VanEck Vectors Global Alternative Energy ETF

Published : September 29th, 2015

Share Purchase Plan documentation

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Share Purchase Plan documentation




Offer Document

Adelaide Resources Limited

ABN: 75 061 503 375


Dear shareholder

29 September 2015

Corporate Details


Cash: $0.83 million. Issued Capital:

304,545,685 ordinary shares

37,222.104 listed options

750,000 performance rights


Colin G Jackson

Non-executive Chairman

Chris Drown

Managing Director

Nick Harding

Executive Director and Company Secretary

Jonathan Buckley

Non-executive Director

Contact Details

69 King William Road, Unley, South Australia 5061

PO Box 1210

Unley BC SA 5061

Tel: +61 8 8271 0600

Fax: +61 8 8271 0033

[email protected]

The Company has launched a Share Purchase Plan (SPP) to accelerate exploration at its two principal properties - the Eyre Peninsula in South Australia and Drummond in Queensland. Both are gold and 100% owned, delivering high potential leverage.

This is an excellent time to be an active explorer as attested by our five drill campaigns in the last twelve months. Diamond drilling costs have declined markedly with the Company currently drilling one third more metres for the same budget as a year ago. And, as the industry retracts, including the majors who are divesting when they should be investing, the drill rigs and other support services are more readily available. So, it is the Company's intention to continue with the mantra 'Drill as often as you can' as 'The next hole might be a Discovery'.

At the Eyre Peninsula property we are currently estimating an updated exploration target for the adjacent Barns, Baggy Green and White Tank gold deposits ahead

of the next drill activity. At Drummond, we continue to Diamond drill following sustained confirmation of the presence of epithermal gold. We would also expect the number of targets at Drummond to expand.

The focus on Eyre Peninsula and Drummond will result in considerably lesser activity by the Company at the Moonta copper and Rover copper-gold properties. We will seek to partner both.

The SPP is underwritten by clients of Patersons Securities Limited to a level of

$900,000. The SPP is open for 18 days with the pricing to be a 20% discount to the 5 day volume weighted average price immediately prior to the issue date of the new securities. The pricing mechanism is designed to accommodate any volatility in the share market during the offer period and guarantees that investors will receive stock at a discount to market and pay no brokerage fees.

Eligible shareholders may participate in the range $750 to a maximum of $15,000. Directors intend to participate in the SPP. Please remember exploration results and ultimate mine development is not guaranteed, however, success can be handsomely rewarded.

Chris Drown, Managing Director, may be contacted on 08 8271 0600 and myself on 0417 929 107.

Colin G Jackson Chairman


Record Date 7.00pm (CST) on 23 September 2015

Announcement Date 24 September 2015 Opening date of Offer (Opening Date) 29 September 2015

Closing date for acceptances (Closing Date) 5.00pm (CST) on 16 October 2015 Determination of issue price 26 October 2015

Issue Date 27 October 2015





Adelaide Resources 100% (except EL 5064: Adelaide Resources 90%)

The Company has a large tenement position on the Eyre Peninsula of South Australia, holding nine tenements which together secure an area of approximately 3,643 km2. All but one of these

tenements is 100% owned by Adelaide Resources.

The Barns, White Tank and Baggy Green gold prospects are located within 5km of each other on tenements that are wholly owned by the Company and are subject to a 1.5% NSR royalty held by Newcrest Mining Limited.

In May 2015 the Company released a combined Exploration Target for the Barns and Baggy Green prospects and announced it had commenced a drilling programme targeting both deposits.

The Exploration Target was estimated using historical drill results and interpreted 3-D models of the broad mineralised envelopes which enclose multiple stacked zones of gold mineralisation

at Barns and Baggy Green.


To a depth of 200 metres below surface the Company estimates a combined Exploration Target ranging from 20 to 40 million tonnes at a grade ranging from 0.4g/t gold to 0.6g/t gold within the broad mineralised envelopes that enclose gold mineralisation at Barns and Baggy Green.

The potential tonnage and grade is conceptual in nature as there has been insufficient exploration to estimate a Mineral Resource, and it remains uncertain if further exploration will result in the estimation of

a Mineral Resource.

Multiple lodes of narrower but higher grade mineralisation occur within the broad mineralised envelopes at both prospects. These higher grade zones may allow the future estimation of lower tonnage but higher grade resources.

As a first step to test the validity of the Exploration Target, a Diamond drilling programme targeting both Barns and Baggy Green was completed in June 2015. Seven holes for 1,287 metres were drilled in total, with four holes completed at Barns and three at Baggy Green.

Lake Acraman

Barns/ White Tank

Baggy Green

Resources tenement

Thurlga JV Prospect

Paris Silver Discovery (IVR)

All seven holes intersected gold mineralisation. The drilling confirmed the predicted mineralisation zone boundaries and supported the Exploration Target tonnage and grade ranges.

At Barns results included intersections of

16.1 metres at 3.06g/t gold, 15 metres at 1.25g/t gold, 15 metres at 0.75g/t gold and 7 metres at 1.10g/t gold.



Wudinna Kyancutta




Baggy Green results include 11 metres at 1.87g/t gold within a broader zone assaying 30 metres at 0.86g/t gold, and 8 metres at 1.22g/t gold.

Modelling for an updated exploration target focused on higher grade gold zones is underway and will lead to a follow-up resource estimation drilling programme.

30 Km

Eyre Peninsula Gold Project location.




Towers Mackay




Adelaide Resources 100%

Adelaide Resources Limited holds 100% equity

in two tenements that cover 270 km2 of ground in the Drummond Basin in Queensland.

The Drummond Basin is prospective for high grade epithermal gold deposits as exemplified by the Pajingo Field which, to date, has produced over

3 million ounces of high grade gold.

Adelaide Resources' exploration has located a number of quartz veins in the northern part of the South West Limey Dam prospect where rock chips have recorded substantial grades to a maximum of 55.4g/t gold. An FPXRF survey mapped a large and high magnitude arsenic (gold pathfinder) anomaly in the southern part of the prospect,

and petrological studies have confirmed that the mineralisation is of true epithermal style.

Initial assay results in shallow Diamond drill holes at South West Limey Dam confirm the presence of gold mineralised quartz veins below surface.

Holes testing the Alexandra vein recorded

0.71 metres at 9.11g/t gold and 11.0g/t silver

(drillhole GLD009) and 0.70 metres at 1.43g/t gold and 4.2g/t silver (GLD012).

At the Anna North vein, drilling has intersected

0.94 metres at 0.64g/t gold and 0.8g/t silver, including 0.40 metres at 1.02g/t gold (GLD017), and a wide quartz veined interval of 5.05 metres assaying 0.14g/t gold (GLD019).

Drilling has confirmed the dips of both Alexandra and Anna North veins which exhibit classic epithermal colloform textures. Deeper drill tests at these targets will commence immediately.

Long intervals of sulphidic and altered rock with narrow quartz veins are present in additional holes testing targets below the large arsenic anomaly in the southern part of the prospect. Assaying of these holes is in progress.

An immediate one third increase to the original 1,200 metre programme has been approved due to the positive results, excellent drilling conditions, and below budget cost performance.

0.64g/t Au

0.50g/t Au 26.9g/t Au

51.5g/t Au 31.1g/t Au

21.7g/t Au

0.41g/t Au

1.59g/t Au 0.38g/t Au

0.12g/t Au 0.76g/t Au

RL 200m

Quartz vein surface outcrop


0.41m @ 0.16g/t Au


  1. m @ 1.43g/t Au




  2. m @ 9.11g/t Au

Proposed hole 30m


0.18g/t Au

0.29g/t Au

0.04g/t Au


hole 70m

0.88m @ 0.85g/t Au


Surface rock chip


Surface cover Andesite


Proposed hole 120m


Quartz vein intercepted at depth

Quartz vein possible extension with proposed drilling

0 50


Quartz vein displaying colloform banding. GLD019 drillcore at 11.7 metres.

Alexandra vein long projection.

517800mE 517900mE



137° 137°30' 138° 138°30'





Port Pirie

Adelaide Resources 100%

(except Moonta Porphyry JV area: Adelaide Resources 90%)

The Moonta Copper Project falls near the southern end of the world class Olympic Copper-Gold Province in South Australia. The province is highly prospective for Iron Oxide Copper Gold (IOCG) deposits, with Olympic Dam, Prominent Hill and Moonta-Wallaroo the three mines with past or current production.




Moonta Gold tenement


Main Road


Wallaroo KadinaMoonta

Port Wakefield



Approximately 75% of Australia's known copper

resources are contained within the province.

Copper was first discovered on Yorke Peninsula in 1859, leading to the establishment of substantial mining operations at Moonta and Kadina, and smelting and export facilities at Wallaroo. Together these towns formed the famous 'Copper Triangle'



Port with loading facility



40 kilometres




Port Adelaide



which was crucially important in the development

137° 137°30'




of the early South Australian economy.

Exploration activities this year were focused on the Alford West Prospect and followed on from excellent results achieved in the previous two

financial years. Work included the completion of two aircore drill programmes, followed by a programme of deeper reverse circulation drilling.

Further notable copper intersections were achieved in the Alford West drilling programs. The Bruce Zone returned intersections including 18 metres at 1.14% copper, 15 metres at 1.00% copper, 10 metres

at 1.24% copper, 20 metres at 0.56% copper and 0.11g/t gold, and 9 metres at 1.01% copper.

Larwood Zone hits included 17 metres at 0.41% copper and 0.19g/t gold and 11 metres at 0.54% copper and 0.12g/t gold.

The Six Ways Zone returned a hit of 25 metres at 1.12% copper starting at a vertical depth of just 4 metres below surface. Sub-zones within the 25 metre hit include 4 metres at 2.82% copper

and 5 metres at 2.17% copper.

The digital capture of extensive historical exploration data continued during the year Including holes drilled by Adelaide Resources, the Company's drill database now contains information on 285 Diamond drill holes, 467 reverse circulation holes, and 1,420 aircore/RAB holes - a drill total of 163,975 metres.

A number of prospects where past explorers had achieved potentially economic drill intersections were identified in the newly captured data, with West Doora, Doora and Vulcan prospects the most notable.


Adelaide Resources 100%

The Rover Project is situated 85 kilometres southwest of Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory. Mineral deposits in the Rover Field are geologically identical to the ironstone hosted copper and gold deposits located in the Tennant Creek Field, many of which have been profitably mined in the past.

A non-JORC compliant estimate of the mineral inventory at Rover 1 and Rover 4 suggests the deposits, as currently defined, are too small to develop in their own right, but may hold value

as a source of secondary feed for a Rover Field mill.

The mineralised zones remain open in some directions and potential to increase the size of both deposits remains. A number of other promising early stage prospects are also present.





This Offer entitles Eligible Shareholders in Adelaide Resources Limited (Company) to subscribe through the Company's Share Purchase Plan (Plan) for a maximum of $15,000 worth of fully paid ordinary shares in the Company (Shares) without incurring brokerage in accordance with the following terms and conditions (Offer).


Subject to paragraph 4.3, the Plan will raise $900,000.


The Plan is underwritten to $900,000 by Patersons Securities Limited who is acting as Lead Manager and Underwriter to the offer.


All Shares issued under the Plan will rank equally with existing fully paid ordinary shares from the date of issue, and carry the same voting rights, dividend rights and other entitlements as existing ADN shares.




The Offer is only open to Eligible Shareholders, being persons:


who are registered in the Company's share register at 7.00pm (CST) on 23 September 2015 (Record Date), as registered holders of Shares; and


who have a registered address (as recorded in the Company's share register) in Australia or New Zealand.


No action has been taken to register or qualify the Shares or the Offer or otherwise to permit an offering of the Shares in any jurisdiction outside Australia and New Zealand. Recipients may not send or otherwise distribute this Offer or the Application Form to any person outside Australia (other than to Eligible Shareholders). Neither this Offer nor the Application Form constitutes an offer of securities for sale into the United States of America.


The Offer to Eligible Shareholders with registered addresses in New Zealand is made in reliance on the Securities Act (Overseas Companies) Exemption Notice 2013 (New Zealand). Members of the public in New Zealand who were not existing Shareholders on the Record Date are not entitled to apply for any Shares.


For the purposes of determining Eligible Shareholders:


joint holders of Shares are taken to be a single registered holder of Shares for the purposes of determining whether they are an Eligible Shareholder; and


where a trustee or nominee is expressly noted on the Company's share register as holding Shares on account of a named beneficiary, the named beneficiary will be taken to be the registered holder of those Shares, and on application for Shares under the Plan, certification or issue of Shares to the trustee or nominee will be taken to be an application or certification by, or an issue to, the named beneficiary.


If you are a Custodian and hold Shares on behalf of one or more persons resident in Australia and New Zealand (each a Participating Beneficiary), you may be entitled to apply for up to $15,000 worth

of Shares for each Participating Beneficiary, subject to you providing a certificate to the Company containing the information prescribed in ASIC Class Order 09/425 as modified by ASIC Class Orders 10/105, 10/789 and 11/162 (Custodian Certificate).

Custodians should request a Custodian Certificate when making an application on behalf of a Participating Beneficiary. To request a Custodian Certificate and if you would like further information on how to apply, you should contact the Company's share registry, Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited on [email protected]

For the purposes of this Offer, a Custodian is a person that:

  1. holds an Australian financial services licence that:

  2. covers the provision of a custodial or depositary service; or

  3. includes a condition requiring the holder to comply with the requirements of ASIC Class Order 02/294; or

  4. is exempt under:

  5. paragraph 7.6.01(1)(k) of the Corporation Regulations 2001 (Cwth) (Corporations Regulations);

  6. paragraph 7.6.01(1)(na) of the Corporations Regulations; or

  7. ASIC Class Order 05/1270 to the extent that it relates to ASIC Class Order 03/184; iv. ASIC Class Orders 03/1099, 03/1100, 03/1101, 03/1102, 04/839 or 04/1313;

  8. An individual instrument of relief granted by ASIC to the person in terms similar to one of the class orders referred to in subparagraph (iv); or

  9. Paragraph 911A(2)(h) of the Corporations Act; from the requirement to hold an Australian financial services licence for the provision of a custodial or depositary service; or

  10. is a trustee of a:

  11. self-managed superannuation fund; or

  12. superannuation master trust; or

  13. is the responsible entity of an IDPS-like scheme; or

  14. is the registered holder of Shares or interests in the class and is noted on the register of members of the Company as holding the Shares or interests on account of another person.

  15. 2.6 Directors of the Company who qualify as Eligible Shareholders may participate in the Offer on the same terms and conditions as all other Eligible Shareholders and their participation is not subject to shareholder approval.


    Issue Price


    The issue price will be determined at the issue date of Shares under the Plan and will be at a discount of 20% to the volume weighted average price of the Company's Shares that traded on the ASX during the 5 days on which Shares traded on ASX immediately prior to the issue date of the Shares (rounded up to the nearest 0.1 cents).


    Shareholders should note that the market price of Shares may rise or fall between the date of this Offer and the date the Shares are issued (Issue Date). This means that the issue price you pay for the Shares may be either higher or lower than the price of Shares on the date of the Offer.


    No brokerage, commissions or other transaction costs are payable by Eligible Shareholders under the Offer.


    Number of Shares Offered


    The actual number of Shares issued under this Plan will depend on the issue price (see paragraph 3.1).


    Subject to paragraph 4.3 below, if the Company receives applications for more than $900,000 of Shares under the Plan, it may in its absolute discretion, undertake a scale-back to the extent and in the manner it sees fit. If there is a scale-back you may not receive all the Shares for which you have

    applied. If a scale-back produces a fractional number when applied to your application, the number of Shares you will be allotted will be rounded up to the nearest whole number of Shares and any monies promptly refunded to you without interest. Any application monies refunded by the Company will be paid by cheque in Australian currency.


    The Directors reserve the right, in consultation with the Underwriter and subject to the ASX Listing Rules, to expand the size of the Plan and accept subscriptions above $900,000.


    The maximum number of Shares that are able to be issued under the Plan in order to comply with ASX Listing Rule requirements is 30% of the number of ordinary shares in the Company currently on issue (being a maximum of approximately 91 million Shares).

    1. The Offer is fully underwritten by Patersons Securities Limited (Underwriter). In the event that Eligible Shareholders do not subscribe for at least $900,000 of Shares under the Plan then the Underwriter will apply for any Shortfall Shares up to a maximum value of $900,000 (Underwritten Amount).

    2. If applications under the Offer total an amount less than $900,000, the amount of Shortfall Shares up to the Underwritten Amount will be taken up by the Underwriter.

    3. The Underwriter will charge the Company an Issue Management Fee of $40,000 and an Underwriter/ Selling Fee of 6.0% of the gross amount raised. If the shortfall is 25% or more of the Underwritten Amount, the Underwriter will be entitled to one additional Share for every five Shortfall Shares subscribed for by the Underwriter in excess of 25% of the Underwritten Amount. The Underwriting Agreement contains customary conditions, warranties and undertakings and is subject to various termination events exercisable by the Underwriter. The placement of any Shortfall Shares to the Underwriter is subject to capacity being available under the Company's 15% placement capacity and such capacity is available to the Company

    4. Eligible Shareholders may apply for the following dollar value worth of Shares:















    5. The maximum investment for each Eligible Shareholder is $15,000 and the minimum investment is


    6. The total cost of Shares purchased by each Eligible Shareholder (including through joint holdings, multiple share accounts or any holding which they have a beneficial interest) must not exceed $15,000.

    7. No fractions of Shares will be issued. Any fraction of a Share will be rounded up to the nearest whole number of Shares.

    8. The Offer is non-renounceable. This means that Eligible Shareholders cannot transfer their entitlement to purchase Shares under the Plan to another person.

    1. Timetable

    2. The indicative timetable for the Plan is as follows:



      Record Date

      7.00pm (CST) on 23 September 2015

      Announcement Date

      24 September 2015

      Despatch of Offer and Application Forms to Eligible Shareholders

      29 September 2015

      Opening date of Offer (Opening Date)

      29 September 2015

      Closing date for acceptances (Closing Date)

      5.00pm (CST) on 16 October 2015

      Determination of issue price

      26 October 2015

      Issue Date

      27 October 2015

    3. These dates are indicative only. The Company may, in consultation with the Underwriter, vary the date and times of the Offer (including shortening or extending the Closing Date) without notice.

    4. The Company will apply for the issued Shares to be quoted on the ASX within the relevant period specified in the ASX Listing Rules. Holding statements relating to the issued Shares will be despatched no later than 5 business days from the Issue Date.

    5. 6.

      How to accept the Offer


      Eligible Shareholders wishing to accept the Offer for Shares under the Plan have two payment options

      - by cheque or BPAY, details of which are set out below. Please do not forward cash. Receipts for payment will not be issued. Cheques will only be accepted if they are drawn in Australian currency on an Australian financial institution. Application money will not bear interest under any circumstances. The Company will pay any brokerage or transaction costs.


      To pay by cheque you must:


      complete the accompanying Application Form in accordance with the instructions set out in that form;


      prepare a cheque for the appropriate amount in Australian dollars, payable to 'Adelaide Resources Limited'; and


      send the Application Form and cheque to the Share Registry.

      The completed Application Form and your cheque must be received by the Closing Date of 5.00pm (CST) on 16 October 2015. Applications received after that time may not be accepted.


      To pay by BPAY you must use the personalised reference number shown on your Application Form which is required to identify your holding. If you make your payment using BPAY, you do not need to return your Application Form.

      Eligible Shareholders should be aware that their own financial institution may implement earlier cut- off times with regards to electronic payment. It is the responsibility of each Applicant to ensure that the Application money is submitted through BPAY with sufficient time for it to be processed by their own financial institution and received by the Company no later than 5.00pm (CST) on the Closing Date.


      By completing and returning the Application Form or paying by BPAY, you:


      acknowledge that you have read and understood the terms and conditions of this Offer (including the risks - see paragraph 10 below) and subscribe for Shares in accordance with these terms and conditions;


      acknowledge that your application will be irrevocable and unconditional (and cannot be withdrawn);


      agree to pay the Issue Price per Share up to a maximum of the value selected on the Application Form (which cannot exceed $15,000);


      warrant you are an Eligible Shareholder;


      warrant that you are eligible under all applicable securities laws to receive an offer under the Plan;


      certify that you have not applied for Shares with an aggregate application price in excess of $15,000 under the Plan or any similar arrangements in the 12 months prior to the date of

      application, even though you may have received more than one offer under the Plan or received offers in more than one capacity under the Plan;


      authorise the Company (and each of its officers and agents) to correct any error in, or omission from, the Application Form and complete the Application Form by inserting any missing details;


      acknowledge that the Company may at any time irrevocably determine that your application is valid, in accordance with these terms and conditions, even if the Application Form is incomplete, contains errors or is otherwise defective;


      acknowledge that neither the Company, nor the Share Registry has provided any investment advice or financial product advice, and that neither has any obligation to provide this advice;


      acknowledge that the Company (and each of its officers and agents) is not liable for any consequences of the exercise or non-exercise of its discretions referred to in paragraph 8 below; and


      agree to be bound by the Company's constitution.


      Rights attaching to Shares

      All Shares issued under the Plan will be issued on the same terms as other Shares quoted on ASX and once issued, will rank equally with existing Shares. The Company will apply for the Shares to be quoted on the ASX. It is anticipated that Shares issued under the Plan will be quoted on the ASX on, or shortly after, the Issue Date. Holding Statements for the Shares issued under the Plan will be sent to Eligible Shareholders who have participated in the Plan. If you trade any Shares before you receive your Holding Statement, then you do so at your own risk.


      Company's discretions regarding Applications


      The Company has the right to accept or reject any applications under the Plan, including where:


      an Application Form is incorrectly completed or incomplete or otherwise determined by the Company to be invalid;


      a cheque is dishonoured or has not been completed correctly;


      a cheque is not made out for the exact value of Shares you have selected on the Application Form;


      the Application money is not submitted through BPAY within sufficient time for it to be received by the Company;


      it appears that an Eligible Shareholder is applying for more than $15,000 (in aggregate) of Shares;


      an Application Form is received after the Closing Date. (While the Company may accept late Application Forms and cheques, there is no assurance that it will do so. Late Application Forms and cheques, if not processed, will be returned to the shareholder's registered address); or


      the Company reasonably believes that the applicant is not an Eligible Shareholder.


      If the Company rejects, or partially rejects, an application (including by way of scale-back) or terminates the Plan, the Company will promptly return to the Eligible Shareholder the relevant subscription monies, without interest.


      The Company reserves the right to waive strict compliance with any of the terms and conditions of the Plan and Offer.


      If the Company is not satisfied with the Custodian Certificate, the Company cannot issue Shares to the Custodian on behalf of the Participating Beneficiary.


      The Company may determine, in a manner it thinks fit, any difficulties, anomalies or disputes which may arise in connection with or by reason of the operation of the Plan, whether generally or in relation to any participant or application. A determination made by the Company will be conclusive and binding on all participants and other persons to whom the determination relates.


      The Company may change, suspend or terminate the Plan and Offers at any time whether because of a change of law, ASX, ASIC requirements or policy or any other relevant circumstance. If the Company does this, it will post a notice on its website and make an announcement to the ASX. Failure to notify shareholders of changes to or the suspension or termination of the Plan and Offer, will not invalidate the change, suspension or termination.


      The Company reserves the right to issue no Shares or fewer Shares than an Eligible Shareholder applies for under the Plan if the Company believes the issue of those Shares would contravene ASIC requirements or policy, any law or any ASX Listing Rule.


      Participation optional

      Participation in the Plan is entirely at the option of each Eligible Shareholder. If you are in any doubt as to whether you should participate in the Plan or how such participation will affect you (including taxation implications), you should contact your professional adviser. The Company makes no recommendations as to the desirability or otherwise of your participation in the Plan.


      Risk Factors


      Before deciding whether to accept the Offer, you should refer to the current market price of the Company's Shares, which can be obtained from daily newspapers, stockbroker, or financial adviser of the ASX.


      Owning shares in the Company is considered a speculative form of investment and that the future price of the Company's shares can rise or fall.


      Shareholders should be aware that there is a risk that the market price of the shares may change between the date of this Offer and the date when the new shares are issued to you under the Plan. The value of the Shares you receive may rise or fall accordingly.


      Shareholders should note that the Offer is not made under a prospectus or other disclosure document and does not require the type of disclosure required under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cwlth).

      Shareholders must rely on their own knowledge of the Company and previous disclosures made by the Company on the ASX. You should consult your professional adviser when deciding whether or not to accept the Offer and participate in the Plan.




      By completing the Application Form, you will be providing personal information to the Company. The Privacy Act 1988 (Cwlth) governs the use of a person's personal information and sets out principles governing the ways in which organisations should treat personal information. The Company collects information about each applicant provided on an Application Form for the purposes of evaluating and processing the Application and, if the Application is successful, to administer the applicant's security holding in the Company. If the Company is obliged to do so by law, investors' personal information will be passed on to other parties strictly in accordance with legal requirements. Once personal information is no longer needed for the Company's records, the Company will destroy or de-identify it.


      By submitting an Application Form, each applicant agrees that the Company may use the information provided by an applicant on the Application Form for the purposes set out in this privacy disclosure statement and may disclose it for those purposes to the share registry, the Company's related bodies corporate, agents, contractors and third party service providers, including mailing houses and professional advisers, and to ASX and regulatory authorities.


      Governing Law

      These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws in force in South Australia.

      Competent Person's statement

      The information in this presentation that relates to Exploration Targets, Exploration Results, Mineral Resources or Ore Reserves is based on information compiled by Chris Drown, a Competent Person, who is a Member of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Mr Drown is employed by Drown Geological Services Pty Ltd and consults to the Company on a full time basis, acting as the Company's Managing Director. Mr Drown has sufficient experience that is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity being undertaken to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the 'Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration

      Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves'. Mr Drown consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.

      JORC Code 2012 statements

      The information relating to Adelaide Resources' past exploration to 30 November 2013 and its assessment of exploration completed by past explorers was prepared and first disclosed under the JORC Code 2004. It has not been updated since to comply with the JORC Code 2012 on the basis that the information has not materially changed since it was last reported.

      The information relating to Adelaide Resources' exploration since 1 December 2013 has been reported in compliance with the JORC Code 2012. See ADN's ASX releases dated 4 August 2014 titled 'Drummond Gold Project wins Collaborative Drilling Initiative funding.'; dated 19 May 2015 titled 'Ounce per tonne gold grades in rock chip samples from South West Limey Dam.'; dated 16 June 2015 titled 'Rock chips to 51.5g/t gold as excellent results continue from South West Limey Dam.'; dated 21 September 2015 titled 'Drilling intersects 0.71 metres at 9.11g/t gold in first South West Limey Dam drill holes.'; dated 14 May 2015 titled 'Diamond drilling commences at Barns and Baggy Green gold prospects.'; dated 24 July 2015 titled 'Intersections to 16 metres at 3g/t gold achieved in successful Barns and Baggy Green drilling programme.';

      dated 1 May 2014 titled 'New Mineralisation Model for the Alford West Prospect - SA.'; dated 5 May 2014 titled 'Significant Intersections from Larwood Zone at Alford West - SA.'; dated 7 May 2014 titled 'Excellent Results Upgrade Bruce Zone at Alford West - SA.'; dated 18 December 2014 titled 'Deeper intersections of 18 metres at 1.14% copper and 15 metres at 1.00% copper confirm depth potential at Alford West - SA.'; dated 24 March 2015 titled 'Aircore holes deliver more copper ahead of first deeper drilling at Alford West.'; dated 3 June 2015 titled 'First deeper drilling at Alford West delivers broad intersections of moderate grade copper.'; and IVR's ASX release dated 20 May 2015 titled 'New targets upgrade

      Thurlga JV area near Paris silver project.'


      R E S O U R C E S

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VanEck Vectors Global Alternative Energy ETF

ISIN : AU000000ADN0
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Adelaide Res. is a gold and copper exploration company based in Australia.

Adelaide Res. develops gold, copper and zircon in Australia, and holds various exploration projects in Australia.

Its main asset in development is TRIPITAKA in Australia and its main exploration properties are ROVER PROJECT, MOONTA, SOUTH MOUNT WOODS and COLONA JV in Australia.

Adelaide Res. is listed in Australia and in Germany. Its market capitalisation is 379 538 as of today (US$ 254 518, € 234 971).

Its stock quote reached its highest recent level on December 31, 1996 at 4.52, and its lowest recent point on May 10, 2019 at 0.01.

Adelaide Res. has 47 442 200 shares outstanding.

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Project news of VanEck Vectors Global Alternative Energy ETF
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6/4/2013Research report on copper developer, Adelaide Resources
6/4/2013Adelaide Resources latest announcement: Research Report on A...
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3/1/2012High grade gold and copper assays for new Rover holes for Ad...
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10/12/2011to Buy back up to 10% of its Shares
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9/29/2009raises $2m for NT copper-gold project
9/23/2009NT assays boost for Adelaide Resources Tennannt Creek copper...
9/11/2009Westgold's bonanza NT gold results significant to neighbouri...
8/24/2009Assays confirm substantial NT copper intersection for Adelai...
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11/17/2008Chairman Paul Dowd upbeat amid meltdown
9/3/2008Release - Adelaide Resources announces gold hits at Rover, N...
7/31/2008quarterly report
6/12/2008Iron Road lists today
10/24/2007Eyre Energy and uranium interests to remain in Adelaide Reso...
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