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Published : September 17th, 2013

KG Corporate Newsletter - September, 2013

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Klondike Gold Corp.
September, 2013


Yukon Exploration

" Having worked out the geological
and structural understanding of the Lone Star
we now are better
to find the
ever so elusive Klondike
hard rock
gold "

Erich Rauguth, President, CEO


Structural control of high-grade vein systems

Geological control and advanced mapping potential

Identifying a gold bearing favorable
Schist Unit

Bulk Tonnage
Exploration Target

Discovery of shallow dipping gold bearing
vein stacks

one likely source of most
of the placer gold mined on
Eldorado Creek
Bonanza Creek

 that historic Diamond drill results
tend to understate
gold values

VG in quartz
on Upper Eldorado
4000 m from
Lone Star
Boulder Zone

1200 m
Nugget Zone
Buckland Zone

4000 m
Violet Zone
Au trend

400 m x 900 m
Boy Zone
Au soil anomaly
with VG


This update on the Lonestar Project includes...
  1. September 5, 2013 News Release Comments 
  2. Overview and Photo Update  
  3. What Does It All Mean?
  4. Comparison of Lone Star to other world-class gold deposits 
  5. Yukon Geological Survey, Field Trip Notes, "Dawson Rocks" Conference, August 8, 2013
    by Jim Mortensen, PhD  
  6. Preliminary Technical Update - Advances in understanding of Lone Star mineralization in 2013.  T. Liverton, PhD
  7. Third Party Publications
  8. Timeline History of the Lone Star Property  

1.  September 5, 2013 News Release Comments

by Erich Rauguth, President

The News Release of September 5, 2013 was important because the  exploration team has produced new structural mapping and modeling that indicates the identification of an anticline that can be traced from the Lonestar Zone for several km southeast to Eldorado Creek, resulting in a target for stacked vein systems that carry high-grade gold.  The mapping achievements in 2013 have changed our interpretation, creating an epiphany in understanding the structure of the mountain that is the headwater to a surface distribution of over 10 million oz gold found in Bonanza and Eldorado Creeks.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our technical team and our academic supporters for their diligence and professionalism they have applied to the Lone Star project over the last two years.  It is thanks to their effort, team work and personal dedication that the Lone Star project could advance to the point where we can better understand geology and structure and can direct further exploration towards targeting ounces of gold in the ground.

Some of the language in this Newsletter may be somewhat technical, but the message is clear.  The Lone Star Property is now much better understood than ever before. Please note that the Klondike is one of the last, if not the last, major placer gold camp not yet hosting a clearly identified hardrock resource.

We at Klondike Gold Corp. are working hard on changing this!
2.  Overview and Photo Update

The Klondike gold fields have produced approximately 20 million ounces of placer gold since its discovery in 1897.   The source of this gold up to now has been an intriguing geological mystery.  Published studies of placer and lode gold in the northern Klondike area have shown that the majority of placer gold from Bonanza and Eldorado Creeks (probably more than10 million ounces) was derived from gold-bearing lodes within an approximately 4 by 2 kilometer area centered on Lone Star Ridge between Eldorado Creek and upper Bonanza Creek.

Klondike Gold Corp. has made significant advances on the Lone Star Property during 2013.  Throughout the Lone Star Property's 115 year history there have been several significant advances in the effort to expose the hard rock source.  Recently Klondike Gold Corp. has confirmed the following:
  • The discovery that the higher grade orogenic vein system contains structures that are both steeply dipping (previously recognized in 2006) as well as shallow dipping. Their significance was recognized during the 2012 excavation of the Boulder Lode open cut..  2012 results from the Boulder Lode excavation confirmed significant gold of up to 43.1 g/t Au in grab samples from shallow-dipping veins.
  • Lithogeochemical analysis demonstrated that stratigraphic units within the pyritic schist package can be recognized and mapped and that one of these units (GBS1) contains up to several grams per tonne disseminated gold. This advancement was made possible by research and fieldwork by academics, scientific consultants and technical staff from 2011 to 2013.
Recognizing the presence of shallow-dipping vein stacks
and having confirmed the specific unit
within the Klondike Schist which contains
measurable quantities of disseminated gold
is a potential game changer! 

The 2011-12 work results have significantly advanced
 how ongoing exploration can, for the first time,
be guided towards unraveling the mystery
surrounding the origin of the Klondike placer gold
and towards identifying
an extractable hard rock gold resource.

Boulder Lode Excavation.jpeg  
Excavation of the Boulder Lode

The 2012 excavation of the Boulder Lode on Lone Star Ridge shows that a
shallow northeast dipping, stacked D4 vein system is dominant (not the steeply-dipping D4 veins as previously thought)..

Repeating packages of shallow dipping gold enriched veins may be a partial explanation of the millions of ounces of placer gold recovered from Bonanza and Eldorado creeks.  It is postulated that these packages may repeat at depth.

Lithogeochemical analysis has demonstrated that stratigraphic units within the schist package on Lone Star Ridge can be recognized and that one of the pyritic units contains up to several grams per tonne disseminated gold.  This chemostratigraphic mapping technique can be applied to previous drilling and surface sample data making it possible to trace individual rock units including GBS1 (gold bearing schist) over the entire Lone Star Ridge area.

The key gold bearing schist (GBS1) unit is mapped over a 50-250 m by greater than 3 km area (still open along strike) of Lone Star Ridge.  In this Boulder Lode area this unit is interpreted to be contained within the core of a northeast verging anticlinal fold.  Gold contained within this sub-unit of the rock package in the Lone Star Ridge area has been locally re-mobilized into high-grade orogenic quartz veins, which, together with the gold-bearing schist unit itself (GBS1) forms a potentially bulk-mineable rock package.

Advances in understanding the lithostratigraphic and structural setting of gold in the Lone Star Ridge area enables our team of geologists to direct exploration drilling with greater precision. 

Undulating Subsurface Lone Star.jpg

Undulating subsurface contact of QMS and QTZT - Lonestar Zone

High points of an undulation in the lower contact of the rock package show enrichment of gold.
Lithostratigrap...Star Ridge.jpg
New target areas to the east, west, and north of the Boulder Lode in these structural undulations have been identified. 

Boulder Lode-Ne...rgets 2013.jpg (

Our exploration strategy of systematic property-wide investigation of gold occurrences has been very productive:
  • Boulder Lode open cut results of 1.86 g/t over 6 by 25 m (horizontal projection), including 9.43 g/t over 2.5 by 4.2 m of the excavation. Individual samples show a high of 43.1 g/t Au in the quartz veins and 4.1 g/t in the interstitial schist host rock (GBS1).
  • Nugget Zone mapping, extension, grab samples of up to 179 g/t Au with 78 g/t Ag and recognition of a possible trend 1.1 km to the Buckland Zone.
  • Violet Ridge trend advancement with high sample of 47.4 g/t Au and 894 g/t Ag and evidence for a 4 km strike length in soil samples.
  • Boy Zone 400 m by 900 m soil anomaly and recognition of further under-explored areas of the property.    

Nugget to BNuckland.jpeg  

Colluvial and Placer gold workings being mined on the Buckland Zone 


3.  What Does It All Mean?

A detailed investigation of the compositions of placer and lode gold throughout the Klondike by Robert Chapman, PhD from the University of Leeds and Jim Mortensen, PhD from the University of British Columbia, published in 2010 in  Economic Geology, showed that the majority of placer gold from Bonanza and Eldorado creeks (probably more than 10 million ounces) was derived from gold-bearing lodes within an approximately 4 km by 2 km area centered on Lone Star Ridge between Eldorado and Bonanaza Creeks. This work highlights the importance of the Lone Star Ridge area in the production of a substantial proportion of the placer gold that was mined in the Klondike District.

Klondike Plateau Gold Distribution Map..jpg

Understanding the structural controls on the localization of gold-bearing quartz veins in the Klondike has provided a framework within which it is possible to identify the extent and geometry of vein systems on the Lone Star Property and to predict where these vein systems might be localized.  Reconstructing the deformation history of the Klondike region has been key in this new understanding of gold deposition. 

Between 2004 and 2007 geological and structural studies were done to map the Klondike district in order to better understand the structural controls on gold-bearing veins.  This work was mainly done by Prof. Jim Mortensen from the University of British Columbia, together with Dr. Douglas MacKenzie and Prof. David Craw from the University of Otago, and geological consultant Dr. Tim Liverton.  The work culminated in a 2008 published article ("MacKenzie et al., 2008, Mineralium Deposita") that identified and described a previously unrecognized and localized phase of deformation (the "D4 event") that appears to be the main control on the location of gold-bearing quartz veins in most parts of the Klondike. 
This work suggested that the main structural control on gold-bearing veins was steeply-dipping D4 deformation zones.  Excavation of schist at the north end of the Lone Star trend in 2011 and the 2012 excavation of the Boulder Lode on Lone Star Ridge shows that a shallow, northeast dipping, stacked D4 vein system appears to be dominant in these areas.  This system contains significant gold over a package thickness of at least 6 meters.  Tim Liverton has postulated that these packages may repeat at depth. 

Shallow dipping gold enriched veins may be a partial explanation of the abundance of placer gold in Bonanza and Eldorado Creeks.  There is strong evidence for this phenomenon in the area of Victoria Gulch below the Boulder Lode where the topographic slope is similar to the dip of the gold enriched schist package in the Boulder Lode, and significant eluvial (in situ gold in soil) and placer gold is present.  Recent lithogeochemical analysis demonstrated that stratigraphic units within the pyritic schist package can be geochemically recognized from conventional multi-element assay data, and more importantly, that one of these units (GBS1) contains up to several grams per tonne disseminated gold.

The lithogeochemical criteria that was initially developed by Jim Mortensen using an extensive multi-element assay data set from 2005 Diamond drilling in the immediate Boulder Lode area has been shown to also be applicable for most of the past Diamond drilling, rotary drilling, and surface sample assay from the Lone Star Ridge area.  The entire geochemical data set has recently been compiled for the first time, making it possible to trace individual rock units over the entire Lone Star Ridge area.  The geochemical signatures of individual rock units have identified units that are mappable in the field, and this distinction has made it possible to constrain a map of the key gold-bearing schist unit (GBS1) over a 50m to 250m by 3+ km area (still open along strike) of Lone Star Ridge.  This rock unit is postulated to be contained within the core of a northeast verging fold. This understanding was facilitated by the most recent phase of geological mapping and structural studies on the Lone Star property performed by Jim Mortensen and Katie Dodd, together with Tim Liverton from Klondike Gold Corp.  This work highlighted the importance of subunits of the pyritic felsic schist package as a source of gold that has been locally remobilized into high-grade orogenic quartz veins (probably on a scale of less than 100m) as well as a potentially bulk-mineable rock package of gold bearing schist (GBS1).

The aforementioned lithogeochemical and structural advances will allow Klondike Gold to direct exploration drilling with greater precision. Dr. MacKenzie and Klondike Gold identified an undulation on a 100 to 200 meter scale in the lower contact of the felsic schist caused by the interference of D3 and D4 folds.  The high points of this undulation show enrichment of gold with late D4 extensional deformation, preferentially mineralizing these anticlines.  This suggests new target areas to the east, west, and north of the Boulder Lode in the domes of these structural undulations.

A 43-101 Report filed in 2011 entitled:
"Geology and Summary Report of the Lone Star Claim Group (Klondike Goldfield), Yukon Territory"
by T. Liverton PhD, C. Geol., FGS

is available at under 'Investors'
by clicking link

Upper Eldorado Gold photo.jpeg

4.  Comparison of Lone Star to other world class deposits

Similarities of the Lone Star with other world class gold deposits such as Fort Knox in Fairbanks, Alaska, and the Macraes Mine, East Otago in New Zealand is important as both faced difficulties defining resources within the traditional framework of exploration.  This is similar to the challenges of defining the Lone Star Project in the Klondike.

The Fort Knox and Macraes deposits have other things in common with Lone Star as well:
  • all were large scale placer gold producers with under-explored hard rock potential
  • Otago and Fort Knox both moved forward to become world class gold deposits once the nature of each deposit became better understood
In Yukon a variety of gold deposit styles are related to the complex Mesozoic and Cenozoic plutonic volcanic and deformational history associated with the formation of the northern Canadian Cordilleran orogen.  Many of the gold deposits that have been identified in the Yukon are genetically and temporally related to post-orogenic, reduced mid-Cretaceous plutons that were emplaced into Selwyn Basin sedimentary rocks.  Such intrusion-related gold deposits include Dublin Gulch, which contains 2.3 million ounces (66 million grams) gold, at a grade of 0.9 g/t and Brewery Creek deposits, which contain 825,000 ounces (23 million grams) gold, at a grade of       1.36 g/t.  An Alaskan example of this deposit type is the Fort Knox deposit, which contains 7 million ounces (200 million grams) gold, at a grade of 0.9 g/t.
(1) Gold, Yukon Geological Survey, 2008

Gold-bearing veins in the Klondike District, however, are not intrusion-related; rather they are orogenic vein systems of Middle or Late Jurassic age that formed after peak metamorphism of the Yukon-Tanana Terrane, and their erosion likely contributed to the formation of the rich Klondike placer deposits. The recently discovered White Gold deposit in west-central Yukon (~1.5 million ounces of gold at ~3 g/T) is similar in age to the Klondike vein systems and is also an orogenic deposit. Recent work by Klondike Gold in the Lone Star Ridge area strongly suggests that gold in the orogenic veins was very locally remobilized from a gold-enriched schist unit that itself contains potential ore grades of gold, and this schist unit, together with the locally high-grade gold-quartz veins that are closely associated with it, represents a potential bulk mineable target.    
(2)  Disseminated gold mineralization associated with orogenic veins in the Klondike  Schist, Yukon  Doug MacKenzie, Dave Craw, J.K. Mortensen, Tim Liverton  2007


The Otago Schist in South Island, New Zealand, has a somewhat similar geological history to the Klondike and hosts hydrothermal gold mineralization that formed during the latter stages of metamorphism as rocks were uplifted through the brittle-ductile transition.  Like the Klondike, gold mineralization in Otago is orogenic, and not associated with any coeval magmatism.  Both the Klondike and Otago Schist belts share a similar history of early placer mining followed by the discovery of gold-bearing quartz veins.  For over a hundred years the principal source of mined hardrock gold in Otago was schist-hosted gold-bearing quartz veins (Williams, 1974).  Hardrock miners typically handpicked high-grade quartz veins and ignored the softer (commonly uneconomic) host schist. This changed in the 1990s with the development of the currently active Macraes mine (approximately 6-million-ounce (200-million-g) deposit that is dominated by low-grade disseminated gold with subordinate small (typically metre-scale) gold-bearing quartz veins. Mitchell et al., 2006).  The bulk of mined material at Macraes, the largest gold mine in New Zealand, is auriferous sulphide-mineral-impregnated schist within a regional scale shear zone that contains only minor gold-bearing quartz veins. Hence the current focus of gold exploration in Otago is this newly recognized disseminated style of mineralization (Craw et al, 2005).

In part because of its many similarities with Otago, the Klondike Schist is considered to be highly prospective for this style of mineralization and large-volume, low-grade gold deposits.


5. Yukon Geological Survey, Field Trip Notes, "Dawson Rocks" Conference, August 8, 2013
by Jim Mortensen, PhD

It is useful to follow the footsteps of the geologists as they conduct a 'boots-on-the-ground' review of the Lone Star Project.

Km 0.4.  
"Discovery Claim on Eldorado Creek. Eldorado Creek was the richest placer stream in the Klondike (and probably one of the richest in the world), producing at least 2 million ounces (and probably twice this amount). Studies of the gold by Chapman et al. (2010a) have shown that the vast majority of the gold was derived from orogenic vein systems on the NE side of Eldorado Creek, in the Lone Star Ridge area (see map above). Chapman et al. concluded that a small, evidently very rich, orogenic gold system was centred on Lone Star Ridge and provide most of the gold not only to the Eldorado Creek placers but also to both upper Bonanza Creek (from Victoria Gulch down to Grand Forks) and all of lower Bonanza Creek (Grand Forks to the mouth).. This represents a minimum of 7+ million ounces of gold (possibly double this amount). Only minor amounts of gold were contributed from other tributaries (eg. Adams Gulch)."
Km 2.7. 
"Turn off to left up switchbacks onto road along Lone Star Ridge. Drive 7.3 km to the old Lone Star mine and park beside the old bunkhouse. Walk up to the open cut. Material from the old "Boulder Lode" open cut was passed down a shaft to a series of adits, moved out to surface and then sent down a 1100 m tram line to a four-stamp mill on Victoria Gulch to the north. Approximately 7650 tonnes of ore was processed between 1909 and 1914, with roughly 2000 oz of gold being recovered. The open cut is within a package of muscovite-quartz schist within the steeply northeast-dipping short limb of a large, northeast-verging antiform."

"Chemostratigraphy has been used to great effect to identify marker horizons (along specific lithological contacts) that make it possible for the first time to resolve the large-scale structure of the felsic schist package in the vicinity of the open cut and elsewhere along Lone Star Ridge. Narrow base metal lenses occur in a number of places within the felsic schist package, and Pb isotopic studies of these occurrences confirms that they represent syngenetic sulphides (Mortensen et al., 2006). Although discordant orogenic quartz veins are present throughout the dominantly metavolcanic (meta-tuffaceous?) sequence in the Lone Star area, they only appear to contain gold when they are hosted within a particular metadacite/rhyodacite unit. This unit is strongly pyritic (typically 2-3% pyrite) and has been shown to contain substantial levels of disseminated gold (up to several g/tonne) that is not related to veining (MacKenzie et al., 2008b). The disseminated gold is interpreted to be part of a gold-enriched VMS system of Late Permian age, and the close association between the gold-bearing orogenic veins and the gold-enriched host rocks suggests that gold in the veins was remobilized on a relatively large small scale (10m to 100m) from previously enriched host rocks. Pb isotopic studies of vein sulphides from throughout the Klondike provide strong support for this model of very local sources of gold and other metals in the orogenic vein systems."

To review all figures referenced in the report, please go to the Investors Section of the website to read the full report.

6.  Preliminary Technical Update - Advances in understanding of Lone Star mineralization in 2013.



During the late-season exploration work of 2011 two main efforts were started: the excavation of a 4m vertical face in the region of the bottom of trench 87-16 at the northern known extension of the Boulder Lode and rock sampling from pits dug every 60-100m along the Lone Star ridge. The first work investigated sampling techniques based on structure rather than un-oriented chip samples and the latter work followed the ridge road for a total of 11.7 km (from the first hairpin bend above Grand Forks to midway between Eldorado dome and the Calder Summit roadhouse), with collection of C-horizon soils and rock for geochemistry and mapping. Four gold anomalies and a base-metal anomalous schist unit were found by this geochemistry (Fig. 1).


The 2012 work programme involved drilling of four Diamond drill holes between Lone Star and Pioneer, the cleaning-out of the Boulder Lode opencut and detailed channel sampling of the faces, some new trenching and surface sampling at the Nugget zone, re-mapping and sampling around the Violet mine and prospecting combined with soil sampling between the mine and the 310 zone prospect. The unsampled area between the two 2006-7 trenches at the JF zone south of Gay Gulch was trenched and samples cut, defining some interesting gold mineralization. Re-examination of historical trenching south of Oro Grande revealed visible gold in quartz veins.  Collection over a more detailed grid of soils at the head of Little Blanche Creek defined a significant gold anomaly (the 'Boy' Zone) (Fig. 2).




In order to understand the mineralization at the Lone Star ridge, the structural geology of the Klondike was deduced through careful mapping. The work carried out by Klondike Gold Corp and Klondike Star Mineral Corp. from 2004-2008 and particularly the research by Doug MacKenzie, Dave Craw and Jim Mortensen had elucidated the structural geology of the region. The volcanic flows, volcanic-derived sediments and subvolcanic intrusions that formed the Permian volcanic arc that became the Klondike Schist have been subjected to four episodes of folding. The first two events D1-2 folded the rocks isoclinally (i.e., through 180�) and except for one notable rock exposure at 27 Pup had almost completely obliterated any original bedding in the sediments. The prominent layering ('foliation') now seen is a metamorphic layering (S2). The first two fold generations were produced under a completely ductile regime deep in the earth's crust during ocean basin closure and transport of the island arc towards the ancient North American continent. Subsequent deformation consisted of a further ductile D3 folding that was coincident with stacking of the Klondike Schist with Nasina Series sediments by thrust faulting during the emplacement of the oceanic terranes onto the continental margin. The stack of thrust sheets was further folded (D4) with uplift of the Klondike schist into shallower crustal levels into a brittle deformation regime during mountain-building in Jurassic times.  


At least during the D2-D4 deformation events there were quartz veins emplaced along brittle fractures in the folded rocks. It has been demonstrated that only the last event (D4) of veining introduced significant gold grades. Two types of veins that carry gold have been recognised: those which are parallel to D4 fold axial planes (i.e., they divide the folds symmetrically), which were recognised during the 2004-2007 mapping and which are seen over much of the Klondike schist; and a set of extension-related, shallow-dipping veins exposed at Lone Star, only one which had been documented in earlier work (MacKenzie et al., 2008). The axial-planar veins were seen to contain significant gold and other base metals in their immediate selvedges (over, say 10cm maximum distance from the quartz). Prior to the 2011 work the importance of the shallow-dipping veins was not recognised, but the 2012 work has shown that this set of structures was the main grade control on the Boulder Lode mineralization.




Apart from regional exploration (Nugget, Violet, 310 zone and 'Boy' prospects), the most significant results were obtained from work around the Lone Star-Pioneer area. Diamond drilling to greater depths than previously attempted in the area demonstrated that gold occurs in the lower sheet of the Lone Star thrust, which passes through the 7 Pup placer claims. An epiphany in understanding the mineralization resulted from excavation performed in late 2011 that exposed a set of flat-dipping extensional quartz veins at the NW extent of the explored Lone Star trend that carried significant gold grades (Fig. 3). That work also demonstrated that 2005-6 chip sampling of the adjacent trench 97-16 had grossly underestimated gold grade at that locality. The cleaning-out of the historic Boulder Lode opencut at Lone Star in 2012 revealed the hitherto unrecognised extent of the low-angle extensional quartz vein development and allowed careful channel sampling of the faces of the workings (Figs. 4 & 5). These D4 veins, plus the intervening schist carry the gold that was mined historically. A 6 x 25m horizontally-projected area (down the � 50� opencut face i.e., at a high angle to the dip of the vein system) was shown to average 1.86 g/t gold. Assays of up to 36 g/t were obtained from samples that crossed quartz veins. Gold occurs in the quartz, in pyritic selvedges to the veins and, at a lower grade, also disseminated in the schist. A tentative interpretation of the extensional quartz vein systems indicates that these may occur in stacks that are repeated vertically every 15m or so. The major local gold-bearing structures are therefore shown to be in flat-lying packages (Fig. 6), not as steeply-dipping structures following the obvious folding of the S2 fabric of the Klondike Schist. D3 and D4 fold interference patterns ('egg-carton' geometry) also have a broad control on gold grades in schist at Lone Star: the dome structures contain higher grade (Fig. 7). The attitude of the shallow-dipping D4 vein packages is only slightly steeper than the dip of the topography towards Victoria Gulch and down-dip erosion of the veins would have provided much of the placer gold in that drainage.




A further control on mineralization is that the gold-bearing veins are contained within a particular meta-volcanic unit within the Klondike Schist and this 'favourable horizon' may be mapped SE past the Pioneer prospect.   Trace element lithogeochemistry by Prof. Mortensen and Dr. Tim Liverton has shown that the protoliths of the schist in the immediate Lone Star area were dacite / rhyodacite ("quartz muscovite schist"and rhyolite "micaceous quartzite", with more chloritic schist plotting as basaltic andesite on the trace element discriminant diagrams. An ongoing project is to identify lithologic units that may be mapped by their geochemical signature.




Base metal sulphides have been intersected as discrete S2-parallel layers, particularly in drill hole 12LS03 (Figs. 8 & 9). Combined soil C-horizon and rock sampling along the ridge road past Eldorado Dome has delineated a base metal (Pb, Ag, Cu, Zn, Bi, Se) anomalous horizon that is a mappable muscovite-rich "silver schist" which is interpreted as being derived from a hydrothermally altered rhyolitic tuff protolith. Some 200m to the northeast, on the side of Eldorado Dome, a quartz-magnetite rock intersected in historic trenching is interpreted by Prof. Jim Mortensen to be a distal oxide-facies exhalative unit.




The mapping of the Lone Star ridge by Prof. Mortensen and Katie Dodd has been completed.  A map and sections are to be produced during September.  As identified by the lithogeochemistry from 2005 and earlier vintage drill holes, three rock sequences are recognised: a (structurally) lower meta-rhyolite "micaceous quartzite", the quartz-mica schist (meta-dacite to basaltic andesite) of the Boulder Lode and the upper unit that consists of meta rhyolite and felsic, finely laminated schists. This latter unit is correlated with the sequence down the SW side of the ridge and which is intersected in the Klondike Star Buckland drill holes, the core from which has been re-examined. It is interpreted that the micaceous schist unit would lie at a shallow depth (? 150m+) below the surface. The large-scale structure of the Lone Star ridge has been deduced. Further work is recommended to follow fold structure to the SE past Eldorado dome.


Re-mapping and sampling of the Gay Gulch to upper Eldorado area is in progress to evaluate the significance of quartz vein mineralization that yielded visible gold during 2012 fieldwork.




7.  Third Party Publications
The Yukon Geological Survey publication entitled "Gold", (published in 2008) makes reference on page 8 to the Lone Star Zone and Drill Hole 2005-27, 1.67 g/t Au over 61.7 m as an "orogenic vein".

The publication is now available at under the Investors tab, Yukon Government Publications.  For the direct link click here.

8.  Timeline - History of the Lone Star Property
KG Historical Timeline
Click to view or download here
About Klondike Gold Corp.
Klondike Gold Corp. is a Canadian exploration company with offices in Vancouver, British Columbia and Dawson City, Yukon. The Company is focused on the development of its Yukon, British Columbia, and Portugal gold properties.  Additionally the Company holds a large portfolio of base metal projects in southeastern British Columbia.

T. Liverton, PhD., C. Geol, F.G.S. is a Qualified Person as defined in National Instrument 43-101 and has reviewed and approved the technical contents of this news letter.

Telephone:  +1-604-685-2222  


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Service Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this press release. Statements in this press release, other than purely historical information, including statements relating to the Company's future plans and objectives or expected results, may include forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on numerous assumptions and are subject to all of the risks and uncertainties inherent in resource exploration and development. As a result, actual results may vary materially from those described in the forward-looking statements.

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Klondike Gold is a gold exploration company based in Canada.

Klondike Gold holds various exploration projects in Canada.


Klondike Gold is listed in Canada and in United States of America. Its market capitalisation is 3.6 millions as of today (US$ 2.6 millions, € 2.4 millions).

Its stock quote reached its highest recent level on November 29, 1996 at 97.55, and its lowest recent point on August 23, 2024 at 0.07.

Klondike Gold has 47 442 200 shares outstanding.

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2/19/2015Klondike Gold Receives Final Payment for Portuguese Assets
2/2/2015Klondike Gold Reports Gold Run Property Assays, New Staking
2/2/2015Klondike Gold Reports Gold Run Property Assays, New Staking
1/19/2015Klondike Gold Reports Dominion Property Rock Sample Assays
1/19/2015Klondike Gold Reports Dominion Property Rock Sample Assays
1/14/2015Klondike Gold Reports Lone Star Property Rock Sample Assays
1/14/2015Klondike Gold Reports Lone Star Property Rock Sample Assays
12/16/2014Klondike Gold Announces Closing of Private Placement
12/16/2014Klondike Gold Announces Closing of Private Placement
11/20/2014Klondike Gold Announces Closing of $2.35 Million Equity Fina...
11/20/2014Klondike Gold Announces Closing of $2.35 Million Equity Fina...
10/21/2014Klondike Gold Announces Lease Agreement with Todd Hoffman’s ...
10/21/2014Klondike Gold Announces Lease Agreement with Todd Hoffman’s ...
9/16/2014Klondike Gold Announces Acquisition of Remaining 50% Interes...
9/4/2014Klondike Gold Announces Agreement to Acquire Remaining 50% I...
7/24/2014Klondike Gold Corp. Announces Share Consolidation
7/18/2014Klondike Gold Announces Successful Acquisition of Klondike S...
6/2/2014Klondike Gold to Further Extend Expiry Date of Offer to Klon...
4/29/2014Klondike Gold to Extend Expiry Date of Offer to Klondike Sta...
12/5/2013KG News Release, December 5, 2013
10/31/2013from Klondike Gold Corp.
9/17/2013KG Corporate Newsletter - September, 2013
9/6/2013KG News Release, September 5, 2013
9/1/2013KG News Release, August 31, 2013
8/12/2013President's Letter - August 2013
7/31/2013KG News Release, July 31, 2013
6/3/2013KG News Release, June 3, 2013
6/3/2013Concludes Lone Star Data Compilation and Delineates Bulk Ton...
5/17/2013Richard Hughes Resigns as Director
4/27/2013KG Corporate Newsletter - April, 2013
3/23/2013KG News Release, March 22, 2013
3/14/2013KG Corporate Newsletter - March 2013
2/14/2013Application Accepted on Three New Portuguese Exploration Lic...
2/7/2013KG News Release, February 6, 2013
2/6/20132012 South East BC Gold Exploration
1/30/2013Shareholder Information - January 2013
1/30/2013Lone Star 2012 Exploration Summary
1/25/2013KG News Release, January 23, 2013
12/18/2012KG Corporate Newsletter - December 2012
12/11/2012KG News Release, December 11, 2012
11/14/2012Samples 179 g/t Gold with 78 g/t Silver and 98.8 g/t Gold wi...
11/2/2012KG News Release, October 29, 2012
9/20/2012KG Corporate Newsletter - September 2012
9/20/2012KG News Release, September 5, 2012
8/13/2012KG News Release, August 9, 2012
6/1/2012KG Corporate Newsletter
5/16/2012A Message from Klondike Gold Corp.
2/8/2008Hinckley property, Sandon Silver camp
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