Range Resources Ltd

Published : October 22nd, 2015

Unmarketable Parcel Sale Facility for ASX Shareholders

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Unmarketable Parcel Sale Facility for ASX Shareholders

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Range Resources Limited

('Range' or 'the Company') 23 October 2015

Unmarketable Parcel Sale Facility for ASX shareholders

Range is pleased to announce that it has established a share sale facility ('Facility') for holders of unmarketable parcels of the Company's shares on ASX. The ASX Listing Rules define an unmarketable parcel as those with a market value of less than AU$500. The Facility will only be available to shareholders who hold their shares on ASX, and not Depository Interest holders.

The Company is offering this sale to assist holders of unmarketable parcels to sell shares without having to use a broker or pay brokerage. The Company will pay for all the costs of the sale for shareholders who use this facility, excluding tax consequences from the sale which remains the shareholder's responsibility.

The Company values all of its shareholders, however, it incurs significant administrative costs maintaining such a large number of unmarketable parcels. By facilitating this sale, the Company expects to reduce the administrative costs associated with maintaining a large number of very small holdings.

Based on the register of ASX shareholders of Range as at 5.00pm (Perth time) on 15 October 2015 ('Record Date'):

  1. an unmarketable parcel of shares is any shareholding of 41,667 ordinary shares or less;

  2. 3,936 out of 5,075 shareholders hold an unmarketable parcel; and

  3. based on the closing price of AU$0.012 on the Record Date ('Closing Price'), this represents 31,074,446 ordinary shares.

Range shareholders who own 41,668 shares or more will not be eligible to participate.

If unmarketable parcel holders wish to sell shares through this facility, they do not need to take any action.

If unmarketable parcel holders do not wish to sell shares through this facility, they must complete and return the Notice of Retention Form to the Company's share registry, Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited, by 5.00pm (Perth time) on 30 November 2015 ('Retention Date').

Upon the sale of the unmarketable parcel shares, proceeds shall be forwarded to eligible shareholders as soon as practicable.

A summary of the key dates in relation to the Facility is as follows:

  • Unmarketable Parcels Record Date - 15 October 2015 at 5.00pm (Perth time)

  • Unmarketable Parcels Announcement to ASX - 23 October 2015

  • Letters sent to shareholders holding Unmarketable Parcels - 23 October 2015

  • Closing Date for receipt of Share Retention Forms - 30 November 2015 at 5.00pm (Perth time)

  • Unmarketable Parcels Payment date - expected to be on or about 15 December 2015

Attached is a copy of the letter and the Notice of Retention Form that is currently being mailed to shareholders that are holding an unmarketable parcel in the Company on the Record Date.

Range Resources Limited AIM: RRL

Australian Office

Ground Floor, BGC Centre

UK Office e. [email protected]

10 Adam Street


28 The Esplanade

The Strand


Perth WA 6000

London, WC2N 6AA


t. +618 6205 3012

United Kingdom

t. +44 (0)20 7520 9486

Dear Shareholder

IMPORTANT NOTICE - Sale of your Unmarketable Parcel of Range Resources Limited Shares

I am writing to advise you that Range Resources Limited ('Range' or 'the Company') has established a share sale facility ('Facility') for holders of parcels of Range shares with a market value of less than AU$500 as at close of trade on 15 October 2015 ('Unmarketable Parcels'). The Facility is being established in accordance with the ASX Listing Rules.

The Company is offering the Facility to assist holders of Unmarketable Parcels to sell their shares.

Holders of Unmarketable Parcels who take advantage of the Facility will have their shares sold without having to act through a broker or pay brokerage fees. The Company will also organise payment of the other costs associated with the sale and transfer (although any tax consequences from the sale of your shares will be your responsibility).

By facilitating the sale of unmarketable parcels the Company expects to reduce the administrative costs associated with maintaining a large number of small shareholdings.

Our records show that you held an Unmarketable Parcel of 41,667 shares or less based on the Range share price of AU$0.012 as at close of trade on 15 October 2015 ('Record Date').

Unless you advise the Company that you do NOT wish to sell your shares through the Facility by 5.00pm (Perth time) on 30 November 2015 ('Retention Date'), Range intends to sell your shares through the Facility. Payment will be sent to you following settlement of the sale expected to be on or about 15 December 2015 or otherwise as soon as is practicable.

Please also note that the Company will not sell your shares in the event that a third party announces a takeover offer for the Company. Consistent with its continuous disclosure obligations, the Company may release to the ASX information that may be material to a shareholder's decision as to whether they wish to retain their shares. This information will, if released, be available on the ASX website www.asx.com.au (ASX code is 'RRS') and on the Company's website www.rangeresources.co.uk

What should you do?

If you do NOT wish to sell your shares through the Facility, you must complete and return the attached form to the address on the form so that it is received by 5:00pm (Perth time) on 30 November 2015.

Please read the instructions on your personalised Share Retention Form carefully before completing it.

If you want to sell your shares through the Facility, you do not need to take any action. By refraining from taking any action, after the expiration of the time prescribed in the ASX Listing Rules, you will be deemed to have irrevocably appointed the Company as your agent:

  1. to sell all of your shares at a price to be determined by when and how the shares are sold and without any cost being incurred by you; and

  2. to deal with the proceeds of the sale as set out in the attached information pack

If you need help deciding what to do, or if you require information regarding the financial, legal or tax consequences of participating in the Facility you should consult your legal, financial or taxation adviser.

The attached information pack sets out further details of the Facility, which you should read before making any decision.

If you have any queries about lodging your form or the practical operation of the Facility please contact the Company by telephone: + 618 6205 3012, or by email: [email protected]

  1. What is an Unmarketable Parcel of Shares?

    An unmarketable parcel of share is a holding of Range shares valued at less than AU$500 as at close of trade on the Record Date. Based on the price of Range shares at the Record Date, this is a holding of 41,667 shares or less.

  2. What price will I receive for shares sold through the Facility?

    The price that you receive for your shares under the Facility will be determined by when and how the shares are sold. Range Directors may sell your shares on market or in any other way they consider fair and reasonable in the circumstances. If the shares are sold on market the price will depend on a number of factors, including market conditions at the time of sale. You will not have control over the time at which your shares are sold, the price you receive may be different from the price quoted by ASX on any day, may not be the best price on the day that your shares are sold and may be an average price per share based on the price obtained for all the shares sold under the Facility. If the Range Directors sell your shares other than on market, the price will be the price that the Range Directors have been able to negotiate with the acquirer or acquirers.

  3. What is the price of Range shares?

    The last sale price of Range shares on 16 October 2015 was AU$0.012. The share price changes frequently and more recent prices are available from the ASX website (www.asx.com.au) under the ASX code 'RRS'.

  4. When will the proceeds from the sale of shares be sent to me?

    Payment will be sent to you following settlement of the sale or otherwise as soon as is practicable.

    Payment will be made in Australian dollars by cheque. You will be notified by way of a transaction confirmation statement of the number of your shares sold, and the price and total sale proceeds. The cheque will be sent by post to your address as shown in the share register at the time the share sale payment is run.

  5. If I buy more shares, will I retain my holding?

    Yes, Range will treat any purchase of additional shares to increase the value of a Range shareholding to more than AU$500 as an indication that you do not want your shares to be sold through the Facility. For a purchase to be an effective notification that you wish to retain your shares, any additional shares must be registered by 1:00pm (Perth time) on 30 November 2015 under the same name and address and with the same holder number (SRN or HIN) as set out in this letter.

  6. What if my shares are held in a CHESS holding?

    If your Shares remain in a CHESS holding at 5:00pm (Perth time) on 30 November 2015, the Company may move those Shares to an issuer sponsored holding and the Shares will be sold through the Facility.

  7. Where can I get further information?

    If you have any queries about lodging your form or the practical operation of the Facility, please contact the Company by telephone: + 618 6205 3012, or by email: [email protected]

  8. Important notes

Range reserves the right to change any of the dates referred to in this letter by notice to the ASX. The letter does not constitute advice nor a recommendation to buy, sell or hold shares nor that the Facility is the best way to sell Range shares. If you are in any doubt about what to do, you should consult your legal, financial or taxation adviser.


If you currently have more than one holding on the Range share register, you may wish to consider amalgamating them. This may result in your amalgamated holding no longer being an Unmarketable Parcel. Under these circumstances your shares will not be sold as part of this Facility.

Contact Details

Range Resources Limited

Evgenia Bezruchko (Investor Relations)

e. [email protected]

t. +44 (0)20 7520 9486

Cantor Fitzgerald Europe (Nominated Advisor and Broker)

David Porter / Sarah Wharry (Corporate Finance) Richard Redmayne (Corporate Broking)

t. +44 (0)20 7894 700

Return your Form to the Company's share registry:

Range Resources Ltd

ABN 88 002 522 009

By Mail:

Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited GPO Box 52

Melbourne Victoria 3001 Australia


T 000001 000 RRS



For all enquiries:


(within Australia) 1300 850 505

(outside Australia) +61 3 9415 4000



Share Retention Form

If you wish to retain your shares, your form must be received by 30/11/2015

This is an important document that requires your immediate attention. It can only be used in relation to the shareholding represented by the details printed overleaf. If you are in doubt about how to deal with this form, please contact your financial or other professional adviser.

Step 1: Shareholding Details

Use this form if you wish to retain your shares in Range Resources Limited. If you have recently bought or sold shares your shareholding may differ from that shown. If you have already sold all your shares in Range Resources Limited, do not complete or return this form. If you have more than one shareholding on Range Resources Limited's register and you do not wish to sell your shares under the Small Shareholding Sale Facility, you should consider consolidating them. For further advice on how to do this, contact Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited (CIS) on 1300 850 505 or +61 3 9415 4000.

Please check the details provided and update your address via www.investorcentre.com if any of the details are incorrect.

If you have a CHESS sponsored shareholding, please contact your Controlling Participant to notify a change of address.

Step 2: Signing Instructions

Individual: Where the shareholding is in one name, the shareholder must sign.

Joint Shareholding: Where the shareholding is in more than one name, all of the shareholders must sign.

Power of Attorney: Where signing as Power of Attorney (POA), you must attach an original certified copy of the POA to this form. Companies: Where the shareholding is in the name of a Company, this form must be signed in accordance with the Corporations Act, either as:

  • a Sole Director and Sole Company Secretary OR a Sole Director (if no Company Secretary exists), OR

  • two Directors, OR

  • a Director and Secretary.

Overseas Companies: Where the shareholding is in the name of an Overseas company (companies incorporated outside Australia) the form must be signed as above, or documentation must be provided showing that the company can sign in an alternate manner.

Deceased Estate: Where the shareholding is in the name of a deceased estate, all executors must sign; and a certified copy or original, of the required documentation must accompany this form. Details of the documentation required can be found by searching 'deceased estates' on our website www.computershare.com or by calling Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited on 1300 850 505 or +61 3 9415 4000. If the shareholding is in more than one name the surviving shareholder may sign the form and return it together with a certified copy of the death certificate of the other joint shareholder.

Step 3: Contact Details

Entering contact details is not compulsory, but will assist us if we need to contact you.

Turn over to complete the form è


Share Retention Form


I 1111111111 I ND

For your security keep your SRN/


Shareholding Details

HIN confidential.



Change of address. If incorrect, mark this box and make the correction in the space to the left. Shareholders sponsored by a broker (reference number commences with 'X') should advise their broker of any changes.


Shares held as at 5.00pm (Perth time) on 15 October 2015 (Record Date):

STEP 2 Signature of Shareholder(s)

This section must be completed.

By signing and returning this form, in accordance with the requirements set out in 'Step 2: Signing Instructions' overleaf, I/we confirm that I/we understand that my/our SHARES WILL NOT BE SOLD under the Small Shareholding Sale Facility.

Individual or Shareholder 1 Shareholder 2 Shareholder 3

Sole Director and Sole Company Secretary/ Sole Director (cross out titles as applicable)

Director Director/Company Secretary

(cross out titles as applicable)

STEP 3 Contact Details

Contact Name

Contact Daytime Telephone

Date / /



Privacy Notice

The personal information you provide on this form is collected by Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited (CIS), as registrar for the securities issuers (the issuer), for the purpose of maintaining registers of securityholders, facilitating distribution payments and other corporate actions and communications. In addition, the issuer may authorise us on their behalf to send you marketing material or include such material in a corporate communication. You may elect not to receive marketing material by contacting CIS using the details provided above or

emailing [email protected]. We may be required to collect your personal information under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and ASX Settlement Operating Rules. We may disclose your personal information to our related bodies corporate and to other individuals or companies who assist us in supplying our services or who perform functions on our behalf, to the issuer for whom we maintain securities registers or to third parties upon direction by the issuer where related to the issuer's administration of your securityholding, or as otherwise required or authorised by law. Some of these recipients may be located outside Australia, including in the following countries: Canada, India, New Zealand, the Philippines, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. For further details, including how to access and correct your personal information, and information on our privacy complaints handling procedure, please contact our Privacy Officer

at [email protected] or see our Privacy Policy at http://www.computershare.com/au.

R R S 9 9 9 9 9 9 A

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Range Resources Ltd

ISIN : AU000000RRS3
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Projects & res.
Asset profile
Contact Cpy

Range Res. is a gold exploration company based in Australia.

Range Res. holds various exploration projects in Australia.

Its main exploration properties are CORACHAPI in Peru and DONNYBROOK in Australia.

Range Res. is listed in Australia and in Germany. Its market capitalisation is AU$ 7.6 millions as of today (US$ 5.2 millions, € 4.7 millions).

Its stock quote reached its highest recent level on March 11, 2011 at AU$ 0.38, and its lowest recent point on November 22, 2019 at AU$ 0.00.

Range Res. has 7 595 830 272 shares outstanding.

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