Microsoft Word - CRP02 18 Change of address Nov1215
ABN 66 138 145 114
20 Howard Street
Perth WA 6000 PO Box Z5207
St Georges Tce, Perth WA 6831 Tel: +61(0)8 6144 0590
Fax: +61 (0)8 6144 0593
The Manager Companies Company Announcements Australian Securities Exchange Level 40, Central Park
152-158 St George's Terrace Perth WA 6000
By: e-lodgement (ASX code: IOG)
12 November 2015
Further to our announcement of 2 November 2015, please be advised that our contact numbers have now changed as follows:
Contact details:
Telephone - +61 (0)8 6144 0590
Facsimile - +61 (0)8 6155 0593 Yours sincerely
Company Secretary
About the Company:
Incremental Oil and Gas Ltd is a USA focused oil and gas development & production company. Its strategy is to identify and acquire low risk, underperforming oil and gas fields and apply modern technology and expertise to increase production and enhance hydrocarbon recovery.
The Company's primary focus is field development & production, with a strong emphasis on generating cashflow. Incremental has a portfolio of oil and gas producing projects in Wyoming, Colorado and California, USA.
CRP02 18 Change of address Nov1215