604 p•ge 212 15 July 2001
6. Cha!'lges In assoctation
Thc persons who have become assoclates (2) of. ceased lo be assoclates of, or have change(l tM nature ol thelr assodation (9) wlth. the sub5 1'1tlal holder In ralation lo votlng lntere:sts in the company or schame are afollows:
Nature of yssoclation
7_ Addr.ss..
Tho addrcsses of persons namcd In thls formare"follows:
print narna
slgn here date 19
03 15
(1) lf thellil ara a number of substantlal holders with slmllar or mlaled relevant l ues (eg. A corporation and lts rolated corpolì3.tlons, or the manager ynd trustee af an equity tru5\), \hf! names could bo lncluded in an annexure to the form.lf the rel : vanllnterests of a Q up of parsons 3!1il essentlally slmllar, they rnay be rcferred to lhroughout the foiTI'I as a speclllcally namod group lf th8 membership of each group, wlth the names and addre$ses of mernbers ls cleariy set out In pa(agraph 6 of the form.
(2) Sae the dofinltion of "associale" In Sactlon 9 olthe Corporetlons Act 2001.
(3) Seelhe dofinltion of "relavantlnteresl" In >actions 608 nd 6718(7) of IM Corporotions Acl2001.
{4) The voting shares of a company constitute one class unless divided lnto sepamte classcs.
(5) The person's voles divided by thetotal volfls In lhe body corpo,.ta orscheme m ltlplled by 100. (6) Include delllils of:
l•l any relavanlagreoment or otharclrcumstancos by whlch the rclev nt interest wes aequlred. lf s bsoction 6718(4) applie5, a copy of any doc mentsettlng ovt
the terms of any rele11iilnagreernent, and a statement by the porson glvlng ful! and accurate detallof any contraci. scheme or arTBngement, must accompany
thform, toge\her wllh a written sllllemant cortlfying thls contfilct, seheme or ammgement: and
{b) any quatlfi12tion ofthe power of a person to exerclse, controlthe exerciso of, the vo!lng powerS or dlsposal of lhe securlties lo
whlch lhe relavanllnterest relates (lndicating clearty the partlcular securiUas lo whlch tha qualificatlon applles). Sce the definilion of "relevanlagreemanr in secUon 9 of !ho CorporaUons Acl2001.
{7) DctaiiS ofthe conslderatlon must Include any and all benefits. money and other, that any par.son from whom a relevant lnlerest was acqulreO has, or may, becorne entltled lo re ;elve in lation to that acqu!s!Uon. Deta!ls must be lncluded even if the benl!lfit IS condllional ;n thc appenlng or n ;t of a conUngency. Detalls must be lncludeQ of any benefit paid on behalf of the substantlal holder or its associate In rnlalion to lhe acqulsitlons, even lf they are notpaid dlrectly to tho person from whom
the relevant lnterest was acqulred.
(BI lf tho substantial holder in unableto dalormlne \ho ldentlty of the person (eg, Ilthe rclevantlnlereslarises because of an optlon) writa "unknown", (9) Glva dellll. if appropriate. of the present a55ociaUon and any changa in lhatassociellon sinre the lastsubstantl•l holding notlce.
604 p•ge 212 15 July 2001
6. Cha!'lges In assoctation
Thc persons who have become assoclates (2) of. ceased lo be assoclates of, or have change(l tM nature ol thelr assodation (9) wlth. the sub5 1'1tlal holder In ralation lo votlng lntere:sts in the company or schame are afollows:
Nature of yssoclation
7_ Addr.ss..
Tho addrcsses of persons namcd In thls formare"follows:
print narna
slgn here date 19
03 15
(1) lf thellil ara a number of substantlal holders with slmllar or mlaled relevant l ues (eg. A corporation and lts rolated corpolì3.tlons, or the manager ynd trustee af an equity tru5\), \hf! names could bo lncluded in an annexure to the form.lf the rel : vanllnterests of a Q up of parsons 3!1il essentlally slmllar, they rnay be rcferred to lhroughout the foiTI'I as a speclllcally namod group lf th8 membership of each group, wlth the names and addre$ses of mernbers ls cleariy set out In pa(agraph 6 of the form.
(2) Sae the dofinltion of "associale" In Sactlon 9 olthe Corporetlons Act 2001.
(3) Seelhe dofinltion of "relavantlnteresl" In >actions 608 nd 6718(7) of IM Corporotions Acl2001.
{4) The voting shares of a company constitute one class unless divided lnto sepamte classcs.
(5) The person's voles divided by thetotal volfls In lhe body corpo,.ta orscheme m ltlplled by 100. (6) Include delllils of:
l•l any relavanlagreoment or otharclrcumstancos by whlch the rclev nt interest wes aequlred. lf s bsoction 6718(4) applie5, a copy of any doc mentsettlng ovt
the terms of any rele11iilnagreernent, and a statement by the porson glvlng ful! and accurate detallof any contraci. scheme or arTBngement, must accompany
thform, toge\her wllh a written sllllemant cortlfying thls contfilct, seheme or ammgement: and
{b) any quatlfi12tion ofthe power of a person to exerclse, controlthe exerciso of, the vo!lng powerS or dlsposal of lhe securlties lo
whlch lhe relavanllnterest relates (lndicating clearty the partlcular securiUas lo whlch tha qualificatlon applles). Sce the definilion of "relevanlagreemanr in secUon 9 of !ho CorporaUons Acl2001.
{7) DctaiiS ofthe conslderatlon must Include any and all benefits. money and other, that any par.son from whom a relevant lnlerest was acqulreO has, or may, becorne entltled lo re ;elve in lation to that acqu!s!Uon. Deta!ls must be lncluded even if the benl!lfit IS condllional ;n thc appenlng or n ;t of a conUngency. Detalls must be lncludeQ of any benefit paid on behalf of the substantlal holder or its associate In rnlalion to lhe acqulsitlons, even lf they are notpaid dlrectly to tho person from whom
the relevant lnterest was acqulred.
(BI lf tho substantial holder in unableto dalormlne \ho ldentlty of the person (eg, Ilthe rclevantlnlereslarises because of an optlon) writa "unknown", (9) Glva dellll. if appropriate. of the present a55ociaUon and any changa in lhatassociellon sinre the lastsubstantl•l holding notlce.