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Montezuma Mining


Publié le 23 novembre 2015

Constitution listed public company

Constitution of Montezuma Mining Company Ltd

ACN 119 711 929

A public company limited by shares incorporated under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)

Adopted by special resolution of the Members on 20 November 2015

  1. Replaceable Rules 1

  2. Interpretation 1

  3. Registered Office 4

  4. Issue of Shares 4

  5. Preference Shares 5

  6. Convertible securities 5

  7. Participation of Directors in share issue 6

  8. Acceptance of Constitution by Member 6

  9. Variation of rights 6

  10. Shares held upon trust 7

  11. Shareholding statements and certificates 7

  12. Lien on Shares 8

  13. Sale of Shares subject to lien 9

  14. Calls on Shares 9

  15. Forfeiture of Shares 11

  16. Transfer of Shares 13

  17. Transmission of Shares 15

  18. Register of Members 17

  19. Alteration of capital 17

  20. Reduction of capital 17

  21. Meetings 18

  22. Quorum at Meetings 18

  23. Chairman at Meetings 19

  24. Conduct of general Meetings 19

  25. Adjournments and postponement of Meetings 20

  26. Voting rights of Members 21

  27. Poll 22

  28. Casting vote 22

  29. Proxies 22

  30. Powers of attorney 25

  31. Appointing instrument to be deposited with Company 25

  32. Revocation and invalidity of instruments 26

  33. Number of Directors 26

  34. Qualification of Directors, Alternate Directors and Associate Directors 26

  35. Vacation of office of Director 27

  36. Appointment and removal of Directors 27

  37. Offices of profit in Company 28

  38. Term of office of Directors 28

  39. Remuneration of Directors 29

  40. Directorships in other companies 30

  41. Alternate Directors 31

  42. Associate Directors 32

  43. Managing Director 32

  44. Directors' Meetings 33

  45. Chairman of Directors 35

  46. Defective appointment of Directors 35

  47. Delegation to committees of Directors 35

  48. Minutes of Meetings 35

  49. General powers of Directors 36

  50. Borrowing powers of Directors 36

  51. Interested Directors 37

  52. Directors' material personal interests 37

  53. Directors' financial benefits 37

  54. Local management 38

  55. Attorneys for Company 39

  56. Execution of documentation by Company 39

  57. Bills of Exchange 40

  58. Secretary 40

  59. Public officer 40

  60. Reserves 40

  61. Dividends 41

  62. Election to forego cash dividends 43

  63. Dividends in specie 44

  64. Employee bonuses and employee scheme 44

  65. Capitalisation of profits 44

  66. Accounts 45

  67. Directors' report 45

  68. Distribution of accounts 46

  69. Inspection of books of account 46

  70. Accounts conclusive 47

  71. Audit 47

  72. Buy-back arrangements 48

  73. Sale of small holdings 48

  74. Fractional entitlements and difficulties 50

  75. Takeover approval provisions 51

  76. Notice to holders 51

  77. Confidential information 53

  78. Notices 54

  79. Overseas Shareholders 56

  80. Indemnity and liability of directors and other officers 56

  81. Restricted Securities 56

  82. Winding up 57

  83. Supply of documentation to ASX 57

  84. Sale of main undertaking 58

  85. Listing and ASX Settlement Operating Rules 58

  86. Foreign listing 58

Constitution of Montezuma Mining Company Ltd ACN 119 711 929

  1. Replaceable Rules

    The provisions of the Corporations Act relating to a company's internal management which are described as replaceable rules do not apply to the Company.

  2. Interpretation

2.1 In this Constitution, unless a contrary intention appears:

ASIC means the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.

ASTC - Regulated Transfer has the meaning given in section 9 of the Corporations Act.

ASX Settlement Operating Rules means the settlement rules of ASX Settlement Pty Ltd and to the extent they are applicable the operating rules of ASX and the operating rules of ASX Clear Pty Limited.

ASX means ASX Limited ACN 008 624 691.

Auditor means the auditor of the Company from time to time. Business Days has the meaning given in the Listing Rules. Call Notice means a notice given under Rule 15.1.

Capital or share capital means the capital for the time being issued for the purposes of the Company.

CHESS has the meaning given in the ASX Settlement Operating Rules.

CHESS holding has the meaning given in the ASX Settlement Operating Rules.

Claim means any threat, claim or proceedings brought or made by a person against another person relating to or arising from any action, claim, Cost, demand, Damage, debt, expense, Liability, Loss, cause of action or proceeding of any kind, howsoever arising.

Company means Montezuma Mining Company Ltd ACN 119 711 929.

Constitution means this Constitution as amended or added to from time to time.

Corporate Representative means an individual appointed as a representative of a body corporate member of the Company under section 250D of the Corporations Act.

Corporations Act means the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and any statutory modification amendment or re-enactment of that Act for the time being in force or any later Act relating to companies and for the time being in force in replacement (in whole or part) of that act in the place of incorporation of the Company and a reference to a particular provision of the Corporations Act is a reference to that provision as so modified, amended or re-enacted or contained in any such later Act.

Corporations Regulations means the Corporations Regulations 2001 (Cth) which are made under the Corporations Act as amended or replaced from time to time.

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