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Gindalbie Metals Ltd
AUSTRALIA GBG.AX 0,03 AU$ 70,59%

Notice of a change of interest of Substantial Holder

Publié le 18 janvier 2016


FROM : Panasoni c FAX SYSTEM PHONENO. 86 755 6611423 Jan.14 2016 10:S?PM Pl

14 January 2016

By Email: [email protected]

Or By Fax: +61 2 9347 0005

Company Announcements

Exchange Centre 20 Bridge Street,

Sydney NSW 2000

Attention: The manager

.. Dear Sirs,

Substantial holder Notice

LinLi n Li 4 Wolseley Road, Point Piper, NSW 2027

Email: liadel ine@1 26.com Tel: +86 13902442288

This is LinLin Li who is registered as a m.ember of Gindalbie Metals Limited CAN 060 857 614 of

. Level 9, London House, 216 St Georges Terrace, Perth Western A ustralia 6000 (Gindal hie) attach,

. .. in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth):

. A Notice of change of interests of substantial holder (Form 604) in respect of Gindal bie.

. Copies of the attached notice has been provided to Gindal bie.

Should you have any further inquiries or need for any further information, please do not hesitate to

contact me.

Yours faithfolly, Lin Lin Li


FROM Panasoni c FAX SYSTEM PHONENO. 86755 6611423 Jan.14 2016 10:S?PM P2

Form 604

Corporations Act 1001

Section 671B

Notice of change of interests of substantial holder

bi11 p,gc 111 15 July 2001

Ji.Company Name/Scheme GI N DA L B I E MET 4LS LT D

·--- _



_Q.... b ,,...D:: 8: 5 ..j...lJ..l....! l .._-jf'... ;; :._ _· · ··--· _.;.;;_

, 1. Details of substantial holde1)

. Name ,.

ACNIAN (if applicable)

LIN L i i L\

_,_N"-/f.AY1----------'----------·-- ---'-'-"""-'-

There wasachange ill elf ir1terests or Hie

substantial holder on

The previous notice was given to the company on

The previous notice wai dated

P,1 011101t

tIi Ill lOIS .

,, t 11 t 1 01

2, Previous and present voting power

The total. number (11 vote, Jttached to all the voting shares in the company or voting interests in the scheme that the substantial holder ur an ,1oociate (2) had a retevantinterest (3)

  • inwhen,iastrequired, and when now required, to give a substantial holding noUce to the company or scheme. are as follows:

    Class of securities (4) Previous notice Present notice

    8 8oS/

    3. Cl\anges in relevant interests

    Particulars of each change in, orchange in the nature of. a relevant interest of the substantial holder or an associate ,n voting securities of the comp,ny oricheme, since the

  • subsntial hplder was last required to give a substantial holding notice to the company or scheme are as follows

Date of


Nature of .


Cla,s and

Pcrso11\ votes ,


relevant interest

change (6)

g'rven in relation

nurnbe1 ol



to change (7)



1.. /!b -lo1 LI N1,NLi 4 % 5 l5Qq ij,]J_ 1 g o q 11


4. ·Present.relevant interests

Pirtlci:;iars of E!nr.h re1 1v;1·1\ 1;1\erest of mo sub'::itanlial holcfr in voting securities aft0r.mc. cha_ga..:1,re as follows:

IIOldci of relev;1.1t irll('.f!:il

Registered hOldC!( !;If securities

Per''.ian enitled to be rcglstGrnd ii:; holder (8)

Narure of


, intcrcsl(6)

Cl::iss ,311d

nuinbc1 ,if


Pcrsorrs votes

' ,..._,., ...--------+-- ·--' -.'-'..---+- -

I _J,J!Jli..U,,'.bL--J-tJ!IJ&i ..="+"',oc+:'-!.l>!""'-LL..j-Jli.o_Q, 1.'iL_

-..:.·_ .. :.. ·.. -·;_-,. ·-· - -··-·--


- - - -·· ....,.

,. _ _ _

----- -··,-,........:..,

. . -- ..' ..... ,., .... . ·- ' ·r. ' " . ·-· --.. ·-----

FROM Panasoni c FAX SYSTEM PHONENO. 86755 6611423 Jan.14 2016 10:SBPM P3


, ;.; 111 15 Joly 2001

  1. Changes in association . . . . .. . . . . . ,. The persons who hci,11; bcc,imc associates (?) of. ceasecl to be associates of, or have changed the nature of t11c11 as1oc1o•1011 (0) wi\11, "'" ',u!J),n,111 :,1,ldc1 ,n rnlit1on to vo.mg

    inwrests in tl1ebcompany o: 1e11erne are a; follows:

    ·---------- ---- -·-·-·· ·-·---i

    Na,e A'""':l:c:li__J

    -..,N:.:a:::t:u:::::.o.::f..a::s=so=cia:t:io: n---··- --·· --==-·--_-.-··

  2. Addresses

The a,ddresses of personc, mimed in this form,re as follow1:


print name capacity

L"1. ...2o!f.' JAu1, · ·· .· ·· . ·. ._j

sign her.e

date 1 3 I o I Ilb



' I • '

  1. ,. there are a number of suosrnntial holders with similar or relatedJelevant imeresti (eg. a corporation and its related corporatio,11, or tlie rnan19cr ndtru11:".of·

    • equity trust), t11c names could be included in an annexure to the form., If the relevant interests of a group of persons are essentially similar, they may bereferred to . ·

. throughout the form as a.speci11cally named group if the membership of each group, with the names and addre,,es of members is cl"MY set out in paragraph 6 of the

.form · ·

(2) ·. See the definiuon of "associate" in.section 9 of the Corporations Act 2001.

. (f . . See the defmi:1on of ."relevant interest" in sections 608 and 671Br) of the Corporations Act 2001.

(4) ·· ' . lhe voting shwrs of a company constitute one class unless divided intn separate classes.

  • (5) , · The person's vo:es divided by the total votes in the body corporate or scheme multiplied by 100.

    (b);·, Jnclude dctail;of:

    ·(a) any relevant agreement or other circumstances because of which the change in relevant interest occurred, If s11bseciion 671B(4) applies, a copy-Of any document setting out the terms of any relevant agreement, and a statement. by the person givilll full and accurate details ol any contract SCheme of. arr;inyement, must accompany this form, together with a written statement ceMying this contract. scheme or arrangement Md

    . (b}

    any qualification of the power of a person to exercise. control the exercise o( Of influence the exercise of, tne voling power \ or disposal ottne\ecurities to which llie relevant interest relates (indicaling clearly the particularsecurities to which 111e qualification applies),

    jee lire definition of "relevant agreement" in section 9 of the Corporations Act 2001.

    ' . ' . . '

    ;Details of the consideration must include any and all benefits, money andOther. that any person from whom a 1Hevant interest w;,,acquired has, or may,:Mcorn'e

    . entilled to receive.in relation to that acquisition. Detail, must be included ev'.n if the benefit i;conditional on the happening 1)1 not of a rnnlingency Detailsmust be

    • · ·· ; included of any benefit paid on.behalf of the substantial holder or its associate in relation to the acquisitions, even if they are not paid dmtly to thcp&sonfrornwhom

. . the relevant li[Crest W;:1$ acquired. . ... .. ,. ..

  • (8} ··If.the .:i(Jb.'-itholder i5 um)blc- lo dcter111int;! the identity of tlle·pern:(cg, if th relevunt inLC!'CSl arises beci:lu:;(: of (111 option) w1i ti"• '1mk11owri'".

(91 Give dHails, ii a pprop,i,te. or tM wsont association and any change inthat association since tr1e lilst substantial huldin noti(.o

, "-'-- -··' "' -- •- - --- e· ..- ·· · ---'--'--'-'-_J

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