Freewest Resources Canada Inc.

Published : June 11th, 2008

Spider, KWG and Freewest Intersect 30.73% Chrome

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June 11, 2008

Freewest Resources - Press Release


Spider, KWG and Freewest Intersect 30.73% Chrome (Cr2O3) Over 14.4 Metres McFauld's Lake "Ring Of Fire" Area, Northern Ontario



TORONTO, ONTARIO-(June 11, 2008) - Freewest Resources Canada Inc. (TSX VENTURE:FWR) "Freewest" and Spider Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:SPQ) "Spider" and KWG Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:KWG) "KWG" are pleased to announce additional results from the diamond drilling program on their jointly owned Freewest Option property (the "Property"), located approximately 15 kilometres southwest of the McFaulds Lake volcanogenic massive sulphide ("VMS") occurrences and approximately 3.6 kilometres northeast of Noront Resources Ltd.'s ("Noront") Eagle One Magmatic Massive Sulphide ("MMS") discovery, in the Ring of Fire area of the James Bay Lowlands region of Northern Ontario. Massive chromitite layers in a peridotite sill were encountered in hole FW-08-07 returning Cr2O3 grades as high as 30.73% over 14.4 metres, other layers within the peridotite sill show enrichment in Platinum and Palladium as high as 2.183 g/t (Pt + Pd + Au) over 9.0 metres as well as enrichment in Nickel up to 0.21% Nickel over 3.6 meters.

As previously announced in an earlier release (dated May 2, 2008), Hole FW-08-05 encountered 35.6% Cr2O3 over a drill intercept of 7.5 metres, along with other layers showing enrichment in Platinum, Palladium and Nickel, this drill intercept is located 100 metres to the SW of the intercept in hole FW-08-07. Hole 5 was designed to undercut hole the 2006 drill hole numbered FW-06-03 on the same drill section that intersected two chromitite layers returning grades of 34.5% Cr2O3 over 1.03 metres, followed by 28.9% Cr2O3 over 0.85 metres (announced June 29, 2006). In light of a regional exploration review and discussions with neighbouring explorers, there is a consensus of opinion and a determination that the top of the chromitite layered complex is likely to the SE, with bottom being towards the NW. Observations in the drilling within this portion of the sill suggests thickening of the chromitite layers to depth and the northeast, consequently the focus of the next round of drilling will be to further investigate this Cr-PGE-Ni occurrence, exploring it to greater depths and along strike to the northeast and to continue the testing of several of the other anomalies on the property. Ground geophysical surveying is underway and is anticipated to be completed by the third week of June. Drilling is scheduled to continue immediately thereafter.

The joint venture commenced drilling in late March 2008 and concluded drilling in mid May, in the vicinity of their chrome-nickel-platinum group metal bearing peridotite previously discovered by Spider and KWG in 2006, which appears to have many geological similarities to the Eagle Two discovery of Noront, announced in late February. Spider and KWG completed 7 holes for a total of 2,184 metres, under the auspices of Dr. Howard Lahti, P.Geo., of Billiken Management Services Inc. ("Billiken") an exploration consulting firm retained to complete the field program. Billiken provided the onsite supervision as well as camp facilities, helicopter support and other logistical support for the program.


Hole FW-08-06, was located 100 meters grid west of FW-08-05, and was drilled at an inclination of -50, with an azimuth of 150 degrees, to a total depth 384 meters. The hole was collared in limestone, entered granodiorite at 17.8 meters, then intersected peridotite at 103.3 meters. At 330.2 meters, massive chromitite layering started, interstitial rock at this location is described as pyroxenite/peridotite with local thin bands of massive magnetite. At 346.5 to 384 meters the rock is pyroxenite with short (1 m) chromitite beds, and erratic patches of fine grained pyrrhotite and pyrite throughout. The following table presents the results of hole FW-08-06:

Hole FW-08-07, located 100 meters grid east of FW-08-05, and was drilled at an inclination of -50, with an azimuth of 150 degrees. This hole was drilled to a final depth of 405.7 meters. Hole 7 encountered peridotite at 10 meter core length and the hole remained in peridotite until 194.7m. Chromitite layering started in a Pyroxenite, followed by short chromitite layers between 194.7 to 195 meters, and between 197.8 to 205.5 meters, followed by a thick bed of chromitite between 209.8 to 223.3 meters. This hole continued in pyroxenite until 300 meters where the hole entered gabbro and remained in this rock unit until 405.7 meters. The following table presents the results of hole FW-08-07:

Chromitite (rock composed mostly of chromite) layers have been intersected in holes FW-06-03, FW-08-05, FW-08-06 and FW-08-07. The chromitite layers appear to occur as steeply dipping stratiform layers with down dip extent of at least 200 metres and strike length of at least 200 metres between lines 9+00E and 11+00E on the local grid. The chromitites vary from narrow seams, a few centimetres thick to massive beds of chromitite greater than 14 metres in drilled thickness (not true width). The host rock is an altered peridotite. Chromitite layers typically accumulate near the top of the peridotite sill in a magmatic massive sulphide setting, or they could occur laterally with respect to the feeder zone as distally thinning beds. Several additional weakly mineralized chromite enriched layers have also been noted in the peridotite below the massive chromitite layers encountered in holes 3, 5, 6 and 7. Some recent "cooperative" work has been undertaken with Noront on samples selected from the Freewest Option property. The work was done at University of Toronto, under the direction of Dr.. James Mungall, his research assistant provided the analysis. Wavelength dispersive electron microprobe analysis of six individual chromite grains in samples from holes FW-08-05 (251.2, 255.8, 265.5, 269.0, 275.0 and 292 m) show that the compositions of the six chromite grains show some variability around an average value of 50.0 weight percent Cr2O3 (range 46% to 54%), with Cr/Fe ratios averaging 2.0 (range of 1.25 to 2.75) . Four chromite grains from FW-08-07 (210.5, 218.5, 223.0, and 298 m) show that the compositions of the chromite grains have less variability around an average value of 48 weight percent Cr2O3 (with a range of 46 to 50), with Cr/Fe weight ratios between 1.1 and 1.45 and averaging 1.3.

With several intersections of massive chromitite encountered in this recent drilling, the drill results can now be modelled three dimensionally and analyzed to determine section to section, as well as, hole to hole continuity. Lithogeochemical analysis will also be undertaken in order to join up the various chromitite layers to determine continuity. New drilling is currently being planned to infill the area between Section 10NE (Holes 3 and 5) as well as 11NE and 12NE on 50 metre centers. In order to understand more fully the chemical characteristics of the rock and how this impacts chrome valuation, whole rock analysis of the chrome enriched core must be undertaken.


Hole FW-08-08 was designed to test an electromagnetic and magnetic anomaly located approximately 1 kilometre to the northeast of the main chromitite layered complex as defined by holes FW-06-03, FW-08-05, FW-08-06 and FW-08-07, along a magnetically inferred regional trend. This hole was located at local Grid co-ordinate L19+00E at 18+75N, and drilled grid south at 150 degrees with an initial dip of -50 degrees for a total length of 270 metres. The magnetic anomaly was explained by the presence of the magnetite enriched dunite, the conductivity anomaly may be related to the magnetite veinlets or the clay filled fault zone between 152 and 161.3 metres. No significant assays were received for this hole, although anomalous nickel was returned between 79.5 metres and 150.5 metres. Best assay over this interval was 0.306% Nickel over 3 meters.

Hole FW-08-09 was designed to undercut hole FW-08-08 to determine if there was any sulphide mineralization located within the fault zone encountered in hole 08 at greater depths. Hole 09 was positioned at L19+00E at 18+75N, drilled grid south at 150 degrees with an initial dip of -73.5 degrees. The presence of magnetite veinlets explained the high magnetic susceptibility and these veinlets if continuous and linked together may explain the conductivity observed in the ground and airborne geophysical surveys. There were no samples selected from this hole as no significant mineralization was observed.

Hole FW-08-10 was designed to undercut previously drilled hole FW-06-04 (drilled in 2006) to test two mineralized zones encountered in hole 4 that were anomalous in nickel, copper and platinum group elements (Pt and Pd). Hole 10 was positioned at local grid co-ordinate L14+00E at 12+07N, drilled grid south with azimuth of 150 degrees with an initial dip of -65 degrees for a total length of 312 metres. Gabbro was encountered between 36.5 metres and 86.7 metres (changing to coarse grained around 63 metres). At 86.7 metres the gabbro changed to an olivine rich gabbro, grading into a peridotitic phase of the gabbro at 115.5 metres depth. The olivine gabbro-peridotite contained weak to moderate sulphide mineralization between 90 and 115.5 metres. At 115.5 metres the rock became heavily chloritized with silica flooding in the form of veins bearing sulphides (pyrite, pyrrhotite and minor chalcopyrite). At 170.6 metres the hole entered an intermediate to felsic tuff with variable sulphide content including pyrite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite and remained in this sulphide zone until 192.7 meters. Relatively barren intermediate to felsic tuff was encountered to end of hole at 312 metres. The subtle magnetic feature and moderate conductivity as interpreted from the ground and airborne surveys have been explained by the visual results of this drill hole. Only anomalous values in Nickel over short sample sections were returned from the samples selected from this hole.

Hole FW-08-11 was designed to undercut hole FW-08-10 as well as hole FW-06-04. This hole was positioned on local grid L14+00E at 12+75N, drilled grid south with azimuth of 150 degrees with an initial dip of -65 degrees for a total length of 309 metres. After passing through 12 metres of overburden the hole entered gabbro and remained in gabbro until 90.2 metres. At 90.2 metres the gabbro changed to a coarse grained porphyritic gabbro until 152.5 to 156.2 when the gabbro was found to be in fault contact with intermediate volcanic. Between 156.2 and 175.6 metres the volcanics were found to have undergone extensive alteration (chloritization and silica flooding) and brecciation. Variable amounts of sulphide minerals including pyrite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite were noted in this section. At 175.6 to 182.7 the sulphide content increased, chloritization and carbonate alteration were noted. At 182.7 and extending to 189.7 metres the hole encountered coarse grained gabbro (porphyry), followed by chlorite schist between 186.7 and 195.7 metres, followed by gabbro until 231 metres. Another Intermediate volcanic unit was encountered between 231 continuing to the end of the hole at 309 metres. Sulphide mineralization was noted between 235.5 and 279 metres. The presence of two distinct sulphide zones encountered in this hole is encouraging, these were analyzed for their base and precious metal content. The sulphide accumulation encountered by this hole has explained the conductivity anomaly with weak magnetic signature. The following table presents the results for this hole:


All drill holes were logged and samples referred to herein were completed and selected by Howard Lahti Ph.D., P.Geo, of Fredericton New Brunswick. The samples were sawn in half, with half of the core retained for further work and/or storage at the main base camp. The split samples were placed into individual plastic bags, clearly labelled and tagged and then sealed in rice bags where a numbered seal lock was closed by Dr. Lahti. The sealed rice bags were placed in plastic sealed pails and shipped via bonded carrier to Activation Laboratory's (ActLab) new facility in Thunder Bay, Ontario. The samples were then entered into ActLab's system for preparation, processing and analyzing. After initial processing at the Thunder Bay facility of ActLab the samples were shipped via lab - lab bonded courier to ActLab's main laboratory in Ancaster, Ontario. The samples all underwent multi-element analysis using four acid digestion followed by Inductively Coupled Plasma analysis (TD-ICP). Where overlimits in nickel and copper are encountered in the first pass, Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) is used to provide the overlimit results, as well as Fire Assay Inductively Coupled Plasma (FA-ICP) for gold, platinum and palladium. Additional analysis using Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) was completed for all samples for their respective chrome grades in excess of 1% chrome. For more information on these analytical techniques please refer to Activation Laboratory website

Previous exploration work on the property included a diamond drill program resulting in the discovery of a layered chromitite-bearing, nickel and platinum group element (PGE) enriched peridotite. This chrome-PGE-nickel discovery was the first of its kind in the McFauld's Lake area of the Sachigo Greenstone Belt. The host peridotite contains variable amounts of magnetite as disseminations and seams and elicits a strong magnetic signature. The magnetic high has dimensions of 400 metres by 400 metres and due to both these dimensions, and the peridotite setting similarity to Noront's Eagle One MMS discovery (located 3.6 km to the SE), as well as the Eagle Two sheared massive sulphide occurrence, (located 2 km to the SE of Eagle One) which also contains chromitite layering; this occurrence has become a very attractive exploration target for additional work directed at chrome-PGE-nickel mineralization. Noront's peridotite sill, announced on April 2, is rendered by airborne geophysics to continue to the east-north-east of their Eagle One occurrence towards and through the Freewest Option property of Spider and KWG as well as to the east-south-east of Eagle Two.

This press release has been prepared by management of Spider Resources Inc., which is the Operator of the joint venture with KWG during 2008, and has been approved for dissemination by Neil Novak P.Geo, President of Spider and a Qualified Person as such term is defined under National Instrument 43-101, who has reviewed and verified the technical information contained in this press release and has approved the contents of this press release. Spider Resources Inc. is a tier 2 Canadian exploration company, quoted for trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol SPQ. There are currently 310,311,767 shares issued in Spider.

Freewest is a well-funded mineral exploration corporation, with working capital in excess of $8.5 million, exploring for gold and base-metals in Eastern Canada. Corporate information can be accessed on the Internet at Freewest' shares are listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol FWR.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

For more information, please contact
Freewest Resources Canada Inc.
Mackenzie I. Watson
President and CEO
(514) 878-3551 or 1-888-878-3551
(514) 878-4427 (FAX)






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Freewest Resources Canada Inc.

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Freewest Resources is a gold and copper exploration company based in Canada.

Freewest Resources holds various exploration projects in Canada.


Freewest Resources is listed in Canada. Its market capitalisation is CA$ 191.3 millions as of today (US$ 190.3 millions, € 135.2 millions).

Its stock quote reached its lowest recent point on December 05, 2008 at CA$ 0.12, and its highest recent level on December 18, 2009 at CA$ 0.99.

Freewest Resources has 214 900 000 shares outstanding.

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