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Copper Strike Limited

14/09/2016 :Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy Form

Publié le 15 septembre 2016


ACN 108 398 983

Notice of Annual General Meeting

Explanatory Statement and Proxy Form

Date of Meeting:

Friday, 28 October 2016

Time of Meeting:

2.00pm (AEDST)

Place of Meeting

Grant Thornton, The Rialto

Level 30, 525 Collins Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000

This Notice of Annual General Meeting and Explanatory Statement should be read in its entirety. If shareholders are in doubt as to how they should vote, they should seek advice from their accountant, solicitor or other professional advisor without delay


ACN 108 398 983

Registered office: Level 4, 100 Albert Road, South Melbourne, Victoria 3205


Notice is given that the Annual General Meeting of shareholders of Copper Strike Limited (the "Company") will be held at the offices of Grant Thornton, Level 30, 525 Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, 3000 at 2.00pm (AEDST) on Friday, 28 October 2016.


The Explanatory Statement and proxy form which accompany and form part of this Notice, describe in more detail the matters to be considered. Please consider this Notice, the Explanatory Statement and the proxy form in their entirety.


Receipt and consideration of Accounts & Reports

To receive and consider the financial report of the Company and the related reports of the Directors (including the Remuneration Report) and auditors for the year ended 30 June 2016.

Note: Except for as set out in Resolution 1, there is no requirement for shareholders to approve these reports. Accordingly no resolution will be put to shareholders on this item of business.

Resolution 1: Adoption of Remuneration Report

To consider and, if thought fit, to pass the following resolution as an ordinary resolution:

"That for the purpose of section 250R(2) of the Corporations Act 2001 and for all other purposes, the Remuneration Report (included in the Directors' report) for the financial year ended 30 June 2016 be adopted."

Resolution 2: Election of Mr Harry Hatch as a Director of the Company

To consider and, if thought fit, pass the following resolution as an ordinary resolution:

"That Mr Harry Hatch, having been appointed to the Board of Directors during the year, retires as a director in accordance with the Constitution of the Company and being eligible for election, be elected as a director of the Company."

Resolution 3: Re-election of Mr Brendan Jesser as a Director of the Company

To consider and, if thought fit, pass the following resolution as an ordinary resolution:

"That Mr Brendan Jesser, being a director who retires pursuant to the Constitution of the Company and being eligible for re-election offers himself for re-election, is hereby re-elected as a Director of the Company."

By the order of the Board

Melanie Leydin Company Secretary

Dated: 8 September 2016


  1. Entire Notice: The details of the resolution contained in the Explanatory Notes accompanying this Notice of Meeting should be read together with, and form part of, this Notice of Meeting.

  2. Record Date: The Company has determined that for the purposes of the Annual General Meeting, shares will be taken to be held by the persons who are registered as holding the shares at 7pm on the date 48 hours before the date of the Annual General Meeting will be taken, for the purposes of the Meeting, to be held by the persons who held them at that time. Only those persons will be entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting and transfers registered after that time will be disregarded in determining entitlements to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting.

  3. Proxies

  4. Votes at the Annual General Meeting may be given personally or by proxy, attorney or representative.

  5. Each shareholder has a right to appoint one or two proxies.

  6. A proxy need not be a shareholder of the Company.

  7. If a shareholder is a company it must execute under its common seal or otherwise in accordance with it constitution.

  8. Where a shareholder is entitled to cast two or more votes, the shareholder may appoint two proxies and may specify the proportion of number of votes each proxy is appointed to exercise.

  9. If a shareholder appoints two proxies, and the appointment does not specify the proportion or number of the shareholder's votes, each proxy may exercise half of the votes. If a shareholder appoints two proxies, neither proxy may vote on a show of hands.

  10. A proxy must be signed by the shareholder or his or her attorney who has not received any notice of revocation of the authority. Proxies given by corporations must be signed in accordance with corporation's constitution and Corporations Act.

  11. To be effective, proxy forms must be received by the Company's share registry (Security Transfer Registrars) no later than 48 hours before the commencement of the Annual General Meeting, this is no later than 2:00pm Melbourne time on Wednesday 26 October 2016. Any proxy received after that time will not be valid for the scheduled meeting.

  12. Corporate Representative

    Any corporate shareholder who has appointed a person to act as its corporate representative at the Meeting should provide that person with a certificate or letter executed in accordance with the Corporations Act authorising him or her to act as that company's representative. The authority may be sent to the Company and/or registry in advance of the Meeting or handed in at the Meeting when registering as a corporate representative.

  13. Voting Exclusion Statement: Resolution 1

    The Company will disregard any votes cast on this resolution (in any capacity) by or on behalf of a member of the Key Management Personnel (being those persons described as such in the Remuneration Report) or a closely related party of such a member unless the vote cast as proxy for a person entitled to vote in accordance with a direction on the proxy form.

    Any undirected proxies held by Directors or other Key Management Personnel or their closely related parties for the purposes of Resolution 1 (excluding the Chairman) will not be voted on Resolution 1. Accordingly, if you intend to appoint a member of Key Management Personnel as your proxy, please ensure that you direct them how to vote. If you intend to appoint the Chairman of the meeting as your proxy, you can direct him to vote by marking the box for Resolution 1. By marking the Chairman's box on the proxy form you acknowledge that the Chairman of the meeting will vote in favour of this item of business as your proxy. The Chairman will vote undirected proxies in favour of Resolution 1.

    Resolution 2

    There are no voting exclusions on this resolution.

    Resolution 3

    There are no voting exclusions on this resolution.

  14. Enquiries

  15. Shareholders are invited to contact the Company Secretary, Melanie Leydin on (03) 9692 7222 if they have any queries in respect of the matters set out in these documents.


    Receipt and consideration of Accounts & Reports

    A copy of the Annual Report for the financial year ending 30 June 2016 (which incorporates the Company's financial report, reports of the Directors (including the Remuneration Report) and the auditor's report) is not enclosed as there is no longer a requirement for the Company to incur the printing and distribution cost associated with doing so for all shareholders. You may obtain a copy free of charge in hard copy form by contacting the Company by phone at (03) 9692 7222, and you may request that this occurs on a standing basis for future years. Alternatively you may access the Annual Report at the Company's website: www.copperstrike.com.au or via the Companies announcement platform on ASX. Except for as set out in Resolution 1, no resolution is required on these reports.

    Resolution 1: Adoption of Remuneration Report

    Section 250R(3) of the Corporations Act requires that a resolution to adopt the remuneration report must be put to the vote at the Annual General Meeting. The vote on this Resolution is advisory only and does not bind the Directors or the Company.

    The Remuneration Report is set out in the Directors' Report in the Company's 2016 Annual Report. The Remuneration Report sets out the Company's remuneration arrangements for the Directors and senior management of the Company.

    In accordance with Section 250SA of the Corporations Act 2001, Shareholders will be provided with a reasonable opportunity to ask questions concerning, or make comments on, the remuneration report at the Annual General Meeting.

    The Corporations Act requires the Company to put a resolution to Shareholders that the In accordance with Division 9 of Part 2G.2 of the Corporations Act, if twenty five (25%) per cent or more of votes that are cast are voted against the adoption of the Remuneration Report at two consecutive Annual General Meetings, Shareholders will be required to vote at the second of those Annual General Meetings on a resolution (a "spill resolution") that another meeting be held within 90 days at which all of the Company's Directors (other than the Managing Director) must go up for re-election.

    It is noted that at the Company's last Annual General Meeting, the votes cast against the remuneration report represented less than twenty five (25%) per cent of the total votes cast and accordingly, a spill resolution will not under any circumstances be required for the Annual General Meeting.

    The Directors will consider the outcome of the vote and comments made by Shareholders on the Remuneration Report at the Meeting when reviewing the Company's remuneration policies.

    Directors Recommendation

    The Directors encourages all eligible Shareholders to cast their votes in favour of Resolution 1 (Remuneration Report).

    Voting Exclusions

    The Company will disregard any votes cast on this resolution (in any capacity) by or on behalf of a member of the Key Management Personnel (being those persons described as such in the Remuneration Report) or a closely related party of such a member unless the vote cast as proxy for a person entitled to vote in accordance with a direction on the proxy form.

    Any undirected proxies held by Directors or other Key Management Personnel or their closely related parties for the purposes of Resolution 1 (excluding the Chairman) will not be voted on Resolution 1. Accordingly, if you intend to appoint a member of Key Management Personnel as your proxy, please ensure that you direct them how to vote. The Chairman will vote undirected proxies in favour of Resolution 1.

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