Well finally all illusion of any passivity on the part of Vladimir Putin and Russia’s covetous ambition to re-absorb the Ukraine into a burgeoning Soviet republic has been definitively destroyed. Switching from ‘it wasn’t me’ to ‘you best not mess with nuclear me’ proves once again how ill-advised a dovish stance on the part of the west is again.
The not even thinly veiled threat comes at a time when the world’s self-appointed police chief- the USA – is fully engaged (albeit clandestinely) with the problem of ISIS in the Middle East. One has to wonder how much of Obama’s hands off attitude toward Russia was a result of fears that the U.S. could easily find itself overcommitted on several fronts should Russia the Bear turn aggressive. Putin, recognizing that fact, and probably feeling a little bit cornered now that his hands have been irrefutably caught in the cookie jar, has opted (predictably) for the tightrope act between being left to devour his prey and provoking the west into a response it can’t afford to not to execute.
That all this comes ahead of the West’s Labour Day break is likely no coincidence either. Putin is gambling more than a little that the long weekend will provide exactly the window of opportunity he needs to consolidate his grip on Ukraine, thus forcing Porshenko to sue for peace – an outcome that will most certainly redraw the borders of the Ukraine.
Putin’s flimsy premise of protecting Russians being persecuted in a foreign land are about as laughable as pigs on the wing. If the premise was valid, we’d all be speaking Chinese by now. The one right expatriates irrevocably give up – unless their intentions are aggressive – is to interfere in a host country’s sovereignty. Besides being the height of bad manners, it is the inciting incident for war, as we are now seeing.
NATO Better Get Tough
While Ukraine is not a member of NATO, the West’s insistence that that minor detail disentitles it to the military assistance of democratic members of NATO flies in the face of the spirit of NATO. In fact, after Ukraine Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk said the Ukraine would seek to obtain full membership in NATO, a NATO spokesperson said, “Ukraine is not an ally. Nato may respect Ukraine’s decision if it seeks membership but the Alliance is not going to accelerate in that direction.”
If NATO were to grant Ukraine membership, they would immediately become obliged to join the war against Russia in Ukraine’s defence. Obviously, NATO is diplomatically skirting what could easily become the catalyst for a broader war including Europe and the United States against Russia.
America especially, who claims the moral high ground of defender of the oppressed (at least when there’s a clear economic advantage to doing so), is in danger of being painted the hypocrite in this situation, for if ever there was a nation of oppressed people being economically persecuted, it is certainly the Ukraine. Arguably Eastern Europe’s largest economy, the geopolitical implications of a western aligned and protected Ukraine cannot be understated. Putin has gone just a bit too far, and can now easily be anointed “Rogue State” with his utterances of nuclear warfare.
And that is exactly the stance the West must adopt. This is the chance not just to consolidate the NATO container around Russia, but it is the opportunity also to undermine decisively Putin’s franchise within Russia. For as we all know, there will be no winners in a Nuclear confrontation. Suggesting nuclear warheads as a legitimate weapon in this day and age is tantamount to incompetence.
Plus, Russia is not so nuclear anymore as it would like us to believe.
When the Soviet Union fell to pieces, the first order of business was to start dismantling the country’s nuclear arsenal, which has been finding its way into nuclear power facilities as fuel around the world for the last 30 years.
What nuclear weapons is Putin referring to? Plus, if I were a Russian and my president threatened nuclear war with the allied west, I would be forced to drop everything and seek his ouster from office, and possibly his incarceration in a loony bin as well.
NATO had best stop dithering and strike decisively against Russian interests to demonstrate a unified resolve to stop forcefully Putin’s hegemonic ambitions. If if doesn’t, get ready for World War III.