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Fortescue Metals Group

Publié le 09 octobre 2015

2015 Notice of Annual General Meeting

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2015 Notice of Annual General Meeting



Please read the Notice and Explanatory Statement carefully

If you are not able to attend the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, please complete and return the Proxy Form in accordance with the specified directions.

2015 Fortescue Annual Report

Our Annual Report is available electronically at www.fmgl.com.au. Printed copies of the Annual Report have been mailed to Shareholders who selected this option.


57 002 594 872

Your invitation to attend our

Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and to vote on key issues


Dear Valued Shareholder(s),

It is my pleasure to invite you to the Company's 2015 Annual General Meeting to be held on Wednesday, 11 November 2015 at 10:00 am (Perth time) in the Grand Ballroom, Hyatt Regency Perth, 99 Adelaide Terrace, East Perth, Western Australia (Meeting).

Since the last Annual General Meeting there has been one change to your Board with the appointment of Dr Jean Baderschneider as a Non-Executive Director in January 2015. A highly regarded leader in both business and civil society, Dr Baderschneider brings extensive experience in global procurement, strategic sourcing and supply chain management and will be another valuable addition to our Board.

At this year's AGM we will be seeking Shareholder confirmation of the appointment of Dr Baderschneider together with the reappointment of Mr Huiquan Cao.

The following pages contain details on the items of business to be conducted at the meeting. Your Directors believe that each of the resolutions is in the best interests of the Company and its Shareholders.

The meeting is an ideal opportunity for you to meet your Board and senior management team and I encourage you to attend. Voting on the resolutions at the meeting is important, and if you are not able to attend I recommend that you exercise your voting rights either by completing and returning the enclosed proxy form or by lodging it online at www.linkmarketservices.com.au and following the directions on the proxy form.

Your Directors and management team look forward to seeing you at the meeting. Yours sincerely

Andrew Forrest

Chairman, Fortescue Metals Group Ltd


Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Fortescue Metals Group Ltd (ABN 57 002 594 872) (Company) will be held in the Grand Ballroom at the Hyatt Regency Perth, 99 Adelaide Terrace, East Perth, Western Australia on Wednesday, 11 November 2015 at 10.00 am (Perth time) (Meeting).

If you are unable to attend the Meeting you are encouraged to complete

and return the proxy form attached to this Notice of Meeting. The completed proxy form must be received at the office of the Company's share registrar, Link Market Services Limited, by no later than 10.00 am (Perth time) on Monday, 9 November 2015.

Date for determining voting entitlements

The Directors have determined that for the purposes of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Corporations Act), the persons eligible to vote at the Meeting will be those persons who are registered Shareholders at 4.00pm (Perth time) on Monday, 9 November 2015. Accordingly, transfers of shares registered after that time will be disregarded in determining entitlements to attend and vote at the Meeting.

Appointment of Proxies

Each Shareholder who is entitled to attend and vote at the Meeting is entitled to appoint a proxy. The proxy does not need to be a Shareholder.

A Shareholder who is entitled to cast two or more votes may appoint two proxies and may specify the proportion of votes each proxy is to exercise. If no proportion is specified, each proxy may exercise half the Shareholder's votes.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015 10.00am (Perth time)

Hyatt Regency Perth (Grand Ballroom)

99 Adelaide Terrace

Plain Street

East Perth, Western Australia

Adelaide Terrace

Hyatt P

Regency P

Perth Fortescue Centre

Terrace Road

Plain Street


Riverside Drive

Swan River

Voting by proxy

A Shareholder can direct its proxy to vote for, against or abstain from voting on each resolution by marking the appropriate box in the Voting Directions section of the proxy form. If a proxy holder votes, they must cast all votes as directed. Any directed proxies that are not voted will automatically default to the Chairman, who must vote the proxies

as directed.

If the Chairman is to act as your proxy in relation to Resolution 1 (Adoption of Remuneration Report) , Resolution 4 (Approval of the Performance Rights Plan) or Resolution 5 (Participation in the Performance Rights

Plan by Mr Neville Power and Mr Peter Meurs) (whether by appointment or by default) and you have not given directions on how to vote by marking the appropriate box in the Voting Directions section of the proxy form, the proxy form expressly directs and authorises the Chairman to cast your vote'for' Resolution 1, 4 and 5 (as applicable) . This express authorisation is included because without it the Chairman would be precluded from casting your votes, as these resolution are connected with the remuneration of key management personnel.

Subject to the above requirements being met, the Chairman will vote all valid undirected proxies in respect of Resolutions 1 to 5 in favour of the relevant Resolution.

If you are in any doubt as to how to vote, you should consult your professional adviser.

The proxy form that accompanies this Notice of Meeting must be completed and received at the office of Link Market Services Limited, as detailed below, by 10.00 am (Perth time) on Monday, 9 November 2015.

Mail: Fortescue Share Registry

C/- Link Market Services Limited

Locked Bag A14, SYDNEY SOUTH NSW 1235

Delivery: Fortescue Share Registry

C/- Link Market Services Limited

1A Homebush Bay Drive, RHODES NSW 2138

Facsimile: (02) 9287 0309 (from Australia)

+61 2 9287 0309 (from overseas)

Online: www.linkmarketservices.com.au

Select 'Investor & Employee Login' and enter Fortescue Metals Group Ltd or the ASX code (FMG) in the Issuer name field, your Security Reference Number (SRN) or Holder Identification Number (HIN) (which is shown on the front of your proxy form), postcode and security code which is shown on the screen and click 'Login'.

Select the 'Voting' tab and then follow the prompts.

You will be taken to have signed your Proxy Form if you lodge it in accordance with the instructions given on the website.

Corporate Representatives

Any corporate Shareholder wishing to appoint a person to act as its representative at the Meeting may do so by providing that person with:

  • a letter or certificate executed in accordance with the Corporations Act authorising that person to act as the corporate Shareholder's representative at the Meeting; or

  • a copy of the resolution appointing that person as the corporate Shareholder's representative at the Meeting, certified by a secretary or director of the corporate Shareholder.

Alternatively, Shareholders can download and fill out the 'Appointment of Corporate Representation' form from Link Market Services Limited's website - www.linkmarketservices.com.au. Select the Investor Services tab and click on'Forms'.

Key Dates

Deadline for lodgement of proxy forms

10.00 am (Perth time) Monday, 9 November 2015

Determination of voting eligibility

4.00 pm (Perth time) Monday, 9 November 2015

Annual General Meeting

  1. am (Perth time) Wednesday, 11 November 2015


    If you have any queries regarding the matters contained in the Meeting documents, please call Company Secretary Ian Wells, on +61 8 6218 8888.


    The Explanatory Statement which accompanies and forms part of this Notice of Meeting describes the matters to be considered.

    CEO and Chairman's address Financial Reports

    To receive and consider the financial report, the reports of the Directors and the auditors of the Company and its controlled entities for the year ended 30 June 2015.

    Note: There is no requirement for Shareholders to approve these reports.

    Ordinary Business

    Resolution 1- Adoption of Remuneration Report

    To consider and, if thought fit, to pass the following resolution as an advisory resolution:

    'That the Remuneration Report for the Company and its controlled entities for the year ended 30 June 2015 be approved and adopted.'

    Voting Prohibition

    A vote must not be cast (in any capacity) by or on behalf of:

    • the Company's key management personnel (including the Directors), details of whose remuneration are included in the Remuneration Report (KMP); and

    • closely related parties of KMP (including spouses, dependents and controlled companies).

      However, a vote may be cast on Resolution 1 by a KMP as a proxy, or a closely related party of a KMP as a proxy, if the vote is not cast on behalf of a KMP or a closely related party of a KMP, and:

    • the proxy appointment is in writing and specifies the way the proxy is to vote on Resolution 1; or

    • the proxy is the chairperson, and:

      o the proxy appointment does not specify the way the proxy is to vote on Resolution 1; and

      o the proxy appointment expressly authorises the chairperson to exercise the proxy even though Resolution 1 is connected, directly or indirectly, with the remuneration of KMP.

      The Chairman will vote all undirected proxies in favour of Resolution 1.

      Resolution 2 - Re-election of Mr Cao Huiquan

      To consider and, if thought fit, to pass the following resolution as an ordinary resolution:

      'That Mr Cao Huiquan be re-elected as a Director of the Company.'

      Resolution 3 - Election of Dr Jean Baderschneider

      To consider and, if thought fit, to pass the following resolution as an ordinary resolution:

      'That Dr Jean Baderschneider be elected as a Director of the Company.'

      Resolution 4 - Approval of the Performance Rights Plan

      To consider and, if thought fit, to pass the following resolution as an ordinary resolution:

      'That, for the purposes of Listing Rule 7.2 (Exception 9(b)) and for all other purposes, Shareholders approve the terms of, and authorise the grant

      of performance rights and issue of shares pursuant to the terms of the performance rights, under the Fortescue Metals Group Ltd Performance Rights Plan.'

      Voting Prohibition and Exclusions

      The Company will disregard any votes on Resolution 4 by Mr Neville Power and Mr Peter Meurs and by their respective associates, being the Directors who are eligible to and who will participate in the Fortescue Metals

      Group Ltd Performance Rights Plan. Further, a vote must not be cast on Resolution 4 by a KMP, or a closely related party of a KMP, acting as proxy, if their appointment does not specify the way the proxy is to vote on the relevant Resolution.

      However, the Company need not disregard a vote on Resolution 4 (and that person is not prohibited from voting) if:

    • it is cast by a person identified as proxy for a person who is entitled to vote on the Resolution and the vote is cast in accordance with the directions on the proxy form; or

    • it is cast by the chairperson (who may be a KMP) as proxy for a person who is entitled to vote and the proxy appointment expressly authorises the chairperson to exercise the proxy even though the Resolution is connected, directly or indirectly, with the remuneration of a KMP.

      The Chairman will vote all undirected proxies in favour of Resolution 4.

      Resolution 5 - Participation in the Performance Rights Plan by Mr Neville Power and Mr Peter Meurs

      To consider and, if thought fit, to pass the following resolution as an ordinary resolution:

      'That for the purposes of Listing Rule 10.14 and for all other purposes, Shareholders approve:

    • the grant of up to 8,566,657 performance rights to Mr Neville Power and up to 3,148,248 performance rights to Mr Peter Meurs over a 3 year period under the Fortescue Metals Group Ltd Performance Rights Plan; and

    • the issue, transfer or allocation of, and acquisition by Mr Neville Power and Mr Peter Meurs of, fully paid ordinary shares in respect of those performance rights, in accordance with the terms of the Fortescue Metals Group Ltd Performance Rights Plan and on the basis described in the Explanatory Statement.'

    • Voting Prohibition and Exclusions

      The Company will disregard any votes on Resolution 5 by Mr Neville Power and Mr Peter Meurs and by their respective associates, being the Directors who are eligible to and who will participate in the Fortescue Metals

      Group Ltd Performance Rights Plan. Further, a vote must not be cast on Resolution 5 by a KMP, or a closely related party of a KMP, acting as proxy, if their appointment does not specify the way the proxy is to vote on the relevant Resolution.

      However, the Company need not disregard a vote on Resolution 5 (and that person is not prohibited from voting) if:

      • it is cast by a person identified as proxy for a person who is entitled to vote on the Resolution and the vote is cast in accordance with the directions on the proxy form; or

      • it is cast by the chairperson (who may be a KMP) as proxy for a person who is entitled to vote and the proxy appointment

        expressly authorises the chairperson to exercise the proxy even though the Resolution is connected, directly or indirectly, with the remuneration of KMP.

        The Chairman will vote all undirected proxies in favour of Resolution 5.

        Dated 9 October 2015 By Order of the Board

        Ian Wells

        Company Secretary, Fortescue Metals Group Ltd


        This Explanatory Statement has been prepared for the information of Shareholders of Fortescue Metals Group Ltd (Fortescue or the Company) in connection with the business to be conducted at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to be held in the Grand Ballroom, at the Hyatt Regency Perth, 99 Adelaide Terrace, East Perth, Western Australia on Wednesday, 11 November 2015 at 10.00 am (Perth time) (Meeting).

        This Explanatory Statement should be read in conjunction with the accompanying Notice of Meeting.

        This Explanatory Statement and all its attachments are important documents and should be read carefully and in their entirety. If you have any questions regarding the matters set out in this Explanatory Statement or the Notice of Meeting, please contact the Company or your financial adviser, stockbroker or solicitor.

        Financial Reports

        The first item of the Meeting deals with the presentation of the consolidated financial report of the Company for the year ended 30 June 2015, together with the Directors'declaration and report in relation to that financial year, and the auditor's report on those financial statements (Financial Reports).

        Shareholders are asked to consider the Financial Reports and raise any matters of interest with the Directors when this item is being considered. Shareholders will be provided with a reasonable opportunity at the Meeting to ask questions about, or make comments on, the Financial Reports. No resolution is required to be moved in respect of this item.

        Resolution 1 - Adoption of Remuneration Report

        In accordance with the Corporations Act, Shareholders are asked to consider and vote on the adoption of the Remuneration Report as presented in the Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2015.

        A voting prohibition statement for Resolution 1 is contained in the Notice of Meeting.

        The Annual Report of the Company for the year ended 30 June 2015 contains a Remuneration Report, which sets out:

        • the remuneration policy for the Company; and

        • the remuneration arrangements in place for the Directors and specified Executives of the Company.

        A copy of the Remuneration Report, as contained in the 2015 Annual Report, is available on the Company's website at www.fmgl.com.au under the'Investors & Media'tab.

        The vote on Resolution 1 is advisory only and will not require the Company to alter the arrangements set out in the Remuneration Report should Resolution 1 not be passed. Notwithstanding the effect of this legislative requirement, the Board will take the outcome of the vote into consideration when applying the Company's remuneration policy.

        Directors' Recommendation

        The Board recommends that Shareholders vote in favour of Resolution 1.

        Resolution 2 - Re-election of Mr Cao Huiquan

        Mr Cao Huiquan retires by rotation at the Meeting and, being eligible, offers himself for re-election as a Director.

        Mr Cao Huiquan was appointed as a Non-Executive Director in February 2012 as the nominated Director on Fortescue's Board from Hunan Valin Iron and Steel Group Company Ltd.

        Mr Cao graduated from the Department of Physics, Beijing University in 1988 and obtained his Master Degree of Metal Physics from University of Science and Technology Beijing in 1991. He was an on the job Ph.D. of

        Engineering of Central Iron & Steel Research Institute, and was enrolled in the EMBA programme, China Europe International Business School in 2009.

        In 1991, Mr Cao joined Hunan Xiangtan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd and was appointed as General Manager in 2003. In 2005, he was appointed as CEO of Hunan Valin Steel Co., Ltd (formerly Hunan Valin Steel Tube & Wire Co., Ltd), and then concurrently held the position of General Manager of Lianyuan Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd from 2010 to 2011. Mr Cao was

        appointed Chairman of Hunan Valin Iron & Steel Group, Chairman and CEO of Hunan Valin Steel Co., Ltd in 2011 and concurrently held the position of General Manager of Xiangtan Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd from 2012 to 2014. Mr Cao is now the Chairman of Hunan Valin Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd, the Chairman and CEO of Hunan Valin Steel Co., Ltd.

        Directors' Recommendation

        Mr Cao Huiquan has an interest in Resolution 2 and refrains from making any recommendation as to how Shareholders should vote on

        the Resolution.

        The Company's remaining Directors recommend that Shareholders vote in favour of Resolution 2.

        Resolution 3 - Election of Dr Jean Baderschneider

        Dr Jean Baderschneider, having been appointed by the Board as a Director of the Company since the last General Meeting, offers herself for election by Shareholders.

        Dr Baderschneider was appointed Director of the Company in January 2015.

        Dr. Baderschneider, a highly regarded leader in both business and civil society, brings extensive international experience in procurement, strategic sourcing and supply chain management along with a deep understanding of high-risk operations and locations and complex partnerships.

        With 35 years of experience, Dr. Baderschneider retired from ExxonMobil in 2013 where she was Vice-President, Global Procurement. She has been responsible for operations all over the world, including Africa, Middle East and Asia.

        Dr. Baderschneider is a past member of the Board of Directors of the Institute for Supply Management and the Executive Board of the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC). She was a Presidential appointee to the US Department of Commerce's National Advisory Council of Minority Business Enterprises in February 2011. She is a past board member of The Center of Advanced Purchasing Studies (CAPS) and the Procurement Council of both The Conference Board and the Corporate Executive Board.

        Dr. Baderschneider is a member of the Site Council and Executive Committee of President Lincoln's Cottage, a Historic Site of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, and an Advisory Council member of Ford's Theatre. In addition, she is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Maret School in Washington, D.C, and of the Advisory Council of the ILR School at Cornell University and a long-time member of Cornell's President's Council of Cornell Women.

        Dr. Baderschneider has a Master's degree from the University of Michigan and a Ph.D. from Cornell University.

        Directors' Recommendation

        Dr Baderschneider has an interest in Resolution 3 and refrains from making any recommendation as to how Shareholders should vote on the Resolution.

        The Company's remaining Directors recommend that Shareholders vote in favour of Resolution 3.

        Resolution 4 - Approval of the Fortescue Metals Group Ltd Performance Rights Plan

        The Fortescue Metals Group Ltd Performance Rights Plan requires Shareholder approval so that securities granted or issued by the Company under the plan do not count towards the Company's 15% annual limit on issuing securities without Shareholder approval.

        The current Fortescue Metals Group Ltd Performance Share Plan (2012 Performance Share Plan) was approved by Shareholders at the Company's Annual General Meeting on 14 November 2012. As approval of the 2012 Performance Share Plan would need to be refreshed this year to ensure that securities to be granted under the plan would not be counted in the 15% limit, the Company has taken the opportunity to update the plan to reflect changes in law and ASIC policy since the 2012 Performance Share Plan was approved.

        Accordingly, Resolution 4 seeks Shareholder approval for the Fortescue Metals Group Ltd (Performance Rights Plan). A summary of the terms of the Performance Rights Plan, which are broadly comparable to those of the 2012 Performance Share Plan, is set out in Annexure A of this Explanatory Statement.

        Remuneration objectives and implementation of the Performance Rights Plan

        Fortescue's reward strategy seeks to build a performance orientated culture that:

    • supports the achievement of the Company's strategic vision; and

    • attracts, retains and motivates employees by providing market competitive fixed remuneration and incentives.

      The reward strategy seeks to support Fortescue's commitment to achieving extraordinary growth and progression as one of the world's leading producers of iron ore by:

    • delivering fair and market competitive rewards;

    • supporting a clear performance focus; and

    • aligning remuneration with the long-term goals of the Company.

      Fortescue is committed to providing competitive remuneration packages to its employees. The Company benchmarks staff remuneration against major indices such as the ASX 100 Resources, and seeks input from independent remuneration consultants regarding executive remuneration.

      The Company's remuneration strategy and its approach to the offering of short term and long term incentives include the offering of performance based equity securities.

      Executive short term incentives are awarded in the form of both cash and equity securities, with a maximum of 50% in cash, under the terms of the Company's Executive and Senior Staff Incentive Plan (ESSIP). Long

      term incentives are delivered solely in the form of performance based equity securities under the terms of the Company's Long Term Incentive Plan (LTIP).

      The proposed Performance Rights Plan allows the Company to achieve the objectives of its remuneration strategy by allowing the Company to grant performance rights under the Performance Rights Plan to executives

      and senior staff in satisfaction of the equity component of the ESSIP (ESSIP Performance Rights) and the LTIP (LTIP Performance Rights).

      Each performance right granted under the Performance Rights Plan will entitle the holder to be issued, transferred or allocated a share for nil consideration (unless the Board determines that an exercise price is required to be paid) subject to the satisfaction of any relevant vesting conditions and the exercise of the performance right (if required) within the vesting period.

      Further information on the vesting conditions and other terms and conditions that will apply to the grant of performance rights under the Performance Rights Plan is set out in the explanatory information relevant to Resolution 5 and in Annexure A.

      Approval for the purposes of ASX Listing Rule 7.2

      ASX Listing Rule 7.1 provides, that subject to certain exceptions, a listed company may not issue or agree to issue equity securities in any 12 month period that exceed 15% of the number of securities the company has on issue, except with the prior approval of shareholders of the company in general meeting, of the terms and conditions of the proposed issue.

      One of the exceptions to ASX Listing Rule 7.1, Listing Rule 7.2 (Exception 9(b)), provides that ASX Listing Rule 7.1 does not apply to an issue of securities under an employee incentive scheme if, within three years before the date of issue, shareholders have approved the issue of securities under the employee incentive scheme as an exception to ASX Listing Rule 7.1.

      The Performance Rights Plan has not yet been approved by Shareholders. Accordingly, Shareholder approval is required to rely on the exemption in ASX Listing Rule 7.2 (Exception 9(b)).

      The following information is disclosed to Shareholders for the purposes of Resolution 4:

    • a summary of the terms and conditions of the Performance Rights Plan is set out in Annexure A to this Explanatory Statement;

    • 19,511,592 performance rights have been granted under the 2012 Performance Share Plan, since the plan was approved in 2012;

    • no performance rights have been granted under the Performance Rights Plan;

    • the adoption of the Performance Rights Plan will not affect any existing performance rights granted or shares issued under the 2012 Performance Share Plan; and

    • a voting exclusion statement in respect of Resolution 4 is set out in the Notice of Meeting.

      Directors' Recommendation

      Mr Neville Power, the Managing Director of the Company, and Mr Peter Meurs, the Executive Director for Development, will participate in the Performance Rights Plan and so have an interest in Resolution 4. Accordingly, Mr Power and Mr Meurs refrain from making any recommendation as to how Shareholders should vote on the Resolution.

      The Company's remaining Directors recommend that Shareholders vote in favour of Resolution 4.

      Resolution 5 - Participation in the Fortescue Metals Group Ltd Performance Rights Plan by Mr Neville Power and Mr Peter Meurs

      In accordance with the ASX Listing Rules, Shareholders are asked to consider the grant of performance rights to Mr Neville Power and Mr Peter Meurs under the Fortescue Metals Group Ltd Performance Rights Plan.

      Under ASX Listing Rule 10.14, the Company requires Shareholder approval to issue equity securities to a Director of the Company. Accordingly, Resolution 5 seeks Shareholder approval to issue securities under the Performance Rights Plan to the Managing Director, Mr Neville Power, and the Executive Director for Development, Mr Peter Meurs, over the next 3 years.

      For the purposes of the approval sought under Listing Rule 10.14 and in accordance with the requirements of Listing Rule 10.15A and for all other purposes, the following information is provided to Shareholders in respect of the proposed grant of performance rights under the Performance Rights Plan to Mr Power and Mr Meurs.


    • Under the Performance Rights Plan, performance rights may be granted to the Managing Director, Mr Power, and the Executive Director for Development, Mr Meurs, as part of their respective reasonable remuneration. Further information on Mr Power's and Mr Meurs'remuneration packages is contained within the Remuneration Report which is a section of the 2015 Annual Report.

    • Mr Power and Mr Meurs are the only persons referred to in ASX Listing Rule 10.14 eligible to participate in the Performance Rights Plan. Any additional persons referred to in ASX Listing Rule 10.14 who become entitled to participate in the Performance Rights Plan will not do so until any Shareholder approval required under ASX Listing Rule 10.14 is obtained.

      Number of performance rights which may be granted

      The maximum number of performance rights that will be granted to Mr Power without further Shareholder approval:

      During the For the financial

      next 3 years year ending

      (including FY16) 30 June 2016

      ESSIP Performance Rights LTIP Performance Rights








      The maximum number of performance rights that will be granted to Mr Meurs without further Shareholder approval:

      During the For the financial

      next 3 years year ending

      ESSIP Performance Rights LTIP Performance Rights








      (including FY16) 30 June 2016

      The exact number of performance rights that will be granted to Mr Power and Mr Meurs during the next three years:

    • cannot be calculated at the date of this Notice of Meeting as it depends upon Mr Power's and Mr Meurs'entitlement to share based incentive payments and the future VWAP of the Company's shares at the date performance rights are granted under the Performance Rights Plan; and

    • will be calculated on the grant date by dividing the maximum value of share based incentive payments to which Mr Power and Mr Meurs are entitled by the 5 day VWAP of Company shares at the start of the applicable vesting period.

      Entitlement to shares

      Subject to the terms of the Performance Rights Plan, the satisfaction of vesting conditions and other conditions attached to performance rights, each performance right entitles the holder to be issued, transferred or allocated one share in the Company. Under the Performance Rights Plan, shares will only be issued, transferred or allocated to recipients (and value received) upon the vesting of relevant performance rights.

      Vesting conditions

      Under the Performance Rights Plan, the Board must determine the vesting conditions that will apply to the vesting of performance rights prior to the date of grant of those performance rights, which may not be modified during the vesting period. Further information regarding the vesting conditions is set out below.

      Vesting period

      The vesting period during which each of the vesting conditions attached to the performance rights to be granted under this Resolution must be satisfied is as follows:

    • in relation to the ESSIP Performance Rights, by the end of 30 June 2018; and

    • in relation to the LTIP Performance Rights to be granted in respect of the financial year ending 30 June 2016, by the end of 30 June 2018;

    • in relation to the LTIP Performance Rights to be granted in respect of the financial year ending 30 June 2017, by the end of 30 June 2019; and

    • in relation to the LTIP Performance Rights to be granted in respect of the financial year ending 30 June 2018, by the end of 30 June 2020.

At the end of the vesting period, the vesting conditions, as further particularised below, will be assessed to determine the number of ESSIP Performance Rights and LTIP Performance Rights (as the case may be) that vest.

ESSIP Performance Rights

The vesting of ESSIP Performance Rights will be dependent upon an assessment of Company and individual performance. Company

performance comprises company annual and growth measures designed to drive both a short and long term perspective on performance, and protect the long term interests of the Shareholders.

The financial performance measures of the ESSIP were chosen as they represent the key drivers for the short term success of the Company and provide a framework for delivering long term value. The non-financial

component of the ESSIP is measured with reference to an assessment against a range of measures. A majority of the non-financial measures are quantitative-based.

By way of summary the targets and objectives that the Board, on the recommendation of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee, has determined will apply to ESSIP Performance Rights granted to Mr Power and Mr Meurs are as follows.

Financial / Non-financial

Non-financial Non-financial Financial Financial

Non-financial Non-financial

Category Sub-category Objective targets

Company Annual Performance


Production Cost

Target percentage reduction (15 per cent) in Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR)

Target tonnes shipped

Target cost per tonne shipped

Company Growth Performance

Financial Physical


Achieve the target annual Absolute Return on Equity (AROE) Target percentage of reserves mined whilst maintaining mine life

Achieve agreed workforce culture and engagement targets

Additionally, the vesting of Mr Meurs'ESSIP Performance Rights will be subject to an assessment of his individual performance measures based on Mr Meurs'business plan, which shall be determined by the Board prior to the grant of the performance rights.

Once the Board has assessed overall performance of the individual and the Company at the end of each vesting period based on the vesting conditions determined prior to the commencement of that period, and determined the extent of vesting of the ESSIP Performance Rights, the results achieved will be communicated to Mr Power and Mr Meurs and to Shareholders as part of the Company's annual remuneration reporting obligations.

Neither the targets nor objectives for the ESSIP Performance Rights, nor the applicable pre-agreed thresholds in respect of each target and objective, may be modified during the vesting period.

LTIP Performance Rights Introduction

The Company introduced the LTIP in 2013 as a key element of its approach to the remuneration of Executives and senior employees. In the current year the Board has reviewed the operation of the LTIP in light of the objectives

of its broader remuneration strategy, general market conditions, and the range of performance hurdles utilised by leading resource companies both regionally and globally.

The existing programme is based on a single financial measure being Absolute Return on Equity (AROE) earned and measured over a three year period. The ability to achieve threshold AROE for the existing plan in future years has been heavily impacted by the decrease in the iron ore price, notwithstanding the significant cost reduction and production

performance achieved by the Company. The reduction in the iron ore price, which is outside the control of the Company's Executives, has overshadowed the successful implementation of the initiatives which have achieved, or exceeded, all of the pre-agreed stretch targets set for safety, production, costs and capital expenditure.

In light of the conclusions arising out of the Board's review of the LTIP, the Board has approved an amendment to the LTIP designed to enhance the alignment between the Company's Executives and Shareholders, rewarding performance that drives long term growth and delivers Shareholder

value while promoting Executive retention. The proposed changes are an extension of the existing LTIP, incorporating an additional two performance hurdles. The Board has retained AROE as a performance measure and, so as to improve the current programme, introduced a relative Total Shareholder Return (TSR) measure and a basket of Strategic Objectives.

The relative weighting between financial and strategic measures is important and provides the ability to assess performance across a cyclical market. Retaining AROE and adding relative TSR is also important as both are market measures that are aligned with delivering shareholder value.

The strategic objectives devised by the Board specifically relate to key milestones and objectives that the Board believes are fundamental to the Company's sustainability, continuing development and the Board's delivery of shareholder returns.

It is the Board's view that the broader focus under the amended LTIP is consistent with best market practice and will continue to focus

management on a broader array of critical long term performance goals. The Board's key focus will be rewarding the leadership team of the Company for outperforming the market while driving the key levers relevant to the Company's success.

LTIP Performance Measures

The Board has determined that the vesting conditions applicable to the LTIP Performance Rights to be granted under Resolution 5 shall include the

following performance measures, which shall be weighted as set out below.

Performance Measure

Weighting of Measures

Absolute Return on Equity


Relative Total Shareholder Return


Strategic Objectives


The relative weighting between the tranches of LTIP Performance Rights, vesting conditions and objectives will be agreed at the beginning of the period and will not be modified during the vesting period.

The Board will assess overall performance of the Company at the end

of each 3-year vesting period, based on the vesting conditions determined prior to the commencement of that period. This assessment will determine the extent of vesting of the LTIP Performance Rights. The results achieved will be communicated to LTIP participants including Mr Power and Mr Meurs and to Shareholders as part of the Company's annual remuneration reporting obligations.

Measurement of performance and maximum performance cap

Each of the performance measures provide for a determination by the Board that the Company has performed at a'Threshold', 'Target'or 'Stretch'level. These graduated levels of performance have been included in order to align and reward LTIP participants through market cycles. In the event that performance is at the'Target'level in respect of the relevant performance measure, the LTIP participants will be entitled to 100% of the tranche of LTIP Performance Rights to which the performance measure relates. Where performance is at the'Stretch'level, the LTIP participants

will be entitled to 150% of the tranche of LTIP Performance Rights to which the performance measure relates.

Nevertheless, if the target for any individual Performance Measure is exceeded, so that up to 150% of the relevant number of LTIP Performance Rights may vest, the total number of LTIP Performance Rights that may vest across the three Performance Measures is capped in aggregate, at 100% (of the LTIP Performance Rights the subject of the applicable vesting period). The Board believes that by incorporating the'Stretch'level

of performance into the vesting schedule, the Company will be better able to effectively reward and recognise LTIP participants in years where outstanding performance is achieved. This will serve as further motivation and assist in retention through more challenging periods.

Lire la suite de l'article sur www.noodls.com

Fortescue Metals Group

ISIN : AU000000FMG4
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Fortescue Metals est une société développant des projet miniers de fer basée en Australie.

Fortescue Metals détient divers projets d'exploration en Australie.

Ses principaux projets en développement sont CHRISTMAS CREEK et NULLAGINE IRON en Australie et son principal projet en exploration est SOLOMON GROUP en Australie.

Fortescue Metals est cotée en Australie et en Allemagne. Sa capitalisation boursière aujourd'hui est 54,4 milliards AU$ (36,6 milliards US$, 33,0 milliards €).

La valeur de son action a atteint son plus bas niveau récent le 29 janvier 2016 à 1,41 AU$, et son plus haut niveau récent le 13 septembre 2024 à 17,47 AU$.

Fortescue Metals possède 3 113 799 936 actions en circulation.

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Rapports annuels de Fortescue Metals Group
2012 Annual Report and Notice of Meeting
2009 Annual report
Nominations de Fortescue Metals Group
23/09/2016Fortescue announces changes to Key Management Personnel
22/02/2013New Appointments to Fortescue's Board of Directors
08/01/2013Appointment of Director Operations
01/09/2011Changes to Fortescue's Board of Directors
19/08/2011Changes to Fortescue's Board of Directors
15/07/2011New Chief Executive Officer Key Terms of Engagement
Rapports Financiers de Fortescue Metals Group
19/08/2011Annual Financial Report 2011
Projets de Fortescue Metals Group
14/09/2015Fortescue enters into ground-breaking deal for first Aborigi...
21/08/2015Fortescue ore reserves and mineral resources update
17/06/2015Iron ore miners look beyond current price rebound with conce...
13/03/2013Increase in Nyidinghu Resource to 2.46 Billion Tonnes
10/12/2012announces sale of 25% interest in NJV
Communiqués de Presse de Fortescue Metals Group
21/08/2016Media release FY16 results
21/08/2016Corporate presentation FY16 results
21/08/2016Appendix 4G Key to Corporate Governance Disclosures
21/08/2016FY16 Annual Report including Appendix 4E
21/08/2016Notification of dividend / distribution August 2016
19/08/2016Fortescue Ore Reserves and Mineral Resources Update 2016
03/08/2016Appendix 3Y Change of Director's Interest Notice (1)
28/07/2016Fortescue’s CEO for a Day is a true trailblazer
26/07/2016June 2016 Quarterly Production Report
14/07/2016Fortescue’s family values the key to VTEC’s success
13/07/2016FY16 Annual Production Update
07/07/2016Fortescue is supporting our nation’s living narrative
27/06/2016Alert: Jobseekers targeted by online scam
28/01/2016Fortescue empowering aspiring Aboriginal leaders
27/01/2016December 2015 Quarterly Production Report
15/12/2015FY2016 Performance Rights Granted
25/11/2015Fortescue Announces Results Of Offer To Purchase For Cash Ce...
25/11/2015Fortescue completes US$750 million debt tender
11/11/2015Fortescue: debt ore
16/10/2015Zacks Industry Rank Analysis Highlights: Rio Tinto Group, BH...
15/10/2015Buy into Mining without Jumping on a Grenade
14/10/2015September 2015 Quarterly Production Report
09/10/20152015 Notice of Annual General Meeting
07/10/2015Response to media speculation regarding potential asset sale...
07/10/2015FY2015 Vesting and Lapse of Performance Rights
23/09/2015Dividend reinvestment plan allocation price (3)
16/09/2015Appendix 3Y Change of Director's Interest Notice
24/08/2015Notification of Dividend/Distribution
24/08/2015FY2015 Corporate Presentation
24/08/2015Fortescue's full year results stengthen operating position
24/08/2015Appendix 4G Key to Disclosures
23/08/20152015 Annual Report
20/08/2015Revised Securities Trading Policy
18/08/2015Media speculation regarding potential asset sale
18/08/2015Appendix 3Y Change of Director's Interest
06/08/2015COLUMN-Why Chevron, Adani, Fortescue show commodity mega-pro...
05/08/2015Response to media speculation regarding potential asset sale
23/07/2015June 2015 Quarterly Report
19/06/2015Traditional Owner Joint Venture awarded $85 million Fortescu...
26/05/2015Fortescue soars on Chinese investment rumours
21/05/2015Australian government rejects iron ore inquiry
23/04/2015Fortescue bond trades up massively in secondary market
23/04/2015Fortescue pays up to get $2.3 bln bond over the line
23/04/2015Fortescue Issues US$2,300 million of Senior Secured Notes
22/04/2015Fortescue Bond Offering In Response to Strong Capital Market
22/04/2015Launch of High Yield Bond Offering
21/04/2015Fortescue CEO hands over the reins for a day
16/04/2015March 2015 Quarterly Report
13/04/2015Organisational review leads to roster changes
27/03/2015Fortescue sponsors Boao Forum for Asia for the seventh conse...
27/03/2015Applications open for Fortescue Community Support program
25/03/2015Fortescue: Fix you
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25/03/2015Iron ore production by Australian exporters
23/03/2015PRESS DIGEST - Wall Street Journal - March 23
19/03/2015Fortescue Refinancing Update
19/03/2015Fortescue Announces Termination With Respect To Its Invitati...
17/02/2015Steeling Fortescue for the New Normal
16/02/2015Appointment of Company Secretary
16/02/2015FY15 Half Year Results Corporate Presentation
20/02/2013HY2013 Results Presentation
20/02/2013HY2013 Results and Appendix 4D
08/01/2013Response to Platts article
14/11/20122012 AGM Presentation
22/12/20112011 Roundup
09/12/2011VTEC Graduation in Roebourne
25/11/2011WA Registrar of Aboriginal Sites Visits Solomon
30/09/2011News Release
22/07/2010escalates its objection to MRRT
16/05/2008Fortescue proudly announces the loading of its first ship at...
28/04/2008Monthly Construction Report - March 2008
20/11/2007Lodgement of Note Holder Monthly Report
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