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Talisman Energy Inc

Published : February 16th, 2011

Reports Strategic and Operational Success in 2010

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Talisman Energy Reports Strategic and Operational Success in 2010

164% Reserves Replacement

Underlying Production Growth of 7%

CALGARY, ALBERTA--(Marketwire - Feb. 16, 2011) - Talisman Energy Inc. (TSX:TLM) (NYSE:TLM) reported its operating and unaudited financial results for 2010. The company was successful in strategically repositioning its portfolio and achieving its 2010 operating targets.

- Cash flow(1) was $3.1 billion, down 23% from 2009, due to higher cash taxes in 2010 and lower cash proceeds from financial instruments.

- Net income was $648 million, a 48% increase from the previous year due to higher commodity prices, improved operating performance and non-cash gains on derivatives.

- Earnings from continuing operations(1) were $347 million versus $631 million a year ago. Stronger operating performance was more than offset by the effect of cash proceeds from financial instruments the previous year and higher cash taxes in 2010.

- Talisman maintained capital discipline, reducing capital spending by 6% during 2010, to $4 billion.

- Production averaged 417,000 boe/d, significantly above initial guidance. Excluding asset sales, year on year production increased 7%, with fourth quarter volumes 10% higher than 2009.

- Talisman replaced 164% of production with proved reserves, excluding price revisions, achieving a 35% reduction in replacement costs compared to 2009 and a 63% reduction over the past two years. Proved developed producing replacement costs were 54% lower than 2009.

- Talisman sold over $2 billion of non-core assets in 2010, predominantly North American natural gas properties.

- Talisman entered into a strategic partnership with Sasol Limited, selling them a 50% interest in the company's Farrell Creek shale play in British Columbia.

- The company acquired assets in two liquids areas, establishing a material position in the heart of the liquids rich window in the Eagle Ford shale play in Texas; and also acquired producing assets with significant upside in Colombia.

- Talisman made a number of exploration discoveries in Latin America, including an oil discovery and several successful stratigraphic tests in Colombia.

(1) The terms "cash flow" and "earnings from continuing operations" are non-GAAP measures. Please see the advisories and reconciliations elsewhere in this press release.

"Talisman had a very successful year in 2010, in terms of operational delivery and strategic implementation," said John A. Manzoni, President and CEO. "This was due to the hard work, focus and dedication of Talisman employees and contractors around the globe.

"Production averaged 417,000 boe/d both for the year and during the fourth quarter. We increased production from continuing operations by 7% year over year and achieved 10% growth in the fourth quarter compared to a year ago. Part of this was due to rapidly growing shale volumes and we also set new production records in Southeast Asia again in 2010, with ongoing optimization at Corridor in Indonesia and infill drilling offshore Malaysia/Vietnam. We expect the underlying growth we delivered from the second half to translate into sustainable absolute production growth of 5-10% from 2011 into the medium term.

"Talisman replaced 164% of production with proved reserves, achieving a 35% reduction in replacement costs from 2009 and a 63% reduction over the past two years. We expect this trend to continue, albeit at a slower pace, which secures improving profitability into the future.

"We are now well positioned in three of the leading shale plays in North America, in different stages of development, and each with relatively low land retention commitments. This provides tremendous flexibility in being able to respond to dynamic external conditions.

"We have proved the low cost, high growth potential of the Marcellus shale, which was producing 315 mmcf/d at the end of the year. The company secured a strategic partner in its Farrell Creek assets in the Montney shale, with Sasol paying approximately $1 billion for a 50% share, which includes funding the majority of future development capital. We are excited about the strategic options this partnership brings for the future. We also acquired a material position in the heart of the liquids rich window of the Eagle Ford shale play in Texas, forming a joint-venture with Statoil.

"As part of the move to reposition our portfolio, Talisman sold over $2 billion of mainly gas producing assets in North America in 2010, bringing total asset sales to over $5 billion during the past two years.

"Elsewhere, we are building a very exciting international exploration portfolio. We have added over 16 million net acres of prospective new exploration acreage over the past two years, and shot 1,700 square kilometers of 3D seismic and 2,900 kilometers of 2D seismic last year as we move to evaluate and prove up the potential of these plays.

"We underpinned our exploration program in Colombia with the acquisition of BP Colombia's assets, conducted jointly with Ecopetrol. Talisman also acquired interests in two exploration blocks in Norway.

"We made an oil discovery in Colombia in 2010 and early results from a stratigraphic drilling program are very exciting. Early indications from the Beta well in Norway and TR1 in the UK are encouraging, as are early drilling results in Papua New Guinea.

"Net income was $648 million, up 48% compared to a year ago, with higher commodity prices. Earnings from continuing operations were down due to lower cash proceeds from financial instruments than the previous year and higher 2010 cash taxes, despite improved operating metrics. Cash flow was $3.1 billion in 2010 compared to $4 billion in 2009. The company recognized approximately $1 billion in cash from hedges in 2009 and higher cash taxes in 2010.

"Looking forward, the portfolio is now positioned for sustainable and profitable growth. We have shifted the emphasis in 2011 in North America to liquids opportunities with a 35% reduction in spending on dry gas. We will ramp up activity in the Eagle Ford and in our conventional liquids areas, while scaling back our net spending in both the Marcellus and Montney. Colombia also adds 12,000-15,000 boe/d of production, half of which will be liquids.

"I fully expect another exciting year in 2011. We have a stable, oil leveraged production base from our North Sea assets and our conventional North American portfolio, and are not being held hostage by low North American natural gas prices. We are able to grow while maintaining a disciplined approach to capital spending, and continue to evaluate our large, and growing, international exploration portfolio. Our replacement costs will continue to decline, driving improved profitability into the future."

Financial Results

All values in this press release are in Canadian dollars (C$) unless otherwise stated. Commencing in the first quarter of 2011, Talisman will be reporting in US dollars (US$) to reflect the fact that the majority of the company's transactions occur in US$ and this is the functional currency of the company.

The financial information contained in this release is unaudited. The company expects to file its audited Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2010, along with the related Management's Discussion and Analysis, Annual Information Form and Annual Report on Form 40-F by February 28, 2011.

The company announced its capital spending plans for 2011 on January 11, 2011. For additional information, please visit Talisman's website at

                                     Three months ended          Year ended
December 31                              2010      2009      2010      2009
Cash flow ($ million)                     682       921     3,058     3,961
Cash flow per share (2)                  0.67      0.91      3.00      3.90
Net income (loss) ($ million)            (304)     (111)      648       437
Net income (loss) per share             (0.30)    (0.11)     0.64      0.43
Earnings from continuing
 operations ($ million)                    84        68       347       631
Earnings from continuing
 operations per share (2)                0.08      0.07      0.34      0.62
Average shares outstanding
 (million)                              1,018     1,015     1,018     1,015
(2) The terms "cash flow per share" and "earnings from continuing
    operations per share" are non-GAAP measures. Please see the advisories
    and reconciliations elsewhere in this press release.


Net income was $648 million versus $437 million in 2009, reflecting higher average commodity prices, improved operating performance and gains on held for trading financial instruments, partially offset by higher taxes and lower gains on asset dispositions. The company recorded a net loss of $304 million in the fourth quarter, compared to a net loss of $111 million in 2009, reflecting higher commodity prices and lower dry hole expenses, more than offset by higher stock based compensation and taxes.

Cash flow for 2010 was $3.1 billion versus $4 billion a year earlier, with higher revenue offset by higher royalties and cash taxes (as a result of higher prices and lower capital expenditures in the North Sea). In addition, the company realized cash proceeds of approximately $1 billion from financial instruments in 2009. Cash flow for the quarter was $682 million, broadly in line with the previous quarter, with higher commodity prices offset by higher stock based compensation and cash taxes in the fourth quarter.

Earnings from continuing operations, which exclude non-operational items, were $347 million, compared to $631 million a year earlier, reflecting improved operating performance, lower dry hole expense and lower DD&A expense, more than offset by lower cash proceeds from derivatives and higher cash taxes.

The company's DD&A expense decreased by $196 million, or 8%, to $2.2 billion due to higher reserves and the strengthening of the C$.

Capital expenditures totaled $4 billion. Talisman spent $3.9 billion on exploration and development during 2010, a slight increase from $3.8 billion in 2009. North America accounted for 46% of spending, North Sea development 26%, Southeast Asia development 8% and international exploration 18%. Cash exploration and development spending in 2011 is expected to be approximately US$4 billion.

                                     Three months ended          Year ended
December 31                              2010      2009      2010      2009
Oil and liquids (bbls/d)              190,000   203,000   189,000   211,000
Natural gas (mmcf/d)                    1,358     1,320     1,367     1,283
Total production (boe/d)              417,000   423,000   417,000   425,000
Discontinued operations (boe/d)         8,000    52,000    27,000    60,000
Continuing operations (boe/d)         409,000   371,000   390,000   365,000


Production from continuing operations averaged 390,000 boe/d, 7% above 2009 with higher North American shale gas volumes and record production in Southeast Asia. Production from continuing operations in the fourth quarter increased 10% compared to the same quarter in 2009. Total production for the year was down 2% to 417,000 boe/d as a result of asset sales.

Production in North America from continuing operations was 126,000 boe/d, a 14% increase over 2009. North American natural gas production increased 19%, due principally to successful development in the Pennsylvania Marcellus shale and Farrell Creek in the Montney shale play in northeastern BC. Production from the Pennsylvania Marcellus shale play was 315 mmcf/d at the end of 2010, up from 65 mmcf/d at the end of 2009.

In the North Sea, total volumes were relatively unchanged. Oil and liquids production in the UK was lower than 2009 as a result of maintenance and repair work, unplanned shutdowns and natural declines, partially offset by improved production efficiency at Claymore and the start-up of production at Auk North and Burghley. In Scandinavia, production increased from 2009 due to successful development drilling at Varg, as well as improved uptime at Rev.

In Southeast Asia, volumes averaged 119,000 boe/d, an increase of 10% over 2009. Natural gas production increased 20%, primarily due to Indonesia, where production averaged 387 mmcf/d with higher contract takes and better plant efficiency at Corridor and a full year of Tangguh production. Natural gas production in Malaysia was also higher than 2009, averaging 98 mmcf/d due to increased gas production from the Northern Fields.

                                     Three months ended          Year ended
December 31                              2010      2009      2010      2009
Sales                                   58.32     55.51     55.37     49.40
Royalties                                9.38      9.13      8.74      7.34
Transportation                           1.44      1.64      1.50      1.43
Operating expenses                      12.78     12.84     12.80     12.91
Netback                                 34.72     31.90     32.33     27.72
Oil and liquids netback ($/bbl)         53.24     44.68     46.29     37.49
Natural gas netback ($/mcf)              3.19      3.35      3.47      3.02


Talisman's annual average realized price of $55.37/boe was 12% higher than 2009. WTI averaged US$79.53/bbl, up 29% from 2009, reflecting the ongoing global economic recovery. North American gas prices also increased, with NYMEX and AECO up 8% and 2%, respectively; however, natural gas prices did not keep pace with oil prices due to continuing over supply in North America.

The change in the company's reported oil and liquids price is consistent with the relevant benchmark prices; however, the company's reported prices also reflect the strengthening of the C$ relative to the US$ in 2010.

In 2010, the company's average netback was $32.33/boe, 17% higher than 2009, due principally to higher commodity prices in 2010, partially offset by the strengthening C$ relative to the US$. Fourth quarter netbacks were up 9% from the same quarter in 2009, averaging $34.72/boe.

Royalty expense was $1.3 billion in 2010, a 20% increase from 2009, reflecting increased commodity prices.

Total operating costs for the company were $1.9 billion during 2010, relatively consistent with 2009. On a per unit basis, costs decreased 1% from the previous year to average $12.80/boe, helped by lower unit shale operating costs.

Gross Proved Reserves (1)
                                                      Gross Proved Reserves
                                                       Average 2010 Pricing
December 31, 2009                                                   1,410.7
Discoveries, extensions and additions                                 225.5
Revisions and transfers                                                23.5
Price revisions                                                        21.7
Net acquisitions and dispositions                                    (146.9)
Production                                                           (152.0)
December 31, 2010                                                   1,382.5
(1) The reserves data and other oil and gas information included herein are
    disclosed in accordance with US disclosure standards. Please see the
    advisories elsewhere in this news release.


Talisman spent approximately $4 billion to add 249 mmboe of proved reserves, excluding price revisions, in 2010, replacing 164% of production. Total proved reserves additions, including price revisions were 271 mmboe. The company's reserves were reduced by 147 mmboe through acquisitions and dispositions, for a net addition of 124 mmboe of proved reserves. Proved undeveloped reserves accounted for 33% of the company total and 34% in North America at the end of 2010.

Excluding price revisions, replacement costs were down 35%. Proved, developed producing replacement costs were down 54%.

North America

In North America, production from continuing operations was 756 mmcfe/d (126,000 boe/d) in 2010, an increase of 14% over 2009, due to ongoing development programs in shale gas. Natural gas production from continuing operations averaged 636 mmcf/d.

Total production averaged 918 mmcfe/d (153,000 boe/d) for 2010, down 9% from a year ago, as a result of non-core asset sales. Production from shale averaged 218 mmcfe/d during the year, up from 34 mmcf/d a year earlier. Shale accounted for 28% of Talisman's North American natural gas production. Capital spending in North America was $1.8 billion, including $1.6 billion related to shale activities.

In the Pennsylvania Marcellus area, the company drilled 152 gross (145.4 net) wells during the year, 139 operated and 13 non-operated. Production averaged 181 mmcf/d in 2010, up from 29 mmcf/d the previous year, with an exit rate of 315 mmcf/d. Talisman ended the year with 12 operated rigs in the area.

Talisman continued to progress development of its Montney shale play in 2010. In Farrell Creek, Talisman drilled 21 gross (21 net) operated wells and, at the end of the year, had four operated rigs working. In Greater Cypress and Greater Groundbirch, Talisman continued its piloting program, drilling 16 gross (9.3 net) wells, nine of which were operated. Average production was 32 mmcf/d in the Montney play, with an exit rate of 84 mmcf/d.

In December 2010, Talisman reached an agreement to create a strategic partnership with Sasol Limited to develop the Farrell Creek assets in Talisman's Montney shale play. Pursuant to this agreement, Talisman will sell a 50% working interest in its Farrell Creek assets to Sasol for a total consideration of approximately $1 billion, including $250 million cash and a commitment to fund future capital in the amount of $800 million. Closing is expected to occur in the first half of 2011.

Talisman also established a strategic position in the heart of the liquids rich window of the Eagle Ford shale play through land acquisitions and the creation of a 50/50 joint venture with Statoil ASA. Talisman now holds approximately 78,000 net acres as a result of these transactions. At the end of the year, Talisman had four rigs operating in the area. Average production in December 2010 was 14 mmcfe/d.

Talisman continued its pilot program in Quebec, drilling four gross (3.2 net) wells. The company also completed three wells, including a well drilled in 2009, and is planning to complete the remaining two wells in 2011.

Production from continuing operations from Talisman's conventional areas was 421 mmcf/d natural gas and 20,000 bbls/d of liquids. The company drilled a total of 109 gross conventional wells (83 net) in the year. In the liquids rich window of the Cardium play in Alberta, Talisman started a pilot program in the fourth quarter of 2010.

Talisman successfully completed the sale of conventional, non-core assets in North America, generating proceeds of approximately $2 billion. These properties were approximately 90% gas-weighted, with production of 45,000 boe/d (270 mmcfe/d) at the end of the 2009.


Production in the UK averaged 77,000 boe/d, a 14% decrease from 2009. This was due to reductions from a number of fields due to planned and unplanned shutdowns and natural declines, partly offset by improved production efficiency at Claymore, the startup of Burghley in October and the Auk North field in November.

The company spent $507 million on development in the UK, with most of this capital directed at the Auk North and Auk South projects. As well as completing the Burghley project, the Montrose/Arbroath area redevelopment was progressed and an Auk North development well was completed during the year.

The Auk North development achieved first oil ahead of schedule and under budget, with production commencing November 2010. A fourth production well on Auk North is planned to be drilled during 2011. The Auk South redevelopment project was progressed during the year, with commencement of fabrication of the new facilities. First production from the Auk South redevelopment is expected in 2012.


Production in Scandinavia averaged 54,000 boe/d, a 24% increase over 2009, mainly due to infill drilling at Varg and increased volumes from the Rev Field, due to improved uptime at the host facility. The company spent $501 million on development in Scandinavia during 2010, with approximately half directed at the Yme project. A total of 11 development wells were drilled in Scandinavia in 2010, and two additional wells were drilling over year end.

The Yme field redevelopment was progressed during the year, with construction of the topsides finished and all pre-startup wells completed. The topsides were shipped from the construction yard in Abu Dhabi and are currently waiting in Stavanger for an adequate weather window to allow installation.

Southeast Asia

Production in Southeast Asia averaged 119,000 boe/d, an increase of 10% over 2009. The main production increases came from optimization of facilities in Corridor, from both liquefied natural gas (LNG) trains nearing their design capacity at Tangguh, and from higher gas sales in Malaysia.

Malaysia volumes were 37,400 boe/d, an increase of 18% over 2009, reflecting additional gas sales coming from Northern Fields. Talisman spent $128 million on development in Malaysia with one exploration and one appraisal well and 10 oil and gas development wells drilled and completed. The Southern Fields Incremental Oil Recovery phase 1 program was completed in 2010 and contributed 6,300 boe/d gross (2,600 boe/d net TLM) in the year, offsetting natural declines.

Indonesia production was approximately 76,400 boe/d, an increase of 15% over last year. Talisman spent $164 million, primarily on facilities upgrades, development at Jambi Merang and the drilling of three exploration and 28 development wells.

Production from the Corridor PSC was 61,300 boe/d, a new record, reflecting facilities optimization.

Talisman acquired a 25% interest in the Jambi Merang Joint Operating Body (JOB) block in early 2010. The first phase of development drilling is complete and facilities construction is underway. Three new gas sales agreements were signed in November 2010. The project is on schedule for mid-2011 startup.

In the Ogan Komering JOB block, the company commenced a 37-well infill drilling program, which will be completed over the next three years. Drilling results from the nine wells drilled in 2010 are meeting expectations and are being brought onstream as they are completed.

Vietnam production averaged 2,200 bbls/d. Four infill wells in the Song Doc Field began drilling in the third quarter of 2010 and are expected to be completed in early 2011. Talisman continues to progress development options for the Hai Su Trang and Hai Su Den discoveries and has entered into a Heads of Agreement for an oil tie-back to facilities south of Block 15-2/01.

Production in Australia averaged 3,500 bbls/d from the Laminaria and Corallina fields, and development of the Kitan field in the Joint Petroleum Development Area between Timor Leste and Australia is expected to be onstream around year end. To date, a total of three development wells have been drilled in Kitan and the fourth well spudded in early 2011.

International Exploration

The company continued to build its international exploration portfolio, focused on providing long-term growth in South East Asia and Latin America, sustaining the North Sea and testing material growth opportunities in the Kurdistan region of northern Iraq and Poland.

Total international exploration spending during the year was $712 million, invested in continuing to build the portfolio; extensive seismic programs, which have increased the prospect inventory; as well as exploration and appraisal drilling, which resulted in a number of significant discoveries.

In Southeast Asia, Talisman was successful in drilling two exploration and one appraisal wells in Malaysia on Block PM3-CAA, and continued to acquire seismic offshore Sabah. In Papua New Guinea Talisman increased its land holdings and the company now holds interests in 12 blocks covering in excess of 9 million net acres. Two onshore exploration wells were spudded in late 2010; both found gas with associated condensate. Five additional wells are planned for 2011. In Vietnam, government approval for two new blocks (133 and 134) was received in March and a PSC for Block 5-2/10 was signed in early 2011. In Indonesia, Talisman participated in the unsuccessful Bravo well in the Pasangkayu PSC in the North Makassar Straits. Another exploration well, Romeo, will be drilled in Pasangkayu this year, in addition to the first well in the Talisman-operated South Makassar Sageri PSC.

In the Norwegian North Sea, successful appraisal wells were drilled on the 2009 Grevling discovery and on the recently acquired 2009 Beta discovery. In the UK Sector, Talisman has drilled the TR1 well in the Fulmar area with encouraging results and the well is being prepared for testing.

Talisman had a successful year in Latin America. The Akacias-1 well in Colombia CPO-9 made a significant oil discovery adjacent to Ecopetrol's Chichimene field in the Llanos Basin. Five stratigraphic wells on CPE-6 have indicated the potential for a considerable hydrocarbon resource, which will be appraised in 2011. Further appraisal drilling around the Huron discovery is planned for 2011. In Peru, the Situche Central-3X well proved up additional resources and the company farmed into Blocks 123 /129 to expand its land position in the Maranon Basin.

In August 2010, Talisman entered into an agreement to purchase a 49% non-operated interest in BP Exploration Company (Colombia) Limited. The transaction closed on January 24, 2011 and builds on Talisman's large acreage position in Colombia, in close proximity to its Niscota Block, where it has announced a significant discovery with the Huron well. The acquisition provides an additional 330,000 net acres in Colombia, along with 12,000 boe/d of net production and provides Talisman with a strategic holding in the Ocensa export pipeline.

In the Kurdistan region of northern Iraq, the Kurdamir-1 well in Block 44 was suspended after finding significant gas resources and encouraging indications of liquids. Challenging drilling conditions prevented evaluation of deeper levels of the structure and the well will be re-drilled in 2011. The conversion of Block K39 to a Production Sharing Contract was underway at the end of 2010 and the company will drill its first well on this block in 2011, Topkhana-1.

In February 2010, Talisman entered into a farm-in arrangement with San Leon Energy PLC for interests in three Baltic gas licenses in Poland. The company will be leveraging its North American shale gas expertise in 2011 when drilling commences on the first two of three shale gas wells following completion of its seismic acquisition program.

Talisman Energy Inc. is a global, diversified, upstream oil and gas company, headquartered in Canada. Talisman's three main operating areas are North America, the North Sea and Southeast Asia. The company also has a portfolio of international exploration opportunities. Talisman is committed to conducting business safely, in a socially and environmentally responsible manner, and is included in the Dow Jones Sustainability (North America) Index. Talisman is listed on the Toronto and New York Stock Exchanges under the symbol TLM. Please visit our website at

Forward-Looking Information

This news release contains information that constitutes "forward-looking information" or "forward-looking statements" (collectively "forward-looking information") within the meaning of applicable securities legislation. This forward-looking information includes, among others, statements regarding:

- expected growth and asset quality arising from increasing amounts of capital in North American shale plays;

- expected onstream dates of North Sea developments;

- potential gas-to-liquids project;

- expected reduction in replacement costs;

- planned exploration and development spending;

- expected medium term growth, and longer-term production growth from shale;

- anticipated filing dates of financial statements, management discussion & analysis, the annual information form, and the annual report;

- planned drilling in Quebec;

- planned drilling in the North Sea;

- expected timing of first production at Jambi Merang and Kitan;

- planned drilling in the Corridor Block, Ogan Komering JOB block and Song Doc Field; and

- planned drilling in Papua New Guinea, Colombia, the Kurdistan region of northern Iraq and Poland.

The forward-looking information listed above is based on Talisman's 2011 capital program as announced on January 11, 2011. Talisman set its 2011 capital expenditure plans assuming: (1) Talisman's production in 2011 will be approximately 5-10% greater than 2010, excluding the BP Colombia acquisition; (2) a WTI oil price of US$75/bbl; and (3) a NYMEX natural gas price of US$4/mmbtu. Information regarding business plans generally assumes that the extraction of crude oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids remains economic. Closing of any transactions will be subject to receipt of all necessary regulatory approvals and completion of definitive agreements.

Undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking information. Forward-looking information is based on current expectations, estimates and projections that involve a number of risks, which could cause actual results to vary and in some instances to differ materially from those anticipated by Talisman and described in the forward-looking information contained in this news release. The material risk factors include, but are not limited to:

- the risks of the oil and gas industry, such as operational risks in exploring for, developing and producing crude oil and natural gas, market prices and demand and unpredictable facilities outages;

- risks and uncertainties involving geology of oil and gas deposits;

- uncertainty related to securing sufficient egress and markets to meet shale gas production;

- the uncertainty of reserves and resources estimates, reserves life and underlying reservoir risk;

- the uncertainty of estimates and projections relating to production, costs and expenses;

- the impact of the economy on the ability of the counterparties to the Company's commodity price derivative contracts to meet their obligations under the contracts;

- potential delays or changes in plans with respect to exploration or development projects or capital expenditures;

- fluctuations in oil and gas prices, foreign currency exchange rates and interest rates;

- the outcome and effects of any future acquisitions and dispositions;

- health, safety and environmental risks, including risks related to the possibility of major accidents;

- uncertainties as to the availability and cost of credit and other financing and changes in capital markets;

- risks in conducting foreign operations (for example, political and fiscal instability or the possibility of civil unrest or military action);

- changes in general economic and business conditions;

- the possibility that government policies or laws may change or governmental approvals may be delayed or withheld, including with respect to shale gas drilling; and

- results of the Company's risk mitigation strategies, including insurance and any hedging activities.

The foregoing list of risk factors is not exhaustive. Additional information on these and other factors, which could affect the Company's operations or financial results, are included in the Company's most recent Annual Information Form. In addition, information is available in the Company's other reports on file with Canadian securities regulatory authorities and the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Forward-looking information is based on the estimates and opinions of the Company's management at the time the information is presented. The Company assumes no obligation to update forward-looking information should circumstances or management's estimates or opinions change, except as required by law.

Reserves Information

National Instrument 51-101 ("NI 51-101") of the Canadian Securities Administrators imposes oil and gas disclosure standards for Canadian public companies engaged in oil and gas activities. Talisman has obtained an exemption from Canadian securities regulatory authorities to permit it to provide certain disclosures in accordance with the US disclosure standards, in order to provide for comparability of oil and gas disclosure with that provided by US and other international issuers. Accordingly, the reserves information included in this news release is disclosed in accordance with US disclosure standards.

A separate exemption granted to Talisman also permits it to disclose internally evaluated reserves data. Any reserves data contained in this news release reflects Talisman's estimates of its reserves and resources. While Talisman annually obtains an independent audit of a portion of its proved and probable reserves, no independent qualified reserves evaluator or auditor was involved in the preparation of the reserves data disclosed in this news release.

Replacement Ratio

The replacement ratios before net acquisitions and dispositions were calculated by dividing the sum of changes (revisions of estimates and discoveries) to estimated gross proved oil and gas reserves during 2010 by the Company's 2010 gross production. The Company's management uses reserves replacement ratios as an indicator of the Company's ability to replenish annual production volumes and grow its reserves. It should be noted that a reserves replacement ratio is a statistical indicator that has limitations. As an annual measure, the ratio is limited because it typically varies widely, based on the extent and timing of new discoveries, project sanctioning and property acquisitions. Its predictive and comparative value is also limited for the same reasons. In addition, since the ratio does not include cost, value or timing of future production of new reserves, it cannot be used as a measure of value creation.

Replacement Costs

In this news release, Talisman discloses a reduction in replacement costs. Replacement costs are used by the Company to determine the cost of reserves additions in a period. Talisman's reported replacement costs may not be comparable to similarity titled measures used by other companies. Replacement costs may not reflect full cycle replacement costs. Replacement costs' predictive and comparative value is limited for the aforementioned reasons. Replacement costs are calculated by dividing exploration and development capital spending of $4 billion (including discontinued operations, but excluding midstream) by gross proved reserve additions of 249 mmboe.


Talisman also discloses its Company netbacks in this news release. Netbacks per boe are calculated by deducting from sales price associated royalties, operating and transportation costs.

Gross Production

Throughout this news release, Talisman makes reference to production volumes. Such production volumes are stated on a gross basis, which means they are stated prior to the deduction of royalties and similar payments. In the US, net production volumes are reported after the deduction of these amounts.

Boe Conversion

Throughout this news release, barrels of oil equivalent (boe) are calculated at a conversion rate of six thousand cubic feet (mcf) of natural gas for one barrel of oil (bbl). Oil is converted to natural gas equivalent (mcfe) at the ratio of one bbl to six mcf of natural gas. Boes and mcfes may be misleading, particularly if used in isolation. A boe conversion ratio of 6 mcf:1 bbl and an mcfe conversion ratio of 1 bbl: 6 mcf are based on an energy equivalence conversion method primarily applicable at the burner tip and does not represent a value equivalency at the wellhead.

Canadian Dollars and GAAP

Dollar amounts are presented in Canadian dollars, except where otherwise indicated. Unless otherwise indicated, the financial information is set out in accordance with Canadian GAAP which may differ from U.S. GAAP. See the notes to Talisman's Annual Consolidated Financial Statements for the significant differences between Canadian and U.S. GAAP.

Non-GAAP Financial Measures

Included in this news release are references to financial measures used in the oil and gas industry such as cash flow, earnings from continuing operations and net debt. These terms are not defined by GAAP in either Canada or the U.S. Consequently, these are referred to as non-GAAP measures. Talisman's reported results of cash flow, earnings from continuing operations and net debt may not be comparable to similarly titled measures reported by other companies.

Cash flow represents net income before exploration costs, DD&A, future taxes and other non-cash expenses. Cash flow is used by the Company to assess operating results between years and between peer companies using different accounting policies. Cash flow should not be considered an alternative to, or more meaningful than, cash provided by operating, investing and financing activities or net income as determined in accordance with Canadian GAAP as an indicator of the Company's performance or liquidity. Cash flow per share is cash flow divided by the average number of common shares outstanding during the period. A reconciliation of cash provided by operating activities to cash flow follows:

Cash Flow
December 31, 2010
$ million, except per share amounts
                                     Three Months ended          Year ended
December 31                              2010      2009      2010      2009
Cash provided by operating
 activities                               607       624     3,460     3,599
Changes in non-cash working capital        75       297      (402)      362
Cash flow                                 682       921     3,058     3,961
Cash provided by discontinued
 operations (1)                            (6)      (62)     (190)     (385)
Cash flow from continuing operations      676       859     2,868     3,576
Cash flow per share                      0.67      0.91      3.00      3.90
Cash flow from continuing
 operations per share                    0.66      0.85      2.82      3.52
(1) Comparatives restated for operations classified as discontinued during


Earnings from continuing operations are calculated by adjusting the Company's net income per the financial statements, for certain items of a non-operational nature, on an after tax basis. The Company uses this information to evaluate performance of core operational activities on a comparable basis between periods. Earnings from continuing operations per share are earnings from continuing operations divided by the average number of common shares outstanding during the period. A reconciliation of net income to earnings from continuing operations follows:

Earnings from Continuing Operations
December 31, 2010
$ million, except per share amounts
                                   Three Months ended            Year ended
December 31                          2010      2009(4)      2010     2009(4)
Income (loss) from continuing
 operations                          (313)       (181)       408       (658)
Unrealized (gain) loss on
 financial instruments (1)
 (tax adjusted)                        66         173       (265)     1,056
Stock-based compensation (2)
 (tax adjusted)                       222          20        187        198
Foreign exchange on net debt
 and future income taxes               57         (17)        48        (59)
Restructuring charges
 (tax adjusted)                         -          14          -         14
Future tax rate changes                 -          21                    21
Future tax (recovery) of
 unrealized foreign exchange
 (losses) on net foreign
 denominated debt and other
 tax adjustments (3)                   52          38        (31)        59
Earnings from continuing
 operations                            84          68        347        631
Per share                            0.08        0.07       0.34       0.62
(1) Unrealized losses on financial instruments relate to the change in the
    period of the mark-to-market value of the company's held-for-trading
    financial instruments.
(2) Stock-based compensation expense relates to the mark-to-market value of
    the company's outstanding stock options and cash units at December 31.
    The company's stock-based compensation expense is based on the
    difference between the company's share price and its stock options or
    cash units exercise price. The three months and year ended December 31,
    2010 amounts reflect the legislative change occurring in the fourth
    quarter of 2010 whereby the company is unable to obtain a tax benefit.
(3) Tax adjustment includes future taxes relating to unrealized foreign
    exchange gains and losses associated with the impact of fluctuations in
    the Canadian dollar on net foreign denominated debt.
(4) Comparatives restated for operations classified as discontinued during
    2010, and for foreign exchange on net debt and future income taxes in
    order to be presented on the same basis as in 2010.


Net debt is calculated by adjusting the Company's long-term debt per the financial statements for bank indebtedness, cash and cash equivalents. The Company uses this information to assess its true debt position and eliminate the impact of timing differences.

Net Debt
December 31, 2010
$ million
December 31,                                               2010        2009
Long-term debt (including current portion)                4,181       3,780
Bank indebtedness                                             2          36
Cash and cash equivalents                                (1,646)     (1,690)
Net debt                                                  2,537       2,126
Talisman Energy Inc.
                                     Three months ended          Year ended
                                            December 31         December 31
                                         2010      2009      2010      2009
(millions of C$ unless otherwise stated)
Cash flow (1)                             682       921     3,058     3,961
Net income (loss)                        (304)     (111)      648       437
Capital expenditures                    1,253     1,446     4,052     4,189
Per common share (C$)
 Cash flow (1)                           0.67      0.91      3.00      3.90
 Net income (loss)                      (0.30)    (0.11)     0.64      0.43
(daily average)
Oil and liquids (bbls/d)
 North America                         20,773    29,117    23,133    34,477
 UK                                    82,739    78,515    74,074    85,504
 Scandinavia                           38,201    38,490    38,973    33,649
 Southeast Asia                        33,681    42,336    38,481    40,755
 Other                                 14,972    14,588    13,983    16,068
Total oil and liquids                 190,366   203,046   188,644   210,453
Natural gas (mmcf/d)
 North America                            780       787       778       803
 UK                                        11        13        16        19
 Scandinavia                               98       100        88        58
 Southeast Asia                           469       420       485       403
Total natural gas                       1,358     1,320     1,367     1,283
Total mboe/d (2)                          417       423       417       425
Prices (3)
Oil and liquids (C$/bbl)
 North America                          63.73     64.24     64.47     54.96
 UK                                     86.75     78.78     81.71     68.36
 Scandinavia                            91.25     77.61     83.75     69.73
 Southeast Asia                         94.09     84.26     82.95     71.17
 Other                                  98.67    100.59     85.17     74.03
Total oil and liquids                   87.38     79.18     80.52     67.36
Natural gas (C$/mcf)
 North America                           4.42      4.86      4.93      4.70
 UK                                      5.42      4.41      4.72      4.73
 Scandinavia                             7.93      4.99      6.86      5.86
 Southeast Asia                          7.22      7.19      6.92      6.40
Total natural gas                        5.65      5.61      5.76      5.29
Total (C$/boe) (2)                      58.32     55.51     55.37     49.40
(1) Cash flow and cash flow per share are non-GAAP measures.
(2) Barrels of oil equivalent (boe) is calculated at a conversion rate of
    six thousand cubic feet (mcf) of natural gas for one barrel of oil.
(3) Prices are before hedging.
Includes the results from continuing and discontinued operations.
Talisman Energy Inc.
Consolidated Balance Sheets
December 31 (millions of C$)                            2010           2009
 Cash and cash equivalents                             1,646          1,690
 Accounts receivable                                   1,399          1,253
 Inventories                                             143            144
 Prepaid expenses                                         20              9
 Assets of discontinued operations                         -             58
                                                       3,208          3,154
Other assets                                             861            170
Future income taxes                                      170            120
Goodwill                                               1,150          1,176
Property, plant and equipment                         18,804         16,431
Assets of discontinued operations                          -          2,567
                                                      20,985         20,464
Total assets                                          24,193         23,618
 Bank indebtedness                                         2             36
 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities              2,532          2,121
 Income and other taxes payable                          510            357
 Current portion of long-term debt                       357             10
 Future income taxes                                       -             68
 Liabilities of discontinued operations                    -              9
                                                       3,401          2,601
Deferred credits                                          51             59
Asset retirement obligations                           2,252          2,116
Other long-term obligations                              212            168
Long-term debt                                         3,824          3,770
Future income taxes                                    3,974          3,599
Liabilities of discontinued operations                     -            194
                                                      10,313          9,906
Shareholders' equity
Common shares, no par value
 Authorized: unlimited
 Issued and outstanding:
  2010 - 1,019,290,939 (2009 - 1,014,876,564)          2,457          2,374
Contributed surplus                                      132            153
Retained earnings                                      9,568          9,174
Accumulated other comprehensive loss                  (1,678)          (590)
                                                      10,479         11,111
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity            24,193         23,618
Prior period balances have been restated to reflect the financial position
of discontinued operations.
Talisman Energy Inc.
Consolidated Statements of Income
                                     Three months ended          Year ended
                                            December 31         December 31
(millions of C$)                         2010      2009      2010      2009
                                              (restated)          (restated)
 Gross sales                            2,194     2,056     8,076     7,011
 Less royalties                           348       359     1,274     1,065
 Net sales                              1,846     1,697     6,802     5,946
 Other                                     28        26       110       115
Total revenue                           1,874     1,723     6,912     6,061
 Operating                                474       465     1,867     1,861
 Transportation                            55        64       227       222
 General and administrative               106        88       392       334
 Depreciation, depletion and
  amortization                            546       598     2,164     2,360
 Dry hole                                  45       204       123       539
 Exploration                              143        99       384       301
 Interest on long-term debt                44        49       163       192
 Stock-based compensation                 224        42       201       290
 (Gain) loss on held-for-trading
  financial instruments                   125       142      (102)      412
 Other, net                                59        22       194        47
Total expenses                          1,821     1,773     5,613     6,558
Income (loss) from continuing
 operations before taxes                   53       (50)    1,299      (497)
 Current income tax                       401       254     1,032       731
 Future income tax recovery               (86)     (173)     (272)     (678)
 Petroleum revenue tax                     51        50       131       108
                                          366       131       891       161
Income (loss) from continuing
 operations                              (313)     (181)      408      (658)
Income from discontinued operations         9        70       240     1,095
Net income (loss)                        (304)     (111)      648       437
Per common share (C$):
 Income (loss) from continuing
  operations                            (0.31)    (0.18)     0.40     (0.65)
 Diluted income (loss) from continuing
  operations                            (0.31)    (0.18)     0.39     (0.65)
 Income from discontinued operations     0.01      0.07      0.24      1.08
 Diluted income from discontinued
  operations                             0.01      0.07      0.23      1.08
 Net income (loss)                      (0.30)    (0.11)     0.64      0.43
 Diluted net income (loss)              (0.30)    (0.11)     0.62      0.43
Average number of common shares
 outstanding (millions)                 1,018     1,015     1,018     1,015
Diluted number of common shares
 outstanding (millions)                 1,018     1,015     1,037     1,015
Prior period balances have been restated to reflect the results of
discontinued operations.
Talisman Energy Inc.
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
                                     Three months ended          Year ended
                                            December 31         December 31
(millions of C$)                         2010      2009      2010      2009
                                              (restated)          (restated)
Income (loss) from continuing
 operations                              (313)     (181)      408      (658)
Items not involving cash                  846       941     2,076     3,933
Exploration                               143        99       384       301
                                          676       859     2,868     3,576
Changes in non-cash working capital       (75)     (297)      402      (362)
Cash provided by continuing
 operations                               601       562     3,270     3,214
Cash provided by discontinued
 operations                                 6        62       190       385
Cash provided by operating activities     607       624     3,460     3,599
Capital expenditures
 Exploration, development and other    (1,250)   (1,393)   (4,034)   (3,729)
 Corporate acquisitions                     -         -      (189)        -
 Property acquisitions                   (913)      (32)   (1,364)     (310)
Proceeds of resource property
 dispositions                             188        96       308       200
Acquisition deposit                       (18)        -      (656)        -
Changes in non-cash working capital       167       139       265       (18)
Discontinued operations, net of
 capital expenditures                     350       449     1,936     1,990
Cash used in investing activities      (1,476)     (741)   (3,734)   (1,867)
Long-term debt repaid                       -         -       (11)     (970)
Long-term debt issued                     600        12       600     1,261
Common shares issued                       48         1        57         2
Common shares purchased                   (32)        -       (78)       (1)
Common share dividends                   (127)     (114)     (254)     (229)
Deferred credits and other                  9       (24)       (3)      (10)
Changes in non-cash working capital         -         3        (2)        4
Cash provided by (used in) financing
 activities                               498      (122)      309        57
Effect of translation on foreign
 currency cash and cash equivalents       (57)      (41)      (59)     (133)
Net increase (decrease) in cash and
 cash equivalents                        (428)     (280)      (24)    1,656
Cash and cash equivalents net of bank
 indebtedness, beginning of year        2,072     1,948     1,668        12
Cash and cash equivalents net of bank
 indebtedness, end of year              1,644     1,668     1,644     1,668
Cash and cash equivalents               1,646     1,690     1,646     1,690
Cash and cash equivalents reclassified
 to discontinued operations                 -        14         -        14
Bank indebtedness                          (2)      (36)       (2)      (36)
Cash and cash equivalents net of bank
 indebtedness, end of year              1,644     1,668     1,644     1,668
Prior period balances have been restated to reflect the cash flows of
discontinued operations.


Supplemental financial information

The following supplemental financial information has been prepared to assist readers of the unaudited consolidated financial information as at and for the three month period and year ended December 31, 2010. This financial information does not constitute interim financial statements as defined by Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in that certain statements and disclosures normally required to be included in interim financial statements and the notes thereto have not been provided. This unaudited consolidated financial information should be read in conjunction with the audited annual Consolidated Financial Statements as at and for the year ended December 31, 2009 and the most recently completed unaudited interim Consolidated Financial Statements as at and for the three and nine month periods ended September 30, 2010.

Commodity derivatives

The Company had the following commodity price derivative contracts outstanding at December 31, 2010:

                                                                 Fair value
Fixed price swaps              Term   mcf/d         C$/mcf  (millions of C$)
ICE index              Jan-Mar 2011  17,824           6.45               (6)
ICE index              Apr-Jun 2011  16,886           5.89               (5)
                                                                 Fair value
Fixed price swaps              Term   mcf/d        US$/mcf  (millions of C$)
NYMEX index            Jan-Dec 2011  23,734           6.12               11
                                             Floor/ceiling       Fair value
Two-way collars                Term  bbls/d        US$/bbl  (millions of C$)
Dated Brent oil index  Jan-Jun 2011  20,000    80.00/92.41              (18)
Dated Brent oil index  Jan-Dec 2011  21,000    80.00/91.27              (49)
Dated Brent oil index  Jan-Dec 2011  20,000    84.00/97.57              (20)
WTI                    Jan-Dec 2011   9,000    80.00/92.00              (18)
                                             Floor/ceiling       Fair value
Two-way collars                Term   mcf/d         C$/mcf  (millions of C$)
NYMEX index            Jan-Jun 2011  95,000      5.27/6.66               12
NYMEX index            Jan-Dec 2011  71,200      6.14/6.59               36


The Company had the following physical commodity contracts outstanding at December 31, 2010:

                                                   Term     mcf/d    C$/mcf
AECO natural gas swaps                     Jan-Dec 2011     3,671      2.98
Supplemental cash flow information
Items not involving cash are as follows:
                                     Three months ended          Year ended
                                            December 31         December 31
(millions of C$)                         2010      2009      2010      2009
Depreciation, depletion & amortization    546       598     2,164     2,360
Dry hole                                   45       204       123       539
Net gain on asset disposals                (6)      (22)      (59)      (37)
Stock-based compensation expense          195        30       146       238
Future taxes and deferred PRT
 (recovery)                               (76)     (156)     (268)     (635)
Unrealized (gains) losses on held for
 trading financial instruments             73       218      (278)    1,401
Other                                      69        69       248        67
                                          846       941     2,076     3,933
Talisman Energy Inc.
Segmented Information
                       North America (1)                    UK
                         Three                         Three
                  months ended     Year ended   months ended     Year ended
                   December 31    December 31    December 31    December 31
(millions of C$)  2010    2009    2010   2009    2010   2009    2010   2009
Gross sales        427     378   1,650  1,394     649    582   2,239  2,188
Royalties           48      41     188    156       2      1       7      5
Net sales          379     337   1,462  1,238     647    581   2,232  2,183
Other               22      24      88     93       3      2      18     19
Total revenue      401     361   1,550  1,331     650    583   2,250  2,202
Segmented expenses
Operating          115      91     424    403     186    223     824    878
Transportation      15      15      61     59       9     13      34     46
DD&A               202     184     764    748     162    163     582    781
Dry hole            10      14      (4)   134      (1)     -      62     30
Exploration          5      19      40     84       3      5      16     18
Other                -       8      (5)   (21)    (15)    66     (14)    72
Total segmented
 expenses          347     331   1,280  1,407     344    470   1,504  1,825
Segmented income
 (loss) before
 taxes              54      30     270    (76)    306    113     746    377
General and
Interest on
 long-term debt
(Gain) loss on
Income (loss)
 from continuing
 operations before
Exploration         64     750     285  1,189      22     19      96    149
Development        547     125   1,506    264     110    106     507    531
Midstream            2      (2)      3     26       -      -       -      -
Exploration and
 development       613     873   1,794  1,479     132    125     603    680
Proceeds on
Net capital
Property, plant
 and equipment                   7,721  6,155                  4,347  4,549
Goodwill                           140    149                    265    289
Other                            1,546    594                    540    386
 operations                          -  2,585                      -      -
Segmented assets                 9,407  9,483                  5,152  5,224
Total assets
                                                  months ended   Year ended
                                                   December 31  December 31
(millions of C$)                                   2010   2009  2010   2009
Gross sales                                         379    308 1,393    986
Royalties                                             -      -     -      -
Net sales                                           379    308 1,393    986
Other                                                 3      1     3      3
Total revenue                                       382    309 1,396    989
Segmented expenses
Operating                                            77     70   304    285
Transportation                                       15     18    64     54
DD&A                                                 96    140   471    406
Dry hole                                              6      8    11     69
Exploration                                          11      6    32     22
Other                                                37    (10)  105     (5)
Total segmented expenses                            242    232   987    831
Segmented income (loss) before taxes                140     77   409    158
Non-segmented expenses
General and administrative
Interest on long-term debt
Stock-based compensation
Currency translation
(Gain) loss on held-for-trading financial
Total non-segmented expenses
Income (loss) from continuing
 operations before taxes
Capital expenditures
Exploration                                          13     18    89    157
Development                                          93    144   501    528
Midstream                                             -      -     -      -
Exploration and development                         106    162   590    685
Property acquisitions
Proceeds on dispositions
Other non-segmented
Net capital expenditures
Property, plant and equipment                                  2,668  2,040
Goodwill                                                         597    628
Other                                                            376    226
Discontinued operations                                            -      -
Segmented assets                                               3,641  2,894
Non-segmented assets
Total assets
(1) North America                                  2010   2009  2010   2009
Canada                                              306    328 1,231  1,210
US                                                   95     33   319    121
Total revenue                                       401    361 1,550  1,331
Canada                                                         4,991  4,993
US                                                             2,730  1,162
Property, plant and equipment                                  7,721  6,155
Talisman Energy Inc. 
Segmented Information 
                        Southeast Asia (2)               Other (3)
                         Three                         Three
                  months ended     Year ended   months ended     Year ended
                   December 31    December 31    December 31    December 31
(millions of C$)   2010   2009    2010   2009    2010   2009    2010   2009
Gross sales         606    620   2,379  1,995     133    168     415    448
Royalties           226    209     858    675      72    108     221    229
Net sales           380    411   1,521  1,320      61     60     194    219
Other                 -      -       1      -       -     (1)      -      -
Total revenue       380    411   1,522  1,320      61     59     194    219
Segmented expenses
Operating            89     70     288    255       7     11      27     40
Transportation       15     16      61     55       1      2       7      8
DD&A                 78     97     318    382       8     14      29     43
Dry hole             27    163      31    253       3     19      23     53
Exploration          53     31     118     75      71     38     178    102
Other                (8)     6      21      9      (6)    (3)     (5)     7
Total segmented
 expenses           254    383     837  1,029      84     81     259    253
Segmented income
 (loss) before
 taxes              126     28     685    291     (23)   (22)    (65)   (34)
General and
Interest on
 long-term debt
(Gain) loss on
Income (loss) from
 continuing operations
 before taxes
Exploration         107     54     242    233     129     61     285    217
Development         102     80     324    444      21     22      97     46
Midstream             -      -       -      -       -      -       -      -
Exploration and
 development        209    134     566    677     150     83     382    263
Proceeds on
Net capital
Property, plant
 and equipment                   3,076  2,864                    992    823
Goodwill                           148    110                      -      -
Other                              622    427                    163    156
 operations                          -      -                      -     40
Segmented assets                 3,846  3,401                  1,155  1,019
Non-segmented assets
Total assets
                                                months ended     Year ended
                                                 December 31    December 31
(millions of C$)                                 2010   2009    2010   2009
Gross sales                                     2,194  2,056   8,076  7,011
Royalties                                         348    359   1,274  1,065
Net sales                                       1,846  1,697   6,802  5,946
Other                                              28     26     110    115
Total revenue                                   1,874  1,723   6,912  6,061
Segmented expenses
Operating                                         474    465   1,867  1,861
Transportation                                     55     64     227    222
DD&A                                              546    598   2,164  2,360
Dry hole                                           45    204     123    539
Exploration                                       143     99     384    301
Other                                               8     67     102     62
Total segmented expenses                        1,271  1,497   4,867  5,345
Segmented income (loss) before taxes              603    226   2,045    716
Non-segmented expenses
General and administrative                        106     88     392    334
Interest on long-term debt                         44     49     163    192
Stock-based compensation                          224     42     201    290
Currency translation                               51    (45)     92    (15)
(Gain) loss on held-for-trading financial
 instruments                                      125    142    (102)   412
Total non-segmented expenses                      550    276     746  1,213
Income (loss) from continuing
 operations before taxes                           53    (50)  1,299   (497)
Capital expenditures
Exploration                                       335    902     997  1,945
Development                                       873    477   2,935  1,813
Midstream                                           2     (2)      3     26
Exploration and development                     1,210  1,377   3,935  3,784
Property acquisitions                             907    116   1,562    438
Proceeds on dispositions                         (192)  (177)   (393)  (323)
Other non-segmented                                32     14      80     47
Net capital expenditures                        1,957  1,330   5,184  3,946
Property, plant and equipment                                 18,804 16,431
Goodwill                                                       1,150  1,176
Other                                                          3,247  1,789
Discontinued operations                                            -  2,625
Segmented assets                                              23,201 22,021
Non-segmented assets                                             992  1,597
Total assets                                                  24,193 23,618
(2) Southeast Asia                               2010   2009    2010   2009
Indonesia                                         204    202     865    693
Malaysia                                          125    134     496    400
Vietnam                                            11     23      53    101
Australia                                          40     52     108    126
Total revenue                                     380    411   1,522  1,320
Indonesia                                                      1,081    906
Malaysia                                                       1,067  1,171
Vietnam                                                          278    241
Papua New Guinea                                                 426    337
Australia                                                        224    209
Property, plant and equipment                                  3,076  2,864
(3) Other                                        2010   2009    2010   2009
Algeria                                            61     59     194    219
Total revenue                                      61     59     194    219
Algeria                                                          249    193
Kurdistan                                                        595    512
Other                                                            148    118
Property, plant and equipment                                    992    823
Continuity of Gross Proved Reserves
                                       Canada       US       UK Scandinavia
Oil and Liquids (mmbbls)
Total Proved
Proved reserves at December 31, 2007    152.8        -    387.2        67.3
Discoveries, additions and extensions    13.7        -     15.0         8.3
Purchase of reserves                      0.3        -        -           -
Sale of reserves                         (0.3)       -    (17.5)       (1.7)
Net revisions and transfers               2.6        -   (133.7)       (5.3)
2008 Production                         (14.8)       -    (34.3)      (12.0)
Proved reserves at December 31, 2008    154.3        -    216.7        56.6
Discoveries, additions and extensions     4.8        -      5.2         1.1
Purchase of reserves                      0.2        -        -           -
Sale of reserves                        (45.7)       -     (0.2)       (4.0)
Net revisions and transfers                 -        -     77.0        14.5
2009 Production                         (12.6)       -    (31.2)      (12.3)
Proved reserves at December 31, 2009    101.0        -    267.5        55.9
Discoveries, additions and extensions     5.0      3.4      6.8         9.7
Purchase of reserves                        -      1.2        -           -
Sale of reserves                        (18.5)    (0.2)       -           -
Net revisions and transfers               0.2        -     18.0         1.8
2010 Production                          (8.4)    (0.1)   (27.0)      (14.2)
Proved reserves at December 31, 2010     79.3      4.3    265.3        53.2
Proved developed
December 31, 2007                       146.2        -    344.5        25.6
December 31, 2008                       143.4        -    173.3        24.8
December 31, 2009                        92.6        -    197.1        26.1
December 31, 2010                        74.6      0.9    211.9        21.6
                                    Indonesia     Asia    Other       Total
Oil and Liquids (mmbbls)
Total Proved
Proved reserves at December 31, 2007     35.7     53.5     52.8       749.3
 Discoveries, additions and
  extensions                              0.4      0.2     (0.7)       36.9
Purchase of reserves                        -        -        -         0.3
Sale of reserves                            -        -        -       (19.5)
Net revisions and transfers               0.6     (5.6)     0.6      (140.8)
2008 Production                          (4.3)    (8.7)    (7.6)      (81.7)
Proved reserves at December 31, 2008     32.4     39.4     45.1       544.5
Discoveries, additions and
 extensions                              (1.7)     7.4     12.2        29.0
Purchase of reserves                      1.0        -        -         1.2
Sale of reserves                            -        -     (3.8)      (53.7)
Net revisions and transfers               1.1      3.8     (8.6)       87.8
2009 Production                          (4.2)   (10.7)    (5.9)      (76.9)
Proved reserves at December 31, 2009     28.6     39.9     39.0       531.9
Discoveries, additions and
 extensions                               3.4      3.0      2.2        33.5
Purchase of reserves                      3.5        -        -         4.7
Sale of reserves                            -        -     (0.7)      (19.4)
Net revisions and transfers               0.9      6.7      0.2        27.8
2010 Production                          (4.3)    (9.7)    (5.1)      (68.8)
Proved reserves at December 31, 2010     32.1     39.9     35.6       509.7
Proved developed
December 31, 2007                        28.2     31.3     48.2       624.0
December 31, 2008                        26.0     24.9     35.2       427.6
December 31, 2009                        23.2     31.2     23.7       393.9
December 31, 2010                        21.4     30.8     19.6       380.8
                                       Canada       US       UK Scandinavia
Natural Gas (bcf)
Total Proved
Proved reserves at December 31, 2007  2,565.7    126.5    100.2        78.9
Discoveries, additions and extensions   308.2     33.9     12.4        12.1
Purchase of reserves                     15.3      2.8        -           -
Sale of reserves                        (65.3)       -        -           -
Net revisions and transfers             (30.3)     1.4     (3.2)       17.8
2008 Production                        (286.6)   (26.7)   (13.8)       (6.9)
Proved reserves at December 31, 2008  2,507.0    137.9     95.6       101.9
Discoveries, additions and extensions   201.2    544.5        -        (0.5)
Purchase of reserves                     15.9        -        -           -
Sale of reserves                       (137.6)    (1.5)   (67.0)          -
Net revisions and transfers             (75.3)     0.1      2.9        12.7
2009 Production                        (262.7)   (30.3)    (7.0)      (21.1)
Proved reserves at December 31, 2009  2,248.5    650.7     24.5        93.0
Discoveries, additions and extensions   286.4    874.7      0.1         6.7
Purchase of reserves                        -     23.0        -           -
Sale of reserves                       (867.3)    (7.3)       -           -
Net revisions and transfers              33.2     12.5      4.9        12.1
2010 Production                        (203.6)   (80.5)    (5.7)      (32.2)
Proved reserves at December 31, 2010  1,497.2  1,473.1     23.8        79.6
Proved developed
December 31, 2007                     2,125.6    111.4     86.7         7.0
December 31, 2008                     2,066.8    117.9     65.5        99.0
December 31, 2009                     1,840.9    197.9     22.4        91.2
December 31, 2010                     1,134.7    687.5     22.0        73.3
                                    Indonesia     Asia    Other       Total
Natural Gas (bcf)
Total Proved
Proved reserves at December 31, 2007  1,981.9    387.0    224.0     5,464.2
Discoveries, additions and
 extensions                               1.3     27.0      0.4       395.3
Purchase of reserves                        -        -        -        18.1
Sale of reserves                            -        -        -       (65.3)
Net revisions and transfers                 -     (2.5)    (0.8)      (17.6)
2008 Production                         (97.2)   (24.9)    (0.2)     (456.3)
Proved reserves at December 31, 2008  1,886.0    386.6    223.4     5,338.4
Discoveries, additions and
 extensions                              88.6     27.9        -       861.7
Purchase of reserves                      8.7        -        -        24.6
Sale of reserves                            -        -   (220.5)     (426.6)
Net revisions and transfers              14.8    (11.1)    (1.0)      (56.9)
2009 Production                        (120.6)   (26.7)    (0.1)     (468.5)
Proved reserves at December 31, 2009  1,877.5    376.7      1.8     5,272.7
Discoveries, additions and
 extensions                              21.2    (37.4)       -     1,151.7
Purchase of reserves                     60.7        -        -        83.7
Sale of reserves                            -        -     (1.8)     (876.4)
Net revisions and transfers              (3.0)    44.6        -       104.3
2010 Production                        (141.2)   (35.9)       -      (499.1)
Proved reserves at December 31, 2010  1,815.2    348.0        -     5,236.9
Proved developed
December 31, 2007                     1,197.6     58.2      1.1     3,587.6
December 31, 2008                     1,348.9    199.0      1.2     3,898.3
December 31, 2009                     1,231.6    320.8      0.8     3,705.6
December 31, 2010                     1,083.1    281.3        -     3,281.9
Continuity of Net Proved Reserves
                                       Canada       US       UK Scandinavia
Oil and Liquids (mmbbls)
Total Proved
Proved reserves at December 31, 2007    123.9        -    385.3        67.2
Discoveries, additions and extensions    12.1        -     15.0         8.3
Purchase of reserves                      0.3        -        -           -
Sale of reserves                         (0.3)       -    (17.5)       (1.6)
Net revisions and transfers               7.4        -   (133.2)       (5.3)
2008 Production                         (11.9)       -    (34.2)      (12.0)
Proved reserves at December 31, 2008    131.5        -    215.4        56.6
Discoveries, additions and extensions     4.0        -      5.2         1.1
Purchase of reserves                      0.1        -        -           -
Sale of reserves                        (39.0)       -     (0.2)       (4.0)
Net revisions and transfers               2.7        -     76.8        14.5
2009 Production                          (9.9)       -    (31.1)      (12.3)
Proved reserves at December 31, 2009     89.4        -    266.1        55.9
Discoveries, additions and extensions     4.7      2.5      6.8         9.7
Purchase of reserves                        -      0.9        -           -
Sale of reserves                        (15.1)    (0.2)       -           -
Net revisions and transfers              (2.4)     0.1     18.0         1.8
2010 Production                          (6.6)    (0.1)   (27.0)      (14.2)
Proved reserves at December 31, 2010     70.0      3.2    263.9        53.2
Proved developed
 December 31, 2007                      118.9        -    342.6        25.6
 December 31, 2008                      122.0        -    172.0        24.8
 December 31, 2009                       82.1        -    196.0        26.1
 December 31, 2010                       65.6      0.7    210.6        21.6
                                    Indonesia     Asia    Other       Total
Oil and Liquids (mmbbls)
Total Proved
Proved reserves at December 31, 2007     13.6     30.1     27.6       647.7
Discoveries, additions and
 extensions                                 -     (0.3)    (0.3)       34.8
Purchase of reserves                        -        -        -         0.3
Sale of reserves                            -        -        -       (19.4)
Net revisions and transfers               4.2      2.0      3.1      (121.8)
2008 Production                          (1.7)    (4.7)    (4.1)      (68.6)
Proved reserves at December 31, 2008     16.1     27.1     26.3       473.0
Discoveries, additions and
 extensions                              (0.5)     5.3      6.5        21.6
Purchase of reserves                      0.7        -        -         0.8
Sale of reserves                            -        -     (3.7)      (46.9)
Net revisions and transfers              (1.8)     3.8     (4.7)       91.3
2009 Production                          (1.8)    (7.6)    (3.4)      (66.1)
Proved reserves at December 31, 2009     12.7     28.6     21.0       473.7
Discoveries, additions and
 extensions                               1.4      2.5      1.0        28.6
Purchase of reserves                      1.5        -        -         2.4
Sale of reserves                            -        -     (0.5)      (15.8)
Net revisions and transfers              (0.8)     0.6     (0.2)       17.1
2010 Production                          (2.0)    (6.1)    (2.4)      (58.4)
Proved reserves at December 31, 2010     12.8     25.6     18.9       447.6
Proved developed
 December 31, 2007                       10.7     18.9     25.4       542.1
 December 31, 2008                       13.5     17.7     20.2       370.2
 December 31, 2009                       11.0     21.2     13.0       349.4
 December 31, 2010                        8.6     18.6      9.8       335.5
                                       Canada       US       UK Scandinavia
Natural Gas (bcf)
Total Proved
Proved reserves at December 31, 2007  2,087.1    109.0    100.2        78.9
Discoveries, additions and extensions   249.7     29.4     12.4        12.1
Purchase of reserves                     11.9      2.4        -           -
Sale of reserves                        (55.2)       -        -           -
Net revisions and transfers             113.3      1.3     (3.2)       17.8
2008 Production                        (237.6)   (22.9)   (13.8)       (6.9)
Proved reserves at December 31, 2008  2,169.2    119.2     95.6       101.9
Discoveries, additions and extensions   185.6    474.6        -        (0.5)
Purchase of reserves                     14.2        -        -           -
Sale of reserves                       (115.8)    (1.4)   (67.0)          -
Net revisions and transfers              28.2        -      2.9        12.7
2009 Production                        (238.4)   (26.2)    (7.0)      (21.1)
Proved reserves at December 31, 2009  2,043.0    566.2     24.5        93.0
Discoveries, additions and extensions   263.7    738.6      0.1         6.7
Purchase of reserves                        -     17.5        -           -
Sale of reserves                       (772.5)    (5.8)       -           -
Net revisions and transfers              11.2     10.3      4.9        12.1
2010 Production                        (190.9)   (68.9)    (5.7)      (32.2)
Proved reserves at December 31, 2010  1,354.5  1,257.9     23.8        79.6
Proved developed
 December 31, 2007                    1,725.0     95.7     86.7         7.0
 December 31, 2008                    1,785.8    101.8     65.5        99.0
 December 31, 2009                    1,663.5    171.1     22.4        91.2
 December 31, 2010                    1,011.4    584.9     22.0        73.3
                                    Indonesia     Asia    Other       Total
Natural Gas (bcf)
Total Proved
Proved reserves at December 31, 2007  1,359.0    245.5    223.3     4,203.0
Discoveries, additions and
 extensions                             (30.3)    20.2      0.4       293.9
Purchase of reserves                        -        -        -        14.3
Sale of reserves                            -        -        -       (55.2)
Net revisions and transfers             143.0     42.8     (0.7)      314.3
2008 Production                         (64.0)   (18.8)    (0.2)     (364.2)
Proved reserves at December 31, 2008  1,407.7    289.7    222.8     4,406.1
Discoveries, additions and
 extensions                              62.8     25.3        -       747.8
Purchase of reserves                      7.5        -        -        21.7
Sale of reserves                            -        -   (220.0)     (404.2)
Net revisions and transfers             (19.5)   (33.3)    (1.0)      (10.0)
2009 Production                         (84.4)   (20.3)    (0.1)     (397.5)
Proved reserves at December 31, 2009  1,374.1    261.4      1.7     4,363.9
Discoveries, additions and
 extensions                               8.1    (22.6)       -       994.6
Purchase of reserves                     42.4        -        -        59.9
Sale of reserves                            -        -     (1.6)     (779.9)
Net revisions and transfers             (57.2)    14.3     (0.1)       (4.5)
2010 Production                         (98.2)   (27.3)       -      (423.2)
Proved reserves at December 31, 2010  1,269.2    225.8        -     4,210.8
Proved developed
 December 31, 2007                      811.1     44.4      1.0     2,770.9
 December 31, 2008                    1,022.2    149.0      1.2     3,224.5
 December 31, 2009                      915.2    225.5      0.8     3,089.7
 December 31, 2010                      763.7    187.2        -     2,642.5



Summary of Oil and Gas Reserves as of Fiscal Year-End Based on Average Fiscal Year Prices

The following table sets forth Talisman's estimates of its proved developed, proved undeveloped, total proved, probable developed, probable undeveloped and total probable reserves as at December 31, 2010. The reserves estimates included in this table were prepared using the standards of the US Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), which requires that proved reserves be estimated using existing economic conditions. The price used for calculating reserves is an unweighted arithmetic average of the first-day-of-the-month price for each month within the period unless the prices are defined by contractual obligations (excluding escalations based on future conditions).

                              Proved             Proved           Total
                           Developed(1,2)   Undeveloped(1,3)    Proved(1)
                          Gross(7)  Net(8)  Gross(7)  Net(8) Gross(7) Net(8)
Oil and Liquids (mmbbls)
 North America
  Canada                     74.6    65.6       4.7     4.4     79.3   70.0
  United States               0.9     0.7       3.4     2.5      4.3    3.2
  United Kingdom            211.9   210.6      53.4    53.3    265.3  263.9
  Norway                     21.6    21.6      31.6    31.6     53.2   53.2
 Southeast Asia
  Indonesia(9)               21.4     8.6      10.7     4.2     32.1   12.8
  Malaysia                   25.1    13.2       3.4     1.6     28.5   14.8
  Australia                   4.5     4.4       5.5     5.2     10.0    9.6
  Vietnam                     1.2     1.0       0.2     0.2      1.4    1.2
  Algeria                    19.6     9.8      16.0     9.1     35.6   18.9
  Peru                          -       -         -       -        -      -
Total                       380.8   335.5     128.9   112.1    509.7  447.6
Natural Gas (bcf)
 North America
  Canada                  1,134.7 1,011.4     362.5   343.1  1,497.2 1,354.5
  United States             687.5   584.9     785.6   673.0  1,473.1 1,257.9
  United Kingdom             22.0    22.0     1.8       1.8     23.8   23.8
  Norway                     73.3    73.3     6.3       6.3     79.6   79.6
 Southeast Asia
  Indonesia               1,083.1   763.7   732.1     505.5  1,815.2 1,269.2
  Malaysia                  281.3   187.2    66.7      38.6    348.0  225.8
  Australia                     -       -       -         -        -      -
  Vietnam                       -       -       -         -        -      -
  Algeria                       -       -       -         -        -      -
  Peru                          -       -       -         -        -      -
Total                     3,281.9 2,642.5 1,955.0   1,568.3  5,236.9 4,210.8
                               Probable        Probable            Total
                             Developed(4,5) Undeveloped(4,6)     Probable(4)
                           Gross(7)  Net(8) Gross(7)  Net(8) Gross(7) Net(8)
Oil and Liquids (mmbbls)
 North America
  Canada                      15.8    13.2      3.3     3.0     19.1   16.2
  United States                0.2     0.1      0.6     0.5      0.8    0.6
  United Kingdom              59.9    59.8     90.4    89.8    150.3  149.6
  Norway                      13.2    13.2     34.6    34.6     47.8   47.8
 Southeast Asia
  Indonesia                    1.1     0.4     10.1     4.9     11.2    5.3
  Malaysia                    18.1     9.6     13.8     5.7     31.9   15.3
  Australia                    2.3     2.2      4.0     2.8      6.3    5.0
  Vietnam                      0.4     0.3     21.6    17.8     22.0   18.1
  Algeria                      7.7     3.5      4.7     1.6     12.4    5.1
  Peru                           -       -     17.5    16.5     17.5   16.5
Total                        118.7   102.3    200.6   177.2    319.3  279.5
Natural Gas (bcf)
 North America
  Canada                     349.4   310.8    201.0   187.2    550.4  498.0
  United States              154.5   131.6    751.8   645.8    906.3  777.4
  United Kingdom               6.8     6.8    167.3   167.3    174.1  174.1
  Norway                      28.1    28.1     45.8    45.8     73.9   73.9
 Southeast Asia
  Indonesia                    5.3     3.4    626.6   422.8    631.9  426.2
  Malaysia                   104.8    68.5    171.7    97.0    276.5  165.5
  Australia                      -       -        -       -        -      -
  Vietnam                        -       -      12.0   12.0     12.0   12.0
  Algeria                        -       -         -      -        -      -
  Peru                           -       -         -      -        -      -
Total                        648.9   549.2   1,976.2 1,577.9 2,625.1 2,127.1
1. "Proved" reserves are those quantities of oil and gas, which, by analysis
   of geoscience and engineering data, can be estimated with reasonable
   certainty to be economically producible - from a given date forward, from
   known reservoirs and under existing economic conditions, operating
   methods and government regulations, prior to the time at which contracts
   providing the right to operate expire, unless evidence indicates that
   renewal is reasonably certain, regardless of whether deterministic or
   probabilistic methods are used for estimation. 
2. "Proved Developed" reserves are those reserves that can be expected to be
   recovered through existing wells with existing equipment and operating
   methods or in which the cost of the required equipment is relatively
   minor compared to the cost of a new well. Additional oil and gas expected
   to be obtained through installed extraction equipment and infrastructure
   operational at the time of the reserves estimate are included as proved
   developed reserves.  
3. "Proved Undeveloped" reserves are those reserves that are expected to be
   recovered from new wells on undrilled acreage, or from existing wells for
   which a relatively major expenditure is required for recompletion.
   Inclusion of reserves on undrilled acreage is limited to those directly
   offsetting development spacing areas that are reasonably certain of
   production when drilled, unless evidence using reliable technology exists
   that establishes reasonable certainty of economic producibility at
   greater distances.
4. "Probable" reserves are those additional reserves that are less certain
   to be recovered than proved reserves but which, together with proved
   reserves, are as likely as not to be recovered. Probable reserves can be
   assigned to areas that are structurally higher than the proved area if
   these areas are in communication with the proved reservoir. Includes
   reserves assigned to areas of a reservoir adjacent to proved reserves
   where data control or interpretations of available data are less certain,
   even if interpreted reservoir continuity of structure or productivity
   does not meet the reasonable certainty criterion. 
5. "Probable Developed" reserves are those reserves that are less certain to
   be recovered through existing wells with existing equipment and operating
   methods or in which the cost of the required equipment is relatively
   minor compared to the cost of a new well. Additional oil and gas expected
   to be obtained through installed extraction equipment and infrastructure
   operational at the time of the reserves estimate are included as probable
   developed reserves. 
6. "Probable Undeveloped" reserves are those reserves that are less certain
   to be recovered from new wells on undrilled acreage, or from existing
   wells for which a relatively major expenditure is required for
7. "Gross" reserves refer to the sum of (i) working interest reserves before
   deduction of royalty burdens payable, and (ii) royalty interest reserves.
   The Canadian Oil and Gas Evaluation Handbook ("COGEH") refers to this sum
   of reserves as "Company interest reserves". Royalty interest reserves for
   Canada were approximately 0.7 mmboe (proved) and 0.2 mmboe (probable) as
   at December 31, 2010. The inclusion of royalty interest volumes in gross
   reserves does not conform to COGEH standards applicable under NI 51-101.
8. "Net" reserves are the remaining reserves of Talisman, after deduction of
   estimated royalty burdens and including royalty interests in the amount
   set out in note 7 above.
9. Interests of various governments, other than working interests or income
   taxes, are accounted for as royalties. Royalties are reflected in "net"
   reserves using effective rates over the life of the contract.




Talisman Energy Inc. - Media and General Inquiries:
David Mann
Vice President, Corporate & Investor Communications
Fax: 403-237-1210


Talisman Energy Inc. - Shareholder and Investor Inquiries:
Christopher J. LeGallais
Vice President, Investor Relations
Fax: 403-237-1210

Data and Statistics for these countries : Algeria | Colombia | Guinea | Indonesia | Malaysia | New Guinea | Norway | Papua New Guinea | Peru | Poland | All
Gold and Silver Prices for these countries : Algeria | Colombia | Guinea | Indonesia | Malaysia | New Guinea | Norway | Papua New Guinea | Peru | Poland | All

Talisman Energy Inc

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Talisman Energy is a and nickel producing company based in Canada.

Talisman Energy holds various exploration projects in Australia, in Indonesia and in USA.

Its main exploration properties are TRENTON-BLACK RIVER and WOOD FIELD in USA and TANGGUH LNG in Indonesia.

Talisman Energy is listed in Canada and in Germany. Its market capitalisation is CA$ 10.0 billions as of today (US$ 8.3 billions, € 7.4 billions).

Its stock quote reached its highest recent level on April 17, 2015 at CA$ 9.95, and its lowest recent point on May 08, 2015 at CA$ 9.67.

Talisman Energy has 1 036 170 048 shares outstanding.

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Option Grants of Talisman Energy Inc
5/2/2012Declares Semi-Annual Common Share Dividend and Quarterly Pre...
5/1/2012Declares Semi-Annual Common Share Dividend and Quarterly Pre...
10/5/2011Declares Semi-Annual Dividend
5/5/2011reases Dividend by 9%
Nominations of Talisman Energy Inc
12/2/2013Appoints Two New Directors
5/10/2013=2E: Annual Meeting Voting Results on the Election of Direct...
9/10/2012Appoints New President and CEO
5/30/2007Appoints John Manzoni as President and CEO
Financials of Talisman Energy Inc
10/30/2012Reports Third Quarter Results
5/2/2012First Quarter Results
7/29/2011Reports Strong Financial Quarter
5/4/2011Reports First Quarter Results
2/16/2011Reports Strategic and Operational Success in 2010
11/3/2009Reports $838 Million Cash Flow in Third Quarter
7/29/2009Reports $900 Million Cash Flow in Second Quarter
Project news of Talisman Energy Inc
2/26/2015Repsol cuts exploration Capex despite profit boost
12/10/2013Announces $595 million Sale of Colombian Pipeline Interest
3/12/2013Announces Financial Settlement on Yme Project
6/28/2012Exits GTL Project
2/22/2012and Mitsubishi Announce Strategic Joint Venture in Papua New...
1/28/2008(Tangguh Lng)Acquires Stake in Tangguh LNG Project
12/19/2007(Wood Field)Announces First Production From the Wood Field in the North ...
7/2/2007(East Kimberley Projects)East Kimberley Nickel Project
Corporate news of Talisman Energy Inc
6/9/2015Sprott Asset Management Betting Heavily on Aemetis Inc (AMTX...
5/7/2015Repsol Reaps Gains Thanks to Greenback
4/8/2015Talisman Declares Dividend On Common Shares
3/26/2015Repsol's Brufau to cede executive powers to CEO in April
3/18/2015Repsol sells 2 billion euro hybrid bond to help fund Talisma...
3/11/2015Spain's Repsol working on hybrid bond issue for next week -s...
3/4/2015Talisman Energy Inc. Files Year-End Disclosure Documents
3/4/2015Talisman Receives Final Court Approval for Acquisition by Re...
3/4/2015Talisman Energy Inc. Files Year-End Disclosure Documents
2/20/2015Talisman Receives Final Court Approval for Acquisition by Re...
2/18/2015Talisman Energy Receives Shareholder Approval for Acquisitio...
2/18/2015Talisman Energy Receives Shareholder Approval for Acquisitio...
2/18/2015Talisman Energy shareholders approve Repsol's $8.3 bln offer
2/11/2015PRESS DIGEST-Canada- Feb 11
2/10/2015Canada Stocks to Watch: BlackBerry, Talisman, Uni-Select, Gr...
2/10/2015CANADA STOCKS-TSX set to open higher
12/16/2014Talisman Energy and Salix are big market movers
12/15/2014Talisman and PetSmart big market movers
12/12/2014SeaWorld and Adobe are big market movers
12/9/2013and Ecopetrol Declare Commerciality of the Akacias Field in ...
11/8/2013Announces $1=2E5 Billion All Cash Sale for Portion of Montne...
10/22/2013Third Quarter Conference Call and Webcast
7/9/2013Conference Call
5/20/2013Announces First Oil from HST =?ISO-8859-1?Q?/HSD=20Developme...
5/8/2013Announces Agreement to Exit Poland
4/22/2013. Conference Call
2/13/20132012 Results
2/1/2013. Conference Call
10/9/2012Third Quarter Results Conference Call
9/18/2012Announces Decision to Exit Peru
7/23/2012Sells 49% Equity Interestin UK North Sea Assets for $1=2E5 B...
7/23/2012Sells 49% Equity Interest in UK North Sea Assets for $1.5 Bi...
7/17/2012Second Quarter Results Conference Call
6/19/2012Publishes 11th Annual Corporate Responsibility Report
5/28/2012PETRONAS Awards Talisman Energy the Kinabalu Oil PSC
4/18/2012First Quarter Results Conference Call
3/26/2012Announces Successful Test at Kurdamir-2 Well
3/8/2012Announces Agreement to SellNon-Core Coal Assets for US$500 M...
3/5/2012Files Year-End Disclosure Documents
1/30/2012. Conference Call
1/10/20122012 Capital Plan
1/3/20122012 Guidance Conference Call
12/13/2011Completes CAD$200 Million Sale of Preferred Shares
12/1/2011Executive Announcement - Nick Walker
11/24/2011Announces Community Investment Agreements in Peru
10/12/2011. Conference Call
9/15/2011Response to "Friends of Science" Donation
9/8/2011Responsible Shale Gas Development - Collectively unlocking t...
8/19/2011Joins WRI and Partners to Launch Aqueduct Alliance
6/6/2011Releases 2010 Corporate Responsibility Report
4/14/2011. Conference Call
3/8/2011Deepens Its Strategic Partnership With Sasol in the Montney ...
2/28/2011Files Year End Disclosure Documents
8/3/2010and Ecopetrol Agree to Acqui
7/27/2010Reports $812 Million in Cash Flow
5/12/2010Delivering on Its Transition
5/5/2010Declares Semi-Annual Dividend
5/5/2010Reports $837 Million in Cash Flow
4/7/2010Announces Agreements to Sell Non-Core Canadian Assets for $1...
3/8/2010Files Year End Disclosure Documents
2/10/2010Reports $4 Billion in Cash Flow
1/11/2010Budgets $5=2E2 Billion inCapital Spending for 2010 Major Inc...
11/27/2009Completes Filings for Renewal of Normal Course Issuer Bid
11/27/2009Secures Early Grant Of Key Springfield Copper-Gold Tenements
11/3/2009Adds 170,000 Net Acres In Pennsylvania Marcellus & Montney S...
10/5/2009Declares Semi-Annual Dividend
5/20/2009Announces a Significant Discovery in Colombia
5/19/2009Promising Oil Discovery Offshore Norway
3/9/2009Files Year End Disclosure Documents
3/5/2009Generates a Record $6=2E2Billion in Cash Flow and a Record $...
3/4/2009Announces Agreement to SellNon-Core Saskatchewan Assets for ...
1/26/2009Announces First Production From the Rev Field
1/29/2009Announces Changes to Leadership Team
1/13/2009Plans to Balance Cash and Spending in 2009
12/5/2008Announces First Oil From the Song Doc Field in Vietnam
11/4/2008Reports Record Net Income of $1.4 Billion, Cash Flow Increas...
9/3/2008Announces Senior Vice-President Eastern Division for North A...
9/3/2008Sells Non-Core Dutch Assets
9/3/2008Announces Successful Test in Quebec
7/29/2008Reports a Record $1.7 Billion in Cash Flow
6/25/2008Announces New Chief Financial Officer
6/23/2008Signs Agreement With KRG
5/20/2008Delivers a New Strategic Framework
4/30/2008Declares Semi-Annual Dividend
4/30/2008Reports $1.2 Billion in Cash Flow Solid Operational and Fina...
4/25/2008Sells Non-Core Denmark Assets for US$83 Million
3/7/2008 Files Year End Disclosure Documents
3/5/2008Acquires RSX Energy Inc.
2/28/2008 Reports $4.3 Billion in Cash Flow for 2007
1/15/2008 Announces $4.4 Billion Exploration & Development Budget for...
1/15/2008 Announces a Second Oil Discovery Offshore Vietnam
11/2/2007 Reports $1.1 Billion in Cash Flow for the Quarter
10/15/2007Declares Semi-Annual Dividend
9/21/2007Announces First Oil From Its Duart Development
9/12/2007Announces First Oil From the Blane Field in the North Sea
8/2/2007Generates $1.2 Billion in Cash Flow
8/2/2007Announces Sale of Non-Core North American Assets for $815 Mi...
5/31/2007 Energy Announces First Oil From Its Enoch Development
5/9/2007Increases Semi-Annual Dividend
5/9/2007Generates $1 Billion in Cash Flow; Exploration Success in Vi...
5/9/2007Announces Renewable Energy on Stream for Beatrice
5/9/2007Encouraged by Alaska Drilling
5/8/2007Announces First Oil From Tweedsmuir
5/7/2007Drills Another Successful Sidetrack Well in Vietnam
5/2/2007Two Norway Wells with Initial Production Rates
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