ASX/Media Announcement
8 June 2016
The Directors of Thundelarra Limited ACN 085 782 994 (Company) have resolved to extend the offer of shares under the Share Purchase Plan (Plan) lodged with the ASX on 10 May 2016. The Plan will now close on Thursday 30 June 2016.
The Plan entitles eligible shareholders the opportunity to participate in the Plan by subscribing for up to
$15,000 worth of fully paid ordinary shares in the Company (Shares) at an issue price of $0.05 per Share without having to pay brokerage or other transaction costs (Offer).
The Company is pleased with the level of shareholder support to date. However, the Company has received a number of calls from eligible shareholders wishing to participate who had not received Plan documentation. Consequently, in order to provide eligible shareholders the full opportunity to participate, the Company has extended the Closing Date until Thursday 30 June 2016.
Any eligible shareholder who has not received the relevant documentation can call the Company on +61 8 9389 6927 and the Company will organise for replacement documents to be issued.
A summary of the amended timetable for the Offer is set out below however the Directors reserve the right to vary the dates and times without notice.
30 June 2016
Closing Date
Offer closes. Applications must be received by
4.00pm Perth time on the Closing Date
7 July 2016
Issue Date
Shares issued
8 July 2016
Despatch Date
Holding statements sent to shareholders
The Company refers all eligible shareholders to the 2016 Share Purchase Plan Offer posted to them on 13 May 2016.
For further Information please contact:
Tony Lofthouse Thundelarra Limited Chief Executive Officer
+61 8 9389 6927
Issued Shares: 337.3M ASX Code: THX
Thundelarra Limited | ABN: 74 950 465 654 | Level 1, 186 Hampden Rd, Nedlands WA 6009 | PO Box 7363, Cloisters Square, WA, 6850 |
www.thundelarra.com.au | [email protected] | Tel: +61 8 9389 6927 | Fax: +61 8 9389 5593