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First Nickel Inc.

Published : November 11th, 2008

Reports Financial And Operating Results For The Three And Nine Month Period Ended September 30, 2008

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Re:        News Release - Monday, November 10, 2008
Title:     First Nickel Reports Financial And Operating Results For The Three And Nine Month Period Ended September 30, 2008

Toronto, Ontario -- November 10, 2008 -- First Nickel Inc. ("First Nickel" or the "Company") (TSX: "FNI") announces that it has filed with the Canadian securities regulatory authorities its unaudited financial statements, and management's discussion and analysis for the three and nine month period ended September 30, 2008.

Complete results will also be available on SEDAR and on the Company's website at All dollar amounts are expressed in Canadian currency unless otherwise stated.


  • Third quarter net loss of $936,139 ($0.01 per share), compared to net earnings of $1,269,408 in the third quarter of 2007. The third quarter 2008 loss reflects weaker nickel prices realized by the Company.

  • At September 30, 2008, the Company had no debt and a working capital of $15.7 million, including cash of $13 million, of which $4 million relates to flow-through funds.

  • A decrease in revenues of $1,639,739 (12%) in the third quarter of 2008, compared to 2007. An increase of $416,097 (74%) in the cobalt and other metal revenues (resulting from overall higher sales volume and price), was offset by a decrease of $1,818,321 (16%) in the nickel revenues, and a decrease of $237,515 (11%) in the copper revenues. Although the pounds of nickel sold during the third quarter of 2008 was 152,401 pounds (17%) higher in 2008 versus 2007, a drop (28%) in the average realized nickel price offset the higher volume.

  • Record high production in the third quarter of 2008 of 1,253,964 pounds of payable nickel, an increase of 22% over the 1,031,267 pounds produced in the second quarter of 2008, and 33% higher than the 944,182 pounds produced in the first quarter of 2008.

  • Cash cost per pound of nickel reduced by $1.10 (13%) to $7.09 per pound in the third quarter of 2008.

  • 6,206 metres of underground drilling were completed on the Lockerby East and Lockerby Footwall.

  • 7,610 metres of surface drilling were completed on the Lockerby East and Morgan Lumsden properties.
Subsequent Events - Suspension of Operations at Lockerby

On October 19, 2008, the Company announced it was placing the Lockerby Mine on a care and maintenance program, following the rapid decline in the price of nickel from around $10 per pound at the beginning of the third quarter, to under $6 per pound at the beginning of October. Although the mine made great strides in reducing site operating costs over the course of the year, with metal prices well below cost, the decision to suspend operations was made to stem cash outflow and preserve the ore reserves until conditions improve. Sufficient personnel have been retained to ensure the workings and assets are secure and properly maintained, especially critical components such as pumps. Total severance and termination costs for the Lockerby Mine are expected to total approximately $1,800,000, with ongoing monthly care and maintenance costs totaling approximately $200,000.

Financial Results

The following table presents a summary of the results of operations for the three and nine month periods ended September 30, 2008 and 2007:

                            Three months ended           Nine months ended.
                                  September 30,               September 30,
                           2008           2007          2008          2007 
                    ---------Unaudited---------  -----------Unaudited------
Sales Revenue       $12,541,220    $14,180,959   $36,085,014   $41,591,381 
                    ---------------------------  --------------------------
Operating costs                                                            
 amortization        11,717,554     11,232,423    34,771,161    29,087,823 
Accretion of asset                                                         
 obligations             47,000         45,000       141,000       135,000 
Amortization of                                                            
 mining properties                                                         
 and equipment        1,378,517      1,018,896     3,801,849     2,626,792 
                    ---------------------------  --------------------------
                     13,143,071     12,296,319    38,714,010    31,849,615 
                    ---------------------------  --------------------------
Operating profit                                                           
 (loss)                (601,851)     1,884,640    (2,628,996)    9,741,766 
                    ---------------------------  --------------------------
General and                                                                
 administration         645,012        226,600     1,870,166     1,432,443 
 compensation           196,153         27,942       641,396     2,103,707 
 and amortization         6,051          7,485        18,153        22,455 
Debenture interest                                                         
 and accretion              ---            ---           ---     1,266,201 
Other interest           71,676        184,025       290,395       454,708 
Interest and other                                                         
 income                (123,132)      (297,439)     (556,949)     (688,057)
                        795,760        148,613     2,263,161     4,591,457 
Earnings (loss)                                                            
 before taxes        (1,397,611)     1,736,027    (4,892,157)    5,150,309 
Provision for                                                              
 (recovery of)                                                             
 future income and                                                         
 mining taxes          (461,472)       466,619    (1,539,725)    2,626,728 
Net earnings                                                               
 (loss) for the                                                            
 period             $  (936,139)   $ 1,269,408  $ (3,352,432)  $ 2,523,581 
Net earnings                                                               
 (loss) per share:                                                         
    Basic and                                                              
     (note 12)      $     (0.01)   $      0.01  $      (0.02)  $      0.02 
Weighted average                                                           
 number of common                                                          
 shares outstanding 148,048,098    131,277,931   141,439,487   110,041,715 

For the three month period ended September 30, 2008 (the "third quarter of 2008"), the Company recorded a net loss of $936,139, or $0.01 per share, compared to net earnings of $1,269,408, or $0.01 per share, recorded for the three month period ended September 30, 2007 (the "third quarter of 2007").
Significant differences between the two periods include:
  • A decrease in revenues of $1,639,739 (12%) in 2008, compared to 2007. An increase of $416,097 (74%) in the cobalt and other metal revenues (resulting from overall higher sales volume and price) was offset by a decrease of $1,818,321 (16%) in the nickel revenues, and a decrease of $237,515 (11%) in the copper revenues. Although the pounds of nickel sold during the third quarter of 2008 was 152,401 (17%) higher in 2008 versus 2007, a drop in the average realized nickel price of $3.55 (28%) from $12.51 to $8.96 more than offset the higher volume. The lower copper revenue was mostly due to the lower pounds sold during the third quarter of 2008 of 95,784 pounds (15%).

Revenue by Product:                                                        
                           Q3                  Year-to date                
                         2008           2007           2008            2007
Nickel             $9,606,146    $11,424,467    $27,474,370     $35,756,717
Copper              1,957,056      2,194,571      5,635,317       4,512,565
Cobalt                601,413        442,412      1,974,825       1,044,372
Other                 376,605        119,509      1,000,502         277,727
                  --------------------------    ---------------------------
                  $12,541,220    $14,180,959    $36,085,014     $41,591,381
                  --------------------------    ---------------------------

Revenue from the sale of nickel accounts for more than 75% of the total revenues. Therefore, any movement in the nickel price will have a great impact on revenues and ultimately affect earnings.

The following table sets out selected sales information for the periods indicated:

                                  Q3 2008   Q3 2007    YTD 2008    YTD 2007
Sales by Payable Metal
  Nickel - pounds               1,031,267   878,866   2,596,393   2,050,147
  Copper - pounds                 544,949   640,733   1,627,640   1,373,903
  Cobalt - pounds                  18,543    16,526      48,659      36,184
Ave. price received - US$/lb
  Nickel                            $8.96    $12.51      $10.39      $15.82
  Copper                            $3.46     $3.29       $3.40       $3.02
  Cobalt                           $31.32    $25.75      $39.93      $26.43
Ave. Exch. Rate Realized
  US $ 1 equals Canadian $        $1.0389   $1.0399     $1.0188     $1.1004

  • An increase in total mine operating costs, including treatment and refining charges, of 4% in the third quarter of 2008, compared to the third quarter of 2007. An overall increase in material and supplies along with higher trucking, treatment and refining charges have accounted for the increase in operating costs. On a cost per unit basis however, mine operating costs in 2008 were 28% lower per tonne milled, and 12% lower on a cash cost per pound of nickel. As the operations generated a loss, no nickel bonus was paid in the third quarter of 2008. The third quarter 2007 operating costs include a nickel bonus of $895,000.
  • An increase of $418,412 in general and administrative expenses in the third quarter of 2008, compared to the third quarter of 2007. The increase is mostly attributable to a foreign exchange loss, along with an increase in director's fees and tax consulting.
  • The $196,153 stock-based compensation costs in the third quarter of 2008 reflect the fair value of options granted in prior periods, which have vested in the third quarter of 2008, to directors, employees and consultants. The Company uses the Black-Scholes pricing model in the valuations of the options.
  • A decrease of $112,349 in other interest in the third quarter of 2008, versus the third quarter of 2007. Other interest is mostly comprised of interest paid on advances received from Xstrata on the ore delivered to their facilities.
  • Interest and other income is mostly made up of interest earned on cash balances, and on short term deposits. The lower interest income in the third quarter of 2008, compared to the third quarter of 2007, is as a result of lower cash balances in 2008.

Lockerby Mine Operations

During the third quarter of 2008, 47,321 tonnes of ore were delivered to the Xstrata treatment facilities. The payable metal content in the ore is estimated to be approximately 1,253,964 pounds of nickel and 835,990 pounds of copper. Both ore production and payable metal content were the highest in the Company's history. The higher metal production, along with a reduction in costs, resulted in the cash cost per pound of nickel dropping to $7.09 in the third quarter. This is $1.10 (13%) lower than the second quarter, and $2.64 (27%) lower than the first quarter of 2008.

For the first nine months of 2008, 118,906 tonnes were delivered to the Mill, an increase of 25,691 tonnes, or 28%, over the 93,215 tonnes of ore delivered in the first nine months of 2007. The payable metal content in the ore is estimated to be approximately 3,229,413 pounds of nickel (an increase of 24% over 2007) and 1,982,991 pounds of copper (an increase of 16% over 2007).

Selected operating statistics for the nine month period ended September 30, 2008, compared to the same period in 2007 are as follows:
Item                       1st Q      2nd Q     3rd Q                       
                            2008       2008      2008    YTD 2008   YTD 2007
Ore Delivered to 
 Mill (tonnes)            39,655     31,930     47,321    118,906     93,215
Nickel Mill Head 
 Grade (%)                  1.46       1.90       1.59       1.63       1.68
Copper Mill Head 
 Grade (%)                  0.82       0.89       0.93       0.88       0.96
Payable Nickel (pounds)  944,182  1,031,267  1,253,964  3,229,413  2,610,822
Payable Copper (pounds)  602,052    544,949    835,990  1,982,991  1,705,429
Payable Cobalt (pounds)   17,545     18,543     25,944     62,032     46,720
Mine operating cost per 
 tonne                      $238       $277       $172       $222       $272
Cash cost per pound of 
 nickel(i)                 $9.73      $8.19      $7.09      $8.21      $9.42
(i) Cash cost per pound of nickel is a non GAAP measure and is net of other
    metal credits, and does not include amortization of mining properties     
    and equipment.

Production in the quarter was derived from stopes on 64 and 65 Level, development work on 65-3 Level, and from the East Zone.

The value of the third quarter 2008 payable metal will be recorded as revenue based on settlement prices in the fourth quarter of 2008 in accordance with the Company's revenue recognition policy.


Exploration achievements in the third quarter of 2008 are summarized as follows:

  • 1,371 metres of drilling were completed on the Lockerby East Zone.
    • FNI-3512: 9.60 metres grading 3.38% Ni and 1.06% Cu
    • FNI-3446: 12.65 metres grading 3.17% Ni and 1.31% Cu
    • FNI-3447: 8.40 metres grading 2.33% Ni and 0.43% Cu
  • 3,643 metres of drilling were completed on the Lockerby East Property from surface.
    • FNI-4002: 2.60 metres grading 1.82% Ni and 0.96% Cu
    • FNI-4003: 10.40 metres grading 1.33% Ni and 0.64% Cu
  • 4,835 metres of drilling were completed on the Lockerby Footwall.
  • 3,967 metres of drilling were completed on the Morgan-Lumsden property.
Exploration efforts in the third quarter included work on the Lockerby Mine, West Graham, Morgan-Lumsden, Raglan Hills and Belmont properties. Full details of the work completed and assay results were press released (No. 2008-19) on November 7, 2008.

The Company has the required funding to complete its exploration programs through 2009. The Company will meet all of the exploration expenditures required to maintain its prospective exploration projects in Ontario, including optioned and staked mining properties.


The Company will continue to explore its properties located in the Sudbury basin, as well as northern and eastern Ontario. The Company has the required funding to complete its exploration programs through 2009.

Placing the mine on a care and maintenance footing is the best option to conserve cash and position the operation for future success, while maintaining the long-term benefit to the community and our shareholders. The Company will continue to firm up plans and pursue ways to bring the operation back on line when conditions improve.

The Company is continuing the engineering work on the final stages of a feasibility study for the development of the Lockerby Depth Zone. The feasibility study is scheduled for completion by early 2009.

In the coming weeks, the Company will examine its alternatives for advancing the Lockerby Depth. These alternatives will include investigating ways to source the capital needed to execute the mine plan contemplated in the ongoing feasibility study. In addition, both the Depth and other zones at Lockerby are very robust and can be modeled at higher cut-off grades. Development and extraction at different scales with potentially higher cut-offs will be investigated internally as part of current activities.

Qualified Person

The foregoing scientific and technical information has been prepared or reviewed by Paul C. Davis, P.Geo., Vice-President Exploration of the Company. Mr. Davis is a "qualified person" within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101.

The Company follows rigorous quality control practices and procedures in full compliance of NI 43-101, and these are described on the Company's website and in all technical press releases.

Non-GAAP Performance Measures

This press release contains non-GAAP measures like operating cost per tonne of ore, net cash cost per pound of nickel, etc. Please see the Company's MD&A on SEDAR for discussion on non-GAAP performance measures.

First Nickel is a Canadian mining and exploration Company. Its current activities are primarily focused on the Sudbury Basin in northern Ontario, the location of the company's Lockerby Mine and four of its exploration properties. First Nickel also has two exploration properties in the Timmins region of northern Ontario. First Nickel's shares are traded on the TSX under the symbol FNI.

This news release contains forward-looking statements, which are subject to certain risks, uncertainties and assumptions, including the cash flows, metal prices, decrease costs, increase output, expected production, and expected exploration expenditures. A number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from the results discussed in such statements, and there is no assurance that actual results will be consistent with them. Such factors include fluctuating metal prices, 2008 production forecast, lower unit costs, severance and termination costs, care and maintenance costs, and other factors described in the Company's most recent Annual Information Form under the heading "Risk Factors" which has been filed electronically by means of the System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval ("SEDAR") located at Such forward-looking statements are made as at the date of this news release, and the company assumes no obligation to update or revise them, either publicly or otherwise, to reflect new events, information or circumstances, except as may be required under applicable securities law.

For further information contact:

William Anderson, President & CEO
First Nickel Inc.
Telephone: (416) 362-7050
Fax: (416) 362-9050

Or: Forbes West, Investor Relations Advisor
416-203-2200 / 1-888-655-5532 /

Copyright � 2008 FIRST NICKEL INC. (FNI) All rights reserved. For more information visit our website at or send email to ..

First Nickel Inc.

ISIN : CA33582W1068
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First Nickel is a nickel exploration company based in Canada.

First Nickel develops nickel, cobalt, copper, gold, palladium, platinum and silver in Canada, and holds various exploration projects in Canada.

Its main assets in development are LOCKERBY MINE and PREMIERE RIDGE in Canada and its main exploration properties are RAGLAN HILLS, LANDORE/ WEST GRAHAM, MORGAN-LUMSDEN, BELMONT PROJECT, WEST GRAHAM, FOY MOUTH, KAMISKOTIA and DUNDONALD in Canada.

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