Tribune Resources N.L.

Published : January 10th, 2014

Change in substantial holdings from RND

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Change in substantial holdings from RND

-1\tiNING Ltd.

G1 49 MUIV11lO Parade

Soulh Perth WA 8151,Australe


Weat Perth WA 6872 Australia

T 61 8 9474 2113

F 61 8 9367 9386


W ou

9 January 2014

The Manager

Company Announcement Office

ASX lìmited

Exchange Centre

20 Bridge St

Sydney NSW 2010

Dear Sir l Madam

Tribune Resources Ltd- Notlce of change In interest of Substantial Holder- ASIC form 604

We enclose a copy of forms relating to acquisition of shares that occurred an 15 /2/2008 and 7/1/2014. We note that part of the information in thls notice ls being lodged outside of the prescribed date of

lodgement. The late lodgement of the form in relation to the purchase of 3,500 shares by Rand Mlnlng

Ltd was the result of an admlnistrative oversight.

The Company reaffirms that the Directors of the Company have agreed to be bound by the policy for tradni g in securities as referred to in the Company's Corporate Governance statement and In particular the Company Securities trading Pollcy.

The Company is of the view that the arrangements regarding trading in securities are sufficient to ensure that the market is notified within the timeframe set out in ASX Listlng Rule 3.19A.2.

Yours faithfully

Rand Mining Ltd


Rand Mining Ltd

604 pago 1/2 15 July 2001

Form 604

Corporations Aet 2001

Section 6718

Notice of change of interests of substantial holder

Ill Company Name/Schema


1. Deuuls ol submntial holder(1)


ACN/ARSN {lr llppllcablo)

lhere was a chonge In the lntcrests or the

substonr tal holdcr nn

The preVIous notlcc was glven to the company on

The prevtous nouce was datcd

1.!' l :L,l!l '?

..Lt ;l2...;lP0 7

);>..> 7

Z. Prevlous and preselt vodng power

The IOtal numoer li votes attached to ali the votlng Shafes tn the company Of YOUng tnterestSInlhe scheme tnat t/le s mtant alnolder Of an assoctate (2) had a relevanttnterest (3)

tnwllen last req. lred.and wnen oow requ rea.10 giYII a subStanualholdtng nollce tothe COfnpany Of scheme are as lollows

Class or secunues(4)

Previous notice

P!esenl notlce

l'crson's YOI!!s

Vottno :lOWe! 5}

Per;on's votes

VOIInoower (51

3. Changes In rolevant interests

Panlculars or eachchange In, Of cltango In the nature of, a retevant lnterest or U1e WllStantlalllolacr Of an associate In votlng sccurllies or U1e company or scheme.slnce the suDsl!lnllol hOidcr wos last requlred to glve a wbstantlalholding notlce to thecompary Cll are es rollows

Date or


Persoo w retevant l changed



l A t.JC.. 1'41.

Nature of

change (6)

A"i......s ,n' or

rk.. "'-"

Consldcrauon glven Inrelatlon IO ChOiltJO (7}

t )c:> P

Ctass ano

number or



1 $?'



Person·s votes arrected

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l A t.JC.. 1'41.

Nature of

change (6)

A"i......s ,n' or

rk.. "'-"

Consldcrauon glven Inrelatlon IO ChOiltJO (7}

t )c:> P

Ctass ano

number or



1 $?'



Person·s votes arrected

1_ç,. :>


Ctass ano

number or



1 $?'



Person·s votes arrected

1_ç,. :>


4. Present relevant lnterests

Partlcutors or each relevam Intere<;t or the b nlialholdelln Yllltng securutes Iter the change are as foiiOW\

Holder ol Rcgtstcrcd Pcrson cnuuoo Nature or CIIISS and Person·s votes

televant holder ol to be regtstllfed relevant 1umber ol

tnterast secunues as holder (8) lntorost !6l >!.'tlJ1'111es

() C,tlfO\(O .lr.ltltr Il, q l\\i)'t tllh..l, \),

IJ\•,.If,.i Hl t ,.1 '"'" U'),,.


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,4)1-- ,..JL N L. K" l oh.! St S S"L!M-"f

604 P<l91l m 15 July 7001

5. Changes m assoctahon

1110 pcn()llWÒO IIIIV!l bcc01111l assottaiCS (2) Ol CC..tIO llt!OSSOCtulC!S O[. 01MVC Cti.111CJt'dl tiC MHICOl Vll'lliiSSOCiaUort (91 WHI1 ltltl Wb lilrnialhOIdei 111 rcidl10!1IO V!lllng

111\lI S tn lflO companyOf Sdleml'are.1IOIIOM

Num!l and II



N l

tl oppllcauul )

Nlllllll' of UWlCIUIIOil

6. Addresses

1h'> lldàc SC'> oi!X!fnamed m ttus lormnrc IK lollom



pnnt namo

sign here


tIl lllrtnr<!uro n numiMlf ol bslulllhtiiiOick•rwilh tt!lllat ot ralatt.;d rclrwdnl tn1crcsts (L'9 11 corp01a11on anelli:.relijtc<l corpora\iott!>. ut thc :r und trustoc nl .m ecpllty ltu:.t) the namcould bi! lncludc<lin on 811fli!XUtl!to thurorm llthu tclovant tntcrusts o1 o qroup or pt.'f!>OilS oro t-ssomtally smultll lht!y muy be rclerrr.d 10 lhrOUC)hoUitho lorm as" spcctlrClllly n: mcd !lfOJP tiltte mcnlllershrp olCilch qroup wlth1hr nomond oddresscs or membcls 1tlédrly 'SCI OUII!l p; rngrnprt 6 or too



5(:,.•lllf!cHnt!lon or "as!>OC tlt 111 '>CCII0!\9 oltoo Corporatìons Ac.l2001


5oo tne dcltfllll()n Of ICIL'Vant lnlt·WS\" tn !CU!IO'ì 608 ùnd 6718{7) olt!ll COipolllliCJn1\c.l ?001


Ili!! votmq shmcs or a cnmpnny r.onsttwm one class unlcss OIVtClOO uno !.Cp t.lll'tl<w.cs.


lhe porson s votcs dlv1dC!d by Uiu wtul vote111 Lhnbody r.nrporow Of schcmc muillpllmJ by 100


Include dctails ol

tl ony relevant agrcc:mem 01 Olhet cuuunswnces because nlwhtch thc c110ngc tn rciCIIIlnttnteresloccurroo

Il SIJbS(!(.llort 6718(4) npplles.a capy of .tny

cloctment seutng 001ltM tcrms O( 11ny relel"..tnlaqree111<l0o' lr'd u s llt•m<!flt by too pc!!oOO gtvlng lull urtd ,,ccuraw dci.Jiur nny co111mct or

Jllilngt)mCill l!ll'>l IICCOinpnny lhtS lOim IOQI:IIl'r WJihH wttuoo q,tl<'ll'k.'l'lt u•ntly1ng lht'> conrraa sclwmu01 1rr.trogn .om.mlll

(D) fJt1'j qualtllcauon OltlltlIJOWI101 l!P.,1!>01110 cxc:rtJ:;o,controltnc ccterseol. 01 tllllucncc l/le cxcrtrol, mc votu19 flOWI.1s or dtSjl(blllollhe securu1cs10 wtudltrtc rclcvant tnll.'fcst ralolllS (lfldiCilltnq clcarly rhc panrculm 'IOOJIIIIC!i town1cn tnc quahlrcnuon oppltasl

St-a lite dellnluon ot ·relevdnl ugrt-cmunt" rn -cti0119 ollh<l CorooriJtlnns /lt:.1 2001

l/) DotRIIof the ccnldttatlnn nut tlntilldP. uny und ali bcnJJitt!>. monoy und otttut, lltatuny tJOtn from wllom a rolovuntlntOf(J)\ wus uCf1Jnr '(f has.or may. becom u untltlt'<l lo rece1vo inrolult!)f1 tn thUIIICQUisltlon Dcttslls nrust bo lucludiJduwulf thu bcnof111s condJttunulmJthuhuppcnlng 01 1101 or o r.nn11nqoncy Dcwtl5 mu tbro tnludt'CI of uny bcnolu pmdnn h<Jhalf nlliti) SUO'JUirtliOI holdot or 115 IIWICin((llll ttllllliOr110 U10 Ull)IJISIUOn. CVC11illh 'Y Ufl'not p;tltl cllrC!Ctly tOlho pc!liOrl lrom Whom

lilll IOI!!VdMI tn1!!1'1 Wil!t At:qJIIcd



604 pll9(! 1 Il 15 Juty 2001

Form 604

Corporations Ael 2001

Seetion 671B

Notice of change of interests of substantial holder


1.Dellllls of substarllaf holder(l)


IICN/ARSN {Il upplltnblul

lhl!rc WdS •l thilIn llle IOIL'ICSIS 011110

tanttal tr>loo

Ttte J'lltJVIuunmlce wgiVt!n In thr• r.ompany 011

The pwvlounouco wa$ dllll!d

., l l l :la• .... C\ Il l 'll>f1

9 l l l pf-t

2. Prevlous and ptesent vobng power

Tne UlUli numi)(olvotllltdclll'd 10 ••llllle vollny hnrt"> In lht! compdny or 11011ng utr.resb lt11h1J '>Cilemo lhatlhe subs\ijnuut holdc!r 01 un Hs!KlCifltr. (2) hnd a rclevom 1ntcros1{3) In wllfln IIISIrr ttlrcd und whcn now tt'Qulred 10 glvc 11 ...u tunlldl hotdlnCI not1cu lo tho comp3ny or sdll!mo. arr.ns fnllowr,

Ctassor sew1tiiC 141

Pri'YIOUS 10llc:.e

Prcsmt noucc

Pt'f!iO!fS YOI

VotmQ pnwur (51

Pcr;on YOI1!5

Vouno oowC!f 151

3. Olanges '" relevant tnterests

Patll ulurs OlUétch changn1n or r.h!mge IO tl'lO NlUitl Ol,il1Cit:lVIInllfllCII1l Ol1110 SliSUlllliijffiOidl01 ai11Wì0CIIlll'Ili VOIIng !>I'CUrltlll\ 011111! COntPtlny 01 'iChUmU SIIICI•lho

ubstnntlnt no1ur1w11s lost rcqulrccl to glvc ,, ub\t nllnllmldlng notiCt! ln litucnn1f'llli1Y nr• urc ''tollom

s N..b .,j !)"-D .J""

off. ""k r fLtMLZ

4. Present rerevant interests

P.wtiCUIIIrolP,it:h rt'II'Vdnt trncrr-t or the llntijll hokt1In vn!tng o,(l(lllltf!S lfwr thr Ò\ilfliJ" nru••lottow..

llt'lldcr nl

Rt.'9i llllfld

Prt·•.OJII'Illith d

Nuturc nl

CiiiS dnd

POI'\on·s vote


ilolr.Jpr nl

l() bo ll!gl ll'rt1d


1111111bet or



tlS noldet {l!l



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U.l.w ·141L1) ç,

601 p..gc 212 15 July 2001

S. Changes 10 associat1on

fr._ pcrsoos WOO h.lvc bCCOIIlQ d lill!!S (2) ol mt<;cd In 00 a'iSOCialCS Ol 11 lldlltJ tlltlllQI'IllhO IWIIC o( li\CII d SOCI<Jtlorl (9j W1UI llll' WOSWililllllOICl!'l IO rt•IUitOO IO YOIIflg

IIIIL P.SIS m t11c c.omparty 01 sowmt! re a folloW'i

Namo and fiCN/ARSN




N )A

6. Addresses

Il· uddrcs'lC ol OJmL'd10 th1S ram 611! ,,, lollows


pnm n.1mr. cap.Jclty

sign here

!lato 9 (


(1) Iltl10ro OIC a tlu!OOCI or 'illtNtRIIIIlllllflldl•rw1111 slrnllm or tPI<tte<l mlt!v.ulllnlmf•st(L'ti u curpomllon nd11r!'l.tlt'<lC(l(poiilllons. or tllf' fll(Hlil!Jilr and ttu lllt! ol.111 r.cp tlty u t). thl' namc)could be lnchll'lt!d In an liMekUrt!to tho rorm llthe rcluvunt •lllt1csls ola group olpcr ons me us twlly s1m1lur thcy fTl<IY Il<: rcrencd 10 thi'Oli(Jtlfluttho rorm .Js .t spt.<:tllc.tlly no mrd group lf 111e mc:mtlcrstnp or Uiiell!Jroup. w1U1 lnllnamcs and oddre SI)'; ollllP.mhrr"clcarly 9)\ OUt 1n paragrapn 6 or tlkl ram

(7) Scc tnc oot•mt•on oi"Jssocaatc" •n 5Cetot9 o1li"' Corp 7uuoos Acl 2001

(3) 5('(J tno oclin111on or·rclcvantiOtL l'Sl •n!>CCtlons 608 uoo 6718(/J or tlll' Capomuons Act 2001 (4) l ho volmq shares nf n r.nmpany consuwtc ono ctass unless OiVICl!!d tnto cpui!l!!cltl '>l

(b) lhu pOison's VOlUS d1v1dr.dby lhn 10101 VOI CSin Ultl body corporOtO 04 SCtiOITIC tnUillpllt•CI by 100

(b1 lnclud<: dota1ISof
fa) any IOII.'VUJilugii.'CIIICIIl DI OÙilCHCUillSillllCChccausc Of WI11Ch lh(• Cht111gt! In ICICVònt itltCfcst OCtUrtL'(J lf .Utrii!CIIO b711!(4) tppiiC'>. ol ccpy Ol d'IY docuneolsculng outtlle! tcrms ol my reltlvant agcl)ffl11f1t. ,,.,,,swtefll(. llby the pcr'XItlgivmg full 1d tc.wrdle rlctHII'.or .my tOIIlr.Jtl '.(hr!mc lll0rl}:fllt.'11(, ITil!.i ò<:UXIIJliiiY lfll101111 togetter W11h ilWlilll!ll tllt'ITl\.'111 Ct111fylny lfll)tontldtl 'idll!llllllll ,J1Jdri9<•1!1!fll; :Wl
lbl .my tJU.tlifiCiiUon or thl' pov.t'l nla poto l!JI'ICI$1.!. controllhnUftlw ol,or milll('OCe tne excrcr;e ol tlll voling powurs or diSIJOSillol lhc Sl'Cunllcs to
Wlllch lhe lr.1CVdOI tnl!'l'l!ll IOidlllS hnd!Caling Cll!llllylhll pillliCUIUI Sl'QJIIII!lS IO which11111 quahlitallon opohc:;)
$(:a the oofinltilll1 or "li•levanl ù!JICf111CI11 " In I'CII0119 or lh11 Comornuon/1(.( 2001
(7) Dllt.IIIS o1 111c con ldcratlon mlll lnrhKir 1111y l11KIdii b!'lll'flt!.. mnrwy 1111d ott'l'r that Hny pcr..on from whom •i roluvant lntcrt.lWil\ o'qultud h<l. or rnay. becom cnllth'tl lo reoelva In relatton IO thllt ,tcqul nloil Octnlls musioo lotludcd cvn Il lho bcnelilis concli lonal on the happunnlO u1 1101ol o cullltnquncy. Dclmls rn11s1 be lncludl-d or uny txmollt fl<lld onbeh;ili olthu sub tantml liUidl!l uc 115 ussoc1mc 111 rnlnumm thn ocqut lltoneven Il tlioy om notJl•W dircctly lO 1111! pcrsort lrorn whont

lhe rolevam wns acqwrl'd

(H) Illllll 'iUt)SlllnliOIt!Oid!!l l'iW llll IO dl)tCnnlmlh!! ldl. ltlly or ttlC pt'l'iM(cg Illhe tl!h!v,lrll Hltl1L'51 rlll!>l ) bt>tdU'>C olun Dpll011) wtlle uniU10WI1'

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Data and Statistics for these countries : Australia | All
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Tribune Resources N.L.

ISIN : AU000000TBR5
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Tribune Res. is a gold exploration company based in Australie.

Tribune Res. is listed in Australia, in Germany and in United States of America. Its market capitalisation is AU$ 226.0 millions as of today (US$ 152.4 millions, € 139.2 millions).

Its stock quote reached its lowest recent point on August 13, 2010 at AU$ 1.00, and its highest recent level on September 13, 2019 at AU$ 8.90.

Tribune Res. has 50 000 000 shares outstanding.

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Corporate news of Tribune Resources N.L.
11/2/2015Quarterly EKJV Exploration Results
10/8/2015Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy Form
9/14/2015Appendix 3C
9/14/2015On Market Share Buy-Back
8/19/2015EKJV Exploration Report - June 2015 Quarter
4/14/2015Notice of Meeting - Removal of Auditor
4/7/2015End of Year Resource 2014 for Raleigh and Hornet-Rubicon
3/20/2015ASIC Media Release -Tribune Resources Limited corrects error
1/30/2015Cancellation of 97,786 shares as part of Share Buy-Back
1/9/2015December Production Report
1/8/2015Cancellation of 41,470 shares as part of Share Buy-Back
1/8/2015Cancellation of 66,947 shares as part of Share Buy-Back
3/6/2014Pegasus Drilling Results
3/3/2014Disruption to Raleigh Mine Production
1/10/2014Change in substantial holdings from RND
1/9/2014Change of Director's Interest Notice - G Sklenka
1/8/2014Change of Director's Interest Notice x 3
11/29/2013Results of Meeting
11/13/2013Market Update - East Kundana Joint Venture
6/18/2013Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E
12/17/2008Campaign 9 ResultsReceived: from phpmailer ([])
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