 2015 that Base Metals farm in partner, Independence Group NL (ASX: IGO), had completed an RC and diamond drilling program at the Neptune prospect. For further information, please refer to ALY announcement., following completion of an earlier RAB drilling program. The drilling program is designed to test coincident drilling anomalism and high order electro-magnetic geophysical signatures in the Narracoota Formation considered similar in nature to those hosting the ore horizon at the DeGrussa mine.

FEL holds 20% free carried interest in 4 exploration licenses (E52/1668, E52/1678, E52/1722 and E52/1730), totaling 216.5km² included in the IGO Farm In agreement where IGO may earn 70% interest in base metals rights by sole funding exploration over 6 years.

Please refer to ALY Quarterly Report and various announcements for further relevant information and diagrams.

Gold Rights

Leading Australian gold producer Northern Star Resources Ltd (ASX: NST) has entered into a Farm-In and Joint Venture agreement with ALY (refer ALY announcement 24 February, 2015).

FEL retains its 20% free carried interests.

Please refer to ALY Quarterly Report and various announcements for further relevant information and diagrams.

Robinson Range Iron Ore Project (20%)

On 14 November 2015, PepinNini Minerals Ltd ('PepinNini') (50% iron ore rights) announced its withdrawal from the Robinson Range Project. The Project reverts to RNI and FEL.

Mt Ida Iron Ore Project

Mt Ida is approximately 80km northwest of the operational railway at Menzies, which offers access to existing port facilities at Esperance.

The Project comprises the rights to explore and mine for iron ore on a group of 71 licenses covering approximately 370km2 in the emerging Yilgarn Iron Province. This land holding is currently being reviewed to reduce the total area to better reflect iron ore potential.

The Project area covers part of the Mt Ida - Mt Bevan BIF, which is currently being explored and evaluated by Jupiter Mines Limited ('Jupiter') and Legacy Iron Ore ('Legacy').

No field work was undertaken during this quarter.

Evanston Iron Ore Royalty (Cliffs Asia Pacific Iron Ore Pty Ltd, a subsidiary of Cliffs Natural Resources Inc)

FEL holds a 1.5% Dry Metric Tonne, FOB Royalty over the Evanston Project. Cliffs is the operator of the Koolyanobbing Iron Ore mining operation which includes the Windarling and Mt Jackson mines.

The Evanston Iron Ore Project is located in the Southern Yilgarn Iron Province of Western Australia and covers an area of 167km².

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